While venue hopping and sampling the music of the evening, I came across a live performance at Love Kats II. I found a seat near the stage and took in his nostalgic voice. If you grew up in the 90’s, you would appreciate this sound. It takes you back to the days of Alternative rock and Grunge. What a time it was for all music. From covers by Alice in Chains, Incubus and Foo Fighters to Pearl Jam, Audioslave and Nirvana, he had me at “Welcome”.
Ivy Fadel is a singer and songwriter with influences that come from Classic Rock to Post Progressive, with heavy inspiration of Alternative Rock and the Grunge scene. In RL, Ivy has been a vocalist since 2006 in numerous rock and metal bands and is also an executive producer of festivals and music events in his 1st life.
I spent the hour going through his profile for information and reached out to his manager Arisha (arishaflame75). I wasn’t surprised to hear he was new to the SL music scene for about 5 months and was gaining quite the attention. It didn’t take me long to want to meet him for an interview.

Lanai: Hi Ivy, it is a pleasure to meet you. I enjoyed your concert. Your sound is so nostalgic, it brought me back to the 90’s when I was a teen. The music from that time was great and it brought me back to those carefree days. So, where are you from and how did you discover Second Life?
Ivy Fadel: My pleasure, Lanai. Really glad you enjoyed. The "grunge scene" from the 90's. It is one of my biggest influences musically and I try to bring it here. I'm from Minas Gerais state, Brasil. I remember that I heard of Second Life years ago when I was at school. A teacher mentioned it as a new and revolutionary thing. Back then I tried to make an account but got confused and I quit haha. Then, last November I heard of the musical movement in Second Life and came to check. And here I am.
Lanai: I am glad you gave SL another shot. There is no place like it. Outside of Second Life you have an interesting profession as a Cultural policy Consultant. How do you balance it with your music both in real life and SL?

Ivy Fadel: Well, it's really busy work haha. I'm working for six different cities, soon seven. The good part is that a considerable part of the work is done at my home office, so I can work my SL schedule reasonably, most of the time.
Lanai: Gotta love a home office lol. As you know there are a lot of musicians and singers out there with their own unique sound. Can you describe your style and genre to our readers and what music means to you?
Ivy Fadel: Well, I have a variety of musical influences. Brazil is a very musical country, my state even more and my city too. My father is a journalist and was an amateur musician in the 80's. He is really into MPB (Brazilian Popular Music), Rock and Metal. So, I grew up surrounded by music. And my influences come from the MPB, passing to some Latin American classics and, of course, Rock and Metal too. I have been singing since i'm 15 when I started my first Hard Rock/Metal band. Some years passed and I met the grunge scene and started some tribute projects/bands playing songs by bands like Stone Temple Pilots, Pearl Jam, Nirvana. And for years I sang that. Today in RL I'm trying to bring up a Post-Prog project, but here, I'm doing Alternative Rock and Grunge, mostly. Like I used to do in my previous bands. And about the meaning of music? All I can say is that if it wasn't for music and friends, I wouldn't be alive.
Lanai: You truly are a musician with all that background. As a new musician on the grid in Second Life, I must say you have a great manager. Arisha is very experienced in the SL Music scene. I can see you being a sought after musician by the top venues on the grid. How often do you perform in SL?

Ivy Fadel: I'm really glad I met Arisha in my first days here. If it wasn't for her, I probably would not be singing in SL today. She taught me everything about Second Life. And besides being my manager she is one of the most human, kind and friendly persons I ever met. She is a gift SL gave me! And I wasn't expecting the amount of venues and shows I'm having so soon. I've been singing for 5 months now and there are weeks that I'm absolutely busy doing shows. Music is my real passion so, I try to sing as much as I can and really happy to do it a lot here hahaha

Lanai:I agree, she is and has done a lot for musicians in SL. I love your enthusiasm about performing and music.It shows in your performances. Do you have a calendar and group fans can join for the Ivy Fadel experience?
Ivy Fadel: Yes, I have a calendar, SL group, subscribo and facebook profile and group.
Ivy Fadel: Calendar here are the links.
Ivy Fadel: Group:
Ivy Fadel: SL Group:

Lanai: Thank you for the link drops! So, when you aren’t working or performing what other things do you like to do in Second Life?
Ivy Fadel: When I'm not performing, 99% of the time in SL I'm listening to other performers with friends or even alone. Well, sometimes I lose at some games or complain about the games to my Audiohouse family too haha. My thing here is music and knowing people.
Lanai: Being new to Second Life, I know it had to be a little confusing at first but now that you’ve been here for a few months, Would you say SL is a game or an extension of your real life?

Ivy Fadel: Definitely not a game. First I thought SL was a social media like any other, but with graphics. But when I really entered, I realized it's really an extension of real life. People here are real. What they do, what they say directly other people's feelings, behavior, reality, so there's no other way to define it.
Lanai: Well said Ivy. Thank you for sharing your gift with us in Second Life and taking the time out of your busy day to chat with The SL Enquirer. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Ivy Fadel: It's a real pleasure talking to you, Lanai. And it's a real pleasure to have the opportunity to know people from all over the world here. Before I entered, seeing social media and Internet relations as it goes, I had some fears about SL. Sincerely I was expecting to have to deal with a bunch of internet trolls haha. But no. SL has given me the opportunity to make new friends from the Netherlands, Canada, UK, USA, Germany, Philippines, Portugal... It's unbelievable! It has given me the opportunity to meet amazing musicians, it has given me a new family in my home club Synful Audiohouse and the Audiohouse performers and staff that are like a brotherhood, a family, there's no other word. I'll not mentioning names to avoid the risk of forgetting important people haha. I believe in the force of art and in the force of our capacity of creating bonds with people to succeed as humans. And we are at a place that opens that possibility even more. Enjoy it. More than that? It's been and will be a pleasure to meet and sing
for you all in the grid - and outside of it!
Additional Information:
Ivy’s Performance Calendar
Ivy Fadel: Facebook Group:
Ivy Fadel: SL Group: