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Showing posts with label Support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Support. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

New Beginnings: Charting a Successful Business Course for Disabled Parents- Hannah Simpson reporting...

 For parents with disabilities, starting a small business represents not just a career choice but a step toward independence and empowerment. This guide, courtesy of The SL Enquirer, is tailored to help you navigate the unique challenges and leverage your strengths in the entrepreneurial landscape. By understanding and utilizing specific resources and strategies, you can build a successful and rewarding business that complements your lifestyle.

Look Into Financial Support

Securing funding is a pivotal aspect of your entrepreneurial adventure. Seek out financial aid such as grants and loans designed for individuals with disabilities. These resources present a robust foundation for your business endeavors. Additionally, exploring these specialized funding options can open doors to supportive networks and resources that cater specifically to entrepreneurs with disabilities.

Build a Business Blueprint

A meticulously crafted business plan acts as your guiding star toward success. It must distinctly articulate your business objectives, the strategies to attain them, and offer comprehensive financial forecasts. This document serves not just as a blueprint for your path forward but also as a compelling presentation of your business's promise to potential investors and partners. A solid plan can also help you anticipate and prepare for any challenges, ensuring a smoother entrepreneurial journey.

Optimize Your Home Workspace

Designing an ideal workspace is crucial for parents with disabilities embarking on a small business venture. Opt for a layout that maximizes accessibility, with ample room for movement and adaptive equipment tailored to your needs. Prioritize a clutter-free environment with essential items within easy reach, reducing physical stress and enhancing efficiency. Additionally, integrate child-friendly elements if needed, ensuring a safe and engaging space for children while you focus on business tasks.

Streamline with Digital Documents

Streamlining your business operations becomes seamless with efficient document management through digitization. By adopting a system that meticulously organizes your documents, you not only save valuable time but also alleviate stress. Embracing universally accepted formats such as PDFs for file sharing enhances practicality, ensuring that your documents are easily accessible and compatible with different platforms. Check this out: integrating such a system can also lead to improved collaboration among your team, allowing everyone to access and share information effortlessly.

Build an Inclusive Team

In assembling your team, prioritize candidates who appreciate and comprehend the importance of a workplace that's inclusive to everyone. Recruiting staff who are dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment not only boosts productivity but also cultivates a positive and supportive work culture. This approach will also help in attracting a diverse range of talents, further enriching your business with various perspectives and skills.

Embrace the Digital Meeting Space

Leverage the power of technology by using online video conferencing platforms for your meetings. These digital tools make it easier to connect with investors, partners, and clients, offering a convenient and accessible alternative when travel or face-to-face meetings are impractical. Moreover, they enable more regular and adaptable communication, ensuring that geographical distances do not impede your business relationships.

Networking with Like-Minded Entrepreneurs

Building connections with fellow entrepreneurs, particularly those who have faced similar challenges, offers an invaluable source of support and insight. Engaging in dialogue and sharing experiences with these peers can lead to the discovery of new opportunities and fresh perspectives that can significantly benefit your business. Furthermore, these interactions can foster a sense of community and collaboration, enriching your entrepreneurial journey.

Leverage Assistive Technology

Incorporating assistive technologies, like voice assistants, can significantly boost both productivity and accessibility in your business. These innovative tools are designed to streamline tasks, thereby enhancing the efficiency and inclusivity of your business operations. Moreover, they can adapt to various needs, offering personalized assistance that can transform the way you manage daily business activities.

As a parent with disabilities venturing into the world of small business, you'll encounter unique challenges. However, with the right approach and resources, these challenges can be transformed into stepping stones for success. Remember, your journey is not just about business; it's about carving out a path that aligns with your abilities and aspirations, leading to both personal and professional fulfillment.

Friday, July 21, 2023

All In The Mind-Mackenzie Abbot reporting…

Occasionally, the boss will put a story idea on the assignment log that strikes a chord with me and I must take it.  Not through necessity, but through sheer curiosity.

When I was given the job of discovering more about Fearless Nation PTSD Centre and what it does, I jumped at the chance.  As a sufferer of PTSD myself, I was curious to find out more about what goes on at Fearless Nation and what, exactly, PTSD is.

I spoke with Dr Colleen Crary at the meeting point after she gave a lecture.

Mack:So, the first question is as part of Fearless Nation, you deal with PTSD sufferers, what is PTSD?

