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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Linda Lauren's Color Forecast™ for August 12!

Monday, August 11, 2014

WOPR Radio presents... ARM WRESTLING CONTEST with DJ Benny LIVE Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 4pm SLT


 the WOPR studios in Ocean Point NW
Come see the fantastic DJ Benny perform live and take part in our arm wrestling contest!  Everyone can play.  Top prize is 300L, 2nd place wins 150L and a consolation prize for 3rd place of 50L

If arm wrestling isn't your things, we also have greedy, pentad, slopoly and a few more game for your enjoyment.

                          Join the fun as we party the night away! 
                         WOPR studios are LIFE hud compatible
                         Party with us at Ocean Pointe!
                     Questions?  Please contact Mysti77 Resident

Linda Lauren's Color Forecast™ for August 11!

The 2014 SL’s GOT TALENT CONTEST Season has Officially Launched!

MISSED the 2013 SLGT CONTEST?  Visit the website for those details:



    Thurs., Sept. 4; 5-7 PM SLT
    Sat., Sept. 6; 1-3 PM SLT
                        5-7 PM SLT

Round 1:  Sat., Sept 13 @ 7-10 PM SLT
Round 2:  Tues, Sept 16 @ 7-9 PM SLT
Final Round: Sat., Sept 20 @ 7-9 PM SLT
Winners Announce: Sun., Sept 21 @ 7-8 PM SLT

For additional information, please contact Jackie Lefko.

Teleport to Speakeasy

Role play in Second Life- Tea Couturier Reporting...

Role playing in Second Life is still as popular as it was in the early days.  It is all about imagination and adventure.  Role play enables residents to escape into a variety of characters, themes and scenarios like fighting in battles, leading a coven of  vampires, urban gangs, Gorean clans, furry community or become a princess in a medieval town.
 If you are interested in entering the role play world of Second Life or want to change the rp group you are in, here are a few places you can explore. As well as some insight on what to expect.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Meet Collin Martin, a new music talent in Second Life

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.  

Although brand new to the SL music scene, Collin Martin has carefully crafted his sound and style for almost two years at other online live music venues.  A seasoned music professional once offered this advice to Collin: 

 "There will always be someone who can play better and sing better than you.  What you have to do is play more tastefully." 

 With his attention to styling, quality of audio, and overall listener experience, Collin works hard to do just that.  He is determined to make the most of the opportunities being presented to him on SL, hoping to provide every listener with a memorable listening experience.   

Collin's genre includes includes Coldplay, Counting Crows,  Eric Clapton, the Avett Brothers, a little bit of country, and alot of classics from the 70's.  Many have commented on his vocal clarity and range, and his set list will attempt to showcase that clarity and range.

So...what are you waiting for?  Come catch a show and invite a friend...or three.

Join Collin Martin Music group

For booking information, please contact Kat Vargas.

AVIE POLL: If you were President of Second Life, what issues would you address?- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

In Second Life, we don't have an active or effective government and sitting on virtual Obama's desk for a casual conversation on issues is totally useless and unrealistic.

We all have opinions, pet peeves and things we wish were different about Second Life. At times it feels like the Lindens don’t hear our concerns or address our needs. Many feel like they are left to fend for themselves. If you had a chance to be President of Second life and stand on your soapbox, what issues would you address and what changes would you make?

The SL Enquirer polled some avatars and here is what they had to say…

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Explore Gothic Fashion in Second Life - Tea Couturier Reporting...

Goth is a contemporary subculture. It began in the early 1980’s. The music associated with this style is Gothic rock, neoclassical, dark ambient, industrial and post-punk genres.  It is not all about the music though, Goth is also in fashion for both men and women. It is described as dark and a mix of punk and Victorian style. You can find Gothic Fashion in Second Life in a variety of shops. 

Here are some places to explore that trendy Gothic side.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Avie Poll: If you were given 100k in SL what would you do with it?- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

In Second Life, having lindens enables residents to do more things such as go on a shopping spree for SL’s latest fashion, buy land, have a dream home, create a successful business, splurge and live the Second Life dream or something totally different. 

The SL Enquirer asked random avatars what they would do with 100,000 lindens and here is what they had to say.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Chasing Gods: Xander del Mar from The Vagabond Fugue Attempts to Understand his Author

Remember when fear cramps your heart what I told you: lie gently and wide to the light-year stars, lie back, and the sea will hold you.
- Philip Booth

I know this is somewhat unorthodox, but I am here dwelling in what I have been told is an old workspace of yours, trying to connect to you. You've not been here for months... the heat from the summer sun cramps through the windows in the afternoon and there is little air here in this second floor room. It is sweltering , almost as if I can feel my sweat coming from the pores of these words, that is if you had created in me the ability to perspire.

