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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Contact:  Jackie Lefko (


Scarlett LaRoux claims the 2016 SL's Got Talent Contest crown in front of over 90 SL residents on the Detroit City sim yesterday evening. Her journey to the winner’s spotlight started with open mic auditions held Nov 3 & 5, 2016.  Then, she gathered with 13 other contestants to participate in round one of the contest on Thursday, Nov 10th.  Ten contestants moved on to round two held on Saturday, November 12th and then the six finalists, including Scarlett, gave amazing performances during the final round held on Sunday, November 13th at which time the winner was announced. Second place winner was Reallymad Morpork (Mick); Third place went to Evely Lane and Honorable Mention was JLively.
Contest winners received the following Prizes:

1ST PLACE WINNER:  Scarlett LaRoux
$25,000L + $5,000L = $30,000L CASH
La Radio de Patio sponsors $5,000L extra in cash
Customized SLGT Winner Trophy (picture shown)
Spotlight Feature article in SL ENQUIRER Newspaper ( )
v91.8 Virtual Radio Guest Appearance and Interview
Guest Appearance on Pam Live Talk Show
Showcase performance at Classique Lounge
Virtual Clubbing Life:
2 Months BOT is your best manager (automatic promotion tool)

2ND PLACE WINNER:  Reallymad Morpork (Mick)
$15,000L + $5,000L = $20,000L CASH
La Radio de Patio sponsors $5,000L extra in cash
Guest Appearance on Pam Live Talk Show
Showcase performance at Classique Lounge

$10,000L + $5,000L = $15,000L CASH
La Radio de Patio sponsors $5,000L extra in cash
Showcase performance at Classique Lounge

$5,000L CASH

SL’s GOT TALENT (SLGT) Contest was created and organized by Jackie Lefko 4 years ago. After debuting several new SL performers at her venue, the Speakeasy, Jackie’s brain started churning and Voila – the birth of SLGT in 2013.  She felt a contest would be a great opportunity for those looking for a unique opportunity to not only showcase their talent but to also engage in a personal challenge.  Other business owners agreed as they lined up to participate as Sponsors, Judges and Prize Contributors as follows:
Classique Lounge
Designer Showcase
D1 Radio
Finale Couture
Greased Ligtning
La Radio de Patio
Live Musician’s and Singer’s Organization
Nat's Jazz Club
~O~ Karaoke Lounge
PAM's Live Talk Show
PYRO AVATARS (Skins & Shapes)
Rare Image
Spit Spoken Word Lounge
Sweet Sins
The SL Enquirer
V91.8 Radio
Virtual Clubbing Life

BlueAngel Winterwolf-Pyro
Gazpachita (Maritz)
Hbomb Woodford
Linda Sautereau
Scorpio Aeon
Veronica Weksler

SLGT contest has proved over the past four years to be a great platform for seasoned SL performers to expand his or her reach and for a new comer to jump start an SL music career.  And, most importantly, some may need some Lindens to pay your tiers.  

It was another great year! SEE YOU IN 2017!

GizzA - Introducing the Khloe Jumpsuit

The Khloe Jumpsuit comes in no less then 6 color packs, 3 velvets 
and 3 tweeds, each pack consisting of 2 additional colors. The standard SL mesh sizes, Maitreya and Slink Physique and Hourglass body sizes are available for fitting.
pls check nc^^

Monday, November 14, 2016

Angels in the Office

This is an excerpt on angels from my memoir, Medium Rare by Linda Lauren

Angels surround us. They fill a lot of space that we think is “empty.” You don’t have to believe in angels to be surrounded by them, but if you do believe, then it’s important to remember to request help, rather than to simply expect help, from the angels. Here is a personal story to illustrate this Divine connection!

In 1996, after years of reading at my home, other peoples’ homes, and psychic fairs that took me to various hotels, I decided to rent an office of my own. I’m not a living-out-of-the-suitcase kind of person, and that is how it begins to feel after sitting in the energy of so many different venues! Each time, I would have to get used to the new space, find a comfy seating arrangement, and spiritually prepare myself, and the room I’d be working in, for the readings to come. This was a good move, and what better person to look for the rental space than my own mother?

