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Showing posts with label Erik Goff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Erik Goff. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2019

GeekSpeak – how close are we to a nuclear war? Join the discussion on Saturday July 27th at 12pm SLT

Nowadays most of us are less worried about nuclear weapons than we were in the last century.  But is that reasonable?  The danger is still there.  Any conventional war could become a nuclear war.  As nuclear weapons spread, more and more countries could start a nuclear war.  

Would it be possible for terrorists to start one, either by making nuclear weapons or by hacking into command codes?  Could a nuclear war start by sheer accident?

Where will this happen?  What are the danger areas?  And what will happen in the aftermath?  Will we completely destroy the planet, or will the nuking stop after the first 10 or so?

Would we be safer if all countries had nukes, or if none did?  Are there ways to stop this madness?  Come and discuss total annihilation.  Bring your lead radiation suit.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

GeekSpeak – what if we were the only life in the universe? Join the discusion July 13th at 12pm SLT

Let’s suppose we could somehow scientifically prove that there are no aliens in the rest of the universe?  Would we lose interest in space exploration?  Or would you try harder to explore the universe in order to establish new human colonies?

Would it be our duty to take life out into the galaxy?  Or would we see it as our duty to keep life on Earth forever?

What religious implications would such a discovery have?  Would we fly out into the galaxy to find out what we could learn?  Or stay here and keep safe?

What would you do? Go out and explore?  Or stay here and do the best you can?

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

GeekSpeak – will humans have extra senses in the future? Join the discussion Saturday 6th July at 12pm SLT

Are we approaching a transhumanist future where we will have new senses?  Given DNA modification and technology, will we sense radiation, UV light, magnetic fields, the gravity of the moon?  Will our ordinary senses be enhanced so that we can navigate by means of sonar, slow down time so we can hear the songs of birds, smell as well as dogs?

A connection with AI will give us extra information.  At what point does the extra information become a true new sense?  Will we begin to be able to sense houses for sale, or sense how old our food is or sense if it is going to rain in a few seconds?

Do we need new senses? Do we want them?  What are the drawbacks? What will happen to the people who do not have the new senses? Will they be the ones that survive after sensemageddon?  Come and discuss your future self!

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for future subjects.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

GeekSpeak – is our species facing extinction in this century? Join the discussion Saturday June 22nd at 12pm SLT

Recently a report came out that stated that we will be extinct in 2050.  Could that really happen?  What threatens us?  The death of insects, climate change, nuclear war, new diseases?  What other threats can you think of? 

Do you worry about extinction?  Or do you think we can correct every problem, bring back the insects, put the carbon back in the ground? 

There are 7 billion of us.  Are we really in danger of extinction?  Are all forms of life on earth in danger, even the most numerous?  Will we all die out together?  Which species will go extinct first, mice or men?  Come and talk about extinction at GeekSpeak.  Bring a mouse, we need its opinion too.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any suggestions for future subjects.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

GeekSpeak – will the world ever be one country? Join the discussion Saturday June 15th 12pm SLT

Do you look forward to a time when the world will be just one state, with one government?  Or do you think there will always be borders between countries, however much the world may change in other ways?

Would a world government be a good thing?  It might mean the end of war.  But it could also mean a world with an evil government that could not be escaped.  Maybe we need different countries just so that we have some choice about the culture and laws we live by.  

Maybe you think that human nature dictates that there will always be different states that are sometimes hostile to each other.  Even if we achieve a world government on Earth that unity might not last when we set up colonies on other planets.  Will we end up living in a Star Trek universe, where each planet has a world government, but the planets are not united?

Come and discuss borders and how to get rid of them, or keep them.  Bring your red pills.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any suggestions for new subjects.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

GeekSpeak – the decline of the USA - Join the discussion June 8th at 12pm SLT

Many people today think that the USA is losing on the international stage.  Is the American empire crumbling? How long will it be before the USA loses its prime position?  Who will take over as the most important country?

Can the position of the USA be saved?  What changes are needed?  What do you think we can do to save the primacy of America?  Or should we accept the decline of America?  Will the world be better post-America?

Come and discuss the future of the greatest nation on earth!

