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Monday, October 24, 2016

OD DESIGNS -An in depth interview with Ortho Vargas - Dean Lawson reporting

Rocking in the virtual world
Are you looking for rock and roll or any contemporary musical instruments or paraphernalia? With a wide range of instruments and stage accessories there’s a good chance that OD Designs has what you’re looking for. I had a chance to discuss the inspiration behind the craftsmanship of OD Designs with owner Ortho Vargas.
Dean : Could you tell me about the origins of OD Designs?
Ortho Vargas : Almost 11 years ago I came to SL on the recommendation of a hacker friend of mine to "check out the VR".  I poked around off and on for a few months, then discovered that it was possible to build and script objects.  I built a guitar just to see if I could.  I still have that first model, its pretty rough :)   I get it out once in a while for a chuckle.  RL I am a programmer, craftsman, and musician.  Building musical instruments in SL was a natural melding of everything I enjoyed.  Its been a great ride so far.
Dean :  I visited the store and saw that some of the instruments are very realistic. Does your store sell RL brands and models such as Gibson Les Paul or Fender Stratocaster guitars?
Ortho Vargas : OD has endorsements from RL companies to reproduce a copy of their guitars to name .... BC Rich guitars, Dean Guitars, Turner Guitars, Washburn Guitars, Schecter Guitars & Basses, Traben Basses,  Breedlove Guitars

Dean : Do the instruments come with animations? If so could you elaborate on the different type of animations?
Ortho Vargas : All instruments come with a hud so you can play then straight from the box so to speak.  OD also has 3 'add-on' guitar huds with a lot more animations than the standard (approx 70+ mocap animations) hud to allow for a more professional look when playing.  Also OD has a vocal hud which again has 50+ Mocap animations to mix and match for that professional singing look.
Dean : What is the extent of the inventory at OD Designs?
Ortho Vargas : OD produces a range of instruments, mainly guitars ranging from your hard rock electrics to the more classical acoustics with a few 'specials thrown in to keep things exciting'.  Other products include horns, keyboards, and many more.  OD also has the only harmonica driven by hud animations in SL.
OD has no less than 11 different D4 fully mesh Drum Sets one of which is the special 'cow bell' for those moments when you just need a bit extra cow.
At the back of the store is a full stage set up so people can view the optional extras for stage equipment, Lights, Pyro's, Lasers (not just for Dr Evil) along with a Particle Lab that allows people to create their own added effects.  Plus some speakers of which there are exploding ones

Dean :  Is there anything else you would like our readers to know about OD Designs?
Ortho Vargas : OD has 3 stage area's so we can hold full festival set ups if needed along with allowing people to come play whether they are just starting out or a fully established group.  There is a LIVE stage area where we invite live artists to sing or play instruments.
For every new release we have a party (in 2 time zones) which allows people to view and get the new release at a discount along with the possibility of actually winning one.

There is a monthly 'OD ROCKER' or 'OD ROCKER BABE' who if they are lucky enough to be chosen they get some gifts, a page on the OD calendar and invited to select events around SL.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Confront the darkest of fears at SAMHAIN-Bullring House of Horrors Experience from October 23-November 13, 2016.

SAMHAIN-Bullring House of Horrors Experience, sponsored by BRM Radio, summons those unafraid by the horrors, darkness and startling images. On a very dark October night, seven young girls came upon Clairmont Property, explored the area, but were never heard from again.  The caretaker mumbles some stories.  No one truly believes the claims.  Can you solve what happened to those seven young girls?

Dare to walk down the darkened path to confront the unknown. No promises on the sights that might been seen….this is not for the faint hearted.  Gather up friends to explore through this haunted Property.  Seven daring, extreme experiences await to test your abilities.  Complete all the experiences for access to an incredible prize room.  Do you have what it takes to accomplish what lies ahead??  Come find out, just don’t come alone!!!