“Feels OK,” I heard Mom say, as the landlord escorted us up the stairs to the offices.
He opened the door to an outer office and into a reception area. Inside were three other offices; one already occupied by an attorney who only used the place a couple of days a week. I would have the third floor to myself most of the time, a free waiting room, and a private entrance for my clients.

“Is this place secure?” Mom was still asking questions.

“We have an alarm system that calls to the police, and I will give you the little key to activate it,” he said. “You can’t get in or out of this building without the alarm key.”

That Saturday evening, we stopped by the new space with a coffeemaker and three gold painted angel figurines that belonged to my mother’s late sister. I set up the coffee maker and positioned the three angels across the desk.

“I’ll be sitting in the waiting room if you need me,” Mom said.

A short while later, I turned out the light and slid the doorknob to the lock position. I locked the door, and, before I even realized it, I could “see” the keys still on the desk inside the room! . It was one of those realizations that make you cringe.

“Please tell me you didn’t just leave the keys inside!” Mom rolled her eyes. “Use the spare.”

“We have no spare and we’re locked in from the outside, and locked out from the inside office.”

“Try your cell phone.” I could sense the tenseness in her voice as it cracked the words.

“We’re in a dead zone and I can’t get a signal.”

“Is that supposed to be funny?” she was now panicking.

“What are we going to do?”

“We’re going to start praying, Mom. We both talk about the power of prayer and how we call on the angels for help. Well, now is as good a time as any to have that faith.”

“Angels, please help us.”

“Please open the door for us.” Mom said sweetly as I turned to her and together we said a prayer and waited.

Some moments later I felt moved to go to the door. I wrapped my hand around the knob and gave it a turn. Nothing. I moved back from the door and shrugged. A few minutes passed, and we both heard a click. Turning, we watched as the door softly swung open! The tears in my eyes began to spill down to my cheeks.

“Oh my God! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Mom got up an offered a hug and a smile.

It was at that single moment that we mutually came upon the profound awareness that we are not alone; that our angels, too, are watching over us.

You can read Medium Rare for free if you are an Prime Member, or it can be purchased.  Psychic Medium Linda Lauren can usually be found wandering around her Island ETU Abbracciare and in The Angel Retreat.

A PILGRIMAGE OF PIXELS-Saying Farewell to InSilico Metro- Romero de la Luna Reporting...

 Data Stream Input- From Abeus:  Just a brief notice so everyone is up to speed:
The closure of the INSILICO and INSILICO SOUTH regions has been generously pushed back until November 15th.  While this is good news, it is still bittersweet. Currently this will allow us to close all 4 regions at the same time.



We are hurtling toward Gemini Cybernetics over a neon labyrinth of steel towers, fog, and scattered flames; steam billowing from smokestacks of unsustainable production. The urban city in the sky trembles and tilts all along the blood grey horizon. You slow toward the steel landing platform, your feet hovering slowly then touching the ground. Gravitational stability falters… the twisting groans of metal above you. And you see dozens of small craft jettisoning the area like rats from a sinking ship. It won’t be long now.  InSilico Metro; the most celebrated Cyberpunk sim in all of Second Life- my own place of solace since 2008- is about to die.

Stumble walk down the platform corridor to large plate-glass window, wobbling from the gyration of opposing forces beneath them. You put your hand to the glass to feel the vibration, and you see an android man entering the room inside, sitting down at a pod.  He looks like he means business, paying little attention to either you are his disintegrating surroundings… This is ABEUS. He breathes deep. Exhales. Types on his holographic console which streams on all the neon marquee’s of the city:

This is a
This is a very hard choice for us, and not one that we’ve come to lightly. Even though it might be possible to survive—

A nearby tower groans louder and shattering glass makes its long rain down onto the surface. ABEUS continues typing.


We’ve had some good times, even some great times, 9 years’ worth of stories that will continue to transcend the sims on which they were told… I couldn’t ask for anything more than that as a legacy.

ABEUS THEN bolsters himself… looks up sadly then makes to exit in the opposite direction as you, disappearing around the corner. had some good times, even some great times. 9 years’ worth of stories that will

Many of us are saying goodbye to this home that- for many of us- was our digital country…  Nearly eight years ago, my favorite character was born and I feel like he was christened in Club Atonement. That upper sanguine sanctuary was my favorite place in all the grid for reflection and consolation…. I have been gone a long,long time… a prodigal in new avatar form, only to see my sanctuary from long ago slowly fading to black. It almost feels like the death of a nation.

So what happens now?  What walls will be built?  What bridges? What new worlds await us?  For now, we mourn, but mostly we remember.  Re- Member… the connotation that remembering what we love about this place will somehow and somewhere put it back together again.

As we at InSilico diminish into the darkness, I think of those like Abeus.  And those who have been there from InSilico’s conception.  I like to think that they would fare well, but more than that: I like to think that those like Abeus will make their grand escape toward a new and more fruitful territory… and perhaps one day, we may be able to follow them.  But for now…. We have until November 15th to say good bye.

        In that time, I prefer to think that I can see ABEUS’S ship rocketing through the collapsing corridors of the city unscathed, as the music rises to something that would swell our hearts… and make us breathe faster. Where neon towers blur past us, as we rise and caterwaul in our craft then burst downward toward the planet’s surface below… as we watch and listen in awe… as gravity once again gives way to the rise the howl of that escape craft as the disintegrating world we love shrinks below us and we finally rise away into the uncharted distance.

                                                   FADE OUT.

MORE INFO: Introduction and conclusion inspired by the opening and closing scene descriptions of BLADE RUNNER: Screenplay by HAMPTON FANCHER and DAVID PEOPLES February, 1981


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Seanchai Library Wraps Up Successful Series with "The Sign of Four"

Seanchai Library's presentation of A SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA last June

UW Avalumni, Second Life - Seanchai Library will commence Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Sign of Four on Sunday, November 6th at 1:30pm. The entire novel will be presented, with minimal adaptation, in one hour episodes through November 27th at Seanchai's Baker Street build, which has been in guest residency at the University of Washington iSchool in Second Life since June.

The story is set in 1888. The Sign of the Four has a complex plot involving India, the Indian Rebellion of 1857, a stolen treasure, and a secret pact among four convicts ("the Four" of the title) and two corrupt prison guards. It presents the detective's drug habit and humanizes him in a way that had not been done in the preceding novel, A Study in Scarlet (1887). It also introduces Doctor Watson's future wife, Mary Morstan. Kayden Oconnell, John Morland, and Caledonia Skytower will present the story, voicing the characters and providing narration, live in voice.

Please join the Virtual Pioneers and our tour guilds Junior for a tour of this 1930 roleplay community. Nov 13th at 5pm SLT

New Palermo is a town on the coast of New Jersey, an area known for its bloody history of piracy and smuggling.  Dress code is 1930's attire or anything conservative.

Guided by (JakTheSad Resident) and Momma Avery  (AveryKarr Resident)

** Retrieved from Sl Events

Saturday, November 12, 2016

TOP 5 First Date Locations- Seersha Heart Reporting...

Avilion Grove Ballroom [recommended lighting : midnight][Music : romantic love songs]
When you go to Avilion, you will arrive in this medieval fantasy community at the SIM landing pad.  As the world rezzes quickly around you, the music playing invokes images of romance with the smooth vocal selections.  The love and romance songs playing are well selected, think Barry White.  To reach the ballroom you click on the ornamental scepter and are teleported to the foot of the grand staircase to the front entry.
            On your way up the staircase, there are poseballs for a nice couples picture.  I recommend taking a moment to make a snapshot of the evening.  As you cross the front entry at the top of the stairs you are treated to a view that can best be described at magical.  Your eyes will sweep the reflective polished ballroom floor across to the large rose at the end of the room.   Behind the rose the water is sparkling in the midnight light, the sky above you is carpeted with stars.  There are several slow dance and ball room dance pose balls.  My personal favorite is Slowdance v7, but do try them all. 
            In the pictures I have tried to capture some of the poses.  The real magic in this location is that even though you are immersed in a grand and a beautiful room, when you look at your date you will realize that she or he is the true beauty in this room.  This place brings about romantic feelings such as that and more and you experience it.
            There is much more to be seen at Avilion, and I invite you to visit their website to find out about all they offer at:

