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Showing posts with label stacey cardalines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stacey cardalines. Show all posts

Friday, March 5, 2021

Pirate Weekend at Rockin Robin Sim March 6th and 7th - Stacey Cardalines Reporting...


Who doesn't love pirates? Pirates live outside the law, they do whatever they wish, they quaff rum, they loot, they pillage, they burn, they shoot cannons, they carry off fair maidens... sure beats slingin' eggs at the IHOP, huh?

Piracy is a perfectly normal reaction to the inequities of an unjust system. What society won't give you, you take. You can let Captain Ahab feeds you to some whale, or you can Pirate Up and get some booty. Simple enough choice for this journalist. When life gives you lemons, grab a cutlass.

"Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."

Most people love pirates. OK, people victimized by pirates don't love pirates. Tom Hanks doesn't like pirates. I do believe that Captain Kidd was gibbetted. Everyone else likes pirates, though.

With that in mind, we strongly urge you to attend the Pirate Weekend this weekend at the Rockin' Robin sim. You can dress like a pirate, talk like a pirate, behave like a pirate... what's not to like?

There will be pirate-themed entertainment all weekend, 24 hours on Saturday and 22 on Sunday. The sim is also good for SL photographers who want a tropical'll notice that even a hack like me got a few good pics.

The cannons there work, so feel free to let off a few shots if the party gets rowdy. That's a faux pas for most parties, but not one with pirates at it. A pirate party doesn't really start until someone fires a cannon.

Here's a note that I got from one of the pirates, and when a pirate asks you to pass something along, you do so. Otherwise, you end up walking the plank. Shiver me timbers!

AHOY MATES! By popular request, Rockin' Robin's annual SALUTE TO PIRATES has been changed to a weekend event and will be held all day Saturday, Mar. 6th and Sunday, Mar. 7th. Dress as a pirate or wench (or casual) and join us in a tropical island setting for some great party music and fabulous live shows on both days. Come and shiver your timbers Rockin' Robin style!

Sat.: 9 am - Wolfie Moonshadow, 5 pm - Koko Incognito, 6 pm - Urban Harvy, 7 pm - Shaye Dezno
Sun.: 9 am - Austin Moores, 4 pm - Billy Talon, 5 pm - Inkaku, 6 pm - Bill Tigerpaw, 7 pm - Hogan Baily

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Spend Election Night At The 2020 Election Simulator- Stacey Cardalines Reporting...

In this age of pandemics and limited social gatherings, it may be impossible for you to attend a proper election party. That may leave you alone, with no one to watch the election with, an election that is as wild and consequential as anything in US history. You want to be able to discuss, vent, question, cheer, weep... whatever you're into.

Fortunately, you can cough right in someone's mouth on SL and not get them sick. You can gather in orgy-like proximity without even sparing a thought about catching some friggin' plague. You already go to school online, work online... why not party online?

Granted, a "party" as a rule doesn't involve standing around waiting for people to vote, but it isn't bad for a Tuesday in November.

What you need for this party is a venue, and we found a good one for you.

The 2020 Election Simulator is the brainchild of Duncan, who is aiming for a non-partisan event with no arguments. His sim is not pushing one guy or another, and it is designed for both parties to enjoy.

He put a lot of effort into it. Here are a few things I saw wandering around the sim:

- A state by state map which will turn each state red or blue as polls come in. The simulator is based on the FiveThirtyEight election projections. It updates every ten minutes, and will be shut down once real votes are coming in.

- A second map for the actual results as (if) they come in.

- An ersatz news network roundtable ("3NN") which will announce poll closings, results and anything else. The anchorman is Guy Simpleton, host of The Simulation Room.

- A mailbox looking thing that, if you click on it, will tell you any voter registration rules and information for your state.

- A cop who threatens you if you touch him, but is eventually helpful and steers you towards the voter information mailbox.

- Two riots outside, one with anti-maskers, one with Antifa-type people.

- A city hall to protest at.

- A crowd of people who were banned for harassment gathered on the edge of the sim, seething.

- A staff of people who will eject anyone who disturbs people.

We hope you take advantage of this fine resource if you are online for election night. We ask that you come in peace and conduct yourself all proper-like. Duncan designed this as an informational resource, not a steel cage match. I hunted all around SL, there is no resource like this anywhere.

Vote early and often!

Golfing With the President- Stacey Cardalines Reporting...

 The SL Enquirer is in no way a political entity. The boss said "No Politics," and I agree with her. If you decide how to vote based on what an animated sportswriter tells you, you should either reassess your politics or abstain from voting altogether.

Whatever you may think of President Donald Trump, you have to admit that he campaigns hard. This includes campaigning in the virtual world. Donald Trump does indeed walk the halls of SL. Liberals and conservatives would agree that the Presidency is a stressful job, even for an avatar. Even an avatar needs to relax... but I was still very surprised when the Trump Campaign contacted me.

"Stacey Cardalines, Sports Editor for the SL Enquirer?"


"This is the SL Secret Service. The President needs to relax. He has been sick, and is campaigning hard. We want for him to dial down the intensity for a few hours. The best possible thing for him would be to go golfing with a pretty reporter in an American flag swimsuit. She has to know how to golf. NO POLITICS. We've been through our entire list of people with the necessary security clearance, and you're the best we've got. Angel Manor Golf Club, 7 AM, October 30th."

"Sir, as you know, Stacey Cardalines is very progressive. However, I agree with you that the President could use an off day, and know that Stacey Cardalines is a patriot through and through... other than that born in France stuff, of course. Your terms are accepted."

Angel Manor is a lovely 6 hole golf course. It is a coastal setting, and has an ornate country club on the premises. The holes are very short (maybe 20-50 yards), but it made for good golfing. Extra effort went into a fall foliage setting, always appreciated by someone who ended up in New England in real life.

I arrived at Angel Manor well before 7, went through a near-intimate security check, and at 6:55, a giant helicopter landed and out jumped Donald and Ivanka Trump. Greetings were exchanged ("I love the SL Enquirer. Totally not fake news."), we posed for a picture and we hit the links.

We chatted, mostly about football, as we walked the course. The President was polite to me, although I never allowed him to stand directly behind me. Ivanka, who didn't golf, was there to make sure that the situation didn't devolve into a Borat 2 style scenario. We all got along well enough. Donald is a funny enough fellow, and Ivanka looks like she'd be cool to hit a mall with.

The President is a two-handicap golfer, but the two handicaps are "He carries some extra weight" and "He isn't very talented." The short hands hurt his long game several times that I observed. He does have terrific intensity, which matters in golf more than you'd think it would. He also is an outside-the-box thinker, a useful trait when sizing angles of approach to the hole in question.

But I am a superb golfer, perhaps the best female golfer on SL. I won the 2017, 2018 and 2019 Missters tournament in virtual Augusta, Georgia, and am known in several virtual country clubs as "the French Fury." I got up a few shots on the President, got a stern look from Ivanka, and then had to Act Girly (hitting the ball the wrong way, refusing to enter a sand trap, etc...) for a few holes until the score evened up.

Angel Manor, which is all set up for Autumn and would make a nice walk for non golfers, is a 6 hole course. The President is a busy man, and 6 holes is all he had time for. He shot an 11 on a Par 3 hole, but I shot a 12. 

Donald Trump may or may not win on November 3rd, but I made sure he got a win on October 30th. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

SHOULD AVATARS WEAR MASKS? Stacey Cardalines Reporting...

Etiquette is a touchy thing. It is both timeless and ever evolving. There was a time when a lady had to know how to get into a stagecoach properly, for instance. The answer to that doesn't matter now, but other questions rose in place of it, and will continue to arise as we evolve as a species.

One particular question of Etiquette that arose on 2020, in an admittedly isolated niche within SL culture, is "Should avatars wear masks?" 

Note that I phrase it as a question of Etiquette, not as a question of Science. Science doesn't mesh well with the idea of avatars wearing masks. Avatars, which are not living organisms, are incapable of transmitting a physical virus from one to another. There is no scientific benefit to making your avatar wear a mask, not are there medical consequences if you walk around maskless. There may be social consequences, but we'll get to that later in the article. 

Yet, while researching this article, I went on SL Marketplace. I searched for "COVID masks." There were 297 pages of them available. Who is buying all of these masks, and why? Only a fool would buy one, right?

I should add that many of these sales are of the Greater Fool variety, meaning that people think of something simple and useless that they can make for a few pennies and sell for a few pennies more. Perhaps there are people out there who worry about getting sick from an multiple avatar interaction. "The CDC said nothing at all about animated characters being able to go maskless, so I'd better err on the side of caution." That is your target market. Get what you can from them, while you can get it. They are, to quote edited-for-television Scarface, "a great big chicken, waiting to get plucked."

Other people might wear a mask because they feel that SL should mirror RL. Granted, you can't teleport places or carry a lighthouse around with you in RL, but masks come down on the other side of that line. There is a little roleplay element to this that most SL users can slip into effortlessly. We live in a masked society RL, and some feel that this should reflect itself when they move among the animated masses.

Some people may do it for Discipline. If masks are mandatory, you wear them. If you're walking out to get the paper off the doorstep, you wear a mask. If you are running out to the store for one thing, you wear a mask. My grandfather was actually like this with ties. The tie wasn't necessary for what he was doing, but he was more comfortable with a tie on. That kind of discipline would transfer to SL if you were to animate such a man. 

I decided to strut around SL in a mask, just to see how I was reacted to. It was disappointing. Not in a bad way, but in an odd way. Disappointing in myself, if that is how one would phrase it.

I went to the gym first. I was the only one in a mask. Unfortunately, there are a lot of wrestlers in my gym (wrestling is a hugely popular sport on SL). They saw nothing at all odd with me walking around in a gas mask, and just assumed that I was in character. "The crowd is gonna LOVE that!" was a common refrain. "Can it be weaponized?" was another.

I went to my side job as a dancer at a fetish sim. There were 30 people around when I went on the dance pole, dressed exactly as I was in the picture accompanying the article. I was immediately conspicuous. A gas mask, however, is nothing special to fetish people, many of whom were disappointed that I wasn't bound. Several people were able to correctly name the brand.

In the end, you're on SL to amuse yourself. You won't hurt anyone if you don't feel like wearing one, nor will you save lives by wearing one. If someone else wants to wear one, it isn't your business to tell them otherwise.

Shoot, I have a friend on SL who is a 6 foot tall humanish Bat. In the real world, she would be right at the top of How The Virus Jumped To Humans suspect list. On SL, she's just someone I see at work. She's not harming anyone, and neither are you if you wear or refuse to wear a mask.

Do what thou wilt.

Monday, June 15, 2020

SL Conspiracy Theories- Stacey Cardalines Reporting...

SL is a world devoted to unusual and often fantastic things. I have a friend who is a 6 foot tall human cat, for instance. I can teleport to anywhere in the world, carrying everything I own, effortlessly. You h
ave to work hard to astound someone on SL. Fortunately, there are people out there, working hard.

A grey area between the crazy real world and the not-reality-based crazier world of SL encompasses may odd practices and beliefs. One realm of this area involve Conspiracy Theories. These are explanations for situations that involve a sinister collaboration working in secret. They range from harmless things like "New Coke was a marketing ploy to increase demand for original Coke" to the more apocalyptic "Space lizards are embedded in our government." 

A common denominator among them is that the situations the theory is supposed to explain can be explained by more mundane events. Perhaps it was Hillary Clinton who murdered Seth Rich, but it was more likely just a common street murder by Annie Thug.

SL reflects reality, to a point. From colleges to armies, you can find many RL entities animated by the Lindens. If someone has an interest, someone most likely has a sim for it. It is a sound business practice to identify things from real life that can make you money on SL, and it only stands to reason that somebody in some dark corner of SL is peddling conspiracy theories.

As a seasoned SL journalist, I always have my ear to the ground. I'm an excellent snoop... if I'm looking for it, I usually find it. If I don't hear it directly, I know somebody trustworthy who heard it directly. My people and I put in work, and we'll share the juicier theories we've heard.

Keep in mind, the thing to remember about conspiracy theories is that they are almost always bat-ship crazy. I wouldn't waste a lot of energy worrying about most of these things. For all you know, I have a deadline in 12 hours and I'm just making things up.

However, the world is more fun if you are fighting a sinister cabal. A fantasy world somewhere between Snoopy on his doghouse pretending to fight the Red Baron and Walter Mitty smoking on a street corner while- in his mind- staring down a firing squad is preferable to a life slingin' eggs or fixing some rich guy's lawnmower. As fine a job as it is, no kid ever dreams of being an Accountant.

That applies to SL as well. Some people want to be a vampire, some people want to prove that Woody Allen stole the Lindbergh baby. If it's out there, it's my job to bring it to you. You can make up your own mind, once I've messed around with it some.

Second Life Will Someday Become A Nation

May as well lead off with the good stuff. This one, like many conspiracy theories, has some basis in reality. It is also a variation of the Cyrus speech from The Warriors

Second Life is estimated, by Linden Labs, to have between 800,000 and 900,000 accounts. This is down from a million in 2013. That one million number is a nice one to put up against actual real nations. It gives SL more "people" than Cyprus, Cape Verde, Suriname, Samoa, Luxembourg, Guyana, Montenegro, the Bahamas, Iceland, Bhutan and 50 other nations, territories and dependencies. We would be the 157th biggest nation in the world. "Can you count, suckers? Cannnnnnnnnnn you dig it?"

If SL were organized and dare I say weaponized, we would have UN-worthy numbers. We'd have agents in almost every country in the world. We could vote in election-tipping blocs. We could move information and finances along strange, hard to track channels... a theme we'll investigate further in a different theory once you scroll down a bit.

This leads to a series of difficult questions, ranging from "Does an avatar have rights?" to "If SL gets UN membership, do we send an actual real person to meetings or just set up a computer screen and have the avatar bellow threats at Iran or Canada or whoever?"

The Ghost Avatar

With the paranormal, remember that it is no stranger to claim a house is haunted than it is to claim a sim is haunted. You have equal proof and equal reason for doubt in each case. 

The ghost avatar story involves variations of The Ring, FearDotCom and even The Crow. A woman dies, either murdered by a man she met on SL, or by suicide following a failed SL relationship. Her body died, but her spirit lives on in her avatar. Unfortunately for us, it is an evil, sadistic and vengeful spirit.

She lurks in dark corners of SL, looking for those who would love a girl and then leave her. She is a player hater. She is not gender specific, as will she hunt women as happily as she hunts men. She is impossibly beautiful, quite forward and has a gentle, caring nature... until you bail out on her, at which point she climbs through the computer screen into real life to rip out your lungs and beat you with them.

She is the third rail of cybersex... touch it and die.

Celebrity Avatars

Geena Davis is into archery. Tim Duncan plays Dungeons and Dragons. Taylor Swift collects snow globes. Mike Tyson raised pigeons. Is it really beyond belief that some or perhaps several celebrities play SL?

It is an odd thought. Everyone wants to be famous (for the right reasons, of course.... few people want to be famous for "caught on video accidentally castrating themselves"), with the possible exception of people who are already famous. Perhaps they seek new, more anonymous interaction with people who don't also have agents and Tonight Show appearances scheduled.

I bet that everywhere Steven King goes, someone stops him and asks him about his books. King is a country fellow, raised in rural Maine, and most likely yearns for regular conversations about baseball and rock music. Instead, it's all "In 'Home Delivery,' is Maddie really the Virgin Mary?"

If King becomes Steven2502 Resident on SL, that problem goes away.

Of course, the hard part with this theory is identifying the celebrity. I hunted around some, and rumors pop up.

The big name is Drew Carey. He referenced a SL designer on Twitter once, and is said to be a fan of SL Steampunk stuff. Michael Stackpole, who is an author in some field, is said to be a player. Suzanne Vega, who I think wrote the song "Luka," is also said to be an avatar somewhere. The guy who wrote the Ready Player One movie was a player, although he said in a 2012 interview that he hasn't logged on "in many moons."

One guy claims that a member of Duran Duran is a player, but who knows?

The guy on The Office with the glasses (the character he plays, not the actor) is referenced to be playing SL in at least one episode. I'm not sure if that carries over into RL.

I also saw references to Mia Farrow, the late Kurt Vonnegurt, Will Smith, the late David Bowie, the later Steve Jobs, the Pet Shop Boys, Tim Burton, Daft Punk, Sharon Stone (I may have fought her), LeAnn Rimes and Ricky Gervais.

Five Feet Of Fury

This is my favorite one, as it involves me. 

I'm as short in RL as I am on SL, five feet nothing. You get used to it. I was an athlete in high school and college, and in high school- 1992, to be exact- someone hung "five feet of fury" on me because of my bloodthirsty soccer-playing style. It went to college with me, was good for a laugh or two, then was used exclusively by my husband until I started playing SL.

On SL, I took up professional wrestling as a hobby in about 2010. Small girls are useful there, as I am generally scheduled against teens and Asians. All wrestlers need a nickname, and I already had "five feet of fury" hanging off of me. I also get called "Smurf" a lot, but that is a different story.

In 2013, the WWE introduced Alexa Bliss, a vertically challenged wrestler. She, like all wrestlers, picked up nicknames. "The Goddess," "Little Miss Bliss" and- I should sue- "Five Feet Of Fury."

I'm pretty sure that Bliss isn't an avatar, and thus didn't stumble across and steal my nickname. I have read that WWE writers decide the wrestler's names, acts, tendencies, etc... There is a famous story about a wrestler from India who the WWE decided would make a good Rampaging Muslim Terrorist character. The Indian asked to not be cast that way. "I am from India, we have fought three wars against Muslim Pakistan, my grandfather died at a Muslim's hand, and I will not be able to return home if I play a Muslim villain on television." WWE CEO Vince McMahon thought it over and huffed, "Put the goddamned towel on your head and shut up."

While blonde, beautiful and very busy Alexa Bliss most likely doesn't play a short wrestler on SL after playing one in real life, it is not beyond comprehension that a WWE writer has an avatar lurking around somewhere. Maybe he plays for fun, maybe he is doing research on wrestling sims, but he would be the easiest direct link between my 1992-2020 nickname and the one Bliss began using in 2016 or so.

So, Bliss gets a million a year with the nickname, while I write for the SL Enquirer and get paid in Lindens. Life's fair.

FBI and CIA Surveillance of SL

Just because they say you are paranoid, it doesn't mean that people aren't out to get you. Likewise, not all conspiracy theories are nonsense. This is one of them.

During the Arab Spring protests, Lanai sent me off to cover a "riot" in a Muslim-based sim. The riot wasn't that menacing. People were friendly, and I ended up playing Yahtzee with them. No one was threatening to hijack a Boeing or eviscerate Donald Trump or anything. I also covered an Austerity Dogs riot in London where they did burn a building.

However, it came to light that the FBI and the CIA had embedded avatars into online multiplayer games such as SL, World Of Warcraft and XBox Live. Remember that Edward Snowden guy? All those stolen files he released? One of them concerned surveillance of SL by organized Law. While I was playing Parcheesi with Khalid during the Arab Spring SL protest, there was probably some CIA spook nearby, taking notes. 

In theory, terrorists or anarchists could use SL to transfer money, recruit new adherents, plan attacks and/or just be a menacing subculture. The CIA has to worry about stuff like that. So, they embedded agents into the games, and were snooping on whatever Arab protesters were up to.

This most likely doesn't touch you or (maybe) I, but the potential is there. Linden Labs denied letting the government have access to all of their information, which, as you know, means that they let the government have access to all of their information. The government could have a file on me, or perhaps You.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ahhhhh.... Super Bowl time! February 1, 2015- 6:30 PM EST- Patriots vs. Seahawks

Some of us have huge parties to go to, where we will drink beers and gobble chicken wings. Others will head to the bar, where they will do similar things.

Some of you may be solo for whatever reasons you may have. That's one of the reasons they invented SL, because RL can be boring some times. You may have the Super Bowl to watch, but it's not as much fun watching alone.

Why not watch on SL?

Well, have the game on the TV in RL, but watch the game at the Aero Pines Super Bowl Paty!

In fact, instead of asking "Why not watch it on SL?", let me phrase it as "Why you should watch it on SL."

- You can ignore avatars more easily than real people if the game becomes compelling.

Think about this one. Tom Brady is marching down the field with a minute left, trailing by 5. Your wife/husband, who isn't a fan, chooses this time to ask some question that is very important to her but doesn't mean spit to you at this particular moment. Try saying "BRB" to her.

- You don't have to share your pizza, and no one will ever notice your gluttony.

- Avatars are incapable of walking in front of the TV during a big play. I missed Janet Jackson's t*ts because of this once.

- As long as you keep the mic off, no one will hear you cry if your team loses.

- Gambling is illegal on SL, but it is fun betting Lindens on things. "I bet you 20000 Ls that Marshawn fumbles" sounds better than "I bet you $0.75." No, I have no idea what the exchange rate is, I live on Lanai's salary, stripper money, wrestling show tips and whatever money people who need really short models are paying these days.

- Party diversity is important. Everyone at the party I'm going to in the real world will be a New England fan (I'm from Duxbury, MA)... and if they weren't, it would probably be in their best interest to pretend that they were. You can get f*cked up for that around here, even out in the sticks.

At a SL Super Bowl party, you'll have Patriot fans, Seahawk fans, fans of the sport in general who generally root for other teams but are jumping on your bandwagon, and even people who think Football is Soccer but who came because there's a party going on. It makes for a fun afternoon.

So, who is hosting such a party that people like you or I could attend? Why, Aero Pines, of course.

Aero Pines is some giant park, full of winter activities. I was going to do a story about them soon enough, but the Super Bowl kind of snuck up on me, so we'll start with their party this Sunday.

They have a great set-up in place, and I'm witing this on the Friday before. In the parking lot (yes, they have a parking lot), you can start off proper-like by getting a team Jersey. They have dozens of options, male and female. You can then head over to the tailgate section, where various pickup trucks, bar-b-q's and kegs of beer are there for the taking.

The tailgate party is important, because beer is much more costly once you enter the stadium. That doesn't matter in SL, but I like to try to Go Native when immersing myself into a scene. I plan to do my heavy virtual drinking in the parking lot.

Once you are properly fortified, you can head to the field to watch the game. In an act that I'm sure is illegal but will never touch you or I, they plan to broadcast the game on the big screen they have on the far side of the football field from the bleachers you'd be sitting in.

This might actually rule if you get stuck in the office for the Super Bowl with no TV. If your boss catches you, just tell her that all the cool kids network this way now. She'll probably buy it, as it's easier than disciplining you. She's making you work on the Super Bowl, so f*ck her.

Anyhow, here is the landmark for the place ( ). After that, the ball is in your hands.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Party Like You're Beating Cancer- Stacey Cardalines Reporting…

Hi, everyone. I apologize for shutting down the Sports and Leisure desk for so long, but I got heavily into tennis. If you are making a living as a SL tennis hustler, it's hard to go back to online media. I also wanted to get Homeland Security off my ass, as I was the SL Enquirer reporter who was covering the Arab Spring when the CIA was making avatars and investigating SL looking for terrorists. I did some lay-low time, and now I'm back to take a few more scalps. It's good to be back, too.

One of the reasons it is good to be back is that I get to help out charities, like the Relay For life people.

The Relay For Life is a community based fundraising effort for the American Cancer Society. It is their most successful fundraiser, and is their signature event. There are over 5000 RFL taking place across 20 countries, and they make a ridiculous (I hear "five billion" a lot when I research) amount of money for the cause.

SL has charitable minded people, such as the SLCS, aka the Second Life Cheerleader Squad. The SLCS has been working with RFL since I knew them, and they were my first assignment at this paper back in 2009 or so. I'm technically a member of the squad, although I'm too clumsy to do cheers and am actually better suited towards wrestling or football. 

As you might imagine, their principal job is to train cheerleaders and them have them cheer at events. When there are no events to cheer for, they organize their own events, like RFL fundraisers. They do one almost every month, and have raised thousands and I might even guess tens of thousands of L$ for the cause.

I was at their party last night. It was an all-day event with about 12 hours of different musical guests. I should have published a note earlier and got them some publicity, but, like I said, I've been really into tennis lately. 
I'll eliminate that error right now. Their next event is October 26th, and we'll have a full listing of events soon enough.

For now, you can visit the Relay For Life page at You can also find out more about SL charity by checking out the Cheertopia Cheerleading Arena. You can find that by doing a search on SL... Crikey, you people think I'm here to provide information or links or directions and stuff!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Relay For Life Car Show And Concert- Stacey Cardalines Reporting...

Do Some Good While Having Some Fun

If you need something of some worth to do this Sunday, why not come on down to the Relay For Life event at the SLCS Stadium? The show runs from 9 AM to 9 PM, SLT.

Among the activities today will be a car show, a cheerleader show, and a concert.

The concert will feature Libertybelle Lyric, a cancer survivor returning to the site where she last performed.

Here's the link to the stadium, and here is the schedule (times listed are SLT) of performers who are giving their time to a fine cause:

9-10 Bill473 Resident
10-11 Harmonia
11-12 Beamer Lowtide
12-1 Madmax Huet
1-2 Rocky Hillburton
2-3 Rock Doghouse
3-4 Libertybelle lyric
4-5 don cabassoun
5-6  Bat Masters
6-7 Definitive Rock Concerts
7-8 Bluemonk Rau
8-9 Dione Bingyl

I'll be there at some point, so that alone is worth the price of admission... which, sadly for me, is nothing at all.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Get Ready For Baseball Season At Jersey City!

Stacey At The Bat A lot of people make an active effort to draw a solid line between real life and Second Life, especially in some of the sims I hang around in. That said, a lot of what goes on in SL is driven by RL. I live in Massachusetts RL, we just had 40 inches of snow fall in a week, and I trend toward warmer activities the moment I delve into this fantasy world that we all share. Fo' instance... the moment I open the SL Sports desk back up, we're talking baseball.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

If you can't beat 'em...

... work for the IRS!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Arkansas State University

Stacey gets all Arkansas this week...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Asylum Sports

Dive into Asylum Sports!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Objets D'Art By Olu

Get A NYC Skyloft For 1L This Month...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

SFL Super Bowl This Weekend

Media Day At The SFL!

The Sports and Leisure Desk of the SL Enquirer was representing hard at the SFL Media Day ceremonies which precede their annual Super Bowl.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ice Lords Rule SL Hockey

Stacey the bandwagon frontrunner, rocking the Ice Lords jersey...

Friday, February 17, 2012

I'm Rolling... They Hating

Stacey, who can't even do the Hokey Pokey at the roller rink, stayed out of this one.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

GOHA Playoffs

If you win the championship in GOHA, you get the trophy, not the cheerleader trophy wife...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Super Bowl Party

This column calls for the Patriots to win in a rout.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

GOHA Playoffs Starting Soon!

The Global Online Hockey Association is in Season 13's Playoffs!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Too Close To Home

Buzzards Bay, from space... OK, from about 50 yards up...