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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Friday, July 28, 2023

It's a Barbie Party and You're Invited! Saturday, July 29th 6pm SLT


WAP (We Are the Party Karaoke and Voice Hangout) has transformed into a big Barbie World! Come visit the sim and feel free to take photos as there are many pose ready doll boxes and props waiting for you! We have several Barbie Dream Houses, Barbie Yacht, Barbie Theater and multiple Barbie cars! Join us this Saturday for a night of fun starting at 6 pm SLT with DJ Noizy. Voice will still be activated during the event. We will have giveaways and paid trivia throughout the night! Karaoke will begin at 8 pm SLT! If you miss the party, Barbie World at WAP will be up for a few weeks! Join us!


Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Magic of Mavenn - Samuel Roberts Reporting

         There’s something in a person’s voice that catches you, there are people that can sing sure but every now and then you hear a voice that almost physically grabs your attention. For me it was Mavenns voice when I was lucky enough to catch a 4am show at Cafe Musique. She has a haunting rasp and yet a gentleness to the way her tone rings out across the airwaves, and I know we are all dancing at these shows we go to but Mavenns voice has me dancing in my chair not just in avatar form. There’s a magic to the notes she hits.

         I think sometimes in second life we forget how blessed we are to have such amazing talent on our grids, I for one have taken it for granted, surrounded by amazing, gifted people, one of which was this amazing woman who sang like a Goddess and it turns out this isn’t an opinion held by me alone because the crowds gathered for this event were a testament to her reach and impact which was not surprising. I caught up with Mavenn after the show to ask her a bit about her journey, check it out.


      Samuel: Hi Maven, quick question to begin with, how long have you been doing this in SL, this music thing.


Mavenn: 11 years tbh, it's been a bit of journey but I wouldn’t change it for a thing, it's been amazing and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon lol


      Samuel: Wow, that’s commitment, what keeps you going, what motivates you I guess to not just stop sometimes or move on?


Mavenn: Oh I love this, everything about it, every aspect. I Mean it’s not something you can explain, you have to be in the culture to understand what I mean.


      Samuel: So, this is kind of not a job you do, its more of a life you live?


Mavenn: Absolutely. Music has always filled my soul with magic. I have come to realize that I have the ability to experience that with others too. That's real connection.


      Samuel: One more question for you Mavenn before we go, who are your top 3 collab pics of all time.


Mavenn: Eric Gales, Joe Bonamasa, Christone Ingram


      Samuel: Wonderful speaking with you, see you up there Mavenn.


         In short, Mavenn is a goddess, her music, vibe, and overall presentation is legit and I’m ALL IN, joined the group, subscribe to the scribo, and WILL be back.

Additional Information: 

SLURL: Cafe Musique:

Group: Mavenns Group URI: secondlife:///app/group/9a07db0b-c458-66ea-9e99-84965f88e837/about

Preferred contact: To Book Mavenn IM her InWorld Using Mavenn

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Back to The Blues- Crossroads Front Porch RE-OPENS Saturday, July 8th from12:00-10:00 pm SLT


The Crossroads reopens officially Saturday, July 8th12:00-10:00 pm SLT - "Barefoot-BBQ and the Blues" Live DJ's 12-10pm SLT On The Front Porch

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Spotlight on Ivy Fadel- Cultural policy consultant, executive producer and musician from Brazil. - Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

 While venue hopping and sampling the music of the evening, I came across a live performance at Love Kats II. I found a seat near the stage and took in his nostalgic voice. If you grew up in the 90’s, you would appreciate this sound. It takes you back to the days of Alternative rock and Grunge.  What a time it was for all music. From covers by Alice in Chains, Incubus and Foo Fighters to Pearl Jam,  Audioslave and Nirvana, he had me at “Welcome”.

Ivy Fadel is a singer and songwriter with influences that come from Classic Rock to Post Progressive, with heavy inspiration of Alternative Rock and the Grunge scene. In RL, Ivy has been a vocalist since 2006 in numerous rock and metal bands and is also an executive producer of festivals and music events in his 1st life.

I spent the hour going through his profile for information and reached out to his manager Arisha (arishaflame75).  I wasn’t surprised to hear he was new to the SL music scene for about 5 months and was gaining quite the attention.  It didn’t take me long to want to meet him for an interview.

Lanai:  Hi Ivy, it is a pleasure to meet you. I enjoyed your concert. Your sound is so nostalgic, it brought me back to the 90’s when I was a teen. The music from that time was great and it brought me back to those carefree days. So, where are you from and how did you discover Second Life?


Ivy Fadel: My pleasure, Lanai. Really glad you enjoyed. The "grunge scene" from the 90's. It is one of my biggest influences musically and I try to bring it here. I'm from Minas Gerais state, Brasil. I remember that I heard of Second Life years ago when I was at school. A teacher mentioned it as a new and revolutionary thing. Back then I tried to make an account but got confused and I quit haha. Then, last November I heard of the musical movement in Second Life and came to check. And here I am.

Lanai: I am glad you gave SL another shot. There is no place like it. Outside of Second Life you have an interesting profession as a Cultural policy Consultant.  How do you balance it with your music both in real life and SL?

Ivy Fadel:  Well, it's really busy work haha. I'm working for six different cities, soon seven. The good part is that a considerable part of the work is done at my home office, so I can work my SL schedule reasonably, most of the time.

Lanai: Gotta love a home office lol.  As you know there are a lot of musicians and singers out there with their own unique sound. Can you describe your style and genre to our readers and what music means to you?


Ivy Fadel:  Well, I have a variety of musical influences. Brazil is a very musical country, my state even more and my city too. My father is a journalist and was an amateur musician in the 80's. He is really into MPB (Brazilian Popular Music), Rock and Metal. So, I grew up surrounded by music. And my influences come from the MPB, passing to some Latin American classics and, of course, Rock and Metal too. I have been singing since i'm 15 when I started my first Hard Rock/Metal band. Some years passed and I met the grunge scene and started some tribute projects/bands playing songs by bands like Stone Temple Pilots, Pearl Jam, Nirvana. And for years I sang that. Today in RL I'm trying to bring up a Post-Prog project, but here, I'm doing Alternative Rock and Grunge, mostly. Like I used to do in my previous bands. And about the meaning of music? All I can say is that if it wasn't for music and friends, I wouldn't be alive.

Lanai: You truly are a musician with all that background. As a new musician on the grid in Second Life,  I must say you have a great manager. Arisha is very experienced in the SL Music scene. I can see you being a sought after musician by the top venues on the grid.  How often do you perform in SL?    


Ivy Fadel: I'm really glad I met Arisha in my first days here. If it wasn't for her, I probably would not be singing in SL today. She taught me everything about Second Life. And besides being my manager she is one of the most human, kind and friendly persons I ever met. She is a gift SL gave me! And I wasn't expecting the amount of venues and shows I'm having so soon. I've been singing for 5 months now and there are weeks that I'm absolutely busy doing shows. Music is my real passion so, I try to sing as much as I can and really happy to do it a lot here hahaha

Lanai:I agree, she is and has done a lot for musicians in SL. I love your enthusiasm about performing and music.It shows in your performances.  Do you have a calendar and group fans can join for the Ivy Fadel experience? 



Ivy Fadel: Yes, I have a calendar, SL group, subscribo and facebook profile and group.

 Ivy Fadel: Calendar here are the links.

 Ivy Fadel: Group:

Ivy Fadel: SL Group:


Lanai: Thank you for the link drops! So, when you aren’t working or performing what other things do you like to do in Second Life? 


Ivy Fadel: When I'm not performing, 99% of the time in SL I'm listening to other performers with friends or even alone. Well, sometimes I lose at some games or complain about the games to my Audiohouse family too haha. My thing here is music and knowing people.

Lanai:  Being new to Second Life, I know it had to be a little confusing at first but now that you’ve been here for a few months, Would you say SL is a game or an extension of your real life? 


Ivy Fadel: Definitely not a game. First I thought SL was a social media like any other, but with graphics. But when I really entered, I realized it's really an extension of real life. People here are real. What they do, what they say directly other people's feelings, behavior, reality, so there's no other way to define it.