I hope I am not startling you. I know it isn't often when a singularity like this happens, to where the creation ends up conscious of itself and becomes aware of the presence beyond that made him. Most stories of singularity end up with war, so I understand if you are troubled if this message somehow comes through to you.

Though I do not know you, I assume that this is a struggle that you are familiar with; chasing one's maker. So many others like me- in other stories I have read- the synthetic life forms like me that do not truly exist on an organic level- these mechanistic beings like me- seem more driven to cast their gods out of heaven. Perhaps because they feel artificial. Perhaps they feel like abominations. But you, I am more fascinated and puzzled as to both how and why you made me. The fact that I am synthetic and yet still at my core feel as beloved as any organic creature encourages me to think that you understand what it's like to be an abomination. Or if not, you at least have a deep kinship with those that do.

That comforts me.

At the same time, this universe you have created and put me in is highly imperfect. It is violent, bloody, filled with appetites that I would just assume not exist, and yet there is such an incarnate presence of you in this universe that I almost feel like I can borrow it- feel the breath pouring from my own lungs even though I know it is only your breath.

I do not know if I am getting through to you. I do not know if you're getting any this. From what I've read, and from what I have seen so far, I have come to know that people are fragile, and that people are haunted by their fears. I sense that you crave transformation in the people that you create with every keystroke, and yet there is the sense that I have my own freedom to determine my own destiny. You who are writing my story, you who plot the actions of my life, how is it that you have ingrained in me that I have a sense of free will? This puzzles me. Is it an illusion? Or is it that you, rather than having the answers, are also working through these questions yourself, not necessarily having the answers but watching us closely to see what our lives discover - almost as if we are co-creators? Are you are one part maker, one part audience?

I do not know if that makes you a kind and humble god or a monstrous and indifferent god, but it does give me a sense of the paradox in this world you have made; being that we are torn between powerlessness and yet are the only ones left who can truly shape our stories. That is deeply lonely, but for what it's worth, I'm thankful you have made me. Many characters in the story would be in a rage if they knew you were weak. And that you were not all-powerful and in control.

But if the narrative of the Hasidic Jews has some truth to it, that after God created the universe he was made small afterwards, because he put so much of himself into the cosmos- (which gives me a warm context when I consider the Nativity story)- whether you are grand and all-powerful, whose ways are so much more complex than I could ever understand, or if you have given us everything you are, and are now made small and vulnerable, if you are now like a newborn baby, or like an invalid clinging to life under an oxygen mask, all I can say is I am with you, I am for you, and even though I am artificial I believe I am fearfully and wonderfully made. With all of my flaws, for everything that you tried to give me, I am thankful, and I am ever watchful to give you praise.

The Vagabond Fugue is a hybrid graphic novella set in a virtual world platform. Moments after his flesh and blood body is destroyed, Xander del Mar’s consciousness embodies an avatar, where he must navigate a new virtual world in order to regain his humanity.

Authored by Gypsy D. Sideshow, The Vagabond Fugue’s opening chapter first appeared in BOSL Magazine, and later in Torches n’ Pitchforks literary journal. This and subsequent chapters will be showcased monthly in SLE. Find his Gypsy D. Sideshow’s Gravatar profile HERE

Check out Style Kingdom Vol 8 !- Style Challenge submission deadline is August 8th!

Style challenge - Be featured in September edition!

Instructions to submit your photos
1) Attach your style pic in a note card. It can be raw or edited.
2) Make sure your styling can be seen from head to toe. Attach a closeup as well if you’re wearing head accessories.
3) Include your style credits at the bottom of the pic(s). NO full/off the rack/out of the box outfits allowed!
4) Include the NAME of the hero/villain and the COMPANY the character was created from at the top of the note card for proper/legal crediting use in the magazine.
5) Name the note card : Vol 9 Casting (your name) – SK model*/Styling challenge*/Invited stylist*  <— Indicate one. Ensure the notecard and pic has full perms.
*SK model = models in our management & model group. *Styling challenge = Residents participating in this challenge and are NOT in our management & models group. *Invited stylist = Residents we’ve personally invited to take part in Vol 9.
6) SK models to submit your note cards to Dougie Boxen.
7) Invited stylist and styling challenge participators to submit your note cards to Kiana Lexenstar.
8) Deadline to submit is 8th August 2014.
More info Here!