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Showing posts with label explore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label explore. Show all posts

Monday, June 11, 2018

Strange & Mysterious SL- Seersha Heart Reporting...

One of the best links provided to SL residents is the "Destinations Guide".  If you open your Destination Guide and look on the left side of the screen you will find categories.  I usually explore a couple listed under "recently added" [near the top].  This week I visited several stops under the category "Strange & Mysterious".  This category appears near the bottom of this lengthy list.  I visited these sites six months ago, and visiting them again was quite interesting.

Most Confusing is Jack the Ripper and Jack the Ripper.  Two distinct and different locations.  The one currently promoted in the destinations guide is very nice build of London in the late 1800s that is one single block.  Super creepy, dark and changes in weather.  While visiting you would realize you are along one of SL’s many land routes.  The asylum is not part of the real Jack the Ripper.  It is a very nice niche made here in this block for visitors.  Take a lot of pictures, this could make a good Halloween texture to send out.

The parcel I am more familiar with is titled “1888”.  It is on Timerry Island and has existed a couple of years now.  This a full RP city set in late 1800s.  Landing in this city the owner provides period clothes for those who are OCC.  There is a club called “Club 88”.  If you want to RP late 1800s and naughty, start at the club.  I am not sure what all the naughty is on this parcel.  I did stumble onto a place with freebie pony play items.  Of course, I picked them up.  I wanted to see what they were…let’s say I am giving a big pass on pony play.

Creepiest city goes to Inns mouth.  You can see the love of building that was put into this Love craft built. There are interesting things to see in most of the buildings.  Some are run down homes.  There is an old bookstore with a back-room card game.  The cards are flying around the room.  My favorite spot is the theater.  It runs a silent film clip and cycles it.  Super creepy, super fun, this will keep you busy exploring for quite a while.  I mounted up and rode my horse around town.  The sounds of my horse on the dark streets was eerie.  I wanted the horse for a fast get away.

Dives or every day places, are popular builds to make scary.  One of those is the DoX Motel.  This is location is in the Pacific northwest.  All the rooms are occupied by unknown people.  I recommend adjusting your sun to midnight for maximum strange effect.  I entered each room, most were disheveled and messy.  Remnants of occupants were left behind.  Downstairs the office is unattended.  the DoX has an isolated feeling.  I would not have been surprised to have someone jump from the shadows.  Plan to stop for only a short time at this parcel.

Olivia's Diner is another dive.  There is no mistaking the strangeness of this stop.  For one thing there are a couple of murder scene poses in the front lawn.  They are funny and chilling.  Inside there is a body on the counter who has been gutted.  There are rats and roaches, roaches on the floor, rats on the counter.  There is a Colonel Sanders style bucket with human heads inside.  There is an ongoing Horror Trivia.  I won 15L, 1L a question.  This parcel has imagination and care put into the disturbing build.  I will be visiting again soon to figure out what the buck deer on the lawn is doing while standing on the lawn.  There are even two dance floors, one inside by the rats and one outside by the crime scenes.  Love it!  Olivia’s wins my vote for more disturbing and spine chilling.

Dystopia is “in” for builders.  I've seen this theme repeated a few times, each time I have been able to see the care and imagination of the builder.  There are fourdystopian stops I recommend for this type of Strange & Mysterious.  The first two are on the guide.  Tableau is a post-apocalyptic desert area.  I took my horse there and rode around the desert.  It is desolate, it is lonely.  The land seems to go on forever.  It looks like a time from Mad Max movies.  Another stop on the Destination guide that is good is titled Dystopia.  The landing point for this build is off so I have given you a better one below.  Dystopia has a city block open to all as well as an area for group members.  Most buildings are abandoned and that is the overall feeling I had walking through the build. 

World's End Café is featured this week in the Destination Guide.  This is not in the Strange &Mysterious.  I would add this strange location. Just a building at the end of a dock.  Hypnotic odd and strange capture how I would rate it.  I would recommend adding a trip to the Nuclear museum if you are dystopia hopping.