Dr Colleen: What is PTSD? Well, It's a complicated condition. I like to call it a condition, not an illness. It is the only mental health challenge or condition that people get that is caused by external means. For example, things like bipolar, schizophrenia. Those might be genetic. I mean, we don't know. There's so much we don't know in science. PTSD, however, can be directly linked to things like combat, being a crime victim, being abused in childhood and so on and so forth. Whereas where the abuse, or the event is external. Now people always ask me what about natural disasters, you know? Whether it's a volcano or a hurricane or a flood or something like that. What was heavily studied and observed during Hurricane Katrina down in the south part of the United States, and further studies have been done since then, is that the natural disaster is very shocking. It's horrible. You lose your house., it's terrible. It's hard, but it's what happens when there's an absence of the law. There's lawlessness and a lot of crime goes on person to person, and that tends to be what causes the PTSD.  Two things happen. First of all, the brain changes shape.  The brain completely alters its shape, six months after the traumatic event. And what happens is that a person when you are being traumatised or, you know, bullied or a crime is being committed upon you or you're in combat, what happens is your brain goes into the fight or flight mode. It's a very primitive thing. It's what protected us from Sabre tooth tigers, so to speak. And what happens is it goes into fight or flight and the memory of the trauma divides into parts of the brain that are nonverbal and verbal and because that happens after the trauma is over, trauma patients can't remember the whole thing in sequential order. You know what memories of, say, a birthday party or going to work or a work project or something like that. When one is in the fight or flight mode, that memory is spliced up and goes to different areas of the brain. And then unfortunately afterwards, that's why we have the nightmares, the hypervigilance, the startle effect, and going involuntarily into shock because the nonverbal memories have not been united with the verbal memories. But there are many, many wonderful diverse ways to reunite those memories and then process the entire trauma and grieve it. There's a lot of grief work involved. There's a lot of anger work involved, et cetera. And just one sequential memory being processed and understood, and then you come to terms with it, and you can move on with your life. But it’s easier said than done. When these memories are divided, what happens is people manifest physical ailments, the nightmares, the night terrors, panic attacks, for seemingly no reason. Or there might be a trigger that reminds them of the trauma event. And, on the other side of it, is we go numb, we go and voluntarily into shock and we find it hard to maintain intimacy. We find it hard to stay with people. You know when they're talking to us it's like sometimes, we go numb, or we dissociate. Dissociate is the clinical term. We will somebody will be talking to us and it's like I can't understand a word the person is saying because we go into shock and sometimes it cycles at the same time in our brains you can understand just how difficult it is, but there are many, many, many ways to bring these memories together. But it's not easy for the PTSD patient to do these things. It's extremely hard and it's very unfair and they're incredibly angry about it because I didn't cause this trauma. I didn't ask to be hurt or bullied or have a crime committed against me or to be in a firefight in in war, in the war theatre. Now I must do all the work, so I get a lot of that, but you must go through it to get processed and over it.

Mack: You've answered the three questions I had written down in one sentence. So that kind of threw me off a little bit.

Dr Colleen: What were questions two and three, please. I may have something to add

Mack: Well, question one was what is PTSD, what is the effect and what I was actually going to ask you is that as a PTSD sufferer myself, my psychiatrist has said on more than one occasion that PTSD is basically a filing error in the  brain, where you take an event that's happened to you and you either try and build a wall around it or you file it away somewhere. And it just reappears. You know, at random time, like you say, would you agree that is that the case?

Dr Colleen: Absolutely. As I was saying. During the traumatic event, we go into shock. It's fight or flight. And the memory of the trauma is divided into non-verbal parts of the brain like your psychiatrist was talking about, you know, a filing error. It is a filing error. That's a great term. I'm going to use that. I'm going to steal that from you! Nonverbal areas of the brain and the verbal areas of the brain. This is why, here's an example. This is why for many years police did not believe rape victims or some crime victims because the part of the trauma was in the nonverbal areas of their brain where that information is stored, and they only could see bits and pieces. I mean, imagine if you're being assaulted or raped, where is your attention when you are in fight or flight when your brain kind of shuts down. I mean, it's like oxygen doesn't reach certain parts of the brain so that you can get away from, as I said, the primitive Sabre tooth tiger analogy. You're looking at the gun, the knife, or the weapon. And you're trying to figure out how to get out of this. You might play dead and just let it happen because you just freeze, like a deer in the headlights. So that's very much true. But the going one of the more popular theories is exactly what your psychiatrist said. It's a filing error in the brain between the verbal and nonverbal areas of the brain because after the trauma is over and you're safe, then you start having all these weird symptoms. Like you know, sudden panic attacks or just going numb and winking out for a few minutes or a while. Depression, anger, grief, because it' very frustrating, very frustrating illness. Or uh condition. 