Multiple Experience Key Adventures.
For more information on SAMHAIN-BullRing House of Horror Experience, check out BullRing Family website at   

“A Pilgrimage of Pixels: Furillen” Romero de la Luna reporting


Fade in from the black- breathe in and slow yourself. Opening before you, a world; bleak, yet lovely. Desolate, yet full of feeling.  Furillen is the depiction of a world beyond pixels, residing in the island of the real; up north, off the coast of Sweden. Rendered by pixels, yet hauntingly real.

Close your eyes and tilt your head upward.  Do you feel that?  Snowflakes the size of an infant’s fist floating down in a windless sky, or maybe they are the ashes of a recent love’s apocalypse. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference. For now, for the sake of our hearts, let us imagine they are baby-fist snowflakes.  Open your eyes, your mouth.  Catch one on your tongue. Let it sizzle-melt with the heat of your body. Swallow. This is our communion.

Look back to the skyline and to the world around you. The camper, the pier.  The light is fading, the coppery peach that lives just past the edges of sunset. Beyond the nearby outbuildings stand the outcrop of abandoned and eroding walls. Walk up to the base.  Take your time. After all, we are on a pilgrimage, and pilgrims are seldom in a hurry. Stand at the foot of these walls and allow yourself to feel small.  Look up again.  Regard the slowly-eroding stillness that inevitably comes after the fever of Spring, after the smoulder of Summer. Only echoes now- the sounds of Autumn like lost spirits, singing their song toward Winter.

It is okay if you feel lost and a little bit lonely.  Listen to the loneliness inside of you. In this place, It will sing back to you. Listen. Closer. The mouths of that song are making sounds like words-  a language that eludes the grasp of the ear. It hums deeper inside- a tuning fork vibrating inside us beyond the territory of words. We will understand it if we are slow and close our eyes and prepare for the kinds of winter that always must come for a season; a season of slumber, a season of silence, of goodbye.

* * *
If you are anything like me, you may wonder after dwelling somewhere beautiful, how such a place came to be- whether it be by chance or by some artist’s hand, and where did this place come from, how was it made, and by whom?   I imagine a profile name scrawled on the cornerstone of this wall. Serene Footman. I put my hand over this name, my palm against the stone wall-  and there, a flicker of an image, a picture of a man, hair long and thick, a tangled beard rivalling the lost Odysseus.

And have you ever wanted to knock on God’s door, just to see who it was who answered?  Hoping maybe she is like your lost grandmother, and that when she embraces you, she smells like lavender and cookies.  Or if you peer through the keyhole you see a strong man’s arms, forging the rudiments of another abandoned world-the steam and heat and smell of labour. His hair long and thick, his tangled beard like that of the long-lost contender. And just before knocking, have you ever turned around and walked away without knowing why?

Perhaps when you visit this place, you will feel much differently than me.  Perhaps your heart resides in another hemisphere- and life is just beginning to warm. Of course your heart is in a different place than mine!  After all, it thumps in your own chest. We are pilgrims of these worlds. It is inevitable that we bring more along with us than just our digital selves. Perhaps that is the point. When a world is born, a conversation is begun, with outstretched arms. A world that sings, Here I am… come and see… walk along the shores of my body. Climb upon me, and for now, even if it be just for a season, let me be your home.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (visit Serene Footman’s extensive yet minimalist website at

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Here is the GeekSpeak subject for Saturday October 22nd at 12pm SLT

GeekSpeak – the great ape project.  Should great apes be given human rights?

We accept that all humans should have certain rights simply because they are human.  Should those rights, or some of them, be given to members of other species?  We are not allowed to buy, sell or own humans. Is it acceptable to own chimpanzees or gorillas?  Killing a human being is murder.  Should people who kill chimpanzees be tried for murder?

Which species should be given rights?  Why should chimpanzees be given ‘human’ rights simply because they are very like us while other intelligent species, such as whales, elephants or octopi, have no rights?  If some animals are to be considered persons while other animals are objects, where should the line be drawn?