Rose Theater Ballroom [recommended lighting : sunset or midnight] [Music : instrumental easy listening]
The Rose Theater Ballroom is a well known and well loved location.  Part of the cultural hub, Angel Manor, you can be treated to many forms of art here both 2D and performance arts.  Along with the Theatre, there are galleries, an opera house, a chapel and other activities.  For your first date you will want to go to the ballroom.

resident Toysoldier Thor recommends this location “in the evening - in formal wear when no one is there and you and your date have the entire place to yourselves”
Walk with your date up the staircase into the marble foyer.  Turn left and walk towards the Rose Bar inside another set of doors.  Once inside you will see an intimate oak hard wood floor to your left.  Scattered throughout the room are romantic intimate tables for two.  Individual tables have lamps and are topped with rich red table cloths.  It is easy to sit at the welcoming tables which offer many sit positions.  Having sit options is a great way to convey mood.

This is an easy place to move to the dance floor with a date.  The dance ball for couples has numerous options.  There are four main options [General, Ballroom, Romance, Love] and within each of these are a variety of dances to choose from to dance.  If you want to cozy up quickly, I recommend ‘romance’ and ‘two hearts’. 

The Angel Manor has a website with information on all of their programs.  I encourage you to visit it at:

The next two locations on the top 5 list are locations to explore.  Both are casual dress Moderate SIMS.

Isle of Love[recommended lighting : sunset] [Music : romantic love songs]
            The landing point at this SIM is a great focal point for the activities.  You land a short walk from the chapel on one side and a lake on the other side.  This SIM is built and maintained by Daisy Kwon.  She is always making changes for the season and in other ways to make it more romantic.  If you join the group, you may rez props for your pictures.  A notecard is given to you upon arriving with all the information.
            residentStormy Somerton: “really beautiful simyou can have dinner thereand it's very romantic”
            There are ample pose spots to cuddle and other spots for photo opportunities.  As Daisy recommends in her notecard “Some of my favorite spots are the beach, winery patio, and floating dance floors on the west side of the sim. Be sure to touch the church to ring the bells and release the doves and also set off the fireworks display on top of the mountain  on the NE edge. Be careful of the bears as you walk through the woods. My Flickr photo gallery is on the east side.”

Roleplay Heaven [recommended lighting : any] [Music : instrumental easy listening]
            I  was invited to this SIM some time ago and my first landing was in the ruins at the top of the hill.  This SIM has romantic spots situated around a beautiful lake.  At the ruins, sunset or midnight lighting, you can see the most beautiful lighting.  The dances are some seriously close dances, so might not be your first stop here.  I recommend visiting the general store Lakeside .  Go inside and you will see where people put up their happy pictures of visits here.
            Along side of the Lakeside general store are rezzing bikes.  The best way to explore this SIM is to go around the lake.  Taking a bike ride is a great way to get into a relaxed feeling on a date.  Keep in mind for later in the date, there is a superb cappuccino machine on the dock below the store.
            Feel free to explore all the areas, including the deserted cabin because all animations are PG, so if you try something out you will not be embarrassed.  Experiment with the sun settings, I found different settings favored different locations.

Bogarts Jazz Club aka Franks Place 3[recommended lighting : any] [Music : rat pack, jazz]
            This SL long running classic has shopping and a park on your walk to the club.  Dress is cocktail to formal.  You land down the block from the club and walk up to the dramatic facade of the building.  The marquee proudly proclaims “Romance is in the Air” and it most certainly is in Bogarts.  Walking inside the first set of doors,  scheduled activities are listed to your left by the elevator.  Going further inside to the main room it has the feeling of an elegant theatre with high ceilings and a stage with ornate golden trim at one side.
            The color scheme is rich reds and golds throughout.  You will be greeted as “Mr.” or “Ms.” by what I feel are the best hosts and hostesses in SL.  They make you feel welcome and also have that breezy air about that may be best described as elegant fun.  The DJs are equally top notch.  Requests are played quickly and as a dedication or a request.  Imagine requesting a romantic Norah Jones song and dancing with your date.