Mack: So how does your organisation help avatars who come along and say, look, I need help.

Dr Colleen: Well, the reason I think that a virtual world like second life is so great. And I thought so when I first came in in 2008 and then I left because I was freaked out and overwhelmed by it all. And then I came back in 2009, just a couple months later. January because I started thinking, wait a minute. It's got built in anonymity. You know, you can come in with an avatar name and a personhood presence and. You don't have to use voice. We're using voice right now, but there are a lot of people that their bodies have been compromised by war. My best friend here in second life was a 9/11 Ground Zero EMT or emergency medical technician and stayed at Ground Zero for a long time and prefers not to speak, so she uses everything in the chat box. This is a perfect place because people can come, and they can present the bodies that they... they're like my avatar. It looks like my best day at age 27, OK. In real life I look the same, but a little older and more tired also. We have, you know, a lot of veterans or people that have survived car crashes, you know, vehicular accidents. That were traumatic, et cetera, and they may have bodies that are compromised, or they may be ill. You may fit surprising, but people who have gotten cancer or had to have limbs amputated for one reason or another, they experienced PTSD. I mean, think about it like for a cancer patient or, you know, a deadly diagnosis. Just you're told. “Hey, you know you you're not going to make it.”  Yeah, this is it. And you go and you get your will drawn up and you get your house in order, and you make sure everything's right and you're all OK. I'm ready to go. I'm ready to die and go to heaven. And then it's like, ohh well, we got the test back and, and you're going to make it. You're fine. You're still alive. And people like flip out. I mean, because it's very traumatic to go through and especially children who get cancer or long-term degenerative illnesses. They developed PTSD as well, so I think second life is a wonderful place because you can look your best self and you can be your best self. Some people come in here and they're not their best self. They're their worst self and we've we know all about that griefers and people like that. But what a wonderful place for people to come and talk about very painful truths in their lives, abuses that they've suffered, and they can do so as they please. They don't have to battle traffic to get to a psychiatrist's office or be face to face on a screen. I guess we do more virtual stuff now with therapy, but they can come in and discuss these things and we have peer support meetings. We stopped them for the summer, but we're going to be having them again in the fall, so feel free to join us, anyone. We're open to everyone who has PTSD. But the virtual. World is perfect for PTSD treatment. I See it as a Real therapeutic edge.

Mack: Is there a procedure for helping various PTSD victims, not victims of PTSD sufferers? Is there a certain stage by stage process, or is each individual different?

Dr Colleen: Everyone is different. I mean I think with any mental health condition, you know, each of us is a unique set of variables. Nature variables and nurture variables. That's why it's so hard to get medications right for people with any sort of mental condition, and why what works for one person doesn't work for another. And one of the big problems in healthcare or mental health care is that there tends to be this one-size-fits-all sort of you know plan and, even just diagnosing things, it's with one-size-fits-all, and that's not how people are, and that's not how human beings' work

Mack: So, you're also a real-life non-profit organisation for PTSD sufferers. How would someone find you if they didn't fancy doing it in world? How would they find you?

Dr Colleen: We've had better luck in world than we have in real life. There's, like, a million nonprofits or charity organisations for mental health and for PTSD, and particularly with the pandemic. But even pre pandemic getting people to.... there's still a lot of stigma attached to having. PTSD. So, getting people to step up and come to meetings in person. I mean, I can't tell you how many gyms or uh YMCA you know rooms or community centres where I've. I've sat on a folding chair with a big circle of empty chairs around me. We get much better results in in world and that may sound strange, it seems like this PTSD meetings like Veterans groups will have them. But people don't want it to be known that they have PTSD because there's all this stigma that people with PTSD were ticking time bombs. We're going to climb the clock tower. And this is simply not true. I mean, someone might have PTSD who you know, of course, you know, here in America, we have, like, a mass shooting three times a day. But they might have PTSD. PTSD can certainly exacerbate existing homicidal tendencies. But people who kill are... they already have a form of paranoid schizophrenia. Homicidal tendencies are really the best term for it. But it's people with PTSD. The leading cause of death for us is suicide. We are far more likely to top ourselves or self-harm or commit suicide than to harm someone else. In fact, the reason why we have PTSD is because we have a conscience, and we have we feel the weight of responsibility. To those we love and to the community in general. And I don't think the public understands that. So, in real life I just I like stopped it.  Now that PTSD is being a little more accepted after the pandemic, especially with medical workers and such, I want to restart it here in my community in southern Washington state, the Pacific Northwest. But it's extremely hard to get butts on seats. Whereas here people will come because nobody knows who they really are in real life, because there's still so much stigma.

I thanked her for her time and we parted ways.  I felt I had gained an insight into my own version of PTSD and the condition in general.  We only scraped the surface of PTSD and we could have continued the conversation for a few more hours.

Maybe, it’s time YOU had that conversation?

Fearless Nation can be found here

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Death and Loss In Second Life- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…


One of the hardest things in life is suffering a loss. Even if it is part of the cycle of life. It doesn’t matter what religion you are in, race, gender, success, looks, or even age. Death is inevitable. At some point in our lives, we will all face the end of our journey. Everyone grieves differently. Some take it very hard and others learn to accept reality. Either way, there is no easy way to say goodbye to someone you love. You can only keep their memory alive by remembering the good times, using their inspiration to make yourself a better person, and honoring them in different ways. In a sense, every single person you meet and interact with in life plays a role in your growth just like you played a role in the life of the person lost. Many times we are faced with consoling a grieving person and this is where it gets tough. What are the right words to say to ease their pain? Do we stay silent and just listen or do we offer advice that may have worked on ourselves when we faced a time of crisis?

Death is a topic that many people like to avoid because it is associated with hurt and fear - two of the emotions that trigger us the most. When balanced with love it is possible to grow stronger and be at peace in a world where death and loss will always be part of our lives. The best advice to give anyone struggling is to let them know you are there for them. Even the smallest gesture of listening is an act of support. 

A hug also goes a long way. An embrace makes a person feel safe and comforted even just for a moment.

One of the greatest obstacles we face in a virtual world when dealing with a loss of a friend or a partner is the feeling of helplessness due to many factors. The distance is a major one. To many in the real world, they cannot understand the deep connection people form in a virtual world community. We meet from the inside out. This is a phrase I coined many years ago when I realized just how connected to a person we have never met face-to-face can be. In our everyday lives, we speak to people at work, at functions, and even in our own homes but we do not truly share detailed thoughts like we do when we are typing with our friends or partners in Second Life. 

There is something very different about it and the only ones who truly can understand and support each other through our online losses are members of the virtual world community.

In the past 17 years in Second Life, I’ve lost friends and acquaintances and offered my condolences to many who have felt this type of pain. I've visited memorials in Second Life and lit many candles, sat on benches in moments of silence while remembering those I've met, and even gone to virtual funerals where I fought back tears listening to others grieving and sharing their personal stories about the person lost. These are the ways we can come together in Second Life to support and help each other through the healing process.

The SL Enquirer would like to offer anyone who wants to highlight someone they lost by sharing their thoughts, a poem, a snapshot, or some words of condolences.

Submit your Obituary Message here and we will add them to an SL Obituary Page on SLE.


Lanai Jarrico

CEO, The SL Enquirer


Sunday, February 13, 2022

One Billion Rising in SL 2022 is now open! Join us for 24 hours of music, dance, art and poetry!


Every year for the last 10 years we have risen in Second Life. ONE BILLION RISING began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS. Every February, we rise – in hundreds of countries across the world – to show our local communities and the world what one billion looks like and shine a light on the rampant impunity and injustice that survivors most often face.  We rise through dance to express joy and community and celebrate the fact that we have not been defeated by this violence. We rise to show we are determined to create a new kind of consciousness – one where violence will be resisted until it is unthinkable. (excerpt from And we here in Second Life can be part of this global movement. One Billion Rising in Second Life is a 24-hour arts festival with the aim of raising awareness of issues of abuse to women, girls, and members of the community who identify as female, around the globe. From domestic abuse to Female Genital Mutilation, OBR aims to empower and educate as well as celebrate survival. OBR in SL will contain 4 sims dedicated to this year's theme Artistic Uprising which is a defiant call for revival, restoration, and transformation. There will be: + 24 hours of live music and DJs + Poetry and Literary Readings in the Poetry and Prose Theatre + Live Dance performances from some of the best dance troupes in SL + Beautiful Gardens and places to relax and reflect + Light and Particle Shows OBR IS NOT A FUNDRAISING EVENT, rather we are raising awareness for this tremendously important cause. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Fearless Nation PTSD Support: COVID Pandemic Trauma Support Gathering January 15th at 10 am SLT


The COVID Pandemic is traumatizing. So, what do we understand about post trauma? Learn why PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) is the most compelling psychological and socio-political issue of our time.