I love the Citta Perdu [the lost city].  I started visiting this site several months ago when it was snowing there in the city.  I asked the builder what the city represented.  She told me it is a city where one day everyone just left.  No war or dystopia, just gone.  To add to the thrill of this city go through the sewers.  There is a hidden bar within them.  Look at the subway.  There is much to be seen in this lost city.  When I first began traveling to this location, there were northern lights in the backgrounds.  Pack your camera and take a friend, this build is a treat.

I was introduced to the Verdigris sim by a friend some time ago.  On the surface it is impressive.  On my first trip there, I saw a few areas and thought it was a nice place.  Later I visited and began combing the buildings and other areas.  Some of the areas to explore are the Rossell Hope Robbins sLibrary, the Expedition Hall  and the Clockwork Bird.  Like the Lost City, this stop has much more below the surface than you may anticipate.  There is a mini city that falls victim to a tidal wave within the walls of Verdigris.  There is a man thinking about jumping into the water below.  He has been considering this for months now.  What will you find in Verdigris?

Temple of Iris is on the strange & mysterious Destination Guide list.  It is neither strange nor mysterious.  It is a historic SL location.  If I were to make a list of "must see" locations for SL, the Temple would be on the list.  For those who build, look at that prim count.  Ouch!  The total prims on this build is huge and scary.  Stop by take your picture and visit some authentic SL history.

I saved the most unusual for last.  It is called "untitled".  This stop is on part of the LEA sim.  LEA builds only remain active for set period.  This build is one to cam up and out to see from a distance, then cam in and look at the details.  Waterfall of blood, shallow pool of blood are parts of this build.  You may move around using a mirror teleport which I believe is quite clever.  It is necessary to take your camera out, very far out to view the entire build.  There are two bronze men carrying the “burden” of the project.  Each man is standing in a corithen columned square.  Bring your camera back in and visit all the sites you are able to visit.  This build is temporary.

Strange and Mysterious is a very subjective term.  I feel that one of the words should be unusual.  What one person considers Strange and Mysterious [Untitled] another person may view it as beautiful art.  I am fairly sure that anyone visiting Olivia’s Diner would believe is unusual and strange.  Dystopian ideas are located in many areas of SL.  If you visit them, look for the meaning the building has tried to convey to the viewer.  Keep up with SL Enquirer and we will let you know what we’ve seen and reviewed on the grid.  And as always, if you are interested in reading more about something in SL, let us know.  Here are 

 links to the above spots:
Jack the Ripper
Innsmouth, HP Lovecrat Tribute – 1930s Massachusetts
DoX Motel
Olivia's Diner
World's End Cafe
Citta Perdu [the lost city]
Temple of Iris

-Seersha Heart [saoirseheart resident]
Photos by KarmaghnaUlrik

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Explore Ren Faire - Spring Woods

Its starting to warm up, The birds are chirping, the animals are roaming!
Come cuddle or explore this spring wonderland by yourself or with someone else.
Plenty of places to keep warm and relax, Or explore and find something new!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Explore Lost Unicorn, A Unicorn Forest Sanctuary

The dreamy unicorn sanctuary of Lost Unicorn is blanketed in winter snow and ready for the season!  There's also an all-new addition of our  Storybook Forest! Walk through and see your childhood favorites come to life!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Visit LV! For those seeking some education in their second lives

 Explore exhibits about the U.S. Presidency/2016 election, Black History, Hispanic Heritage,  Women's History, Constitution Week. 9-11 Memorial and other resources.                 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Explorers! The Secret Garden is now OPEN! Enchantment awaits!

Dear explorers, I'd like to introduce The Secret Garden, a brand new seasonal event filled with enchantment and magic! Explorers are invited to purchase a HUD, then hunt for our 10 magical butterflies that are hiding in our enchanted gardens. Each time you find a butterfly, it will offer you an exclusive item from our team of amazing designers!
Our first round is set against a beautiful winter garden, so you can expect to find cozy outfits, comfortable furniture and delicate accessories to name just a few of our exclusive items that are waiting for you.

That's 10 stunning, exclusive items for one price, set in sensational gardens - you really have to see it to believe it! Feel free to take photographs or enjoy with friends or a loved one :)

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Featured Events In Second Life –Camury Reporting

Are you willing to get out of the comfort of your skybox couch and look for something fun to do in Second Life? Enjoy the featured events that include fun and interesting virtual world activities such as challenges, dance games and more.
The Tower
You find yourself in a strange place with no memory of who you are or how you got here. His only hope for escape lies in solving a series of challenging puzzles. Can you find out the truth before it's too late? This immersive puzzle game from MadPea Productions will put your intelligence to the test. I loved playing this hunt. Cool puzzles, great story and great prizes. Be sure to buy the headset along with the HUD as it adds to the story plus help you in the puzzles.

Learn to Dance Free Dance Lessons in SL
Do you really know how to dance in Second Life? Do you know how to choose the appropriate dance style for the rhythm of music? Learn the basics of SL dancing at this education center (great for newcomers), then take the free introduction of the Dance 101 class that runs 24x7. Learn how to combine dance styles with time and music to give you more fun. Bring a partner or learn on your own. You will be a better dance partner after taking this class. And it will be successful in all Second Life dance clubs.

The Art Rocket
The artist Betty Tureaud has created an interactive and fun 3D art facility that you can visit in Second Life. Embark on a rocket for a fantastic journey into space and dazzle with a universe lit up with colors. Go to the stars, and witness a cornucopia of colors, and spectacular shapes. Do not forget to find the gift for you!

Do you want to be a dancer for a day? Whymsee is a cabaret dance club with shows on Saturdays at 6 p.m. (Pacific). Each show is audience participation, meaning that all audience members dance to fully choreographed songs in a set designed specifically for the event. Dance stands are also provided.

Treasure Quest Headquarters
Come and visit The Magnificent Cat, home to Treasure Quest, a fun new game in Second Life. The most interesting thing about this game is that you can collect Lindens while having fun. Grab a HUD and join the group and find out when Dashes for Lindens is happening. There are many coins to collect at the same time ... or just to hunt coins that appear throughout the day.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Spotlight on Ku’Lani Bisexual Nude Beach- Where pure freedom exists- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Second Life is a fascinating place. It brings out the explorer in all of us and continues to delight us with a plethora of the amazing landscapes created by residents. There is definitely a place for everyone. It doesn’t matter where you are from around the world, your age, race, religion or sexual orientation.
The virtual world is a place where people can come together and experiences various  diverse cultures and adventures that might make some  fear judgement in  real life.
This is your world and you decide what makes you happy. You can explore and experience whatever you want with the freedom to express yourself.
Owned and operated by LaniCorbain (urlani.fetuccio) and  亗 Thomas Corbain亗 (tthomasttommy),  Ku’Lani is a beautiful Hawaiian themed sim with a stunning landscape for the LGBT community. You won’t be judged.  Instead, you will be embraced and treated with respect in a friendly and inviting atmosphere.
The SL Enquirer met up with Thomas &Lani to learn more about this special place and why it is a popular location for LGBT residents who just want to have fun.

Hi Thomas and Lani, this is a beautifully designed sim, can you tell our readers what inspired Ku’Lani Bisexual Nude Beach?

We were looking for a place in SL that was welcoming to bisexuals and the other members of the LGBT community. Some places in SL tend to dictate what to wear and who you should be and we wanted something different. We wanted a safe haven where bisexuals such as ourselves, and other members of the LGBT community could come and feel safe to be who they are, without judgment. No such place existed so we created Ku’Lani Bisexual Nude Beach. We cater to bisexuals and the LGBT community but we are open to all sexual orientations and ways of life. Our goal at Ku’Lani is to make everyone that visits our sim feel welcome.

When was Ku’Lani established?
Ku’Lani was established in June 2016. We started with a quarter sim and we have now expanded to a full sim. Ku’Lani is clothing optional, which surprises some because of our name. We always prefer nudity but it is not something we ever enforce like other nude beaches. We want people to feel comfortable so if nudity is not your thing then that is ok too. It is important to us for every Ku’Lanivisitor to enjoy the sim and have a pleasant experience every time they visit us.