How would we deal with great apes that kill humans or other apes?  Should they be killed or put on trial?

What would the world be like if nonhuman species had human rights?  Or do you think that human rights should only be given to humans?
Join us at GeekSpeak to discuss animal/human rights. IM Kathen Ohtobide if you need a teleport.

KiX Grunge Sofa. Land Impact TWO!

Everybody needs a little dirty in their life and after many requests for more grunge in our range; we present the KiX Grunge Couch,  Available in both adult and PG versions
The couch includes 6 texture changes and the menu is stuffed with original KiX animations, props and for a land impact value of only TWO! All KiX mesh furniture is exclusive, low land impact and original and contains only KiX original and exclusive animations.  So if you are looking for something a little different, come and check us out.

Friday, October 21, 2016

BUSY AS BEE - Luc Fray Reporting...

Bee Dumpling in her Dellhaven Sprite* clothes.

If you’ve been role-playing for a while in medieval and fantasy sims, there’s very little chance that you’ve not heard of The White Armory (TWA).

A popular store, not only because of how long it’s been on the grid but because of the quality of its products as well, TWA offers a variety of dresses and weapons in its massive building.

Bee Dumpling, TWA’s co-owner, was gracious enough to grant me an interview to offer me an insight on what it is like handling this kind of SL business aside from the RL make-up business she already has.  

Luc Fray: You have been in SL for nearly 9 years now, Ms. Dumpling. What were your early days like?

Bee Dumpling: The year 2007 was still part of the early days of Second Life. It was still a “new” thing to be a virtual person and explore a virtual environment. The commerce at that time was not like it is now. Places to visit and explore were rare, and avatar clothing and accessories were just beginning to show signs of quality. So I took advantage of what was available and explored, while defining my virtual personality.

Luc Fray: I see. And how did you first find out about Second Life?

Bee Dumpling: I had heard of SL, but it was my uncle that sent me a url and prompted me to join so we could hang out.

Luc Fray: What made you stay?

Bee Dumpling: My uncle and I have always been buddies, so SL was a way we could hang out and chat. Both of us did our own thing as well and would hit up the popular spots like Franks, Botanical Gardens, Bogarts, etc.  I started to visit Avilion regularly and thus began my passion for the medieval role-play aspects in Second Life. It was after meeting Colton and embracing the charitable aspects of Second Life and the real life impacts that could be made, even in a small way, that my involvement with Second Life became a part of my every day.

Bee Dumpling*, January 2015.

Luc Fray: How did you come up with the name Bee Dumpling?

Bee Dumpling: In the early days of SL, you were not given the option of deciding your last name. You had to choose from a list that was provided. My first name was easy. My RL name is Deborah, which means “The Bee” in Hebrew. I think I chose “Dumpling” because it sounded cute and lighthearted, which is the kind of person I am. I could have been hungry too.  *laughs*

Luc Fray: *chuckles* How did you start out with your SL business? Was it difficult?

Bee Dumpling: Colton and I decided to become business partners. We had hit it off right from the beginning and he saw in me a head for business and creativity, so he purchased a small piece of land on a sim called Emerald. We set up some affiliate kiosks, and Colton had been tinkering with making weaponry for role-play. I am a graphic artist in RL, so I would design the texturing and promotional art for the swords, and he would build and script them.
I asked Colton one day what we should call our business and he didn’t even hesitate. “How about The White Armory?”  So, The White Armory it was, and has been ever since.

Building a business in SL, just like RL, is a very incremental process. It takes time to build a brand. We started a group and got our SL friends to join. I began trying my hand at making men’s apparel.  Medieval and custom tunics with personalized colors and heraldry.  My first creations were just awful. No really, seriously just bad! If I ever want to remind myself how far I’ve come, I can pull one of them out of my inventory and wonder how anyone could have ever gave me a single Linden for them. *laughs*

Anyway, we kept growing and growing and eventually bought the entire sim.