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

GeekSpeak – will China rule the world 10 years from now? Join the discussion May 18th at 12pm SLT

Let’s talk about China. Where is it going?  Will it be taking the lead in technology in a few years’ time?  How will world trade change when China completes its new network of land and sea trade routes (the belt and road initiative).  Will other countries become more like China as it grows more powerful?  Should we all be learning Mandarin?
What about the dark side of China?  The forced abortions, the re-education camps, the disappearances and killings, the constant monitoring, the social scores.  Would you like to live in China, or do you think China is an Orwellian horror show?  Are you frightened when you think of China ruling the world?
Or do you think China’s economy will collapse and there will be a revolution?  Maybe that possibility is equally frightening.
IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, May 10, 2019

GeekSpeak - is it time we turned to the sea for resources? Join the discussion Saturday May 11th at 12pm SLT

Technological progress has made it possible to plan for deep sea mining, mining for resources at the bottom of the sea or mining the sea water itself for minerals, for gold or for salt.  We can also use the sea for solar energy platforms.  We can harvest seaweeds and plankton.

What effect will this have on landbased nations? Will such harvesting in international waters be allowed?  Will we change the laws on international waters?  Will there be wars over the use of the sea?  Will seasteading (living on the sea) be allowed?  Will it lead to new sea nations?

What effect will using the sea have on marine ecosystems?  Will it solve our resource problems?  Will it lead to new problems?

Come and discuss the deep blue sea.  Bring a lifeboat.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

GeekSpeak – 5G is coming! 5G is coming! Join the discussion Saturday April 20th at 12pm SLT

5G is coming.  What will that mean?  Will we all get fried by the data streams in the air, or will it usher in a whole new era?

What are the advantages of superfast data?  Will it enable thousands of drones to be in the air together?  Will it mean that self-driving cars finally take off?  Personalised ads on every corner wherever you walk?  Will it mean that everyone can look you up on Facebook before you walk around the corner?  Will every city be a forest of antennae?  

What new developments can you think of?  How will human behaviour change once we are always online at high speed?  Will we ever want to go back?  Will we be able to?

Do you look forward to the new world?  Or does it frighten you?  Discuss the future with us at GeekSpeak.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas for new subjects.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

GeekSpeak: Should we actively try to contact aliens? Join the discussion Saturday April 13th at 12pm SLT

Since there is so much space to cover and we don’t know where to look for alien intelligence, it may not be practical to send out signals.  But, what if the ‘zoo hypothesis’ is correct?  What if aliens know that we are here and are keeping us in a zoo?  Maybe because they don’t want to interfere with our evolution. Maybe because they don’t want us to infect the rest of the universe with our evil.  Maybe because they are carrying out a scientific study of our planet.  If we are really in a zoo, then trying to get their attention might make sense.

On the other hand, would you be comfortable with sending signals out into space, knowing that the receivers may not be friendly?  Would we be sending out a lunch menu?  Should we impose radio silence and prevent signals from leaving the solar system?  Or is it too late?  Have we already invited them to invade us?

Or maybe broadcasting to the universe will mean we are invited to join a great galactic society?  Come and discuss the problem.  Bring a satellite dish.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

GeekSpeak – modern money theory- Join the discussion Saturday March 30th at 12pm SLT

These days in politics the term ‘modern money theory’ (MMT) pops up now and then.  Basically, it means solving economic problems by printing money.  Why are we doing that and why is it doomed to fail?  If you live in Europe you may not realise that your money lost a lot of its value last week.  What will happen in the future?  Will we end up like Venezuela or will we be able to stop the loss of value before it gets out of hand?  

We may see bread lines in America soon.  Anything is possible and, if you are not paying attention and not being careful, you could be standing in a bread line yourself.  So come and discuss the quality of our money, our oxygen, in GeekSpeak.  Bring all your glass beads.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

GeekSpeak – What would be the best thing that could happen to humanity? Join the discussion March 23rd at 12pm SLT

This week we will look at the future through rose-tinted glasses and discuss the positive things that could happen to us.  What single event, what single change, will improve all our lives most?  Use your imagination and tell us what you hope for.

Nuclear fusion?  A movie that turns everyone into vegetarians?  Vulcans landing on the earth?  Being able to stop the extinction of animal and plant species?  A cure for all diseases?  The end to all religion?  The elixir of life?  Telepathy?  A colony on Mars?

You decide what you hope for most and what you expect to happen.  Tell us also what the timeline is.  When is it likely to happen?  Bring your notebook.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

GeekSpeak: how will humanity end? Join the discussion on March 16th at noon SLT

What fate do you most fear for our species?  Do you see the earth being destroyed by an asteroid or a solar flare, a black hole or collision with a rogue planet?  Or will we die a slow, agonizing death from a killer virus?  Or cause our own demise by a worldwide nuclear war?  Or will we slowly die out simply because we lack the will to survive or have children?