            residentHuckleberry Hax: Good old Bogart's []
There are snacks near the entrance and of course drinks at the bar.  Around the dance floor are cozy tables where you may easily have a conversation while listening to some great music.  A note for those wishing for a first date; Bogarts is a good place to meet people.  Whether to just dance or to make a new friend, those who go to Bogarts are friendly and most are regulars.
            I hope you enjoy visiting these locations as much as I did in world.  A special thanks to the people who gave me ideas and their favorite places to visit with a first date.  In case you want a quick chat instead of an evening for your date here are some great places for casual quick conversations:
In Virtual Soho           Cafe Chat Noir; coffee shop, then explore the numerous galleries
Nostalgic for Fast Food?  Visit the fast food mecca [Starbucks, McDonalds, Taco Bell, and more]

Friday, November 11, 2016


DATES: NOVEMBER 11 TO 30, 2016

The fashion division of Kultivate Magazine, The Edge, is celebrating it’s one year anniversary from November 11 to 30, 2016. The anniversary events will feature fashion and artistic events in the spirit of The Edge. The Edge is managed by Kultivate COO, Eleseren Brianna.

In honor of The Edge’s emphasis on the combination of fashion and art, a special fashion show will take place on November 13, 2016 that will feature the designs of Lyrical Bizarre on a special one of a kind artistic runway by 3D artist HaveitNeox. This special show is coordinated by Amazing Impressions Modeling (AIM) Agency.

The weekend rounds off with live performances by Mimi Carpenter, Lisa Brune, and DimivanLudgwig and with a formal grand opening of HaveitNeox’s artistic fashion runway build, “Baroque Dreams.”

In addition to the events above, we have special souvenir gifts in honor of our one year anniversary that you will be able to purchase throughout the month! These gifts are from the following brands: AZUL, Chop Zuey, Ghee, and Kaerri. The gifts will be available on November 11, 2016.

Below is the full events schedule:

November 11-Souvenir Gifts from AZUL, Chop zuey, Ghee, and Kaerri go on sale
November 12-Anniversary Edition of The Edge will be published
November 12-2pm slt-live performer Mimi Carpenter
November 12-3pm slt-live performer Lisa Brune
November 13, 2016 – 2pm slt – Art Diva Show featuring the designs of Lyrical Bizarre and on a special artistic runway by 3D artist HaveitNeox
November 13, 2016-4pm slt-Grand Opening of Haveit’sNeox’s Baroque Dreams Exhibition featuring live performer Dimivan Ludwig
About The Edge:
The Edge is the fashion division of Kultivate Magazine. The Edge consists of The Edge Gallery and The Edge Center. The Edge has models who exemplify the artistic quality of The Edge. The goal of The Edge is to combine the spirit of fashion and art. The Edge is managed by Eleseren Brianna.

It's Fireside Friday! Let's Rant and Rave! Nov. 11th at 9pm SLT

An open chat where you are encouraged to Rant and Rave! We alternate "Rants" on the odd-numbered Fridays, and "Raves" on the evens. 
Come let it all hang out! In TEXT - PLEASE refrain from Political Topics at this event. ;-)

*It's RANTS tonight!* Want some support for the *meh* stuff from the week? 

Come and chat!
Facilitated by Roxie Marten

**retrieved from SL Events

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Bloodlines : An RP Success Story - Seersha Heart Reporting...

            Celebrating eight years in SL, Bloodlines is the largest and the most popular of the vampire RP currently found in SL.  Bloodlines is a MMORPG played completely within the confines of Second Life.  There are people playing as Vampires, Lycans, Hybrids, Humans and Warriors all around other members of Second Life society as they go about their everyday metaverse lives.  This RP game has not only been on the grid since 2008 but has doubled it’s membership and is an ever evolving dynamic MMORPG experience.

            When Bloodlines began in 2008 it was exclusively Vampire only RP [The Thirst].  It is brought to us by a group that was new in game development the time, Liquid Designs.  During the year prior to the release of Bloodlines, Liquid Designs had been making and selling items on Second Life Marketplace.  The most popular items they designed were their vampire accessories.  It was a natural progression for them to investigate and to design RP in this genre.   In a 2009 interview with Wagner James Au, the CEO of Liquid Designs, Mars.Bracken, told him “that the move was because his group sensed a need for goals, structure, and consequences of a RP game to be joined with their products.  He also said it would be an interesting social experiment.  Their group has learned and improved their product through observation of the emergent behavior of the players”.

