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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at
Showing posts with label horseback riding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horseback riding. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2024

Spotlight Feature on Blue Ridge Country- This Place is a Country Song waiting to Happen- Lanai jarrico Reporting...


“Hillbilly” music originated in the Southern regions of the United States in the 1920’s and focused on story telling in ballads and dance tunes. In the 40’s this genre gained popularity the term Country Music was adopted; also known as Honky-Tonk, Bluegrass, folk and gospel and crossing over into. The musical instruments commonly played are fiddles, banjos and various types of guitar coupled with line dancing.


 In Second Life, Blue Ridge Country is a venue dedicated to Country music and rock.  It is a place where friends and good times are what it’s all about.  Visitors can Rock the Dock on Saturdays with a whole day of rock.  For those that like playing games, there is a Game room, Water horse rezzers and trails to ride on. There are also boat rezzers and an open water area to enjoy as well as Stores to shop.  The SL Enquirer met up with owner Hannock Evergarden to learn more about Blue Ridge Country and what it has to offer Country Fans gridwide.

Interview with Hannock Evergarden

SLE: Hi Hannock, before we get down to the nitty gritty, can you tell us how you discovered Second life and what inspired you to create Blue Ridge Country?

Hannock: I encountered SL almost 11 years ago. It was just a curiosity, and I had no intention of staying long term, but I discovered friends and fun destinations that intrigued me. I found a few fun clubs and from the start I had a fascination with some day starting my own. I had left Sl for a while and found many of the clubs and friends had disappeared. It was during Covid that I found my way back in and looked for a club I could call home. At the time I was not all that familiar with country music but found a love for it along with many new friends. After about a year I became interested in becoming a DJ and absorbed all I could from my favorites.  It was through the help of many close friends that happened to be DJ’s that I learned the ropes and as of 5/22 I performed my first set as a DJ and the rest is history.  I learned a lot about how a club works and eventually became part owner of a well-established country club. After about a year I started toying with the idea of starting my own club.  Lola and myself started from scratch and built a country club based on the Appalachian Mountains on a ¼ region. On September 1 2023, Blue Ridge Country opened with only 3 sets per day for 5 days. We only had 7 DJ’s and 7 Hosts.  Within 2 months we grew to 27 DJ’s and 27 Hosts and with 4 sets per day 7 days per week.  

  On 3/1/24 Blue Ridge Country moved to a whole region with an adjoining sim wide open water area. Blue Ridge continues to grow with hopes of expanding sets from 6AM – 10PM. 

Lanai: Your backstory is impressive. It shows with hard work and the right people in your circle to really manifest your vision into virtual reality!  Every successful venue has a solid team, can you share who makes up your team and what their roles are?

Hannock:  Hannock and Lola Evergarden – owners

                 Ange Blackwell – General Manager

                 Myth Blackwell   - General Manager

                 Rayn Vortex – Day Manager

                 Jessie Demure – Schedule Manager

Lanai: It looks like you have management covered! Country music is gaining popularity amongst the millennials and Gen Z as new talents hit the recording studios and popular singers Like Beyonce coming out with a whole Country Album. What does Country Music mean to you and how do you feel about other artists crossing over to the genre? 

Hannock:  I came from a rock background and knew very little about country music before I became a DJ. I learned quickly from other DJ’s and binged all the popular country songs on my music app and listened to them every day and downloaded everything that appealed to me. I never play a song that I do not like.  Country music has now become my favorite music genre and I get excited finding new songs every day.

Lanai: I like how motivated you are to try new things and really get involved in Country music so quickly. What type of events do you host at BRC?

Hannock: We have future RFL events in the planning stage. We have a racetrack skybox that we will soon be having competitions. Live singers are being approached and we hope to host a live event in the near future. 

SLE: That sounds like fun! Are you currently hiring? If so, what positions are you offering?

Hannock: We are always looking for good energetic DJ’s and Hosts. Many of our sets are covered but we always need cover DJ’s and Hosts as well as hoping to expand our sets in the mornings. 

SLE: Aside from live shows and DJ events, what other activities do you offer at Blue Ridge Country?

