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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Misfit Dance & Performance Art - "Misfit Follies" Showcase - Wed Jan 4 at 7 pm SLT!

This week at the Misfit Forest Theater
Wed Jan 4 at 7 pm SLT
Misfit Dance & Performance Art presents :

  " Misfit Follies  ~  a Showcase of Theater Dance Art "

Show time is 7 pm SL with pre-show music starting at 6:30 pm SL
Please arrive early to guarantee your seat

We have a fun line up of amazing music &  story dance numbers for you - Come join the fun! 

This weeks Playbill:

"The Visit ( Give Me Love ) "
"Cinco de Julio"
"Peeping Tom "
"The Spider's Heart" *featuring Miny as "the spider"!*
"Queens of DeNile"
"HooRay for Hollywood ( with King Kong! ) " 
 & finally
"The Crown Dance -  our wonderland tribute to David Bowie". 

Stick around after the show to Group Dance with the Misfits ~  Great fun!

Misfit Dance & Performance Art  ~  Prepare to be delighted.

Contact JenzZa Misfit for more information.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Misfit Dance & Performance Art - "Misfit Follies" Showcase - Wed Jan 4 at 7 pm SLT!

This week at the Misfit Forest Theater
Wed Jan 4 at 7 pm SLT
Misfit Dance & Performance Art presents :

  " Misfit Follies  ~  a Showcase of Theater Dance Art "

Show time is 7 pm SL with pre-show music starting at 6:30 pm SL
Please arrive early to guarantee your seat

We have a fun line up of amazing music &  story dance numbers for you - Come join the fun! 

This weeks Playbill:

"The Visit ( Give Me Love ) "
"Cinco de Julio"
"Peeping Tom "
"The Spider's Heart" *featuring Miny as "the spider"!*
"Queens of DeNile"
"HooRay for Hollywood ( with King Kong! ) " 
 & finally
"The Crown Dance -  our wonderland tribute to David Bowie". 

Stick around after the show to Group Dance with the Misfits ~  Great fun!

Misfit Dance & Performance Art  ~  Prepare to be delighted.

Contact JenzZa Misfit for more information.

Friday, December 30, 2016

We found this -- now what do we DO with it? --- "Right -- Edit and POST IT".......said Lanai, our fearless leader.

The worst New Year Resolutions Ever – SL Anonymous
Every year people insist on coming up with new year resolutions that get shelved for the following year just to fit in with other morons who have goals they never accomplish. Let’s start from the top.
  1. Lose Weight
Ok unless your doctor tells you that they will need to transport you to a truck yard to get your true cargo weight, you are borderline diabetic, full blown diabetic, or a heart attack waiting to happen… don’t bother putting this on your to do list.
Ladies if you are trying to fit in with all those airbrushed celebrities on the cover of magazines, Here is a simpler solution to achieving your goal. 1. take a pic and photoshop the hell out of it or raise your  selfie stick way up in the air and do an aerial shot to avoid any evidence of a double chin, run it through a couple PS filters and booom! Instant beauty queen for your profile pic.
Guys, if you are a little round in the middle move your selfie stick up above your sternum if you can find it and tilt the camera to catch a glimpse of a chiseled jawline, crack a smile and snap, or you can sift through old high school varsity photos and pass it off as recent OR just use someone else’s photo, just make sure it's not a celebrity. You want to at least be believable. Most people in Second Life believe a photo even if your voice sounds like you smoke 50 packs a day with bronchitis.
  1. Make More Money
You can do this in a variety of ways without actually leaving your low paying job or the comfort of your couch on public assistance. If you are bleeding the government, simply have one child per year for a raise. Use whatever is left after buying your alcohol and cigarettes on tiers for a bigger parcel and some super kick ass mesh gear!
  1. Break up with your gold digging significant other, time it right around the holidays and save a few bucks.
  2. Move back in with your parents or random family members who won't notice you there.
  3. Find the best ramen soup recipes on the internet. You could totally eat like a king on a 45 cent daily budget.
  4. Start up your own webcam porno. Hey….there is something freaky for everyone, charge extra to smear yourself with condiments. Just don’t buy them. You can totally get them for free at your local Mcdonald's.

  1. Apologize to the people you upset
That doesn’t go for all the people you pissed off in 2016, give them an advance apologize and go on being a total douche for 2017. Nothing is more satisfying them being your shameless self until someone knocks you out and you find Jesus.
  1. Quit Smoking
Do away with cigarettes. Those are old school. Get a vape, fill it with marijuana and kick the nicotine. If it is crack you smoke… yea maybe switch back to bumming cigarettes from random smokers until you’ve exhausted everyone’s  generosity. But really this one usually doesn’t happen until you die a terrible death from lung, throat and mouth cancer. Stick it out until then, you mobile chimney.
  1. Get Organized
Listen here, if this wasn’t acquired at a young age when your momma told you to do chores and keep your room clean then you are one hot mess. Who are you kidding. Just kick all the trash you have laying around your house into the nearest closet and spray some Febreeze.  You are only fooling yourself and maybe you just need a well needed, long time coming ass whooping from an organized person who gets anxiety standing in your mess.
  1. Be Happy.
Well you don’t need much for little spurts of happiness if you follow this plan step by step.
Go to the local gas station, buy a lighter and some EZ widers. Visit your local ghetto, approach a thug who smells like pot, wave 10 bucks, do an illegal drug exchange and go find the nearest dumpster to stand behind and smoke a nice joint.** Summary -----

These are prolly the WORST ways to go into 2017 --- but nowhere will you find more honesty in reporting and opinion that what ends up on the cutting floor of the SL Enquirer.

From the owners and staff of we want to wish you and yours the BEST in 2017 and beyond.
Set out your plan -- see it through and say hi to us out in the grid, we’d love to hear from you.
--- Menacier Fiertze for Lanai Jarrico - SL Enquirer -- taking a long hard toke…….ahhhhhhh
** for entertainment (reading) purposes only

Thursday, December 29, 2016

GiZzA Creations Knows what is Hot for Winter– Camury Reporting

Get ready for the coldest month of the season with a sporty and cozy looks.  Winter is here and  SL designers worked hard for this season’s collections. Gizza Creations is one such fashion destination that has filled plenty of wardrobes for years. So, let’s get to shopping!

Those who love and follow the trends of fashion consider winter the most glamorous of the year. It is during this time of the year that coats, beanies, gloves and boots come out of the inventory to accessorize.

Just as in the Autumn, furs are going to dominant the look of winter. You will find this trend in full pieces, such as jackets and vests, as well as detailed fur shoes and handbags.

 Silver and gold is one of the biggest trends this season. These metallics are perfect for  brightening up the sober looks of the season. Long coats, bodies, boots, skirts, etc. It definietly brinsg on the bling with the application of lurex and sequins.

 Coats are a must to combat the cold.  It you don’t want all the padding and bulk, a nice knit sweater works too!  arrive at parties in the cropped and maxi models, showing that the classical trend of the season can also be refined. In addition to these items, dresses and knit skirts are also great choices for that warm and cozy look.

Other trends that are popular this season are stripes and plaid. Those patterns will continue to be featured in winter.  If you like this style. You will find skirts, blouses, pants and dresses to add to your wardrobe.

The total black look can be sleek, sexy and worn in many occassions.  Accessories give all black that extra kick needed to create your own personal goth or classic look.
Take your gothic outfits out of the closet and use and abuse of the black color. Black is the main color in this trend!

It is very common for  avatars to be spotted with underwear showing.For example,  in the bars, clubs and adult hangouts where clothing is optional.  Believe it or not, lingerie is trendy any time of year. We're going to see sensual laces and bras made to be displayed. From the vintage and classic to the contemporary- Silk, satin , lace and velvet in pajamas, robes, tops and kimonos. A nice pair of heels for the ladies or some body art for the men, really add to the sexiness.

 This season just like every year, scarves are an essential accessory. Enjoy this little charm to brighten your winter look. Just make sure it works with the rest of your winter ensamble.

 Hats are a trend in the winter fashion and they are part of the favorite accessories of several men and women. It can be a tricky accessory for woman when using hairstyle that seem to poke through the seems.  What better excuse is there to shop for hair that works with a hat!

Who doesn’t like a good pair of boots. This is one of the strongest trends of the year for men and women.  Here are the models that we selected for you.  Whether they are thigh highs, mid calves or ankle  boots- there is definietly a pair in second life perfect for the ladies! Guys, there are great boots for you too!