            Liquid Designs has been very observant.  The Lycan component [The Rage] was released about a year after the initial Vampire release.  Then in 2010 The Human HUD was released, then most recently Bloodlines War HUD.  A player can also participate as a “Hybrid” by using both The Thirst and The Rage HUDs.  Liquid Designs maintains a dynamic website with statistics that may literally change at any time.  The top of the main page displays membership in each group, then lists several accomplishments by player and by family.  There are also Gods, Demigods, Royalty, Bloodline and Blood Wealth on display.  This RP has evolved well beyond the original The Thirst. 

            I caught up with Mars Bracken to talk about where Bloodlines is at the eight year mark to discuss Bloodlines.  I began the questioning first after seeing the statistics of the Blood Doll [The Human] population.  It is over 100 thousand, more than three times the amount of vampires listed.  I was also curious about his thoughts on the growth of the game, which is now double the population it was in 2009.  Joining me now is Mars Bracken:

Seersha Heart: I noticed that Blood Dolls are the greatest population.  What does your team think about that?

Mars Bracken: It’s an interesting development. Since the Vampires and Lycans need victims in order to sustain themselves, a healthy population of Humans or Blood Dolls seems to be a good thing to have. However, it has definitely prompted us to work on more options for the RP; we initially didn’t anticipate such a large Human population, and had originally focused on tools for making the Vampire and Lycan roles possible. It’s been fun to see the game population dynamics change over the years.

Seersha Heart: Has the level [membership] of participation hit a ceiling?  Are new players joining the game?

Mars Bracken: The population is always in flux, but generally those who bow out of the community are replaced by new players interested to join. We’ve had a rash recently of people who originally played in 2009 coming back to participate in the community again, and we still haven’t quite figured out what that’s about. We are having more and larger events now than ever before, so that might have something to do with it.

Seersha Heart:  In 2009, you remarked on the emergent behavior of soul importance becoming prominent.  What emerging behaviors has your team experienced since 2009?

Mars Bracken:  Other than the growth of the Human / Blood Doll population, we’ve definitely seen a shift of priorities. Initially the game was all about getting the most souls or bites, but once we introduced Achievements, the activity in that sector of the game quickly overwhelmed the rest. Admittedly souls and bites are included in some of the achievements, but people definitely seem excited to collect things. In general, with Gacha and Rare items becoming so popular, I’d say that a collector mentality has blossomed in Second Life in general. 

Seersha Heart: You have said that the clan structure has become very complex.  Will you share with me what you mean by complex clans?

Mars Bracken: When we first started the game, there was just Vampires, so clans were homogeneous. Then we created Lycans, then Hybrids, and finally Humans. As each population exploded and then found its equilibrium, the composition of clans changed. We’ve also added Roles which can be assigned, so in addition families becoming less homogeneous and more complex in terms of RP dynamics, they’ve also gotten more intricate in their hierarchies. 

Seersha Heart:  What would you love our readers to know about Bloodlines?  Do you feel Hunger has presented a serious competition?

Mars Bracken: We’re excited about some new releases coming up, but I can’t talk too much about those. I can say that we’re almost done updating our 5 RP sims, and we’re aiming to have a lot more community events there. Also our weekly parties have gotten kind of massive, partly due to the great DJs and our amazing theme artist AnnaMargeaux, and partly because we’re doing Rare item giveaways now. And we've got a Bloodlines University sim where people can come and take classes and learn about the nuances of the game. All of this of course can be found in notices on our blog at

Seersha Heart:  Thank you for answering my questions and congratulations on the success of Bloodlines.   

Population statistics from the 2009 interview were at approximately 69,000 players with an estimate of 23,000 doing day to day RP.  At the eight year mark there are slightly more than 157,000 players  [Vampires 33K, Lycans 6K, Humans 102K and Hybrids 17K] assuming the same relative relationship that would be an estimated 52,000 doing day to day RP.  Liquid Designs has every right to be excited as their RP continues to evolve and be not only an aspect of Second Life but a force of Second Life nature.


Twitter: @slbloodlines
Additional help with Bloodlines, please send a notecard to LiquidDesigns Resident

Reporter Sources: