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Showing posts with label Romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romance. Show all posts

Friday, July 21, 2023

Has Online Dating Ruined that Old-School Romance?? Samuel Roberts Reporting.


Poll on members of SL on the question “Has Online Dating Ruined that Old-School Romance?”


It’s a brave new world kids and this is not your grandad’s dating scene, unless your grandad is on tinder in which case good for him. Lol. Look, the truth is it’s a strange new world where the idea of approaching a stranger and getting to know them over time, flirting, building a repour before approaching the father for permission to take things further are all but extinct. Now its like a face you think is hot, if they like your face back then it’s a short questionnaire. ASL?? Age – Sex – Location, how old are you, what’s your gender identity and where are you?? That’s all I need to know and if your answers vibe with my answers then BAM we can meet up and no. you can’t meet my father. Is this what dating has become? Is this really how it is these days? Is it really that cold and lifeless?


Turns out no. I hit the grid this week and polled some random passersby about the question on my mind, has online dating in fact ruined what use to be romance? The answers I received were not what you would expect, there seems to be an atmosphere of on the one hand yes something feels like its lost but also, it’s been expanded. Made easier to cut through the red tape and find something special you would never have had the chance to given that you were only exposed to a small surrounding community of offline in person community group.


So, I asked around, and these are the answers I got, when asked this very question one woman said.

 “Yes, it has lost honesty, when people are not honest in what they are really searching for, its easy to pretend when no one is looking right at you that you are a genuine guy, so as a woman you get fooled in online dating, lost of players lying to get a few good pics while pretending they want more”.


another woman’s reply was.

“I don't think it has ruined it, not even close, I met my husband in RL on an online dating app and 7 years later we are still together and loved up more than ever. In fact, I would have never met the man of my dreams if it wasn’t for online dating”.


both these answers seem to contradict but I do not think so, I think they are both correct, they both make valid points. On the one hand anonymity is a good thing to hide behind for the player out there but if you’re in a town of 300 ppl then meeting a few players online before you eventually meet that guy you end up marrying for 7 years is maybe worth it considering without your only option is the abysmal small-town folk currently in your vicinity.


One man’s response to this question was.

“Believe it has destroyed old fashioned romance unfortunately, now girls think it’s weird when I try to meet them organically when I’m out and about, its like if I haven’t swiped and said they’re hot on an app first it is considered weird to even talk to them”.


and another reply I received was.

“Yes, the days of grabbing a woman by the hair and dragging her back to the cave are unfortunately long gone.   This seems to be the future...but is it more reliable? I think not.”


A hint of jest and sarcasm in the latter reply but I think the gentlemen’s point rings true in the sense that it is neither more nor less reliable. which I think is the point I’m walking away with so far, online dating isn’t a new kind of dating, it isn’t some kind of evolution of dating, its just a different forum, it has its pros and cons but threonyl thing that has really changed is the way in which we initiate contact, its still up to our own charm, personality and charisma to finish the job.


I especially love one woman’s response when she said.

"Hm, that is a very open-ended question. I would say yes and no. There are good and bad aspect when it comes to dating in general. Personally, I don't really care much for dating in either world because I am extremely anti-social so talking to people in general is hard. As for dating a whole, it is a lot of work, taking care of yourself for some people is hard enough. Adding in another person is just overkill. Especially when most people want some type of fairytale romance, which in a game is easy to give someone. So no, I don't think that online dating is what ruins dating for people, it's people who ruin it.”


Or one woman’s response which I found enlightening when she said.

“ personally i think it helps to an extent, getting rid of some awkward conversation if you are not interested there’s no *trying to find a way to sneak out or get called away* but it also makes it easier for predators to get to know their prey before they can be identified so it’s just as scary and in my opinion needs to stay verbally cautioned. that way people aren’t letting their guard down too soon because it is more comfortable to be behind a screen at first.”.


In closing Online dating is Bad for those with bad experiences and good for those with good experiences, all in all its just another brick in the walls don’t hate the game. hate the player, guns don’t kill ppl, ppl kill ppl, if you’re not catching my drift il spell it out… its not ONLINEDATING that affects or changes anything… humans will do what humans do…online dating seems to be just a forum we use. But what do I know? Right? What do YOU think?


To Jump In the Pool:


Love Actually Dating Agency:


Lonely Hearts Dating Agency:

Friday, February 10, 2023


One Light, in support of the Relay for Life, is hosting a charity auction to raise money to fight cancer.