Luc Fray: I think great achievements are usually dealt with a lot of hard work. It’s great that you guys came a long way! But who are usually your customers? Who do you cater your business to?

Bee Dumpling: You would think only role-players would come to our store to shop for their characters, but we get folks from every genre. Our creations have even been featured in the Miss Virtual World shows, as well as dozens of other high fashion and avant guarde fashion events in SL through the years. So, it’s across the board when it comes to our customer base.

Bee Dumpling in Seraphim Orion-Floral*.

Luc Fray: I noticed that your RL Business is named after your SL avatar. Tell us about Bee Dumpling Organics.
Bee Dumpling: Colton is my husband in RL, and, 2 years ago, he was having some real problems due to his diabetes. The doctor told him that if he did not modify his diet dramatically, he would lose his eyesight.  I took it upon myself to find a way to eliminate all the processed food, sugars, high-fructose corn syrup, pesticides, wheat, and dairy from our diet. During this time, I began absorbing vast amounts of information about what is in the foods we eat and the products we purchase every day. The picture that was painted was not a good one.  We had gone completely organic with our diet, but what about the other products I used? Namely, cosmetics?  The FDA takes a real “hands off” approach to the cosmetic industry. That being said, the ingredients in most cosmetics are carcinogenic. I was already very passionate about organic food and began researching how to create organic, vegan (I am a strict vegetarian) cosmetics that were void of the chemicals and carcinogens prevalent in most OTC cosmetics.

This was a lot to take on. There really is no “cook book” for cosmetics. I had to literally learn what the hundreds of ingredients in cosmetics are and what they did.  You can find books on “how to” but they only scratch the surface. It really comes down to trial and error. I’ve had a lot of failed attempts. But I learned something from each one of them. I am still learning, and always will be. But it is something I really love, and there is something pretty cool about knowing exactly what you are putting on your face!

Luc Fray: *nods* Understood. You are responsible for your body after all...How do you come up with the ingredients and the making of those cosmetics, by the way?
Bee Dumpling: This depends on the product I am making. Lipsticks use a combination of vegetable waxes and oils, and mineral products like eye shadows, foundations, blush, and highlighters use mica, iron oxide, and vegetable/mineral powder combinations. Even the slightest variation can change the entire batch!

Luc Fray: How do you usually market them and where can they be found?
Bee Dumpling: I market almost exclusively using social media. Especially, Instagram. I can be found on all social media. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter as Bee Dumpling Organics. My products are sold almost exclusively from my Etsy shop.

Bee Dumpling looking like a sorceress*.

Luc Fray: You and your RL husband run your SL and RL business together. How does that work? Is it like he’s in charge of weapons and you of clothes, or is it more like he does the meshing and you do the texturing kind of division?

Bee Dumpling: Colton and I do pretty much everything as a team. In business, you want to have people around you that you trust and are as passionate about the product and brand as yourself. Colton has always been that for me, and this goes for our RL as well.  Colton does all of the weaponry building and scripting in SL. I create his textures and promo art. I create all of the apparel. As for the Cosmetics, Colton has his own social media accounts that he promotes the new releases on so we can double up on promotion that way.

Luc Fray: Where do you guys usually find inspiration for your creations?
Bee Dumpling: We are both similar in the way we get our inspiration. Colton will focus on a shape or piece, and the sword will sort of be built using that as a center piece.  I will troll Pinterest, or just get an idea for a certain type of sleeve design, sketch it out, and then the rest just sort of builds itself.

Luc Fray: What are the newest clothes and weapons released at The White Armory?
Bee Dumpling: Colton has just released a mesh Viking sword collection called “Warriors of Odin.” I have begun collaborating with a mesh builder here in SL. She and I have been really enjoying the creative process of original design, mesh, and textures. We formed a secondary brand called Silvan Moon Designs. We enter most of the fantasy or RP-inspired events in SL. We also have a shop inside the TWA main store.