Does Ku’Lani have a meaning?
Kulani is a Hawaiian name which means 'like heaven'. It comes from the Hawaiian words 'ku', which means 'to be like', and 'lani', which means 'heaven'. Tommy actually picked the name, so to us Ku’Lani is like our version of heaven in SL. It is a peaceful place filled with really amazing people. Many people come just to relax and take in the breathtaking views.

Is Ku’Lani open to anyone or do you have to be an LGBT group member to enjoy the amenities?
Ku’Lani is open to anyone and the amenities can be enjoyed by all. The Ku’Lani group is private and invitation only. We do not have an open group joiner as most places do. Our members are a close-knit group so we prefer to send invitations once we get to know new visitors. We want to be sure that Ku’Lani is a good fit for you before we extend an invitation for membership. We foster a judge free,open-minded environment and so far we have attracted wonderful, people from all walks of life who really enjoy the sim and the connections made in our group. We refer to the members of our group as “Ku’Lanians”, because we truly are a family. We have a loyal following and we a grateful every day for the love and support we have received over the past year.

Ku’Laniis a vast landscape with mountains, treehouses, crystal clear beaches,secluded areas, hidden caves and an active volcano.Can you tell me about all of the features and activities the sim(s) have to offer visitors?

Ku’Lani is not just a beach, as some may think because of our name. We have over 20+ locations on the sim to cater to your every need. We are expanding to a full sim, in the same location, so the we will add to our current locations. The new sim will be completed shortly and we are really excited about the expansion.
Some of our most popular locations include our zipline that takes you soaring through the air, across the sim, our high diving board which provides a complete view of the entire sim right before you dive into a crystal-clear lagoon, and the mediation garden, complete with medication pillows and an area for relaxing yoga poses with a private beach.
We also offer a series of RP rooms such as a state of the art dungeon, a boiler room, and medical clinic which is coming soon.

How often do you host events? Are there themes and contests?

At Ku’Lani we are BIG party people! We love to entertain and our dancefloor is usually packed with people dancing to music or cuddling in the loungers we have surrounding the dancefloor area.
We have a live DJ Monday and Thursday 6-10PMSLT. On Wednesday we have a live DJ 11AM-1PMSLT. On Saturday, we have a weekly Brunch set from 10AM-1PMSLT.
Our events are themed on Monday and Thursday, but we do not have a contest or contest boards. We are not like other clubs with sploders and contests for voting. We want our guests to focus on the music and to get to know each other.
We tend to have impromptu parties all day everyday, just from listening to our radio stream that plays 24/7. Our members really love our place and they spend lots of time there which we love and appreciate. We do everything we can to make sure they are happy so we listen to their input on events and that makes them feel engaged and happy that we care.
Our members make new visitors feel welcome and we often get offlines from new people telling us how they “feel at home” at Ku’Lani. This means a lot to us, as we just want everyone to have fun!

Are you currently hiring hosts &Dj’s? If so, who should they contact?

We are always looking for new DJs and hosts. We are looking for fun, outgoing, laid back people so if you are out there please feel free to come by and visit us or contact Tommy if you are DJ or contact Lani if you are looking to host.

It is a nude beach, but do you have to bare all to participate in any of the events?
Even though we are a nude beach and even though we have themes we really want people to come as they are. We understand not everyone wants to be nude and we understand that not everyone is into themes. What is important to us is that you come and enjoy our sim. If you are not into being social there is a whole sim for you to explore with many private areas for alone time. Tommy and I greet everyone we see that arrives on our sim. At times we or the members may shout “WELCOME TO KU’LANI!!!!” when people arrive. The shouting thing is just our way to make sure we greet people as soon as they land. We visited many places where no one speaks and we again wanted to be different, so the Ku’Lani shout was implemented by Tommy LOL.

Is there anything else about Ku’Lani that you would like to share with our readers?

There are many beaches in SL and they are all unique, but there is truly no place like Ku’Lani. The people are friendly and we care about others. At Ku’Lani you are not just an avi, you are a person behind an avi and we want to get to know you.
Ku’Lani is a place to meet others, explore your sexual desires and connect with people from all over the globe. Come and check us out, we promise you will be happy you did.
If you have any questions send an im to LaniCorbain (urlani.fetuccio) and  亗 Thomas Corbain亗 (tthomasttommy).

Additional Information
Flickr: Coming soon!
Group:Ku’Lani Bisexual Nude Beach

preferred contact: Please send IM or notecard in world

Friday, March 24, 2017


KiX is more than a store offering original animations and mesh furniture; It is a full sim experience. Bring your date for a day surfing at the beach or dance on top of the mountain. We have horse riding, fishing, skydiving, meditation and more. Free wedding service and intimate areas. New Resident friendly with info cards at the landing and a teleport system to discover the sim.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

“A Pilgrimage of Pixels: Furillen” Romero de la Luna reporting


Fade in from the black- breathe in and slow yourself. Opening before you, a world; bleak, yet lovely. Desolate, yet full of feeling.  Furillen is the depiction of a world beyond pixels, residing in the island of the real; up north, off the coast of Sweden. Rendered by pixels, yet hauntingly real.

Close your eyes and tilt your head upward.  Do you feel that?  Snowflakes the size of an infant’s fist floating down in a windless sky, or maybe they are the ashes of a recent love’s apocalypse. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference. For now, for the sake of our hearts, let us imagine they are baby-fist snowflakes.  Open your eyes, your mouth.  Catch one on your tongue. Let it sizzle-melt with the heat of your body. Swallow. This is our communion.

Look back to the skyline and to the world around you. The camper, the pier.  The light is fading, the coppery peach that lives just past the edges of sunset. Beyond the nearby outbuildings stand the outcrop of abandoned and eroding walls. Walk up to the base.  Take your time. After all, we are on a pilgrimage, and pilgrims are seldom in a hurry. Stand at the foot of these walls and allow yourself to feel small.  Look up again.  Regard the slowly-eroding stillness that inevitably comes after the fever of Spring, after the smoulder of Summer. Only echoes now- the sounds of Autumn like lost spirits, singing their song toward Winter.

It is okay if you feel lost and a little bit lonely.  Listen to the loneliness inside of you. In this place, It will sing back to you. Listen. Closer. The mouths of that song are making sounds like words-  a language that eludes the grasp of the ear. It hums deeper inside- a tuning fork vibrating inside us beyond the territory of words. We will understand it if we are slow and close our eyes and prepare for the kinds of winter that always must come for a season; a season of slumber, a season of silence, of goodbye.

* * *
If you are anything like me, you may wonder after dwelling somewhere beautiful, how such a place came to be- whether it be by chance or by some artist’s hand, and where did this place come from, how was it made, and by whom?   I imagine a profile name scrawled on the cornerstone of this wall. Serene Footman. I put my hand over this name, my palm against the stone wall-  and there, a flicker of an image, a picture of a man, hair long and thick, a tangled beard rivalling the lost Odysseus.

And have you ever wanted to knock on God’s door, just to see who it was who answered?  Hoping maybe she is like your lost grandmother, and that when she embraces you, she smells like lavender and cookies.  Or if you peer through the keyhole you see a strong man’s arms, forging the rudiments of another abandoned world-the steam and heat and smell of labour. His hair long and thick, his tangled beard like that of the long-lost contender. And just before knocking, have you ever turned around and walked away without knowing why?