Join us for support


 *** ...Established in 2009, our Fearless Nation sims provide education, support, and advocacy for ALL people with PTSD--not just military. We also support spouses, partners, children, parents, families, friends, and clinicians coping with PTSD. --- Our programs empower people with psychological trauma to become resilient and strong, and banish stigma. Stop by our sims today!  Fearless Nation (80,213,22) --------  PTSD, anxiety, stress, veteran, war, police, military, psychology, therapy, T2, trauma, TBI, victim, crime, rape, abuse, anonymous, AA, corona, COVID-19, pandemic, LGBTQ

Sunday, November 15, 2020

SMR Events Movember 2020 Fundraiser



 Globally, on average, men die 6 years earlier than women, and for largely preventable reasons.

It’s Time to Change the Game for Men’s Health & Survival

SMR Events hosts SL’s first Annual Movember® Fundraising Campaign for Charity.“Movember® 2020”.

The Ultimate Goal is to raise funds and awareness during the month of November, via our fundraising drive and various interactive campaigns/events in support of the Movember® Foundation~  the leading charity changing the face of men’s health~

 The Campaign Spans the entire month of November and features; an Online Fundraiser via FB, a GRID-WIDE Fundraising Drive with Supporting Events, the ‘Grow for a Cure’ Moustache/Beard Growth Challenge & Photo Campaign, The Welcome to Movember® Men's Health Fair, and a Black Tie Charity Ball to wrap the Campaign.

Together with our Partners, Community, Friends, and Family, we are on a Movember Mission doing what we can to help men live happier, healthier, longer lives.

We invite you to Join us on our Mission



Make a Donation

Every Single Dollar Counts towards Men’s Health Project Funding & Research.

Visit one of our Donation Kiosks Across the Grid:

Visit our Fundraising Page:

All donations are secure and sent directly to the Movember Foundation.


Grow for A Cure


Patchy, lopsided, itchy or epic – whatever Mo OR Beard you grow this Movember, your face will raise funds and awareness for men’s health.


Join our Photo Campaign Pose with your MO or a Prop to shed light on Movember and raise funds

Participate in or Visit the Welcome to Movember Men’s Health Fair

        Be A Mo Bro/Sis~Tell Your Story

        Visit the Clinic or Bring a Bro in for a Virtual Check-Up

        Check out our Movember Exhibits and Informationals

Check out Affiliate & Partner Events

     Stay Updated visit: for Campaign

     Details, Events & Announcements


Become a Movember 2020 Kiosk Affiliate: 

     Place one of our Movember 2020 Kiosks and raise funds with us. Every Linden counts.  


Host a Fundraising Event or Challenge

We are encouraging our Kiosk Affiliates to rally around one of our KIOSKS and host "Movember 2020" fundraising MO-VENT to pull in more funds and gain traffic at their locations, grab your crew, and do something fun and easy.

Hosting is all about having a good time for a good cause. Throw a Party, Have a Shave Off, a Sale or an Auction, OR Create your own  MO-MENT challenge – it can be anything. Your epic efforts will help change the face of men’s health the possibilities are endless!! We will assist with promoting your events when we can. Here's the Event Schedule

Spread the word to your family, friends, associates, and customers about the campaign.

Promote Your Support: Tweet, Facebook, Post to Pinterest, and Linkedin.

Add the following Text & Link to your Email signatures/correspondence/ website wherever you like:

Join Me in Supporting Movember 2020.  Together We are Changing the Face of Men’s Health!!

Details Here:

Donate Here: 


Support our InWorld efforts by becoming a sponsor today!

Choose a Tier Level Sponsorship Package and Sponsor our Virtual Drive.

Through sponsorship, there will be several opportunities to participate in our Campaign and market your services, organization or business throughout the month of November and at our Campaign Wrap Event: Movember Black Tie Charity Ball.

Contact: MissyLuv Resident secondlife:///app/agent/b77bdaf7-d96c-403f-8a45-767a6ca173bc/about 

for Sponsorship Details or click here Calling ALL Sponsors!!




SMR Events

SMR Events, an Event Planning & Production company was started in 2013 by three prominent women of talent and focus, who wanted to bring their ten plus years of skills and expertise to the SL Community with a focus on benefiting others. We are all about bringing joy and professionalism to whatever we do, whether its planning and designing your events or running our Gridwide Productions & Charity Campaigns [SLs Next Top Model,  𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕜 𝕆 𝕋𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥, These Hands Don’t Lie-SMR Against Domestic Violence, Movember 2020 A Charity for Men’s Health]

No event is too big or too small for us to handle with the utmost care, flourish and detail.  We believe in helping others to do the things they can’t or are too busy to do and bringing awareness to the public about causes that touch us and require a spotlight because silence is detrimental.