Lanai: Well said Ivy.  Thank you for sharing your gift with us in Second Life and taking the time out of your busy day to chat with The SL Enquirer. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?


Ivy Fadel: It's a real pleasure talking to you, Lanai. And it's a real pleasure to have the opportunity to know people from all over the world here. Before I entered, seeing social media and Internet relations as it goes, I had some fears about SL. Sincerely I was expecting to have to deal with a bunch of internet trolls haha. But no. SL has given me the opportunity to make new friends from the Netherlands, Canada, UK, USA, Germany, Philippines, Portugal... It's unbelievable! It has given me the opportunity to meet amazing musicians, it has given me a new family in my home club Synful Audiohouse and the Audiohouse performers and staff that are like a brotherhood, a family, there's no other word. I'll not mentioning names to avoid the risk of forgetting important people haha. I believe in the force of art and in the force of our capacity of creating bonds with people to succeed as humans. And we are at a place that opens that possibility even more. Enjoy it. More than that? It's been and will be a pleasure to meet and sing

for you all in the grid - and outside of it!

Additional Information:

Ivy’s Performance Calendar

 Ivy Fadel: Facebook Group:

Ivy Fadel: SL Group:



Friday, June 9, 2023

10 year Rez Day for Ashley - Littlebit31okla - Sunday June 11th 10 am - 6:00 pm SLT


Ashley's 10-Year Rez Day Party June 11th 2023 Sunday 10 am Lostsinger Singing Live Host Gaz 11 am Rapid Randy Singing Live Host Gaz 12pm Tillen Singing Live Host Gaz 1 pm Trish Singing Live Host Ash 2 pm Pretty Bella Singing Live Host Phil 3 pm Marina Sharpshire Singing Live Host Phil 4 pm Jackie Lefko Singing Live Host Phil 5pm Hogan Baily Singing Live Host Ash 6pm floor is open for open mic so if anyone wants to get up sing for Miss Ashley can she has had so many amazing performers in her sl life over last 10 years she wants all to feel welcome to take part in this amazing celebration.

Saddles new FB Page-


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Hammerhead Harbour Club Grand Opening with Wolfie Moonshadow at the Hammerhead Harbour Club Thursday June 1, 2023 at 4 pm SLT.


Hammerhead Estates presents: Wolfie MoonShadow Live at the Hammerhead Harbour Club Thursday June 1, 2023, at 4 pm SLT. Come enjoy the soulful sounds for 2 hours of fun and dancing with special guest Vanellope following.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

NEW ! Interactiv Game Show & Live Show Acts at Club Lion. Its Showtime - T O D A Y Saturday 6 May 2023 12pm SLT

Club Lion Entertainment presents The New Interactive Spin and Win Gameshow with Live Show Acts

The official Saturday night Event of Club Lion (Gameshow every first Saturday of the Month)

Come see our new Night Club and Game Show combination at Club Lion!  Enjoy music with our DJ and multiple live singers, dancing and our nice bar. During your dancing experience 3 people will be chosen from the audience to participate. Our Guests will be asked few RL or SL question and the fastest with the right answer will be asked up on the stage with a chance to play and win cash & great prices....

12 pm slt DJ Charly B. 

2 pm slt Gameshow                                              

3 pm slt ElvisAronPresley Lisa   

4 pm slt Austin Moores                                      

We would like to Invite you to our Party. Meet some new Friends and have a Great Fun Time. 

We look forward to welcoming you, to make us a place where you will come to enjoy a happy times with us. 

Event LM

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Empire Omerta Presents the Tower of Records! May the 4th Be With You Party! 7pm SLT


The Tower of Records has a special Star Wars themed event for our guests to dress up and enjoy some unique well needed vibes with friends! We hope to see everyone at the Empire Hotel for this special evening at 7pm SLT that will go through 10pm SLT.

Friday, April 7, 2023


Attention LIVE performers! Think you have what it takes to be a star? Join us on Saturday, April 8th at the SLE Media Center at a all new time starting at 11 am SLT and take advantage of this rare opportunity to showcase your talents to the SL world!

Open to both well known performers and new performers alike, expect the unexpected as we bring you this exclusive, highly publicized event! Three songs, then pass the mic...participants will be provided access to additional opportunities based on creativity, raw talent, and audience engagement. You could even score yourself a coveted spotlight feature in the SL Enquirer and much, much more! Venue owners and management welcome!

Also, a special thank you to all who helped make our last SLE Open Auditions held on March 3rd a tremendous success: Lιαм 'Yoυɴɢвlood' Ecliρse, Asher, ღ-ڿڰۣ-Crystal-ڿڰۣ-ღ, SM2, and ŤÃßØØ ℛℇIĞℕ. We encourage our readers to stop and give these extremely talented individuals a listen if you see them performing around the WON'T be disappointed!

With over 15 years experience reporting virtual world news and participating in numerous charities, events and sponsorships across the grid, the SL Enquirer is the longest running media source in SL. We love working with our fans!

Contact: Ninja, SLE Events Coordinator (ninjaantwoord resident)

Public Landmark:


Social Media:

Saturday, April 1, 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Easter Soiree April 8th @ 6pm Slt


Hop hop hop into the Pharmacy Speakeasy Music Swing Club on Saturday, April 8th 6-8 pm slt for an egg-citing evening with our own DJ Suzie. She brings her amazing blend of swing tunes to the Easter Soiree, along with playing the word scrambler, sploder and trivia contest. Lots of lindens to win! Come on in wearing your pastel colored outfits and have a hoppy good time with us!

Start with great music, add a few friends, mix in some good conversation and you're in for a night of fun at The Pharmacy Speakeasy Swing Music Club! Now open two nights a week - Tuesdays and Saturdays from 6pm - 8pm SLT. Vintage clothing of the 1930's - 1940's recommended but not required. Contact: Pet (pet.pinklady) Public Landmark: Social Media:

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Canipanic Maslow and the ongoing legacy of the ~O~ Lounge - Wendz Tempest Reporting

    The history of the  ~O~ Lounge is rich and colorful with humble beginnings, a love for all music genres, and an appreciation for all types of voices. Novice, intermediate, professional, these titles do not mean as much as the fun and camaraderie experienced in the wonderful world of Karaoke entertainment.

   In the front and center, managing the ~O~ Lounge is Canipanic Maslow, veteran producer & performer on the fly, who has recently moved the lounge’s location to another region, complete with a new and larger venue. This year, the  ~O~ Lounge turns 16 and continues to open its doors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, still the prime location for discovering Second Life’s latest and greatest on the live music scene. 

  Here we ask Cani a few questions about himself and questions about what his greatest work in Second Life is.

WT- Please tell the readers a little about yourself, how you came to Second Life?

Canipanic Maslow (CM)- Initially I came to Second Life because I was playing Tiger Woods Golf on my computer. And I saw something that mentioned this 3D Virtual World, and I thought, ‘Wow, that’d be neat, I’ll see if they have golf.’  So I signed up for it and came in. They didn’t have golf. I found a golf shop in my search, but they only sold clothing. So for the first year or so, I just walked around visiting people and hanging out at different campsites, learning how to do simple things. And that’s about all I did until I decided to start the  ~O~ Lounge.”

WT- How about telling the readers how you were personally involved in the creation of the  ~O~ Lounge?

CM - I was hanging around this girl, named Bell Clellon, and she was a KJ (Karaoke Jockey) in real life. She had a thing she did every week in her town, where she went out there and ran the karaoke thing. I was hanging around with her and I said, “Well let’s do it here!”.  So she was the inspiration for it. When we tried it back then, there was no voice (in SL) so we tried it on Skype, and anybody that wanted to join us had to join Skype. It was really problematic. Basically, I gave up, thinking it couldn't be done.

One day I was hanging around a girl named Mitzi, we were on voice, and she told me, “Cani, mute your mic. I love this song!”. I didn’t know what she meant, but I muted my mic. And then she turned her speakers on, and she sang.

And that was the day the ~O~ Lounge was born because then everything was in sync. It dawned on me that as long as the microphone could hear the voice and the speakers at the same time, it’ll be in sync. Because before, we could never get everything in sync. That was the day Karaoke was born in Second Life. Open Mic Karaoke. There was nothing like that before. There were performers, but nothing with Open Mic.

And it took off right away. Mitzi was the builder so she built the lounge, and I went all around and was telling people about it. Nobody believed me. I’d say, “Next week we’re going to start Karaoke.” And they’d say, “Karaoke, what are you talking about, you can’t do karaoke here.”

Our grand opening was a hit, there were 28 people there because everyone was curious as to how we were going to do Karaoke in Second Life. We only did it once a week at that time, but people wanted more. It became 2 days a week for a few hours. Then more days and more hours, and people weren’t leaving after 5 hours. It was just a matter of 3 months when we decided to make it full-time, 24/7, because nobody would go home, they just wanted to sing and sing. And we’ve been like that ever since.

WT - What else do you do in Second Life to promote the Live music scene?

CM- Elvera and I, (Elvera Lerner is the co-owner of the  ~O~ Lounge with me), she is the co-owner of the ~O~ Lounge also, and The Music Hall of Fame Group. She keeps me firmly planted in reality and my head out of the clouds. 

The Music Hall of Fame Group was started by a woman named BringitOn Paine. She was one of the biggest promoters of the music scene in Second Life. She became ill and couldn’t continue on so she asked Elvera and I if she could take it over for her. In most groups with singers, all they’re able to do is send out notices for their shows. 

WT- Please elaborate on what the Music Hall of Fame group is?
CM- The Music Hall of Fame has a resource center. These performers can add their names to be hired and venue owners can come in and click on a board. There are three buttons which are, fees or tips, the genre they want, and the day of the week/time they need them to perform. There are 170 top performers on that Music Hall of Fame board and only the ones that fit that category or criteria, are going to be shown to them.

There’s also a board up there with all the open mic places and karaoke places I could find in Second Life because new performers need to get established. I always bring new performers to the resource center, and I show them that board and tell them they need to go to as many open mics as they can, to become established. Venue owners go there looking for people to hire, and that’s the way people get to know you.

There are other resources like where to get your stream, Soundcloud links, ReverbNation, or youtube, wherever they have their music.

I encourage people at the  ~O~ Lounge to start performing when I hear someone that I think can do it. Plus I also help people learn how to stream. That’s what I do, and everyone around me tends to be the same way. They have the same passions. 

WT- The  ~O~ Lounge continues to be a haven for novices and professionals alike, and your work with the Music Hall of Fame has helped so many performers. Tell us a little bit about what you’re currently working on?

CM- I have an  ~O~ Karaoke Lounge website that’s being worked on right now that is going to promote a lot of people as well as the  ~O~ Karaoke Lounge Podcast that I’ve reinstated which started in 2012.  I’ll be doing interviews, teaching people how to stream, making videos on how to stream, and dual stream, as well as making videos on the various broadcasters and how to set those up. 


Group: ~O~ Lounge VIPs

Preferred contact: Canipanic Maslow

Thursday, February 23, 2023


Attention LIVE performers! Think you have what it takes to be a star? Join us on Friday, March 3 at the SLE Media Center starting at 8pm SLT and take advantage of this rare opportunity to showcase your talents to the SL world!

Open to both well-known performers and new performers alike, expect the unexpected as we bring you this exclusive, highly publicized event! Three songs, then pass the mic...participants will be provided access to additional opportunities based on creativity, raw talent, and audience engagement. You could even score yourself a coveted spotlight feature in the SL Enquirer and much, much more! Venue owners and management welcome!

Also, a special thank you to all who came to celebrate my RL birthday and helped make our last SLE Open Auditions held on February 3rd an incredible success: Angelikus Deo Luckstone, ρяєттувєℓℓє, ღ-ڿڰۣ-Crystal-ڿڰۣ-ღ, SM2, ŤÃßØØ ℛℇIĞℕ and vɪктøя кяʌvɘη.  We encourage our readers to stop and give these extremely talented people a listen if you see them performing around the WON'T be disappointed!