Hannock: Blue Ridge country has several stores with owners that would be happy to create something personal for you. We have an open water area with boat rezzers, bumper boats, kayaks, canoes and jet skis. Islands to explore, a huge tree house with several levels, cuddle spots and plenty of scenic photo opportunities. We have a trail that surrounds the region and horse rezzers to take a casual stroll around to see the mountainous sites. There is a beach area where occasional music sets are located. The huge club can accommodate over 100 vips with a massive game room upstairs. 

SLE: it sounds like a little something for everyone.  What group can guests join to stay up to date with your events?

Hannock: Blue Ridge Country, we also have subscribers if you are out of group space. 

SLE:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers about BRC?

Hannock: We are a family friendly club where our number one goal is having fun and making friends. Blue Ridge Country will never have a sploder or linden chasers, we prefer genuine folks that enjoy good country music, good friends and a good time. Blue Ridge Country wants to be your club and a place anyone can call home. 

Additional Links:



Monday, January 30, 2023


In my travels about the SecondLife ® grid, I often get to be one of the first folks to see new builds or revivals of old builds.  I never cease to be amazed at the creativity and imagination of SL residents.  This week my travels took me to a beautiful Romance Sim, Anoron.  Owned and built by Elysa Swansong, she hired landscaper Ty Silvercloud to add the finishing touches and to help pull together the separate areas into a comprehensive Romance Build.  

Josh (Th0mas1 Bellic) JB:   So then...what is Anoron all about?

Elysa Swansong (ES):   Anoron is, first and foremost, a romantic park, where people can come and explore, dance, and cuddle. The overall scheme was to have lots of places to explore and roam, and then little areas to sit and cuddle or dance, and even in some places be intimate.

JB:   Tell me, please. What makes this sim different from the others that
are out there?

ES:    The first thing that comes to mind is our couples Intan. We have 168 dances in it, carefully sorted into tags for those that use the FerventMe! Hud. We may have more couples dances than anyone on the grid! Also, our Solo dances include belly dance, Latin dance, and hula dance. But aside from that, every park and romance sim out there is the vision of their creator, and Anoron is *my* vision, *my* way of giving back, or
*my* way of creating something for others to enjoy.

Ty Silvercloud (TS):  One of the most unusual things about Anoron is how well-visited it is. It's unusual for a roleplay sim to have this many visitors. And Elysa went above and beyond to create areas of interest with things to do

JB:   Could you share some of the interesting things that visitors and
guests can do at Anoron?

ES:    Dance! There are places for couples dancing all over the sim and in the
sky destinations. For the fantasy inclined, we have Stonehenge, 2 hobbit homes, a fairy cottage, and a pixie crossing. We have rezzable Water Horses for horseback riding, and a sim-sized Riding Trails sky platform created specifically for riding. You can have your future read at the tarot table in the gypsy camp or the Mystic Parlor (above the Black
Flagon Tavern). There’s a mermaid lagoon and grotto, 2 palaces to explore, Catacombs , and a vampire mansion.

TS:   Definitely! The Balloon ride for one. I love a good balloon ride. The club, the cuddle spots, the mermaid water world, the catacombs, and the different areas where people can meet up and do their role play. 

JB:   As a matter of fact, I took a lovely guided area tour balloon ride when I first came to visit the other day.  Would you recommend that to all visitors?

ES:    Absolutely! Newcomers should definitely take the narrated tour. There are lots of different areas in the park, and it will give them a great overview. And the silent tour is perfect for any couple who wants to leave the world behind and float above the park together for as long as they like.

JB:   Tell us about some of the areas we saw from the Balloon.

ES:    There’s a lovely little gazebo over the water, not far from the balloon landing, for couples to dance. There’s a campfire and beach furniture by the tall waterfalls. There’s a lovely lake with an island in the center, reachable by two bridges. The bridges  themselves are animated and you can sit and relax, read, or cuddle. Tucked away to one side of the park is the Enchanted Valley with hobbit homes. There’s a Temple on the hill with cushions for meditation, and of course, couples dancing. The Amethyst Gazebo is above the mermaid lagoon.