This is the final few days to get in on the “The Road Less Traveled: Relay for Life Valentines Charity Auction”  The Auction ends on Saturday, Feb 11th at 11AM SLT” and anticipates dozens of participants all over the grid to bid, buy or even watch.  Win a date with one of the 129 participants in the Charity Auction.  

To get started, hop on over to Tropical Bliss's “The Road Less Traveled” Sim at the LM below, where you will find the auction boards representing three categories of dates. 

ROMANCE: Single and Want to Mingle then this is the right category for you. Looking for that perfect someone to settle down with and perhaps be your forever SL partner? We have 41 candidates to choose from, 

FRIENDSHIP: Looking for like-minded friends, or something platonic, one in which people share a close bond but do not have a sexual relationship, then this is the right category for you.  There are 54 participants in this category.

KINKY FETISH: Do you desire something Kinky or have some Erotic Fetish? Want to go on a date and meet someone with some Kinky Fetishes?  We have 34 eligible participants in this category

Check back often.  If you are outbid, your initial bid will be returned to you and you can try again.



For further information, contact moira.tristan.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


What follows are the results of extensive research where we surveyed dozens of Subject Matter Experts on the topic.  We have distilled the collected wisdom from 33 of those experts. Altogether, these individuals have amassed over four CENTURIES of residency in SecondLife, totaling 435 years of experience! Let me encourage you to read and heed their guidance and suggestions as you navigate your own way through the pleasure and pitfalls of “love on the grid”

In Part 1 of our series, our panel of experts identified some of the more cringeworthy mistakes that noobs make during cyber sex.  You can read Part 1 by going to: 

In Part 2, we looked at what our seasoned experts believe makes for a particularly good Cybersexual encounter, 

Finally, here in Part 3, we will wrap up our series with an open question to allow our seasoned experts to expand  on anything else they wanted to share about the topic

I asked our panel of experts “Is there anything else on the topic [of Cybersex] you would like to share?”

The answers from our panel basically fell into “The Three As”  

  • Quality AVATAR, 

  • Quality ATTITUDE 

  • Quality ACTIONS.  

Let’s take a look at these one at a time. 

Quality Avi

Our panelists had a lot to say about the importance of a decent-looking Avatar.  In these days of Mesh and BOM, the experienced person looks to see that a potential sexual partner takes pride in how they look.  SL is largely a visual medium…so make sure the visuals are First Class  Specific comments included:

“The quality of your AVI matters, just like in RL. It is your first impression. Make it a good one. Oh and this is very important too...if you meet a really good-looking guy, all meshed up, etc…and only two or three months old, just be cautious.  Unless learning how to mesh up has been made easier to do, then it does take time to learn the ropes in SL...the good places to go to for shapes and skins, and clothes and hair.  When  a two-day-old "newbie" has a perfect avatar, you know it is not a "newbie" but an alt.”

“In SL, as in most things, you will get out of it what you put into it.  If you want to come in with a base avatar and pose hop, that is fine, but you will probably find the encounters less than exciting after the first few.  Put effort into it, and you will reap the rewards.  Your avatar, your approach, your seduction...all of it comes together to make the experience much more intense than what is just on the screen.  Like I said, as with most things in life, you get out of it exactly what you put into it.  Good luck, and happy F**king!”

“For the females, the better you look, the more IMs you will get --- but be picky.  Make sure that there is a click between you two.  Do you find him attractive?  Does he make you laugh?  Trust me, once you find yourself in bed with him better to find this out first, than doing a fake crash on the guy”

Quality Attitude

In SL, as well as in RL, great sex starts with a great attitude.  Some of our panelists had a lot to share on this particular item

“You must like it to be able to enjoy it.  If you like it is the best activity of SL (along with building things.)”

“There are many different types of people you meet. Somewhere out there is a person you can relate to. You can share your wants and needs with. Take your time exploring with others until you find the one that captures your whole being. It is well worth the wait. There are so many things you can explore here that you might never try in RL. Explore them and find your wants and desires it will make you a better person... The most important thing I have found is...ALWAYS be true to yourself...Don’t change who you are for someone else. and always be honest with your feelings...You won’t go wrong that way. 😊

“It's really about understanding people. We all are different and have different needs and attractions. For me, it really helps to know someone before having cyber sex with them. I enjoy getting to know the person and that makes the sexual experience much more titillating and fun. Learn all you can about SL and be respectful of the people in it.”