Open Auditions will be held the first Friday of every month from 8 - 10pm SLT (or until)

With over 17 years of experience reporting virtual world news and participating in numerous charities, events, and sponsorships across the grid, the SL Enquirer is the longest-running media source in SL. We love working with our fans!

Contact: Ninja, SLE Events Coordinator (ninjaantwoord resident)

Public Landmark:


Social Media:

Friday, February 17, 2023



The other day, as I was strolling along the beach on the Blake Sea, I heard the faint sounds of music, wafting over the roar of the incoming surf.  I was instantly captivated by the Siren song, urging me forward.  I had to know where this magical sound originated.  After a perilous journey, traversing three whole regions, I finally located the source of this enchantment.  I was in the aptly named region of “Dark Rose”, and the music issued forth from the massive structure before me:  The Basilica.  I beckoned to two persons I assumed to be acolytes at this Basilica, asking that they share with me the story of this fantabulously amazing build (and yes, “fantabulously” is a real word.  Just ask my 6-year-old).  This is their story.

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) (JB):    So, tell me, Trynn and Emi? Just what is the Basilica all about?

Trynn.Mildor (TM):   It is about feeding the soul - through music, through connection, through togetherness. It is about the thrill of the dance, about losing yourself in the beat. Because when we are swept away by the dance we become united, unified. We belong.

Emilysilkstone (ES):    Why do people come to SL? To escape from reality for a bit, to chill, to relax, to meet friends. We want to give them a good time because we think everyone deserves to have fun here. And a club is just perfect for this: bringing people together, listening to music, dancing, chatting ... you can do it all at the Basilica.

JB:   What a phenomenal build.  Did the two of you do this all yourself, or did you have help, and what did they do?

TM:    Oh no this is the work of Marcus Inkpen - we are more um ...  putterers together of things. - including ideas and people.  But we are in love with the building - the reflective floors, the high-arched vaults, and the majestic apses. we think are the perfect setting for a sacred experience like music and human engagement.

ES:    Well, I'd say "we threw stuff together and called it a club". The real artists are the creators of course. I'm the greatest admirer of all those amazing people creating amazing things in SL. And it's an honor to use them in our sim. We started with a central theme, a central story, then handed over to our imagination ... And this is the result.

JB:   Why did you choose this setting?

TM:    Well, we chose this beautiful building by Marcus firstly for a selfish reason - we love it. But also, we chose it as a sort of recognition that it can stand as a sort of metaphor for our devotion to music. Like faith, music is transcendent in nature. It lifts your spirits, it reaches the deep recesses of your mind that sometimes stay dormant.  It even has the potential to remind us of the vastness of the universe and how small we are in it. 

ES:    When I saw this Basilica for the first time, my jaw dropped. I've never seen such an amazing building. And yeah, my first thought was ... let's use it for a music club haha. I've seen RL (techno-)parties in churches and I was at Tomorrowland last summer, so yeah, this kind of scenery really adds to the experience. And I like it big haha. But don't put that in your article.

JB:   Certainly Emily…no double entendre or nuanced naughtiness here.  So…what kind of musical genre do you envision here, and what kind of guests are you hoping to attract?

TM:   There isn’t anyone across the Myers-Briggs personality spectrum that we don’t want to attract!  We think everyone deserves human connection. So, we hope for the passionate, the adventurous, the experimental, and the spontaneous but ... we hope to add some of those elements to those who do naturally or currently feel those things. Even those who aren't huge fans of EDM will find pleasure in the vibe, the awe-inspiring sense of the place, and the hot AVs dancing or hanging out. 

ES:    Well, personally I like almost everything! From techno to classical, from oldies to French stuff. But it will be a journey, taking off with EDM, techno, house, but also things like a dark wave ... ok ask Trynn hahahaha. And about our guests, well my doctor once said I have a big heart, so yes, there's room for everyone.

JB:   As you know, there is no shortage of adult entertainment sims in SL.  What is the “Basilica” difference and why should people come here for entertainment, vice go elsewhere?

