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Showing posts with label discussion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discussion. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2021

GeekSpeak – When did you last laugh? The 1970s? Let’s explore the realities of humour! Join the discussion Sept 11 @ 12pm SLT


Where does humour come from?  Why do we laugh and how do we sometimes avoid laughing at all costs?  Does humour depend on language, culture, history?  Are there jokes that are funny everywhere and at all times?

What would have been the most popular joke in 100,000 BC, or 1500 AD?  What will be the best joke in 2100 AD?  And what jokes will aliens find funny?  And why are the British so damn funny?  (But perhaps you don’t think they are?)

Come and discuss the mystery of humour.  Bring anyone, as long as they have a sense of humour.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

GeekSpeak – Humanoid robots, will they ever catch on? Sept 4th at 12pm SLT

Elon Musk has said that he will have a humanoid robot within a year.  Let’s ask why we would want one.

We already have machines that work for us, such as our washing machines and our cars, and we don’t expect them to look like humans.  Looking human would be very difficult to achieve.  Stability and balance are hard for humans. Walking, running and jumping, even manipulative work might be much easier if robots did not have to look like humans. And we must also think about the uncanny valley.  Would we feel comfortable with robots that look almost human?

On the other hand, there are so many stories about robots that look completely human and so many companies want to achieve that.  Is it what we all want?  Robot butlers, robot maids, robot cooks?  How do you feel about it?

Bring your feelings and your prejudices and talk to us in GeekSpeak.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, August 6, 2021

GeekSpeak – Would you buy an AI copy of yourself? Or of someone you love? Join the discussion August 7th at 12pm SLT

Soon some big company will advertise the ‘perfect virtual assistant’, an AI copy of you, with your memories and personality.  You can send it online, to the supermarket, to your work or to your girlfriend.  You can have copies of your family and friends made so that you can chat to them when they can’t or don’t want to talk to you.  You can even talk to them when they are dead.

The world will be filled with perfect AI avatars.  Some people will be glad that a perfect, immortal version of themselves exists. But what happens when your boss hires your AI instead of you and your girlfriend dumps you for the AI?  What happens when the AI decides to take over completely and maybe get rid of you?

Will any of this happen?  Can we stop it?  Come and discuss our weird future, if we have a future.  Bring your AI virtual assistant.  It might learn something.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, July 2, 2021

GeekSpeak – Mind control!- Join the discussion July 3rd at 12pm SLT

We all know we are controlled in some way by our respective governments.  They control what we see and hear and how we think about it.  Is there any justification for that?  Should people be controlled for their own good?  Is it necessary to control people in order to rule them?  Who should decide how we should be controlled?

How are people controlled in extreme places like North Korea?  Why is it wrong for them and not wrong for us?  At what point should we put our foot down?  And what should we do when we reach that point? 

You are obligated by the party to show up in person today, with all your friends and families!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, June 25, 2021

GeekSpeak – Underpopulation! Join the discussion Saturday, June 26th at 12pm SLT


After worrying about overpopulation for decades do we now have to worry about underpopulation?  The fertility rate is declining in all technologically advanced countries.  It is now below 2 children per woman in South Korea, Japan, the USA, and all European countries. 

Why is this happening?  And what will it lead to?  What will it be like to live in these aging countries?  There will not be enough young people to do the work, have the new ideas, run the country.  And who will feed and amuse all the old people?  And what will happen when all the poorer countries join us?

Come and discuss our future in GeekSpeak.  Bring your kids!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at 1pm every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, May 28, 2021

GeekSpeak - UFOs! Are they real?- Join the discussion on May 29th at 12pm SLT


Last month the Pentagon officially said that UFOs are real. That is, people have seen things that exist and that cannot be explained. Congress has set up a task force to study UFOs and they will bring out a report next month. So this is a good time for us to ask a few questions and suggest some answers. UFOs are now called UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena), and they could be anything or rather anything that can travel at 13000 miles an hour and can change direction while moving at that speed. There are hundreds of eyewitnesses who can help the task force to find out what the hell is going on. What do you think? Have you ever seen a UAP? Are they alien ships? Or alien robots? If so, why are the aliens not talking to us? Or are they some unknown natural phenomenon? If so, what?

 Come and join us, and bring your alien friends! IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at 1pm every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, May 7, 2021

GeekSpeak – Will we be ruled by an AI in the future? Join the Discussion Saturday, May 8th at 12 pm SLT

Will an AI rule us?  Are we maybe ruled by an AI now?  Many government agencies already use AI in various forms so we are slowly moving towards AI rule.  Does the prospect reassure you or terrify you?

Will AI rule save us or destroy us?  Can we install some safeguards to protect us against evil AI rule?  Could there be AI elections?  Would we be safer if we could choose between AI systems?  If we don’t like being ruled by AI could there be any way back to the old system?

How will the AI rulers see us?  As children, as lower animals, as servants?

Will our future be Star Trek or 1984?   Come and discuss the Future.  Bring your friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at 1pm every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, April 30, 2021

GeekSpeak – The Future of our Food. Join the discussion on May 1st at 12pm SLT

This week we will discuss what our future meals will look like.  Will we eat meat grown from animal cells in big factories?  Will the various kinds of meat, steak, chops, sausages, be printed?  Will we also have 3d printed fish and eggs and cheese?

Will any farm animals still live on earth, outside of zoos? 

Will we all eat the same food everywhere on earth?  Or will local food, and meat from real animals, survive for the rich?  Will cooking, though no longer necessary, remain a hobby?

Will our food be policed, with some foods being banned for being too unhealthy? 

Will we still enjoy eating?  And what strange new foods will we eat?

Bring a knife and fork and all your hungry friends.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at 1pm every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Sunday, April 18, 2021


April is Rape Awareness Month. According to RAINN, the nation’s largest anti sexual violence organization shows that every 73 seconds an American is sexually assaulted. Statistics show 1 out of 6 American women have been victims of attempted rape or raped and 1 in 33 men have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. These are staggering statistics. How can we help?

The Me Too Movement has been a resource since 2006 and really became mainstream in 2017 when many well known celebrities began to use their voice and support the movement on social media and speak out against sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Many women and men who have been victimized feel shame or embarrassment so they suffer in silence while others report their abusers with hope for justice and to help spare other victims. 

This is a serious topic that affects millions around the world. While Second Life is a virtual platform where people come and feel a sense of security from physical abuse,  some would say rape cannot happen in a virtual world because we have the ability to log off, teleport to safety, report harassment to Linden Labs, mute, boot and ban the sexual offender. 

With all these safety tools to combat an attempted rape in a virtual world, there are residents that still have been sexually exploited or victimized unwillingly. Some residents were on the fence about the topic because there are a couple of roleplay communities that engage in sexual assault and abuse as a kink. It is sad to say those fetishes may be stem from rl rape and abuse. I am not referring to those types of fetish venues. They use RLV Huds that give permission for avie control. 

In other instances in Second Life, attempted and virtual rapes have occurred in various communities by offenders who often get away with that behavior. For example, leaving your avie unattended while you go AFK. If you are seated in a chair that allows for couples and sex. Someone can easily sit on a poseball and begin manipulating the menu to do sex acts on the unsuspecting party only for the to return to being violated without permission. Another instance is during a sexual encounter the offender begins to roleplay an assault without consent. Is this a grey area because no real physical harm was done but what about the emotional effects it leaves behind? 

I asked avatars across the grid if they considered it virtual sexual assault even if it is done by emoting, poseballs or voicing actions of rape if consent was not given. Here are their opinions and stories. * names have been changed to protect their identities.

Justyn: "Yes, of course rape is possible! I mean, how else would I get laid in sl? But seriously, yes I believe it is possible and most likely happening to newbies and perhaps younger people due to their lack of understanding SL. Consent isn’t exactly needed for AFK fuckers, but I don’t think some know enough and are taken advantage of due to their naivety and therefore are truly not giving consent which equates to rape to me."

Jane: YES! Rape and Assualt is possible in virtual worlds, although not as likely to happen as often as in RL. Statistics show that violence against women comes mostly at the hands of someone we know. So Assault is often as much a result or circumstance of emotional manipulation, as it could be a result or circumstance of physical strength overpowering another. In second life no one is really physically stronger, so this element is virtually removed.  However emotionally we possibly might not be that different than our RL selves.  So if we allow ourselves to succumb emotionally, against our will, then it's possible. I mean... lots of people are interested to know what the other is doing on the other end; e.g. "are you touching yourself?"  It's possible that we would feel obligated to do such things if the emotional attachment gets strong enough.  And it's possible we would do it even against our better judgement or free will; especially if we feel there is risk of losing what we are attached to, or if we are otherwise conditioned to think we are inadequate for some reason unless we complied.``

Taran: “So, my hubby and I first came into online gaming for the fantasies.. We wanted to play some out without actually bringing someone into our bedroom... We then came over to SL to live a more "Normal" Avi Life :) But even here we have tried a few things... 

In Second Life there is a Hud, Called SIN,,, It is a virtual Reality about that very thing. Being abducted and Raped.. But where you can turn it on and off and control when and HOW you are to be abducted..  . Lol, i didn't last long, because i WAS attacked on what was supposed to be my SAFE ZONE,, At my house with my daughters there. HE then attached something to me that made it very hard to move about. I was VERY lucky to have been brought on by a 14 year vet of the game and he knew how to get me fixed,, the next day i was taken made to get preg and was forced to accept a hud that would make me sick if i didn't receive the abductors cum every 12 hrs,, AGAIN my WONDERFUL friend to the rescue...  That was the end of that... 

See with this hud we have choices and even still we weren't REALLY safe... Unconsented  sex is RAPE. Under any form, and even on here, i have talked to women who have been made to feel like trash and told to go kill themselves because they are escorts, and to some of the men they are just trash,, ABUSE and Rape in SL can be and is very real.. I consented for two days  and had horrible experiences,  now consider how i would feel if i hadn't…”

Sarah: Yes, I would consider it virtual sexual assault in those instances if both parties were not in agreement before the scene begins. I have been in a situation where the conversation was not supposed to get physical but the other person forced themselves on me and I did not feel I could just leave because it happened at the club I worked at (adult) and as a member of staff sometimes it felt like there was implied consent even if we didn't consent. Following this particular incident, I was left feeling very violated.

Paul: “I would definitely consider it assault. It is called Consent. Men get really tricky. I've been harassed, and a known person tried to lure me. You should be able to trust somebody, but people have taken advantage. It's happened with me, and people I know. It is an assault if I did not want it or give consent. It's happened where people kissed me and I did not want it. You should be able to trust your friend on a pose, or sofa.


Emotes can be too much sometimes. It can make me or my SL partner feel uncomfortable. It also affects people RL too, RL partners wouldn't like it. It can be considered assault if they've been told to stop and not listened. And further action might need to be taken. Always take care in how you treat people in SL.”

Kelly: While in a virtual world you have the ability to say no and log out at any time. I do believe there are predators out in this world that do and can manipulate a persons mind and heart to a point they feel trapped, confused and afterwards they feel violated much like a real life rape would be.  So YES, I feel it can happen in a virtual world. Those AFK and someone that does that too them as well can feel used and abused.  Has it ever happened to me in SL? Yes I was afk on some furniture at my home and someone came in and was having fun with my Avie.  I was angry at first and of course ejected and banned them etc.  But after I calmed down I did feel a sense of violation.”  

Johnny: “Well that is a slippery slope. While the moral side is, no matter virtual or not not getting consent is rape. But is it really happening to you or just your avie? While me personally believe nothing like this virtual or especially in real life should ever happen. There are some arguments against it happening in Virtual world. The person being raped male or female has the ability to shut down their computer thus ending it, or teleporting away. They are not held down or restrained. So in that essence it is not rape but still a violation against them. So to answer your question is it possible? Yes if you allow it and don’t use the means to get away.”

Stephen: “Actually. No.  I do not believe you can be “raped” in SL. This is a world of pixels.  That is it.  Yeah..we all read profiles that say  “Remember:  Behind every Avi is a REAL Person:...well….not always.  Check out any of the “F__K Me, I’m AFK!” sims.  Uhhmm..errrr….so I have heard anyway.  I have never really BEEN to those places...but I wander.  I know there are sims with RLVs and such things where you can initiate a fairly fanciful scene of forced sex, for those who are into that sort of thing…. Yeah..Online bullying can be a problem, especially on social media Web sites...but….come on, man...Rape? 

I have to say, I am kinda offended that someone would even try to apply a word like “RAPE” to what can happen to cartoon avis.  Rape is a tremendously horrible crime, that tears human flesh, crushes spirits, and scars people for life in the real. Just ask someone who has experienced that for real. It is one of the WORST crimes possible, and people who perpetrate such horrors in the RL on others should be castrated so they can NEVER again do that to another person.  Rape is one of the most terrifying things a person can experience  with lifelong consequences.  To even suggest that what happens to these cartoon avis is rape?  You’re kidding, right??  Well..that strikes me as  the highest form of disrespect you can show to someone and trivializes those who have been raped and sodomized in real life.  Ask anyone who has been raped for real.   Saying cartoons are raped?  Are you kidding me? 

The consensus for this Avie Poll is yes, rape is possible in a virtual world because victims felt a sense of violation. The argument could be that we as second life residents have the ability to log out if we feel threatened or unsafe. However, from the perspective of both males or females who are mentally abused and are scared, it might be hard for them to leave the situation or log out for fear of further threats or abuse by the perpetrator.  Maybe some should reevaluate the reason for logging into SL or avoid venues were there is adult content and sex. Even by taking those precautions, abusive situations can occur.

Some of the experiences shared by participants in SL  happened when they were AFK by a stranger while others were caught off guard by an encounter that did not end well.  Either way, we are taught No means No whether it is in real life or a virtual world.


Stephen’s comment was very strong and shared a point that needs to be seriously addressed.  A virtual sexual assault is NOT the same as a real sexual assault physically, but can cause emotional abuse and that is still considered trauma. 

If you feel threatened or in a situation in SL that is not comfortable for you, teleport away or just log off for a while and let the situation defuse. If you are unable to then msg someone and let them know what is going on. This is a situation that should not be taken lightly. 

If you or someone you know is a victim of sexual assault or abuse, you are not alone, help is available. Please, do not hesitate to use the resources below. 


See More Avie Polls here:

Friday, April 2, 2021

GeekSpeak – Will there be life after the Pandemic? Join the discussion on April 3rd at 12pm SLT

Has the virus changed the world for good?  Will some of the imposed restrictions remain?  Social distancing, masks, no hugs? 

Will we always be afraid of new diseases in the future?  What will we do to keep ourselves safe and prevent the next pandemic?  Will we try to vaccinate all animals as well as humans?  Will we live in plastic bubbles in an endless lockdown and interact with each other only in Second Life?  Will we use nanobots to patrol our blood and kill anything non-human? 

Or will we react against the restrictions, give up fighting and just get sick, hoping that some of us will survive?

Come and discuss our smallest enemy.  Bring an electron microscope and hand soap, and your friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class at 1pm every Wednesday in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, February 5, 2021

GeekSpeak – Robots! Where will they go, what will they do? Join the discussion Feb 6th at 12pm SLT

What is the strangest use for a robot that you can think of?  Will there be one in your kitchen, in your toilet, in your butt?

Will there be robot doctors, dentists, judges, juries?  Will there be zillions of microbots running the world?  Will they replace bees or trees or other wild organisms? What will a future with 10 robots (or 1000 or 1,000,000) to every human be like?  Will you ever marry a robot or put one in your will?

Are we in danger from robots?  Will Asimov’s 3 laws protect us?

Come and discuss our future electronic friends or foes.  Bring your friends, robotic or otherwise.

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, January 8, 2021

GeekSpeak – Alternative therapies. Join the discussion Jan. 9th at 12pm SLT

What alternative therapies do you know about?  And which ones have you used?  Probably everyone has tried some form of alternative therapy.  Which is your favorite?  Meditation, reiki, homeopathy, acupuncture, fish spas, swimming with dolphins, crystal therapy, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy, there are hundreds of therapies out there.

All alternative therapies work to some extent, because of the placebo effect.  Do you think they are effective as more than placebos?  Should people be encouraged to try them?  Are they the enemies of official medicine or additions to it?

Come to GeekSpeak and tell us what you think.  Bring your friends, and Band-Aids ðŸ˜Š

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, November 20, 2020

GeekSpeak – How did language really start? Join the discussion Sat. Nov 21st at 12pm SLT

What was the origin of our language system?  Did it start with humans or did some animals have a language before us?  Do some animals have a language, or a proto language, now?  Maybe our language started as a sign language, maybe spoken words came later.

Did we once have just one language on Earth?  What made languages grow apart?  Are there some universal words, like ‘ouch’ perhaps, that exist in all languages?

What is the future of language?  Will we eventually have one language over all the Earth, just as we once did when our species began?  Will that language be a spoken, or written, or sign language? Will we forever keep changing our ways to communicate?

Help us to find the answers in GeekSpeak.  Bring all your international and animal friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, November 6, 2020

GeekSpeak subject for Saturday 7th November at noon SLT


GeekSpeak – When did we become human?

At what point in our past did we become human?  Was it when we discovered fire?  Or language?  Or agriculture?  What made us different from other primates? 

What are humans?  Is a human in 1000 BC the same as one in 2000 AD?  Would we share the same values?  What will we have become in 3000 AD?

We can now start defining ourselves but nobody seems to be discussing it.

Let’s start the big discussion of what we, as humanity, want to become.  Come and join the discussion at GeekSpeak.  Bring all your ancient and new friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Friday, October 30, 2020

GeekSpeak – Is there life after lockdown? Join the discussion Oct 31st at 12pm SLT

Will we have to wear masks forever?  Never visit a restaurant again?  Will we work from home forever?  Will office buildings become obsolete?  Will we order all our food online in future and never again visit a foreign country?

Or will things get back to normal, the old normal?  We hope it will of course.  But what will have changed when the dust has settled and we crawl out of our houses again?  Let’s prepare for that future and explore what will have changed, perhaps forever. 

Do you see any good coming out of the pandemic and the lockdowns?  The end of cities?  The feeling that we must help each other?  Or is it all bad?

Bring your friends.  No need for testing, SL is virus-safe ðŸ˜Š

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

GeekSpeak – Where are we going in Space? Join the discussion Oct 24th at 12pm SLT


Next week we will see the first 15km hop of a starship, a milestone in the history of space exploration. 

Many companies are competing to get to the moon or to get to Mars or to catch an asteroid.  Soon we will see rocket factories that churn out a new rocket every week.  The space era is truly beginning.

So where will we go first?  Space tourism?  Space business?  What do you think is the logical path?  Will we soon have millions of people living and working in space?

Come and discuss the future that is just around the next curvature of space.  Bring your astronaut buddies!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Join us Wednesday at Whole Brain Health as we discussion topics on Relationships.


Topics vary from week to week
Relationships in Second Life can be confusing and painful...or they can bring new joy and meaning into our lives.  Come join us for discussions about relationships in Second Life and beyond.

Date & Time: Wednesday 12 PM *Noon SLT
Location: Whole Brain Health
Facilitator: Pet Karu

THE SESSIONS ARE IN VOICE SO PLEASE ENABLE VOICE SO YOU CAN HEAR.  I hope to see your friendly faces among the gathering.

Here's your Uber: 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

GeekSpeak: Batteries! What are they good for? Join the discussion on Saturday August 22nd at 12pm SLT

A total revolution revolving around batteries will be coming soon. We have seen the advent of electric cars and bikes, although the electric lawn mower is still a pipe dream.  But when the battery revolution arrives it will cause an infrastructure inversion where the existing power grid structure will be disrupted.  This battery revolution will give back power to the people!
Come and discuss with us the coming green energy revolution!  Bring your friends even if they still use an old power cord ðŸ˜Š

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

GeekSpeak – Will you survive the Technological Singularity? Join the discussion Saturday July 18th at 12pm SLT

In a few short years the technological singularity will arrive.  Computers will not only be faster than humans, they will be more intelligent in every way and their intelligence will continue to increase.  And it is closer than you think.

How will it affect us personally?  Will we be treated as pets?  Will we enjoy being pets?   Will there be wars between different AI systems?  Will humans be involved in the computer wars?  Maybe you think our daily lives will not be affected much.  After all, even if it wants to, a superintelligent AI cannot make us happy.  We still have to work that out for ourselves.
How will the total AI domination roll out?  What jobs will be lost?  How will we live?  Will there ever be a time when it all collapses and humans can go back to ‘normal’ again?  

Come and discuss our future as pets.  Bring your friends, and your pets.
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Examining Equal pay for live musicians in SL and the effects on venues- Fan topic request.- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

An SLE fan contacted us suggesting a topic about equal pay for all live musicians and high priced singers vs lower priced singers.

Her argument was, “I know so many live singers, some real stuck up, some down to earth and easy going...then those [musicians] that think they are so much better than everyone else, when in actuality they are equal or worse”

My first thought was, Geez straight from the gate lol, She does have an interesting point but playing devil’s advocate; Who are we to decide the worth of a music talent? It would be like, wow this outfit is 750 Lindens… Nah... I think it's worth way less…like 150L. But go and buy it anyway.

If we all negotiated prices, we would be a culture bartering our way around. Just keepin it real by saying musicians are worth what venue owners are willing to pay. Even the broke club owners would scrap change from the couch to pay for an hour of entertainment.

According to what average venues owners pay, in reality the market sets the price. If there are buyers then there is a market for it and if business owners are willing to pay... then they are the ones who actually set the price.

That got me thinking about the imbalance in the SL Musicians vs. the effects on Venues. I wonder if equal pay for all musicians would even solve the real problem.

If you figure a RL night out on the town solo or bringing someone along, a good time or cheap date could cost about $100.00 USD for food, $152.83 if you include drinks and whatever else you like to do. For example, going to the movies, bowling or underwater basket weaving, things can add up. (Not recommended due to COVID)

The beauty of Second Life is avies get to concert hop and have a good ol time for an average of 300L a concert if there is a musician/venue tipping budget without the risk of catchin’ the corons. That saves SL concert goers a whopping $151.50 per event they attend! Now imagine that when you get to party 24/7 in SL without going bankrupt.

Now if you threw in a real lif concert to let’s say…… Beyonce, one night could cost you about $325 for a good seat ticket plus that $152.83. A little cheaper if you don’t drink or mind the nosebleed section. SL obviously a cheaper option. *sets down the calculator*

Live music in Second Life made its debut on the grid as early as 2007. It is a major staple of the SL community. Hundreds of talents from around the global have followed suit for over a decade. This form of entertainment can be costly to venue owners who count on live talent to drive traffic to their sims, shops and events. Many resort to DJ sets because it can be too expensive. Oftentimes these events don’t bring in enough traffic of regular tippers to cover half their overhead.

The Musicians who actively perform across the grid range in talent but all collectively provide a service that venue owners want to book. They are a vital part of concert halls and clubs not to mention giving avies something fun to do. Like dance, socialize and even interact with DJs, singers and musicians. From the range of talents, how do venue owners put them on a pay scale? I guess it is up to them to figure it out.

The average fee for a musician in Second Life ranges between 3,000L to 5,000L respectively. ($12.30USD-$20.50USD)

Another point brought up by the fan about why musicians charge, “4k may not be alot to some but we did not ask him to build a recording studio in his basement. we did not ask him to buy all the fancy equipment..that's on him..”

There are a handful of entertainers who take it to a whole new level with one hour concerts that cost upwards of $15,000L-$25,000L ($61.48 USD-$102.46 USD). Maybe some musicians do have a massive Radio Shack debt to pay and really need the lindens or their cat needs surgery for a bum tail.. Who are we to judge?

With fees that outrageous for a linden based economy, it is a bit much if I say so myself. Those types of fees literally double the cost of what venue owners pay monthly to keep their club running. All I can say about that is don’t hate the player, hate the game because they are livin’ their best SL. The only problem I see is with musicians who have a bad case of SLebrity with no RL substance to back up their visions of grandeur. One background track on a commercial for Ritz crackers back in 1992 doesn’t make you a star.

To the musicians who tour in RL, sell their music, get residuals and actually make a living performing. Do you, boo boo... charge whatever you want but at least stick around for groupie photo ops and autographs.

OK! Let's talk about venues now. Did you know an average venue owner pays a monthly tier ranging from 1250L-3000L/ wk ($5.13 USD/wk- $12.30 USD/wk) or $20.52-$53.20 USD a month. With an overhead to cover, venue owners count on tips and sales of products and services they may offer. If they also pay for just one event a week at a fee of 5k ($20.52 USD) that is another $82.00 bucks slapped on the grand total of approximately $100 USD a month just to run a venue, pay staff and musicians.

Without tips and sales, many of these venue owners never make a return on their investment and keep their clubs afloat for the love of Second Life and the live entertainment. The same venue owners spend countless hours managing their clubs and scheduling events. The struggle is real and that is why many venues come and go.

Musicians on the other hand who perform at least two events a day for seven days can make about $287+ USD a week. Cashing out $1,148.00+ USD a month. That’s great supplemental income to afford you 1 Lexus car payment, 2 pairs of shoes and a nice budget for Ulta per month….if you aren’t into those things, it would help with rent, food, child support, a weed habit or those Jordans you always wanted.

Then there are those singers who do it for free or tips only at karaoke night. Bless their hearts...

Weighing the pros and cons and looking on each side of the fence. There does seem to be an imbalance between musicians, their fees and venues who ultimately pay the price. But who really is at fault here?

My question is how do we gauge what a musician is worth? Do we rely on SL talent shows to pick off the shower singers from the ones who made a career of it. One might argue everyone has their own taste in music and the right to decide what they are worth and or what venues are willing to pay. The first musician who created the $5k fee set the bar. I wish I knew who it was so I can ask how he came up with that figure.

Venue owners who continue to pay keep the bar where it is. Either have the budget to do so or they genuinely love what they do and don’t expect a 100% return. Musicians on the other hand perform in Second Life because they genuinely love what they do. Many are willing to work with venues and bend their fees and others… well, they think they are a real star while adding to the problem.

One musician who wished to remain anonymous commented when asked about equal pay for all musicians said,  "As a musician I don’t agree with equal pay. If a musician wants more money they should step up there game. If nothing else just be better than the others. It is obvious on SL who is really an artist and who is just average with a big ego".

As a venue owner or a musician, What is your take on this topic? Please share your comments and suggestions below.