Luc Fray: Do you guys also get involved in grid hunts and events?

Bee Dumpling: Yes. Our secondary brand Silvan Moon Designs is in many of the established events in SL as well as some of the major hunts.

Colton and Bee.

Luc Fray: I saw that you and Colton met online. Tell us your story.

Bee Dumpling: Colton and I met in early 2008. Colton was looking for merchants to rent stalls in his market to help offset the cost of a ¼ sim called Majestic Heart. I had been helping a jewelry maker with his textures and marketing during that time, so I agreed to set up a shop on Colton’s sim. It was during this time that Colton and I started getting to know one another.  By the end of 2008, we were very much in love. He swept me off my feet one day in October of 2008 when he asked me if I wanted to get married (in SL). I was even more flabbergasted when he meant, like right then and there!  He had already arranged a RL pastor to officiate as well as witnesses to the union!  So we were married and began our Second Lives as husband and wife.

We Skyped every day as well. Colton is from the UK. So, we literally had a long-distance romance for many years. It helped that we could speak and interact as virtual people. We did a lot of charity work in SL, so we were very busy in those days with that. I was making good money from my White Armory Designs, and it was enough to fly Colton over here to the States where we met in RL for the first time. That was September of 2009. He was only able to stay a week. It was a tearful goodbye as he headed back to the UK again. He came back to the States in the Spring of 2010 for 2 weeks. Again, he had to return to the UK. He came back for good in February of 2011. We married in RL in June of 2011. The process was long and sometimes heartbreaking. And the immigration process was also long and frustrating. Not to mention expensive. But it was worth it!

Luc Fray: I'm in the White Armory group and I notice that there would be posts about services regarding Worship, Praise, and Fellowship to the White Cathedral, usually held by a priestess. I was curious, are you guys Wiccan? If so, do you think being Wiccan made a distinct difference on who you are now as a person both in RL and SL? [A/N: See Into the Cauldron]

Bee Dumpling: Actually, we began having the services to allow folks of every denomination and/or background to come and be encouraged or ministered to. Colton and I do not subscribe to any one religion but are both spiritual people. We believe that everyone should have a safe place where they can just come as they are and know that they can give their burdens a voice so that others can help to ease their pain or suffering through fellowship and positivity.

Luc Fray: What's next for Bee Dumpling, Colton Drechsler, and The White Armory? Any plans in the near future?
Bee Dumpling: As Colton likes to say, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” So we intend to carry on doing what we have been for as long as SL allows us to. Silvan Moon Designs is growing exponentially as well and I am very happy with that aspect as it allows for even more creative freedom. And, of course, Bee Dumpling Organics will continue to grow and add more products. These keep us both quite busy, but happy.

*Photos courtesy of Bee Dumpling. You can check out more of their clothes at the Marketplace here and their official website here.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

“Ghosting ~ Left Behind Without a Word” - Seersha Heart reporting...

 “I guess many of you had such problem. I had a really good friend, probably the best one in SL. One day she logged, saying nothing, except "good night" and after that doesn't appear online for about a month. I am sure, she would tell me, about absence, but she just disappeared. I have her in one group, where it is written when was her last online time, and it really was that evening she logged near me...

Do you think there is the way to find her email or something?  I just want to hear from her... Do you think, contacting support to ask for her email will help?      ”         

SommerDai86 [name changed]”
Taken from

There are many of us who’ve experienced that exact feeling that SommerDai86 expresses in her forum letter.  The concern, the frustration after someone is here with us in SL one day and abruptly gone the next day.  There are a few ways someone can “ghost” in SL.  The oldest meaning of ‘ghosting’ in world is when your Avi appears online but is actually offline.  A glitch. 