TM:   Well The basilica is not only a dance club, or only a hookup place - it's an amalgamation of the two things. But that just makes sense if you think about real life. I mean, most of us have fallen in lust at clubs millions of times over. Because music can be sex ... and sex can be music. And a tad of lovense in the furniture will only add excitement into the mix.   The Basilica has a certain energy to it, a pulse. You feel it the moment you look up at those ornate windows and the apses, and then that first wave of neon brushes over you, and you feel you are somewhere special.  There are other little things too, like the couple standing poses discreetly placed around the floors and the exclusive balcony boxes that can be  rented out for private parties. But at the heart of it is our love for music - we are true devotees -  it translates into everything, from the DJs we pick to the themed events we'll be having.

 ES:    Oh, our unique selling points are many: first of all, our scenery: the fantastic Basilica, but also the buildings next to it: we have a cozy coffee house, a warehouse for illegal raves, a nice square for open-air concerts ... We'll bring the experience to social media, we'll even live stream to YouTube. We'll have Twitch DJ's in-world. And we'll implement artificial intelligence, so you can interact with NPC's. Fun Fun FUN!

JB:   Did I see some zombies wandering about the premises? What are they doing here?

ES:    Oh, did you spot me on a Monday early morning here? Guess I didn't have coffee yet.

TM:   (Laugh) Those are only for my own stress relief and amusement. When they are shot, they explode and there is great satisfaction in that... I sometimes forget them and they spawn across the sim giving visitors shock. Their days will be unfortunately numbered once the club is open.

JB:   Do you plan any special events here, and if so, how might people learn about them?

TM:   Oh yes!  We will definitely host themed events - both Emily and I are fiends for fashion and dressing up. The best way to stay abreast of upcoming events is to join the SL group: the Basilica @ Dark Rose, or to visit Emily's coffee shop - the hostess there is always up to speed with the latest gossip.

ES:    Yes. not only parties, but also fashion shows, car shows on the square in front of the Basilica, and even chess games with famous YouTubers. We're aiming for the next Eurovision song contest - ok, now I’m kidding.

JB:   Tell me about the Fire Station?  Do you have some ideas for that?

TM:    The Basilica for all its grandeur is situated among some old factories and warehouses, some tenements, and a skanky hotel.  One sees this often in urban development where a beautiful old building, often with historical value, gets engulfed by industrial plants and such. however, luckily these buildings  are quite beautiful in their own right. They have a gritty sort of glamor to them. We are hoping to make them available as a venue for hire and to host some parties in them - maybe old-school style raves could be amazing in there.

ES:    Well, we value safety and security, and as the Basilica is an old building, we rezzed a fire station as well. We had to. Insurance ordered us to do it. So, we're safe  now.

JB:   And how about the future?  Do you have any improvements or changes in mind for the weeks and  months ahead?

TM:   We are very mindful of feedback, sometimes you have to trial and error things, live with them for a bit to see if they work or not. So definitely we will be ready to adjust if we must. But we believe the bigger picture for the sim is quite feasible, and that the bigger picture slots together like pieces of a puzzle. For example, Emily's is a dainty little coffee shop with a marvelous view of the ocean; and there are plans underway for an acoustic lounge on the beach with mismatched beach chairs and gently crashing waves.  Also, down the line we would like to offer accommodations, those gorgeous old tenements are just asking to be lived in.

JB:   Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

ES:    Yessss, Second Life is an amazing world. I think it's still the best virtual place around. And I hope to see all those amazing SL-peeps at the Basilica. And not only on Sundays. Well, you know what I mean. xox

TM:  We want everyone to come on this journey with us. Friends, family, frenemies, future friends … everything we do is transparent. We want people to share in the milestones, the successes and the mistakes. And when we fail at some things, we’ll fail forward. It’s sort of like launching a new tech platform in beta, we’ll throw all we have at it and make adjustments as we learn until it is the best possible user experience around.  

So, there you have it folks.   The Basilica is a feast for the eyes AND the ears.  Grab the LM below and hop on over and check it out.  You’ll be glad you did.

Tell ‘em Josh sent ya.  

Be there! Aloha





DJ booking:

SL Group: The Basilica @ Darkrose