Enjoy doing your winter fashion shopping. Mix and match these ideas and find your own style.

Additional Information:
The photos that illustrate this article were borrowed from Gizza Creations Mainstore:

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

GizzA Creations - Cheryl Blazers With Belt.

Looking for a casual chic look for coming festivities? Look no further, GizzA is proud to present GizzA - Cheryl Blazers With Belt.

A wrap around blazer with small belt gathering together the cloth around your frame. The delicate lace (optional with mesh body appliers) gives the look that certain extra to make you stand out and ooze luxury.

GizzA - Cheryl Blazers With Belt come in 5 color packs, each pack holding 2 additional colors and appliers for either black or cream lace underlay. The belt has the options to select no less then 6 leather colors as well as 3 colors for the metal belt buckle. Fitting sizes available are: Belleza isis, Venus and Freya, Maitreya Lara, Slink Physique and Hourglass and the 5 standard SL mesh sizes.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The one and only SLT converter. You can say goodbye to the time when arranging meetings in Second Life was difficult!

We have created a very revolutionary new product:The best and one and only Second Life Time Converter.

With Easytime You Can:
~first set your time zone
1) select a real life hour and find out what it will be in second life time
2) select a second life hour and find out what it will be in your real life time.
Easy Time will enable you to do at a click what used to take you forever, converting your SLT into RLT and vice versa in half a second.

It is handy for all people of second life and it was designed to work on worldwide time zones.

A must have for all professionals and businesses: CLINICS, CLUBS, CLIENTS, PATIENTS, EVERYDAY PEOPLE

The hud can easily be minimized into a small clock by clicking the arrow. Quick, Smart, Easy and it even looks cool! 

Getting Older Better: Whole Brain Health SIM- Seersha Heart Reporting...

Lynne Berrett  (Lissena aka Wisdomseeker in SL), psychotherapist and coach to writers and artists, has first hand experience dealing with aging individuals.   She gained this insight after she and her husband took care of several older family members.  She observed the effects of dementia on these individuals, and decided she wanted to learn all she could about ways to maintain brain health.  This knowledge is shared with all of us through the Whole Brain Health Program (WBH) on their SIM Inspiration Island in Second Life.  The umbrella organization is a nonprofit called the Ageless Mind Project.  “A vision to help older adults maintain good self care habits, have lives filled with meaning, enjoy many opportunities for creative expression and positive relationships and always continue to learn and grow.”

Who is their target audience?  You may be surprised to learn that they are targeting those who are 50 plus years old.  It may seem an early age to worry about aging problems, but it is the perfect age to gain an awareness of the multiple intelligences each of us have, and work with them to help our individual aging process.  It is the research of Howard Gardner, psychologist and Harvard graduate, that the apply to the activities at their SIM.
Arguing that traditional intelligence measures are too narrow, Howard Gardner developed a theory of multiple intelligences.  ‘With his colleagues at Harvard Graduate School of Education, he established the master’s degree program Mind, Brain and Education.”  His theory is based on our brain’s ability to process information or “computing power”.  It is a natural progression then that each of us pursue the kinds of activities because our brain processes that area well.  In the terms of the WBH notecard ‘because we have “think-ability” or talent in those areas.”  Gardner has defined eight intelligence modalities [abilities] with a ninth under consideration.  These areas are:
  1. Musical-rhythmic and harmonic; also referred to as Musical Intelligence
  2. Visual-spatial
  3. Verbal-linguistic; literary
  4. Logical-mathematical
  5. Bodily-kinesthetic
  6. Interpersonal; social
  7. Intrapersonal; focused inward
  8. Naturalistic; not part of Gardner’s original seven but added after consideration.  A nature focused area
  9. Existential [Proposed]

Gardner assigns equal value to each of these abilities we may possess.  Traditionally we think of language and math as intelligences but ignores many other intelligences we possess.  Whether you believe in multiple intelligences or not, the activities at the WBH SIM will engage you at all levels.  This SIM is laid out with resources that are far easier to use than those at LL Orientation Island.  The first time I walked around the SIM all I could say was “FANTASTIC”.
The SIM is full of notecards and notecard-receiving boxes for ease of interaction.  You may be completely unfamiliar with SL and this SIM will introduce you to the basics of SL with a nice step by step walk through --- a specially designed Orientation Center you can reach by using the teleporter at the center of the SIM.  This is a handy walk through you may visit again at any time to tune up your expertise. One item I found handy for those new to WBH or new to SL is a Buddy System.  There is a board with the names of members of the Collective who will assist and who will answer questions about WBH or SL.

Those familiar with the basics of SL are encouraged to explore the island. Everything there gives you the opportunity to try out a holistic approach to keeping your brain sharp. You do not have to experience it in any particular fashion.  The Multiple Intelligences Experience build was originally created by Zotarah (Zo) Shepard and it is periodically updated/modified by Associate Director Thuja (Tooyaa) Hynes and Media Director Francisco (Fran) Koolhoven.  It is set up using the Gardner eight intelligences in this fashion:

1.    Interpersonal (Social) Intelligence
2.    Visual/Spatial Intelligence
3.    Literary/Linguistic Intelligence
4.    Naturalistic (Nature-focused) Intelligence
5.    Intrapersonal (Inward-focused) Intelligence
6.    Mathematical/Logical Intelligence
7.    Kinesthetic Intelligence
8.    Musical Intelligence

The introduction notecard gives you these recommendations:

  • Here in the Multiple Intelligences Experience (MIE), you will find 8 areas, each highlighting 1 of these categories. They are not arranged in any particular order. There is no hierarchy among intelligences, according to Gardner. They are all equally valid and valuable. [**The MIE is actually a powerful diagnostic tool. It can also help you expand your modes of thinking through action.]

  • Wander around and investigate each area. In front of each is a sign announcing the kind of intelligence you can explore there. Click on the sign for a notecard. 

  • The notecard explains that particular intelligence in more detail and gives you a list of suggested activities to sample right there. 

  • On the notecard are one or more challenges, some of which can earn you rewards.

  • Try at least 3 activities in each of the 8 areas. Which areas are you most attracted to? Which frustrate you fastest? Which feel most familiar to you? Which would you like to develop more?

The note card continues with adding that by trying 3 activities in each of the 8 areas you will identify your strongest affinities.  “Gardner says that we can have high brainpower in more than one area – but a single type of intelligence is still likely to be somewhat stronger than the rest. He also says we all need to cultivate the highest level of intrapersonal (inward-focused) intelligence possible for us, in order to live well in the world today.”

When you visit this sim there is even a HUD to take you around via TP to the various areas.  It is obvious to the visitor that the designers of the SIM took a lot of time to review how to best navigate the SIM.  You may even ride a bike or a skyway tram.  There are several ways to explore this engaging SIM.  You will recognize some of the activities such as a SUDOKO, and other activities will be new to you.  Some activities put a new twist on a familiar look such as one of the Chess Board challenges.  They have regular activities and you can either visit the SIM to use the large interactive calendar or join the group.
Visit WBH for your brain, for your health and for your curiosity.  You will probably learn something and find new resources all over the grid for your interests by using the LMs in their Community Cultural Hub.  Questions are encouraged with the multitude of Drop boxes and their encouragement for messages.  And responses are quick!

Additional Information:
Article Resources Used:
SIM Notecard

Monday, December 26, 2016

Virtual World Business Association Presents A Pre-New Year's Eve Event “Champagne Bubbles”


Virtual World Business Association- - VIRTUALVillage Media and the Virtual World Business Association announce their end of the year holiday event, Champagne Bubbles ~ A Thanks and A Toast!

As 2016 draws to a close, we want to express our sincere appreciation to our members, affiliates and friends for partnering with us and allowing us all to grow together. We raise our glasses to you and toast your growth, and the growth you will all continue to have in the coming year. Exciting gifts and prizes are planned for you through the night as we celebrate, and welcome 2017.

Join us on Friday, December 30, 2016 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM SLT in your best Semi-Formal or Formal attire. Entertainment will be provided by the most versatile DJ in SL, THE BIGTIME! In addition, a free gift will be given to everyone who attends.

The event will be held at the Virtual World Business Association’s Business & Conference Center. For more information, or to receive a personal invitation, please contact GaiaReign Resident or Sanaa Carami directly. Otherwise, we hope to see all of our friends, members, and guests as we say good-bye to 2016.

Virtual World Business Association
Champagne Bubbles Event SLurl:

Contacts: Gaia Mocha Eternal (GaiaReign Resident), Sanaa Carami, Faith Aljon