“The main thing is to relax and have fun. This is Second Life. It isn't here to replace your regular life. Don't get hung up and clingy with someone. Don't be too pushy either. Just keep everything relaxed. Having a fun interaction is all it is about, paying attention to the other person and connecting with them.”

“Don’t be “thirsty” .. don’t private message a bunch of girls at the same time with the same line.  You should really let people message you if they are interested.  Or maybe you could chat in local first.” 

“Watch what they say vs what they do...meaning actions vs words!  That is very,  very important.”

“It’s best to not have expectations...other than that...just have Fun.  After all, SL is supposed to be fun!!

And what is this “Emoting” thing everyone talks about?

“I think a whole article could be dedicated to the subject of emoting. The problem is many don’t know how or don’t want to learn. Responding, "mmmmmmm", or "MMMhMMM!"  to everything I say, is not emoting. Describe how I look, and how you feel when I touch you or when you touch me. That is emoting. Another big mistake is, telling your partner what they are doing, feeling, or experiencing. That practice is almost as bad as telling me to [climax], 3 seconds after you [enter me]” 

“Build the tension. and never approach someone and say your cute let’s f**k!”

One of the most often quoted pieces of advice here is: 

“Always remember that there is a real person behind the avatar. Just because we CAN be anonymous doesn’t mean we need to ACT like idiots. Be kind to people. There is a human behind every keyboard........ not everyone is here just to f**k.”

Quality Actions

So….you have yourself a Quality Avi and you have a Quality Attitude.  Finally, you need to tie these together with Quality Actions.

“Don’t rush. Take your time. Look around and pay attention to how things are done here: I can't tell you how many times some noob on his first day in SL, dressed in a freebie avatar, has come to me and said "I want sex with you" or things like that.  But that’s the point... they need to KNOW they don’t know how things are done here.”

Choose your setting carefully.  Cheesy animations that leave you with whiplash as you rocket through the positions are no fun for anyone.

“Script makers of all those sex beds and couches still haven't figured out creating real-life physics and dynamics for avatars to where movements are lined up realistically and automatically. We still see avatars in love-making positions merging body parts into each other: legs into torsos, arms, elbows, hands into heads and eyeballs, cocks into butt cheeks or thighs. Sexual intercourse is hit or miss where it often doesn't even look like sexual parts actually fit into each other. Especially when a man has an oversized appendage and it pops out of the tummy of a woman. The sex AOs is still a frustrating mess.”

“For many, the idea of cyber sex is just the act, but unless you are devoid of rational thought, you will quickly realize that the experience is and will be as good as the effort you put into it. As in all things, strike the right mood by going somewhere romantic, like the Grand Canyon Sims, where private areas abound and make the whole evening special. Don't forget that women appreciate intimacy more than just going for the goal line. Do not assume that everyone in SL is just here for the sex.  A nice date and foreplay are a plus.”

“Do not expect a person to orgasm, male or female or trans, almost immediately upon sexual activity. Foreplay should be fun. Dancing can be a great foreplay start to cybersex/, oh you might want something by role-playing, RP.”

 Regarding Voice and/or Camera

Some people like to introduce voice immediately into the process.  Others do not

“NO, I do not want to hear your bassy sex voice, your deep breathing, or your lisp. I don't want to hear your stupid sex chat in any way, shape, or form.  It totally ruins the immersion for me because people   rarely sound as expected.”  

Some people like the idea of seeing the RL behind the Avi.  Many do not.  Tread carefully here, and be sure you are both in full agreement 

“NO, I am not camming for you. I do not want you to record me, nor do I wish to see your bearded face, your acne, your bird chest, your weird-looking penis, your crooked teeth or frazzled hair - I don't even want to see a picture of you - Camming is a serious invasion of my privacy and crosses all of my boundaries by a mile.”

“Insisting with Cam or Voice after I said NO the first time will get you blocked. especially if you have the insolence of suggesting that I hide from those around me or similar nonsense -- EXCUSE ME? I hide enough as it is. I have nothing to prove and am not taking any risks for you, STRANGER. “   

One particularly observant commentator said:

“The guy has to like shopping...if he complains about it, then that is a red flag as well.”

What about “toys”

“Watching and hearing, and now being able to connect with toys makes SL even more special, adding parts to be able to rub one another make cuddling and sex more real. 

And a final word of advice from our panelists  

“Don't get 'caught' by RL. RL is the innocent and doesn't deserve to have to go through the trauma of finding a loved one masturbating with a cartoon girlfriend.”

So there you have it, folks.  Let me encourage you to go back and check out Parts I and II of this three-part series.  Go forward and “Be all you can be” in SecondLife.

See ya ‘round the grid.



Thursday, August 18, 2022

Spotlight on King of Queens Production-Not just another venue on the grid.- SLE Reporting…

King of Queens Productions is an entertainment company that caters to everyone with a special addition to couples looking for a full-service dream wedding experience in Second Life.  Owned and operated by Juan Boucher; a 15+ year SL veteran.  Many might recognize him from a successful club he ran back in the day called African Pride. After a long hiatus, he returned and focused his attention on working closely with live singers, choreographers, and dancers where he was inspired to create (KoQ) King of Queens Productions. The SL Enquirer sat down with Jaun to learn more about this unique entertainment company and what you can expect from KoQ.

Interview with Jaun Boucher

SLE: Congratulations on winning a Spotlight Feature. Also, thank you for taking the time to sit with us while we find out more about Kings of Queen.

Jaun: Thank you for giving me this opportunity, I am very honored that you gave me this time to sit with you.

SLE: First off, tell me about Kings of Queen as in where did its conception come from. For example its mission statement and what your plans are with the company. 

Jaun: After working for a while in Second Life when I returned back after a break and mastered Second Life again, I created King of Queen Productions, seeing that there is always a need for expanding in Second Life, and to use my knowledge to give Second Live Residents the best memory to take with them every time they leave my venue.  Because Second Life is for making memories, and those memories need to be treasured.

SLE: Your venue seems to cover a lot of aspects of Second Life. Meaning building, design, and shopping to name a few. Are you looking to offer as much as you can to the Second Life residence?

Jaun: It sounds like a lot, but with good management and time planning it really is not a lot :). I am doing landscaping and little builds, then my events are only a few days a week, so I carefully plan each project which I take on together with those who are helping me in it.  I will not offer a service if I cannot give the end product :)

SLE: You have stated you are from South Africa and wanted to give the KoQ the same kind of feel as South Africa. Can you tell our readers how you have or plan to achieve that?

Jaun: Right, now you thinking Elephants, Lions and Rhinos most probably :).  South Africans are known also to be friendly and easygoing, and I think this is what I plan to do.  We love nature as well, which is why my areas involve nature in it, like my Country wedding style, which reminds me of a typical South African Farm style in the country, and my beach club area - reminds me of the South African Coast. I am trying to support also South African designers in 2nd Life, by promoting them where I can, as there is a very few South African designers in Second Life.

SLE: Along with the live music and shopping you have mentioned you have a large wedding venue with various themes. Can you tell our readers about that and how they can schedule their large wedding there?

Jaun: I have 2 wedding venues, the Greece Style - which is surrounded by the ocean - a very formal venue, and we can cater to a lot of guests.  We recently had a wedding in that area, and it was very successful.  Then we have the large Country/Farm style area, which gives you the typical Country feeling at your wedding.  We have a few other styles as well, so depending on each client's needs and wants we can adjust the venue to what you want on your special day.  We plan everything for you in your budget!  They can contact me in-world via NC, visit our inworld Wedding area, or via our Website :  Being together with my Second Life Partner for 10 years and renewing our vows for 10 years recently, I know the importance to make your partner/wedding day as perfect as possible.

SLE: We loved that you stress the importance of the community working together as a whole and including everyone while celebrating diversity and treating everyone with respect.  Without giving too much information away, what kind of service do you offer to businesses who are looking to promote at your venue?

Jaun: Well, depending on the promotion which they will need the field of promotion is big, and there are a lot of options.  Sponsor one of our Live Events - if they decide to Sponsor one of our Live Singer events, then during that 1 hour, the venue will be branded with their logos around the event.  The host will do promotion in chats, and also when we post events the Sponsor's logo will be visible together with relevant Landmarks.


For Clothing designers - We can do a catwalk promotional event - showcasing your designs with Models or even with Live Singers!!  It's unbelievable how much promotion Live Singers can bring to a venue - and I'm a bit scared to mention it now on here, as someone might steal my idea :P

SLE: For entertainment bookings, who can Djs and musicians contact?

Jaun:  They can contact me inworld, or via our Website contact page :)

SLE: Are you hiring for any positions at KoQ Productions? If so, how can people apply?

Jaun: I am looking for hosts (preferably qualified and know how to work with Live Singer Performances), and also looking for an Assistant Manager to be my right hand.  But as we all know Second Life, finding loyal ones who are willing to start and build that trust. to walk a path with you is hard to find.  I'm not looking for someone who works for me...I want someone who works WITH me.  I don't believe in superiors in Second Life, as we all have the same goal when we once logged into Second Life the first time - to get to know people and have fun..and that is important to maintain.

SLE: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Jaun:  I believe we all are creators in Second Life, whether you build something, take photos, visit and support venues/singers/DJs, shooting a movie, it doesn't matter, we all are creators of our Second Life, and the one needs the other to make your Second Life worthwhile.  It's like a huge circle.  KoQ is not there to be competition, KoQ is there to ADD to Second Life as each place has its own signature. 

Addition Information:


KoQ Productions/ Mermaid Dreams Beach Area

KoQ Wedding Planning

KoQ Country Style Wedding Area

KoQ Wedding Style Area 


Preferred Contact: Jaun Boucher / ღ   ĄηgÄ©  Boucher   ღ  (angi.darkfire)

Thursday, August 11, 2022



This past May, we visited The Eclipse restaurant to take in the exquisite experience they had to offer through their various fine dining experiences. I recently had the chance to stop back over and sit down and talk about the new opportunities and additions they have.  


EC (Ely Catronis):  Hello Alassra! It is wonderful to meet you and to experience your exquisite fine dining experience here. I know that we have been here before.  Would you mind sharing with our readers what drew you specifically into the fine dining and restaurant business?


Alassra (xAlassrax): Hello Ely!  Thank you so much for being here today and it's wonderful to meet you as well!  That is a great question!  I was drawn to the fine dining and restaurant business because partaking in that experience has been one of my favorite experiences so far for me in SL.  I fell in love with the RP dining in SL from the moment I first booked a reservation at Serendipity Restaurant, and that was one of the big reasons I started working there too!  It was such an amazing experience for me!  Unfortunately, they closed their doors this past March, and at that point, I saw the void that was going to be left, and myself and some others decided to work together to try to fill that space as best we could!  We wanted everyone in SL to still have that amazing fine dining, roleplay experience!

EC: The last time the SL Enquirer was here you had 3 Amazing venues, the beach, the forest, and the more formal/elegant venue. We are told you added more to the Eclipse dining experience and have great news to share. Can you tell us about that?


Alassra (xAlassrax):  Definitely!  We have a lot of news!  We have added 2 new venues and several new packages!   We recently sponsored the Kappa Theta Phi: Mr. & Ms. Aloha Showcase that ran from the 4th - 7th of this month.  We are also taking part in the Spoonful of Sugar Festival in Sept. and will be having a new package only available there and 100% of the price goes to SOS!  


EC: It sounds like you are SL Community Sponsors around the grid. Can you tell us a little more about the Exclusive New Package at the Spoonful of Sugar Festival? 


Alassra (xAlassrax): I would love to!  Our Exclusive Package for the Spoonful of Sugar Festival will be something different than our current packages because, unlike our other packages, this one will be more of a 'public' dining experience package!  We have several tables set up in a very special location. They are a beautiful "Aloha" Hawaiian type of theme fitting the festival theme this year, and unlike our other packages, we will allow immediate "walk-in" dining after the package is purchased at the festival!  This means a client can purchase the Luau package at the SOS festival, immediately head to the LM provided inside of it, and be seated with their party to begin their dining experience!   

EC:  That sounds amazing. You mentioned you have several new packages.  Can you briefly tell us about them and where can we find out about them?


Alassra (xAlassrax): Of course!  We felt that we were missing some areas to expand on, as well as potential ways to allow our staff to show off their skills more with the base packages we offered, so we came up with several additional packages to further enhance our services!  We have a package tailored for those who love capturing moments by photograph, which gives them a mini photoshoot with their dinner reservation!  We also have a package that is aimed at those not as much into the full dining experience, but who love the personal DJ aspect, so it provides them with a 30-minute drinks & appetizers meal, and then they have an hour and a half to dance the night away with up to 6 people in their party!  We even added a Bed & Breakfast package for clients who want to have a beautiful and very private, more casual dining experience!  Oh and let's not forget our Spa package!  This one is my favorite because it is PERFECT for the day or night out with friends/family/etc!  It gives unlimited drinks & appetizers served to you and your party while you experience our amazing Dragon's Dream Spa services!  Full details on each new package can be found on our website located here -

EC: The Eclipse atmosphere is already so gorgeous with nature, waterfalls, and lighting. You briefly mentioned that you are looking to expand Eclipse.  What more can you add to what you already have?


Alassra (xAlassrax): I am so glad you asked Ely!  We actually do have HUGE news on this front!  We officially closed the deal Sunday afternoon (August 8) on this expansion, so it is OFFICIAL!!  Eclipse has taken over Cova Restaurant!  I am not sure how many of your readers are familiar with Cova, but it was this AMAZING restaurant and resort located on the mainland that was owned and operated by Caleb & Kali Colton.  It is beautiful and the restaurant is set up inside of a cave!!  We did not want to see SL lose this amazing restaurant experience, so Eclipse decided to take it on as an expansion!  It is now the Eclipse Restaurant & Events - Kaneana Cavern dining experience!  It will provide 'walk-in' immediate dining options, as well as reservations, and another amazing and unique aspect is we will be able to fly or sail our clients in from the airport or public dock locations on the mainland!  This expansion is also Moderate in rating, therefore it provides a more family-friendly environment for those with kids!  And an amazing mini golf course that can be enjoyed after dinner or while you wait to be seated! 


EC:  Congratulations!  While on the tour around the sim, I noticed a few other activities, shops, and private places.  Can you tell us a little more about them?


Alassra (xAlassrax):  I sure can!  The Deviant Dragon Sim not only houses Eclipse Restaurant but it also is the home to the Dragon's Tail Tavern, which is an amazing biker-themed bar located along the Dragon's Tail Track!  We have several regular live singers performing there each month, and we are always looking for DJs and hosts to take up some of our open set times as well!  We have a mall that is accepting rentals for anyone looking for a place to set up shop!  The Dragon's Dream - Reiki & Tarot Spa is also located next to the mall, and we have several packages and ala carte spa services available there!  We have mini golf, bumper cars, an Escape Room, a roller coaster at the start of the track, and a wonderfully fun 80's themed Skating arcade also located along the track!!  There is so much to do and enjoy on the Sim, so we definitely encourage guests to explore!

EC: Do you have a niche or role that needs to be filled? 


Alassra (xAlassrax): We do!  We are currently running our August Amore special event this month and we need participants!!  Think of August Amore as Tinder meets Blind Date meets Speed Dating!  We are offering anyone interested the chance to get to know others in SL risk-free!!  Whether you are looking for love, or just companionship and connections, we welcome anyone to sign up and participate!  The only time there is a fee is IF a participant decides they want to actually meet one of the other participants, and our fees for this are very reasonable, lower than our regular dinner for 2 packages!  We have a "meet & greet" 30-minute option which includes the roleplay server providing drinks & appetizers for the 30-minute time frame at only 750L$, or a full 1-hour 3-course roleplay dinner which is only 1000L$!  We wanted to provide a wonderful way for people to meet each other on SL in a unique and different way than just going to a club or a dating service.  So we for sure need participants signing up for this!  We have several ladies signed up and definitely need more men!  Also are definitely hiring!  We have a huge need for Sales Reps., Dining Hosts, Servers, Photographers, and DJ's! 

EC: Thank you for your time today. Is there anything else that you would like to share with our readers?


Alassra (xAlassrax): I feel like we've covered so much, Ely!  Yet it always seems like there's so much more still not addressed!  I mainly would like to encourage your readers to check out our August Amore event and sign up for it!  Details on it can be found here -     


I would also like to tell your readers to keep an eye out for our SOS Festival package in Sept., and other special packages that will be coming up for Halloween and more!!  We have a lot of awesome things planned to come!  And even though I have mentioned this already, I want to again express our need for more amazing members to join our staff team!  Especially with our new expansion!  Applications can be found here -



Additional Information: 

August Amore Link -        Hiring Link -     

Eclipse Flickr -     Eclipse Facebook -


 Landing point and guest entry:     

 Shops: The Dragon's Dream - Reiki & Tarot Spa -

 Lunation Shop -                   Dragon's Tail Track -       Deviant Dragon Mall -       Deviant Dragon Beach Entry -  Milky Way Skating & Arcade -  Deviant Dragon Beach Club -      


 Dinner Reservation Form:

Policies, package info, etc. can be found on our website:

Preferred Contact: Alassra (xalassrax) or Ash Sullivan (tiptonik)