Most people expect that humanity will one day give way to another species.  How will that happen?  And what species will it be?  Will we maybe give way to our own AI creations and see them take over the world?

What fate are you most afraid of?  Or do you think that somehow some of us will always survive?  Come and discuss all the ways to our end, on this blue marble in space.  Bring an umbrella.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

GeekSpeak – The Logistics of Space- Join the discussion Saturday March 2nd at 12pm SLT

Soon we will start building in space and on the moon and Mars.  What will our bases and space stations look like?  What will they be made of?  It will be hard to make plastics on the moon, but aluminium is very common and it will be simple to make concrete from moon dust.  Water and iron are easy to find on asteroids.  Will future space stations be made entirely of iron?  Or ice?

This week we will try to imagine how future space locations will look when they are built and maintained from the local resources: ISRU (in-situ resource utilization).  They may look very different from the ones we see in science fiction.  Would you rather live in a metal base or an ice base?

What materials will we always need from Earth?  And what materials will people in space send back to Earth?  Discover the silk road of the future with us.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Spotlight on Geek Speak - Discussions on everything from Quantum Theory to Artificial Intelligence- Pen Dragon Reporting...

The quest for knowledge and understanding is one of the most noble endeavors we can embark upon. Many find their passion for learning in history, mathematics or the study of society and some delve into science. But what if your curiosity is more far reaching? What if you prefer to discuss theoretical possibilities, everything from Quantum theory to  Artificial Intelligence or even the future of money? If your desire is to learn and discuss a wide variety of interesting and intellectual topics with others who share your thirst, then Geek Speak is for you.

Geek Speak is a weekly discussion with a wide and varying range of topics. The discussion is held every Saturday at noon SLT and is sure to have a lively and in depth conversation on topics that range from surviving climate change, alien life, avoiding a collision with asteroids and understanding the future. The discussion is led by Erik Goff and organized by his close friends and team of Kathen Ohtobide and Vulcan Viper. For the last eight years these three have worked on various education programs, starting with their project Edutopia, teaching classes like Astronomy, Chinese and Portuguese.

The SL Enquirer had the opportunity to sit down with all three of the minds behind Geek Speak recently, what follows is that interview.

SLE: What drew you all to educational classes?
Erik Goff: Because I did everything else already in sl lol.  I,with the team, had casinos, building companies, a job agency, a bank....Edutopia basically started because |I had some free land and I wanted to give something back to the community.

SLE: What is each of your roles in producing Geek Speak?
Vulcan Viper: Erik is the one to craft the introductory text after we have decided on a topic.
Erik Goff: We do not have any defined roles.  Well, I am the chairman, but that is about it.  We just brainstorm a new subject each week and then discuss if it is suitable for the event.
Vulcan Viper: I do think we have roles, if not officially agreed upon. Just things we sort of ended up doing.
Erik Goff: For example, we will not do quantum physics, however interesting that may seem..  it is just that nobody in the public will have anything useful to say about the subject... at least, we thought so... because we tried it once and i was overwhelmed by the vast knowledge of the public.
Kathen Ohtobide: we try not to do things that are too technical and we try to stick to subjects that can be discussed. Some topics are very interesting but there is not much to discuss.
Erik Goff: Yes, and subjects that are in the actuality.  So for example; last week we did the 'rapid disappearing of insects worldwide.”

SLE: For the topics you discuss, do you spend a lot of time researching?
Erik Goff: I usually watch youtube a few hours about the subject before a geekspeak session.

SLE: What drives you to choose the topics that you choose?
Erik Goff: Well, I like to nudge the world into a better direction.  so fairly often I also will propose subjects that do just that. We try to stay out pure politics but we do a lot of economics discussions for example, or green energy.
Kathen Ohtobide: I tend to suggest simply the subjects I am interested in.
Erik Goff: Most geeks want, and ask for, more space subjects though. There will be no shortage of that the coming years.
Kathen Ohtobide: I suppose some subjects tend to keep coming back, we often do space and robots and AI. Although we do go off topic quite a bit when talking about it
Erik Goff: We have regulars of course, but basically someone can jump in and be entertained,  depending on this persons' geek level.