TS:  I think the balloon ride gives you a great view of the multitude of activities you can find on the ground. There are so many and after the ride, I'd recommend going on a horseback ride trip around the sim to get a closer look. Especially the cuddle spots

JB:   I see Bulls n Babes Black Gentlemen’s Club.  What do they do there?
What makes them unique on a grid full of clubs?

ES:    Bulls ‘n Babes is a sex and social club in a skybox in the SW corner of the sim. The club is for those with a preference for the BBC (big black c*ck) lifestyle... black men and the women who love them. They have events in the Tiki Lounge sometimes, as it’s on the parcel created for the club, but the Tiki Lounge and Lagoon are in fact part of the park.

JB:   Tell me about the Catacombs.  What can we find there?

ES:    The Catacombs start at the Cthulhu entrance, and a tunnel system takes you to various caverns. There’s the Petra Chamber with its Grim Watchers, a kind of creepy cemetery, a dungeon, and a Ritual Turning Chamber. There is also a secret passageway that leads from the Catacombs up to the Lost Souls Manor, a vampire mansion.

JB:   Was that a gypsy wagon I saw from the air?

ES:    It was! There’s a small gypsy camp tucked away in the trees. There’s a tarot table, a dance area, and some seating inside the wagons.

JB:   And what is Stonehenge all about?

TS:  Well Stonehenge, and in particular this version of it which is a terrific build from Two Moon Gardens, is a mythical place. I think anyone who's visited the place in real life will agree that it has an air of mysticism to it... ancient beliefs, sorcery, druid magic even. And on the Anoron sim and in that particular area that atmosphere has been replicated very well in my opinion. A place for reflection and a place to connect with the echoes of ancient voices.  

ES:    Stonehenge is, of course, a mockup of the real Stonehenge, with the difference that a) it’s virtual, and b) you can actually get close enough to touch it, and sit on the lintels! There’s a campfire, and the small revolving statues are for group dancing. There are also some meditation sites in some of the lintels.

JB:   Do you have plans for future development here?  Anything you will
be adding in the weeks and months ahead?

ES:    Not really, it’s pretty complete at this time. I may be tweaking a bit or adding furnishings here and there. We are, however, seeking DJs to come play at the park, and hope to have a nice lineup of entertainment. We’re also planning some themed events, such as an Alice in Wonderland dance, a vampire ball in the Lost Souls Manor ballroom, and so forth.

JB:   Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

ES:    The music stream for the park is my own internet radio station, The Best of Lady Elysa. Besides in SL, it’s available on Tune-In and can even be played by Alexa.

I’m also a romance novelist in RL, with 10 books published so far, available as ebook, paperback, or hardcover on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and as an ebook on Apple, Kobo, and Google Play. Check them out at You can also see the book covers on the photo board in the park’s Welcome Center.

So, for the finest in Romance RP, or just for an entertaining date with that special someone…go check out Anoron at the SURL below.  Tell ‘em Josh sent ya!

Be there!  Aloha!!






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Monday, January 2, 2023

Raven Hollow Equestrian Riding Club Tuesdays at 5pm SLT


We meet at Raven Hollow Equestrian every Tuesday @ 5pm SLT before heading out on fun & relaxing trail ride adventures lead by our trusted trail guide, Gwen! 

Teegle Avatar & Newcomer friendly as we ensure there are rez rights and/or horse rezzers wherever we may go!


About Us:
Gorgeous, family-oriented horse boarding & event facility, offering one of the most realistic equestrian experiences in SL.

[X] NO fantasy

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Come horse around at Copacabana Country Campground

At Copacabana Country Campgrounds we want you to have the best experience possible and involve the whole family. If you’ve ever gone on vacation and thought “I wish I could bring my horse” We have the solution you’ve been looking for in Second Life!

We are proud to announce the addition of Daneko Equestrian center to the Coapcabana Country Campground sim. At Daneko Ranch you can board your horse, learn to ride, get basic medical attention if needed and much more!

Located in the South East corner, near the lake, the equestrian center is run by Dali Daneko and her family. It’s fully equipped with anything your horse may need and is completely free to campers! They even offer trail rides and training for your horse!

You can contact Dali Daneko (DaliDaneko) for information about getting your horse a stall while you are staying at Copacabana Country and be sure to check out all the other fun activities we have to offer! Everything from Archery to a Zipline and even weekly activities such as campfire stories and family movie night!

Copacabana Country is the perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We offer various sized campsite and even luxury cabins at an affordable 1.5L per prim!
Come on over and make yourself at home! You can join our visitors group to keep up with everything we do! For more information check out our website or contact jadey (jadeylynn) or Pen (arthuris1974) Dragon.

Group: secondlife:///app/group/2545eaab-814b-289d-a06a-8725da4309ba/about

Friday, March 9, 2018

Lost Spirits Retreat - Spring Season - Horse Riding and Homes

LSR is a relaxing sim that is oriented towards those that want to spend time with nature and their horse. PasturePets  welcome!

We have Skiing, Ice skating, trail riding,  jumping and rentable homes! Roleplaying, Furry, Equestrians, animals welcome !

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Announcing Dragons Landing Grand Opening July 25th 12pm SLT


 **********Dragons Landing*********
       ★  Features ★
            Lovers Park 
               Beach Dance Club
                    Beach activities
                       Jest ski's and boat rezzers
 on the  Gulf waters of linden.
              Table Games ( found by cafe )
             Free Horse Rezzer Located about land.
            More coming!
    Please See Agent to rent.
1. Apartments. 50 prims / 100l's weekly / furnished
( semi private )

2. Beach huts. 75 prims / 200L's
3. Lil cottages 200 prims / 450L's
4. Canopies 250 prims / 550L's
5 Maison Ville 300 prims / 650L's
6. Hill top  350 Prims / 750L's
     ☞    Yes there are a few rules to follow

1)Nudity in your housing rental ONLY, wear swim clothes or bikini / skimpy ok, no personal parts showing. ( Parent child Role play is permitted.) " NOT FOR SEX ROLE PLAY!!!"<-- this will get you Banned!

2) No Biting ( Soliciting of clan will get you banned)

3) No Pushing ( New comer sims , some bumping may occur)

4) No Soliciting

5) No Harassing others ( any kind of griefing will not be tolerated)

6) Hate crimes, bashing , prejudice , or griefing of any kind will not be tolerated. ZERO TOLERANCE! Cause for permanent Banding.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Discovering Wild Texas Rose- Justice Brentley Reporting...

I am very excited that I found this place in Second Life called the Wild Texas Rose.  Entering into the sim for the first time, I  felt like time had turned back. The old western theme at the Wild Texas Rose has many things to offer, like horseback riding on the trails or right on into town.

While you are in the town, check out the saloon where you can ride the mechanical bull and horse while listening to all the greatest tunes from  DJ's.
 Wild Texas Rose has rooms for rent as if you were back in that era.  You and your partner can even ride in the carriage around town. 

You better watch the sky's though!  You never know when a tornado will blow through. With the storm animations all in motion, it brings some realistic weather effects to Second Life.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Spring Into Action!!!! Warm Weather fun at Aero Pines Park!- Nehem Resident Reporting...

As we leap into April, many of us still feel ourselves shaking off the winter chill. We often trapped inside, and long for the warmth of spring. The wait is over! 

What is more lovely in the spring than a walk in the park? Aero Pines Park offers just that, and more. It is a massive 6 year old sim with a wide range of activities including: horseback riding, canoeing, balloon rides, and horse drawn carriage rides. 

When you teleport into the park, you are greeted by the Aero Pines Park recreation area sign. Click this Sign for a detailed brochure full of landmarks and information on the many activities featured in this lovely sim. I stopped at several of these amazing spots and had a blast along the way!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Spotlight on Seagull Island Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Seagull Islands estate logo/info

Second Life© is an amazing place. It allows for connections that may not have been made otherwise. One of the reasons Second Life draws me back after so many years is the many people I encounter and the creative minds that contribute to this pixel world.

Hidden amongst the chain of islands that speckle the grid is a place called Seagull Island. Inspired by the beauty of nature and the serenity of a peaceful retreat, Angel Baxter and Balthasar Trebuchet together create an escape and a green landscape with hidden treasures for all to explore.

Seagull Mountain Lodge