Perhaps when you visit this place, you will feel much differently than me.  Perhaps your heart resides in another hemisphere- and life is just beginning to warm. Of course your heart is in a different place than mine!  After all, it thumps in your own chest. We are pilgrims of these worlds. It is inevitable that we bring more along with us than just our digital selves. Perhaps that is the point. When a world is born, a conversation is begun, with outstretched arms. A world that sings, Here I am… come and see… walk along the shores of my body. Climb upon me, and for now, even if it be just for a season, let me be your home.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (visit Serene Footman’s extensive yet minimalist website at

Saturday, January 2, 2016

SEANCHAI LIBRARY Announces New Literary Adventures in 2016

Seanchai Library's home in The Community Virtual Library
on  Bradley University 
Bradley University, Second Life – Among the longest active literary programs on the Second Life grid, Seanchai Library will be celebrating its 8th anniversary in 2016 with several projects in addition to its regular weekly schedule of literature and stories.  Seanchai Library (Shanna-key, which means "Storyteller" in Irish.) was founded in March of 2008 in Second Life. Thousands of stories, and hundreds of authors later, the program remains dedicated to promoting the power of stories to transform and inspire through live voice presentations: "We bring stories of all kinds to life, in Second Life."

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

5 Beautiful Places to visit in SL-Lilly LaceWing Reporting…

The Trace

Second life is full of beautifully designed sims to explore, find adventure, and to see visions we couldn’t see in RL without the use of some strong, good old fashioned hallucinogens.  Today, I bring you the five most beautiful (to ME, remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder) places currently in SL.

The Trace, The Trace Too

This is a beautiful sim, with autumn trees all over, the ground covered by a thin, brilliant layer of yellow, orange and red leaves. Perfect for fall, and with a rustic, country charm to it, this place is perfect for either a romantic date, taking photos with your sweetheart, or just doing some good old fashioned photography! Especially charming was the barn with the horses around it, and the gazebo behind it on the hill to the left added that special note of home to this lovely autumn landscape. Do check this one out!

Skye Neist Point

Skye Neist Point

  You land in a sun ray dappled meadow, right in front of a beautiful wooden bridge over a stream. Little white flowers pop up by a pond, and this trail is definitely one you want to take in first person view, to get the full experience. This gorgeous sim screams for a picnic basket and a loved one. Or a quick, earthy run with your dog through the woods. Whatever your speed, this a stunning place to come explore. I really love the shafts of sunlight filtering down through the thick trees, so beautiful, and so real!

Makeahla Jungle

 Makeahla Jungle

Ever wanted to go on Safari, but you can’t afford it, and don’t want to accidentally support poachers? Go to Makeahla’s Jungle! I ran into the lions first, then (ahhhh!) running from them, I found a much safer spot, next to the Zebras, who all grazed calmly upwind of the predators that could eat them for lunch. As if knowing this, a vulture rests on one of their backs, just biding his time. White birds fly over head, but I don’t recognize what type they are. Giraffes stretch their long legs out to the side to drink from what looks like seawater (don’t do that, it’ll make you sick!) while others stride through it with heads in the sky. This is a rad, rad, place, I can’t really say more because I need the room for others, but you’ll miss out if you don’t see this sim!

Baja Cove

Baja Cove

You guys didn’t think I wouldn’t include a beach, did you? Of course I’m going to! Baja Cove is a neat, happening little beach where you can surf, check out a towel and get some sun, or just bask in the raw power of the ocean as its waves break the shore. There are even rentals there if you just can’t tear yourself away from salt in the air and the barking of sunbathing seals. The sound of the ocean is well represented here, and you’ll find when you close your eyes you can almost feel the biting sting of ocean wing, and the smell of salt heavy in the air. Go here for peace, and water fun!



This is just, quite simply, a beautiful place to visit. Trees are everywhere, big, leafy, and beautiful. There are waterfalls, and an underwater area to hang out for those of us who prefer to be a mermaid. There are a collection of cottage type houses, almost like you might find in Skyrim. A beautiful fireplace warms the main floor of the house I enter, which has three levels. At the ground level, you find the living space, rustic, and old fashioned, the ambiance somewhat spoiled by the massive white Greedy Greedy lettering to the right of me, the only blemish in an otherwise perfect medieval theme. You can, and I did, spend lots of time here, exploring both above ground, and under water. If you’ve never been, I highly recommend you check it out!

 I love bringing you these compilations of neat places to go in SL, where are some of your favorite places to go? Tell us in the comments below!!