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Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What you Can’t Live Without and What you can this Spring- Tea Couturier Reporting...

Spring is right around the corner and it is time to sort through your wardrobe and do some spring cleaning. With all the lovely outfits and accessories that come in and out of style it can be hard to choose what is a must and what is not.

Here are a few of my must haves and may be later items for Spring.
I am hearing that orange is the new black for this spring and as you know it is a must to have one little black dress in your wardrobe. So my first suggestion is to have at least something orange in your wardrobe this spring.
I found this lovely mini dress which can be worn with jeans and boots for casual look, black pants for the dresser look again with pumps, heels or even boots or simply with no bottoms at all and just boots. Accessorised with a belt around the hips and a long necklace. The list is endless how you can accessories this orange jumper.

Let's start with MUSCHI DunkelGelb

Price 350L

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

BLACKERI EVENTS: All Day & Night for a Week and Half- March 20th-March 31st


The Spring Sales Event is coming!  You've seen promotions for March Madness mentioning the event, but now its time for it!!! 

We'll be having a Rotten Egg hunt, a mini hunt for 10 eggs 1L each containing exclusives and never seen before goodies! A raffle for 1000L cash plus 1000L store credit to Blackeri. Hunt?Raffle? Want more? Yes we have booths from creators across the grid!! 

Current vendors include:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spring is approaching. Are You Ready for a New Season? Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

With the Winter freeze now thawing out, it is time to think about starting anew. What can you do to make changes in your Second Life that can also benefit your first life?  Just like Spring cleaning of our homes, wardrobes and unnecessary clutter in our minds. A new season should bring positive changes. During Winter months, statistics show that people are more likely to become depressed and turn inward.  Self pity and sorrow soon follow. Letting some light shine through your windows and taking in fresh air is helpful but you can’t expect a new start without meeting yourself half way.

Treat yourself to something New
 Buy a new outfit, get a new haircut and raise your head up high. Feel good about yourself , otherwise find a way to improve on the things you feel you are lacking in. Change is needed. Spring is around the corner and there are things you can do to ring in the new season in the right direction.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Spring Shopping Blues? Shop Vintage!- Definate Balfour Reporting...

When Spring time comes, we trade our coats and mittens for something to show off that inch more of skin. Why not do it with a vintage flare? Nothing screams more fun, love, and spring time to me then floral prints, shorts, and dresses.

 I was honored to meet Nova Monroe during one of my shopping trips to get ready for spring. Her style and shop is the epitome of spring.

I don’t consider myself a fashionista, I don’t  even consider myself a guru of fashion, but I do consider myself, my tastes, and likes the same as the girl next door. With that in mind, that doesn't mean I don’t want some style to my jeans, dresses, and other apparel I rock. Whoever said average had to mean plain and boring? Besides, last I knew I was a big girl dressing myself.

Her name alone, Nova Monroe, sets my mind to Marilyn Monroe, 50’s and 60’s style, vintage, and laid-back comfortable. Meeting her face to face, I was completely blown away by her style. The things she sells has a flare of unique and significance in their own right. I could tell this was a woman of my own heart, every piece she molded and crafted was personal and a reflection of herself. This chick is on to something, so I had to sit down with her for an SLE interview. I wanted to know about her and  wanted to share her with the world as much as I could. It interested me to know more about how she handles her business.

Interview with Nova Monroe

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mark Your Calendar for March Madness at Blackeri - March 1-March 31st


March Madness Events 

The month of March is filled with sales, hunts, events, and a lot more. Blackeri & Blackeri Hunts has come together for the month of March to promote sales, deals, and even other creators grid wide!

It's A Mad Mad World Hunt - March 1st - 31st
This is a grid-wide hunt with over 20 creators from all corners of SL. The hunt is a twisted and dark Easter themed/Spring time event, don't expect fluffy bunnies [perhaps in a non-traditional more murderous way]. This is not your mother's hunt, unless she's into the darker side of life! 2L per stop to get the prize.

From Blackeri Mainstore - March 1st - 31st
Within the store bringing all this to you, freebies can be found in the MM Board, Prizes for Picks, and Lucky Chairs. Also sales on older products and older products that have never been released before. This will be clothing, shapes, gestures, and a lot more.  

Spring Sales Event -  March 20th - 31st
This is a cart sales event that has several companies involved, located on the Blackeri grounds, you can go cart to cart and find incredible deals and introductions to some pretty awesome stores! Clothing to skins you will be able to snag deals on the grounds you may not find in the stores themselves and even exclusives you won't be able to find anywhere else except this event! Prices will vary. We have some awesome creators, Hollyweird, Little Bones, and Celtic Corsets just to name a few of the folks you'll be able to find booths for down here!
Also during this event is a small raffle held to the side for 1000l in cash and a giftcard worth 1000L from Blackeri! Entry fee will be 100L. 

Rotten Egg Hunt -  March 20th - 31st
A family friendly hunt held during the Spring Sales Event, little purple and black eggs will be hidden amongst the carts and surrounding sales area. 1L per egg will contain things from mesh to non-mesh, boys to girl products, and even some little nuggets of joy for the kiddos! You'll be able to grab a free Easter Basket, scripted to be carried!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spring Fashion 2012: MIX + MESH by AVENUE Models

MIX+MESH by Avenue Models

AVENUE Models leads the way into Spring Fashion 2012 with the first mesh fashion showcase: MIX + MESH, held Feb. 25-March 11. Celebrate fashion and see the new Spring Collections in this stylish event filled with fashion shows, contests and more. Learn more at

This press release originally from Secondlife website

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Larry ... no lounge suit lizard. “I wear jeans every day, no really I do” says Larry. So why is it that jeans have survived through time and achieved the seemingly impossible? How did jeans manage to remain hip for more than a century, from one generation to the next, all over the world and equally between both genders? What is the key to survival in general? Evolution. Think about it. It makes sense. In order to survive, something must adapt to its ever-changing environment. This principle applies to all things, alive and non-living. Without adaptation comes extinction. It is essential to evolve. Jeans have done exactly that. In the constantly changing world of fashion and popular culture, jeans have been adjusted every step of the way to suit their new environment. In this case, the environment involves trends, attitudes and looks. With every decade and every new generation, jeans have been adapted in order to ensure their continued popularity. And if you visit his store you too could wear jeans every day. He has a variety of styles for you (both male and female) and I have it on good authority that you will look sexy and sassy in Larry Jeans. VictoriaJayne wears Jeans 007 – Brown Dark and Summer Top Sunkiss Larry reckons “If it doesn’t fit, better stop eating those virtual French fries ...” According to Larry “Second Life is way too short to run around in badly made pants!” Not only does Larry design the sexiest jeans in town, but also the cutest tops which encompass the spirit of spring,. and smoking hot dresses that are sure to set the place on fire.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Lanai's Diary: Spring Has Arrived and Already Butterflies Tried to Take me Out FFS! ~Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Sequence of events
Staff Reporter
• Monday, March 29, 2010
Please use caution when doing your Spring decorating this season or something like this can happen to you too...
On Sunday while sprucing up the media center for Spring I decided to dig thru my inventory for some butterflies to add to the place.
Locating a mystery box simply named “BUTTERFLYS” I snatched it from inventory and drop it to the ground. All of a sudden a swarm of butterflies were forming a giant particle halo around the center...
Some butterflies had peace signs in there wings and others in a joyous colorful displays big and small.
Immediately I was overwhelmed and could no longer stand to see this or risk going into a virtual panic attack or worse some sort of graphics seizure the XBOX warns gamers about.