Then there is being ‘ghosted’ by someone when they abruptly unfriend you or stop communicating with you.   The most familiar form of ghosting to most people in world is having someone you know *poof* for a long time or forever.

As SommerDai86 struggles with the loss of her friend, she posts the question, will support (LL) give her an email address.  No LL guards our privacy and will not release or assist anyone in finding a missing Avi.  I agree with LL that it is completely up to each individual to decide who may contact them outside of SL and how they may do so.  Then how can one cope with a loss such as this one? 

One person responding on the forum offered her this advice:

“I'd start by IM'ing her as well as sending her a private message through the website that you miss her and asking when she may be returning.  Her IM's may go to her email if she has it set up this way.  I'd send the PM to her in case she can access the website but not SL itself for some reason. Also, check with mutual friends to see if they have had any word of her. 
This is about all you can do.  Take heart, she probably had something unexpected come up in RL that has prevented her from logging in and she will return when she is able to. Usually if people are leaving SL they will tell their close friends that that is their intention.                                                                                                                                              AmethsGrun”

That is all that can be done if one of your friends ‘ghosts’ you.  Many people return to SL, there is no guarantee that someone will return after ghosting for a long period of time.  Many people come back using new Avi’s leaving their old SL behind.  If your only contact is in world, you will have to move on at this point.

Some people who you considered to be your friends may stop communicating abruptly or unfriend you without incident or warning.  This is another form of ghosting.  It parallels IRL ghosting where someone cuts off all texting contact without a word.  This is usually done by less mature individuals unable to talk about what they are feeling.  Here is an explanation excerpted from

“The act of suddenly ceasing all communication with someone the subject is dating, but no longer wishes to date. This is done in hopes that the ghostee will just "get the hint" and leave the subject alone, as opposed to the subject simply telling them he/she is no longer interested.

Ghosting is not specific to a certain gender and is closely related to the subject's maturity and communication skills. Many attempt to justify ghosting as a way to cease dating the ghostee without hurting their feelings, but it in fact proves the subject is thinking more of themselves, as ghosting often creates more confusion for the ghostee than if the subject kindly stated how he/she feels.”

This leaves resentment and hurt feelings by the ghostee.  In SL we can send notecards, yet some people still have trouble communicating their disinterest in any form.

Why do people disappear from SL and become a ghost?  There are as many reasons as there are Avi’s in world.  The predominant reason is something in real life takes over, and that’s how it should be, real life first.  The problem is that there are real life feelings left behind in SL.  Here are some ideas borrowed from other people to explain why someone left SL:

“I once lost a friend and tried tracking her down over many months by joining her listed groups and asking mutual friends as to her whereabouts.  Finally, one day she contacted me. She told me rl had taken over and SL had become too busy so she hid herself and came in SL anonymously. Sometimes people need a break, even from themselves.”

“A dear friend poofed. I was frantic. She finally came back a few months later and I demanded her RL email. I couldn't take it. Now she's on Facebook, so I know she's ok.  Maybe she has an Alt.”

“She may not be able to come on, because of bad storms-look how many lost power and homes in the last year alone! She could also have not been able to afford her internet, or home, etc. She may have had to shut down. “

“Chances are if someone is a very good friend they would give you other ways to contact them than sl..." 

 “If she wanted to contact you, she knows where to find you.  It's really sad that so many don't get that there are real RL feelings behind everything that happens in SL even if it's just RP'ing for a lot of ppl...”

That reveals the truth of the situation. If someone wanted you to find them they would have told you how to do it.  When I had a very good friend ghost, I contacted many of our mutual friends, messaged her on Facebook and emailed her.  All were tied to the SL identity that I knew her as when she left SL.  She hasn’t come back and that was about a year ago.  Through our mutual friends I found support and new friendships.  Eventually I was just fine.  The lesson here is to think twice about ghosting in any form.  If you feel you need to leave SL, try to tell those important to you.  In the end, do what you need to do to survive all worlds and minimize the damage to all.