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Friday, March 10, 2017


To raise awareness and get ready for the Kickoff Celebration of the 2017 Relay season, Relay For Life of Second Life invites you to turn the grid purple starting March 4 through March 12!   Why purple? It’s the official color of Relay For Life because purple is the universal color for cancer awareness and Relay For Life raises money for research of all types of cancers.  We invite you to join us for a special purple celebration day Saturday, March 4 starting at 9am slt.  Tell your friends and help us get the word out for Paint SL Purple week!
How can you participate?  Turn your Second Life purple!  Wear purple clothes, purple hair, and even purple skin. Turn your house purple, paint your grass purple! Do you own a store? Paint your store purple. The goal is for people to take notice!
Take the purple to the next level by forming a team and registering. Check out our website, for information on how you can register a team and join in Relay.
To help with your overall purpleness, we’ll be sending out a Paint SL Purple kit too!  You can also get the kit after March 4 at this SLURL: on American Cancer Society Island.
Our purple reign on the grid started in 2009 and has been growing each year. Tell us about all the purpleness you see on the Relay For Life of Second Life’s Facebook page, or on Twitter, @RelayForLife_SL. Use the hashtags,  #RelayForLifeSL and #PaintSLpurple. You can even take purple out to the rest of the web by painting your Facebook and Twitter pages purple too!
The theme of the 2017 Relay For Life of Second Life season is “Passport To Hope”. The Steering Committee is comprised of  the 2017 Relay for Life of Second Life Chair Nuala Maracas, and co chairs Grace Loudon and Leala Spire.

About Relay For Life of Second Life

Relay For Life is the signature event of the American Cancer Society and has been active, and continually growing in Second Life for 13 years. In 2005, the first Relay For Life of Second Life (RFL of SL) was attended by a few hundred avatars and raised almost $5,000 US dollars for the American Cancer Society. As of July 2014 RFL of SL ranked number 17th in donations received among more than 5600 relay events held worldwide. As of January, 2017 RFL of SL celebrated raising 3 million US dollars to support the mission of the Society to 'Save Lives, Celebrate Lives and Lead The Fight for A World Without Cancer!

About the American Cancer Society

For more than 100 years, the American Cancer Society has been working to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays and is the world leader in the fight to end cancer. Together with our global partners and millions of supporters, the American Cancer Society carries out its mission to Save Lives, Celebrate Lives, and Lead the Fight for a World Without Cancer.

For More Information:
Attachments area


            Meet other Avis from Second Life in Secret Harmony.  Secret Harmony is an online Social Network for SL Residents where you can meet other Residents and share all kinds of content.  Today we have the owner of Secret Harmony, Kwave Wilkinson, to discuss this fabulous new social network.

Seersha Heart: What prompted you to create like Secret Harmony?

Kwave Wilkinson: We ran a forest and a designer event and  the site was linked to the forest for a way to meet online and meet others in world to. With no one using the forest we let it go and put full focus on the website. The site is my passion and it is an old project that I basically incorporated for Secondlife. Being both me and my wife met in SL and were friends for years this is a project we enjoy. Later in life we grew a fondness to one another, met in real life and got married. So Secondlife for us is a way to meet others and if there is a site that can further those chances or to even share content with others that is even better. Ive been on many sites and there is just so much lacking. I wanted more without having to rely on a million different sites. Most of all I wanted performance and security. Those are things we strive on. We are always open for suggestions and listen to the community.

Seersha Heart: This is all very exciting.  Is this a dating website?

Kwave Wilkinson: Dating websites are focused on one thing and that is meeting someone to be your soulmate. We are not a dating website. The goal of the website is to network people and their content.  Could someone potentially meet someone for love interests? Definitely. As a whole we are a social network for meeting others as friendship, to collaborate, or yes if it happens to meet your soul mate.

Seersha Heart: How long has this site been available?

Kwave Wilkinson: We have been available since late September of 2016

Seersha Heart: What features do you offer?

Kwave Wilkinson: You create your own profile and also your own page if wanted.  You can use  your personal pages as a blog page, newspaper, business page or a mix of those.  The possibilities are endless for what you can create.  You can also create a blog or a group.  You can post events or advertisements.  You can also take part in the Forums.

Sharing is a wonderful feature in Secret Harmony.  You can share photos and videos and you can also share gestures, sweepers, promos and other audio clips.  You can share the things you like on Facebook or Twitter.

Seersha Heart: Users can earn Lindens with the monthly referral program.  How does that work?

Kwave Wilkinson: You refer others to join Secret Harmony.  In March we are paying double the Lindens.  Monthly referral program to earn lindens

Seersha Heart: How do I get started using Secret Harmony?  Does it cost money to use?

Kwave Wilkinson: Secret Harmony is free.  Just go to our website and you can set up your account from the first page.

Seersha Heart: Where do I sign up?

Seersha Heart: Thanks for your time today.  Secret Harmony sounds like it has everything that the other social media sites rolled into one page.

            Create a multifunctional profile that interfaces with all your favorite social media at Secret Harmony.  It’s free and it has it all!

Contact Info:

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Beyond the Physical Transcendent Action - Seersha Heart reporting...

“Have you ever found yourself running around doing things while you breath quickly and your heart beats too fast? 

If left to your own natural pace what would your breathing be like, your pulse be like, operating in your own rhythm?  Discovering this rhythm gives a certain feeling of freedom to know ourselves.”                                                                                       Ewan Bonham

Today I am speaking with Ewan Bonham who, along with Starlight will be hosting a weekly Transcendent Activation class Sundays at 3 pm slt beginning March 19, 2017.  Ewan is sharing the experience of Mindful Meditation with SL residents to help them find that freedom.

Seersha Heart:  For those who may not know, what is meditation?

Ewan Bonham:  Meditation is a practice of concentrated focus upon a sound object visualization, the breath, movement or attention itself… in order to increase awareness of the present moment.  It is used to reduce stress, promote relaxation and enhance personal and spiritual growth.

One source of stress is our mind jumping around to things it has no control over: the past, the future.  We have a habit of thinking about these issues continually, but we find peace as we live our moments in the present.

When we focus on the present moment we feel a sense of peace and can enjoy the sensations of that moment.  This leads to each of these moments being a richer experience.

Seersha Heart:  One of the other techniques you will be discussing is “Mindfulness” meditation.  How would you describe that activity?

Ewan Bonham: Simply sit in stillness allowing whatever thoughts you have come to your mind. You acknowledge them and sense their flow but you give them no energy.  You do not pursue the thoughts, letting them float in and out.  As you let go of these thoughts you gain an ability to stay in the present.

You create a detachment from distracting thoughts to gain insight and awareness of self.

Seersha Heart:  Your class is called Transcendent Activation.  What do you mean when you use this term?

Ewan Bonham:  Transcendence means beyond the body, also beyond our strict time table and beyond the physical.  Transcendence is a reduction of our awareness of our physical bodies and a letting go of our emphasis on time.  Your body and your mind can regulate itself.

Seersha Heart:  What made you think of SL as a good place for your class?

Ewan Bonham:  SL is very convenient to use. You just need a laptop and to construct your own personal Ashram. Our meeting as a group while using the simple tools in SL, gives you the freedom to construct your method and space to take time out of your RL day.  When we meet as a group we will go through many of the different tools that help to create an ambiance.  The end product will be to build you own private space for focused meditation.

Seersha Heart:  You are saying your group will be making their own meditation area using the tools in SL?

Ewan Bonham:  We begin by showing a simple platform.  I want each person to find a place, where nobody else knows you are around, your own corner of the world for this ashram to be used.

Some of the SL tools we will use in building our ambiance are lighting, textures, our cameras and scenes. Other tools include the use of words, affirmations, music and sounds.  Some find it useful to use a moving object for focus [moving art].  These are all basic building tools to use to make your ashram.

After discussing the ashram I will talk the group through a meditative experience.  The breath is the anchor of meditation, if you concentrate on how your breath sounds and feels it is much easier to stay in the present.

Seersha Heart:  People attending the class will meet other residents.  What are the social and interactive elements of your group?

Ewan Bonham: We will practice meditation and follow it up with a group discussion.  Members can share what the experience was like for them.  Perhaps something that has popped up for them.  Some people have memories or feelings they haven’t had in years. Once released, they become more available to the present.

Discovering and sharing with group members in our natural state has a comforting feeling.

We will also be traveling to some of the many SIMs that are designed creatively and beautifully.  They have been created with meditative spots in mind.

Seersha Heart:  You will be meeting in a dedicated skybox for meditation.  Will you describe it for us?

Ewan Bonham: It is represented in the picture. This is a quiet and private space where we can flexibly present many of the elements discussed above.  Group members can determine what feels right for each of them.

Seersha Heart: Should people interested in your class bring anything with them to class?

Ewan Bonham: Just themselves and their own open minds and hearts.

Community Cultural Hub
SURL: WBH Community Cultural Hub, Inspiration Island (87, 118, 22) – Moderate
Transcendence Skybox

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

What Makes Bento Mesh Heads Different? – Camury Reporting...

As a result of Second Life viewers being updated for Bento, it seems that the Second Life community is in a tail spin over Bento mesh heads.

For those who still do not know about it, Bento is the newest and greatest improvement from Linden Lab for Second Life.  It allows more realism for avatars by adding ‘bones’ and attachment points to the avatar skeleton.

As the Bento Project makes changes to the Second Life avatar skeleton, avatars (specifically those who use the new joints, bones and animations allowed by the Bento Project) have the opportunity to have a much wider range of avatar body types, facial expressions and animations. New mesh avatars and mesh attachments make full benefit of new joints and attachment points.

A summary of the new bones and attachment points:

·         New limb bones: for extra wings, arms, or legs.
·         Tail bones: Include your tail in the avatar animations.
·         New hand bones: for finer control over hand animations.
·         New facial bones: for complex facial expressions, ears and animated antennas.
·         New attachment points - Associated with the new bones.

Bento does not affect any content in Second Life. What has changed, for the average user, is that older graphics cards and controllers may be finding it hard to process the increase in the number of joins. This has forced Second Life users to upgrade their operating systems or drivers to the latest version to be able to get on board with the Bento era. And now, after a long wait, we are starting to see a variety of avatars with additional Bento options.

The curiosity for Bento has been increasing exponentially.  What people want to know is what the main advantages of the additional options are.

Let’s compare the standard mesh head versus the Bento head. Basically, the advantage of the Bento head is the uncountable customization options for which it allows and the facial expressions tend to be much more realistic. This means that Bento heads allow adjustments and modifications to suit our characteristics. We can make use of the facial sliders to create our own face shapes.
Here are some Bento Mesh head options available inworld:

Absolut Creation
Genesis Lab

Although the delightful additional options of Bento heads are appealing, the cost is somewhat restrictive.  But don’t worry, you can keep the mesh head you are currently using, if you use one that is, for some time to come. Mesh bodies won’t be changing for the foreseeable future.  Although Bento hands and feet are now being released to add to the already complicated mix.

The "classic" avatar of Second Life will continue to function as planned and will not have to be updated. You do not have to change anything if you do not want to.

The adoption of the Bento head as de rigueur will initially be slow.   In my opinion many people will keep the mesh heads that they are currently wearing and will keep their mesh bodies as they are for now as well.  Obviously there are always those are early adopters who will want to use the characteristics of the Bento head, wings ears and tails, to make Second Life more realistic that it already is.

Misfit Dance & Performance Art - "Misfit Follies" Showcase - Wednesday March 8th at 6 pm SL

This week at the Misfit Forest Theater

This is a special show !!   The winner of our  RFL (Relay for Life )  -  "Be a Misfit for a Day!" Raffle that was held in December - Modicon Pinelli will be our guest Misfit Dancer and will be featured in 5 of our dance numbers !  Congrats & huge Thank You , Modi for being part of the solution!

Wednesday March 8th at 6 pm SL

Misfit Dance & Performance Art presents :

  " Misfit Follies  ~  a Showcase of Theater Dance Art "

Show time is 6 pm SL with pre-show music starting at 5:30 pm  SL

Please arrive early to guarantee your seat

 JenzZa will debut another "New in 2017" dance art piece called " Basic Shapes"  inspired by the concept of  "appearance" -   shape / size / color /  all attributes of outer appearance  -  ALL are beautiful and are to be celebrated!  


"Hit The Road Jack"        
"Miss McDonald"
"Cold Cash"
"Go Fish!"    
"Banzai Samurai"
"Ragdoll Rhapsody"
"Basic Shapes"   New in 2017 -  debut tonight!
"Cowboy Bill's Bills"
Misfit Dance & Performance Art  ~  Prepare to be delighted.

Contact JenzZa Misfit for more information.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March Madness Double Earning Potential

Press Release:

See more @

Invite your friends and family to SecretHarmonyInSL Social Network and earn over double the normal earnings! 
Join in our madness. Share content and meet other Second Life residents today at
Always 100% Free!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Cʟᴜʙ Lɪᴏɴ Ξɴᴛᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴᴍent Celebrates 9 Years! Saturday March 11th!

WOW WOW WOW 9 Years! Come celebrate with us. We are proud to announce Club Lion’s 9 Year Anniversary. It’s hard to believe Club Lion as been around that long. The past 9 years have been very rewarding. It’s been such a joy meeting so many great people through the years.
This year’s party will be the best ever with an amazing line up of DJ’s and singers. The theme for our party will be MEDIEVAL . The Club Lion team worked hard creating a venue that you will enjoy and have a great time during this amazing show.
We’d like to thank all our singers in advance for participating in our celebration.
We spared no expense. This party is one like you’ve never seen before. Mark it on your Calendar! You don’t want to miss it!!
Saturday 11 March :
17 Uhr / 8 am slt : DJ Greywolf Fairey
18 Uhr / 9 am slt : Paul Nowles
19 Uhr / 10 am slt : Khiron Ametza
20 Uhr / 11 am slt : Ricardo Avalira
21 Uhr / 12 pm slt : DonFranko (donfranko.dagostino)
22 Uhr / 1 pm slt : DJ Tom
23 Uhr / 2 pm slt : Psiquence
0 Uhr / 3 pm slt : Toorealsom
1 Uhr / 4 pm slt : Chandra Deed
2 Uhr / 5 pm slt : ElvisAronPresley Lisa
To all the amazing people who have made Club Lion what it is today we want to say a very special THANK YOU! The singers, audience and staff are amazing!
Owner : Huanita Wunderlich
Hosts : Evee / Tatjana / Josef

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Misfit Dance & Performance Art presents " Misfit Follies ~ a Showcase of Theater Dance Art " March 1st at 6pm SLT

Please arrive early to guarantee your seat. Show time is 6 pm SL with pre-show music starting at 5:30 pm  SL

Another fun and engaging Playbill of fun dance art performance and including several of our " New in 2017" dance art pieces -  like  "Bourbon Street!"  ... just in time for upcoming Fat Tuesday & Mardi Gras in New Orleans!  Don't miss this over the top cute & fun dance!


"Jai Ho"        
"Sleepless Sheep"
"Bourbon Street"    
"EQUAL"   It's not about who you love -- it is simply about love.
"Banzai Samurai"
"Hooray for Hollywood"   Rumour as it King Kong is back!
"Butterfly Strong"    Honoring cancer warriors & survivors all over the world - in support of RFL in SL

Misfit Dance & Performance Art  ~  Prepare to be delighted.

Contact JenzZa Misfit for more information.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Making Physical Therapy Work For You by Psychic Medium Linda Lauren

I was having a conversation this morning with someone who was asked to consider physical therapy again, despite best efforts, instead of going the surgical route. My feelings are pretty clear on this.I believe physical therapy works well when the injuries are minimal and the person much younger, with less of a medical history of injuries. Or, if you can afford it (which most can not) private sessions.
PT facilities assign you to on-premise therapists after fully evaluating your case. That makes the patient safe and secure in the knowledge that they are in good, expert hands. However, it’s what happens after that initial appointment that may undermine your healing progress.
A therapist is not necessarily permitted to treat the whole body, as they are asked to work on the one issue you came there for. For instance, if you had back, knee, or hip surgery (for which you are not being treated for at that time) and being presently treated for an issue with an arm or a foot, you might only legally be treated for the issue assigned to your case. The focus is on what the insurance companies will pay for in regard to your coverage.
There is also the chance that therapists rely on assistants taking over for them in the middle of your therapy sessions. That assistant will look at the clipboard that indicates your injury and treatment, but they, too, are not permitted and/or required to treat pre-existing conditions you may have, that are not cleared for in therapy. I believe that leaves a person open to creating more health issues for the future. It’s like curing one problem and exacerbating others.
As someone who has had this happen personally several times, and over several years, I looked into how I can avoid this possible pitfall. It is certainly not the fault of the technician or the patient, but the insurance company’s requirements.I considered the following questions to take control of my treatment, so that I might avoid injury in those areas not being treated.
  • Choose the facility for therapy carefully and based on doctor and patient recommendations. A previous patient will have the inside track which can be a valuable heads up.
  • Discern whether or not the treatment scope will cover any pre-existing conditions you might have in your medical history and give them careful consideration.
  • When at the facility, make sure that each physical therapy technician or assistant is aware of your complete history, and refers to it during your treatment.
  • Be an active participant in your therapy. Do not be afraid to speak up if you are having any doubts about your treatment.
  • Never let a technician who has a cold, sniffles, or any health issue, work on you, as they should not be treating a patient while they are sick. The treatment facility is supposed to be a healing environment.
I realize that some therapists who read this may take offense, but it is not meant to offend at all. It is meant to enlighten, as I am speaking from personal experience, as well as the experiences of others who have suffered injury that caused them pain enough to change the way they approached their physical therapy experience. PT can be a wonderful experience if the the stress of additional injury is avoided . Knowledge is very powerful to healing.

Linda can be found Island hopping or on ETU Abbracciare, her SL Island.  Come visit!  

Monday, February 27, 2017

The Spoonful of Sugar (S.O.S Festival) and MSF/Doctors Without Borders Fundraiser March 18 - April 1st, 2017

For every national and international disaster Doctors Without Borders has been there. There is no barrier, border, or line they will not cross, no length they will not go to too bring aid to those who need it most. Where there is need they are there giving generously all of their knowledge, talent, and skills. Now it is time to give back to them.

Second Life is a global community and with the help of Seraphim, AIM, LTD, ModeLS Magazine, The Second Life Enquirer, T1 Radio and SL Live Radio, we will come together to celebrate the world wide movement of Médecins Sans Frontières with an entire two weeks of parties, events, and fund raising running March 18 - April 1, 2017. Join us at The Spoonful of Sugar Festival as we visit the Netherlands and Amsterdam for our second event!

We bring to you the finest in SL Fashion, Home and Garden and amazing Breedables to enhance your second life with style, comfort and charm. Our calendar is packed with a Panel Discussion with MSF workers, SL's highly acclaimed entertainers, dance troupes,DJs and Fashion Shows. The best part it can all be yours knowing it will all benefit this amazing, globally reaching cause! 

To learn more about the S.O.S Festival and MSF/Doctors Without Borders please visit our website where you can see all the latest happening and developments:

You can also stay up to date and follow us on Facebook at:

To see all the new releases, exclusives, and creations from over 150 (and counting as of this release!) amazing designers, check out our flickr group:

We will see you at The Spoonful of Sugar Festival 2017!

Yours Truly,
Ever Courtois & Angel Wickentower 
S.O.S Founders
S.O.S Event Team

** This article has had some corrections and is updated as of 2/27/17.