SLE: If you could tell the general public something about your discussion that they may not know, what would it be?
Erik Goff: I always notice that we have real geeks in our place.  People that usually would be very silent at parties. I am happy they get the chance to say something in our place.
Kathen Ohtobide: It helps if you like Star Trek? Just a joke!
Vulcan Viper: I'm known for referring to a Star Trek episode every so often.
Kathen Ohtobide: I think of GS as a place where we are all equal. Some people there have lots of qualifications and some have none, but we all have a voice.
Erik Goff: I would like them to talk along  so it would help if they read about the subject before the event  They never do , of course.People just want to be entertained and many are very knowledgeable about a lot of subjects. As I said before, I was very amazed at our one 'quantum physics'  events. About half of the people who attended know a whole lot about quantum physics.

Geek Speak offers a text led discussion where everyone is welcome and has a voice, making it a unique learning and sharing experience. If you would like to join the experience, watch for notices posted here in the SL Enquirer every Saturday morning with the subject of that day’s discussion and a landmark to attend. The event is sure to be informative and fun.

Additional Information:

Saturday, February 23, 2019

GeekSpeak – the death of insects

Insects – we dislike most of them or regard them as a nuisance.  But we need them, all of them.  We need them as pollinators and as food for birds, bats, frogs, fish, small mammals.  We need some of them just because they are beautiful.  But they are declining at an alarming speed, at least in the western world, because of the widespread use of pesticides, huge areas of mono-culture and the destruction of insect habitats, such as hedges, woods and ponds.

Will insects turn into a limited precious resource?  Will we fight wars over insects?  Raid other countries for their insects?  Will we trade insects?  Will countries with plenty of insects be our future food powerhouses?  Will fortunes be made from rare insects?

What should be done to save the insects?  Should pesticides be banned?  Should farmers be paid to conserve insects?  Will it be a serious crime to kill insects?

Come and discuss our smallest frenemies at GeekSpeak.  Bring your bug spray.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

GeekSpeak – what will the future world of robots and humans be like?

How will society change when every car, every bus stop, every toaster and every shop assistant is a robot?  At what point will we think that robots should have human rights?  When will it become illegal to shoot your toaster or leave your food too long in the fridge so that she looks bad and can’t marry your car?  If you make your car drive over a cliff will you be charged with murder because you killed an AI?

Will there be novels and soap operas about the emotional lives of robots?  Will there be new robot art forms?  Will humans enjoy the robot novels, soaps and art?  Or will we have 2 separate cultures, human and robotic?  Do you think you will ever have a robot friend?

Welcome to the coming years of confusion.  Come and discuss our destiny as only one of the dominant species on the planet.  Bring a towel.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

GeekSpeak – how will we change when we go into space?

What will humans become once we venture out of the earth’s protective environment?

Will humans be carefully chosen for all colonizing missions?  Only very small people, because it saves on food and space?  Only those with little aggression, for obvious reasons?

Will humans be engineered for space colonization?  Will their DNA be changed to protect them from radiation sickness?  Will they be given chloroplasts so they can make their own food?  Will we send people into space as brains in jars?

And how will selection and adaptation work in space?  Will we grow taller on the moon?  Will we adapt to the temperature on Mars or Venus?

Will there be many human species in the future?  One species for every planet we colonize?

Come and discuss our future selves in GeekSpeak.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

GeekSpeak – is there life after Google?

This week we will discuss the upcoming changes in the structure and culture of the internet.  The internet is only about 35 years old and it is not as solid as you might think.  The geeks who built the net began to feel about 20 years ago that it was taking a wrong turn. The internet we have now is controlled by just two companies.  That was not the original dream.

Changes are coming though, and the internet may be a free place again, an internet ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’. How will this work out?  Will we really see the end of Google?

What changes do you hope for?  Are there any changes that you are afraid of?  What will the internet be like in 10 years?  Come to GeekSpeak to find out.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any suggestions for future subjects.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

GeekSpeak – what if we had to restart civilisation?

Imagine being one of a hundred people suddenly stranded in a forest, maybe on a strange planet, while all the rest of humanity has disappeared along with all technology.

Would your small group be able to restart a civilization?  How long would it be before you could use electricity again?  How long before you had metal? Would a lot of knowledge just get lost over the generations before it could be used?

What would be the first technology you would reinvent?  Would you think of fire, clothes, houses, watermills, hunting skills?  What legal system, what stories, what songs would you preserve?  Would there be anything we have now that you would want to forget, anything you would never tell your descendants about?

Would the new history of humankind take a totally different route or would it all work out in the same way whatever you do?

Come and discuss how you would restart civilization.  Or maybe you think civilization is best forgotten?

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.