Movember® and The Movember Foundation®

Movember® is an annual event involving the growing of mustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues. Using the mustache as the driving symbol of the movement, Movember focuses on the three key areas of prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health & suicide prevention.

The Movember Foundation runs the Movember charity event,  housed at and has been running Movember events since 2004.

The goal: “To Change the Face of Men's Health."

By encouraging men (whom the charity refers to as "Mo Bros") to get involved, Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths in men. Besides annual check-ups, the Movember Foundation encourages men to be aware of family history of cancer and to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Since inception, the Movember Foundation has raised $837 million and funded over 1,200 projects in more than 20 countries.

Learn More about them and How they are accomplishing that here:

Movember Foundation is a registered Section 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation and is a tax-exempt organization (EIN: 77-0714052)

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Relationship Empowerment in SL and Beyong at WBH- Join the discussion Wednesday Feb 7th at 8:30 am SLT

Relationships in Second Life can be confusing and painful...or they can bring new joy and meaning into our lives.

Positive relationships are one of the major contributors to everyone's well-being. That's why Whole Brain Health is beginning a series of conversations about relationships in Second Life and beyond, facilitated by coaches Jami and Marla Keller (of Invite Inc, a 501c3), with the assistance of Muza Waco.

Communication is trickier than ever these days, especially in SL, so it pays to have clarity about what you want and who you are in each situation you encounter. Join us to find out how you can empower yourself to have more satisfying relationships... with just a little practice.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

ROCK YOUR RACK 2017 September 30 - October 14, 2017- Registration is Now Open!

Breast cancer is one of the leading health crises for women. 1 in 8 women, and an every increasing percentage of men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. There is currently no known cure for breast cancer, and its early diagnosis is critical to survival.

Models Giving Back is pleased to present Rock Your Rack, an annual fundraising event combining the best of SL Music and Fashion to support the work of breast cancer charities and raise awareness for early detection which is critical to a positive outcome for this devastating disease.

This year's event will support the National Breast Cancer Foundation which provides free mammograms, education, support and early detection services to anyone in need.  In 2016 we were happy to donate over $2500USD to this organization via Rock Your Rack 2016.

Events during the fundraiser include  fashion shows,live musical concerts, DJ dance parties, a 10L Hunt, Silent Auction areas, and an art exhibit and auction hosted by Windlight Magazine.  Designers will be providing exclusive creations with 100% of the sales of those items going to the National Breast Cancer Foundation along with a fine selection of the newest and most popular designs donating a percentage as well. 

For a complete listing of events and more details on this year's event, please visit the website:

Designer Registration is now open.  Blogger and Musician Registration will open this summer via our website as well, so watch for details. 

Together we can make a difference!

Sunday, March 26, 2017




 Dress to impress and come expecting a great time at the annual Relay For Life of Second Life’s Survivor & Caregiver Ball set for 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, March 26 at the Two Moon Paradise sim.

The ball will be at

“The Survivor Caregiver Honor Ball is always a highlight of our Relay season,” said RFL of SL Survivor/Caregiver Co-Lead TS Darrow.  “This year will be no exception. If you are a Survivor and Caregiver this is your time to shine. You are the foundation of why we relay. The whole RFL of SL community is invited to join us for an afternoon to honor all our heroes!”

As part of the celebration, there will be special performances by Russell Eponym and Lisa Brune.

For more information, please contact Co-leads Shiran Sabra or TS Darrow.

About Relay For Life of Second Life

Relay For Life is the signature event of the American Cancer Society and has been active, and continually growing in Second Life for 13 years. In 2005, the first Relay For Life of Second Life (RFL of SL) was attended by a few hundred avatars and raised almost $5,000 US dollars for the American Cancer Society. As of July 2014, RFL of SL ranked number 17th in donations received among more than 5,600 relay events held worldwide. As of January 2017, RFL of SL celebrated raising $3 million US dollars to support the mission of the Society to 'Save Lives, Celebrate Lives and Lead The Fight for A World Without Cancer!’

About the American Cancer Society

For more than 100 years, the American Cancer Society has been working to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays and is the world leader in the fight to end cancer. Together with our global partners and millions of supporters, the American Cancer Society carries out its mission to Save Lives, Celebrate Lives, and Lead the Fight for a World Without Cancer.

For More Information: