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Showing posts with label Sunny Love Holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunny Love Holiday. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2015

A 4/20 Special Report…..Sunny Love Holiday Reporting

Today is 4/20/2015. As many of you know 4/20 is the unofficial weed day that pot heads always look forward to each year. Although many celebrate this holiday, not many know how this holiday got its start. Now that marijuana has been legalized in some states, I decided to give a brief history lesson on the weed day origins and give my views on the effects legal marijuana has had on both real life and second life.

There are many myths out there about how 4/20 got started, like 420 being a code police used when they caught people smoking weed, but I was able to track down the real story. Back in 1971, outside of San Rafael High School in San Rafael, California, four best friends known to everyone as The Waldos knew it was harvest time and got wind of the fact a coast guard member was unable to continue to tend to a big plot of marijuana plants. One of the mischievous teenagers decided it would be a great idea if they could go to the plot and grab some free buds.  All in agreement they made the plan to meet after school at 4:20pm to prepare for the robbery by smoking some of their best weed. They never found the plot but choose to continue to meet at 4:20pm every day to get high.

The meeting time took off and soon many were meeting to “match up”. One of The Waldos older brother was good friends with The Grateful Dead’s bassist and told the band about the cool trend. Soon after, the band allowed the group to pass out flyer to concert goers telling them to meet the next day at 4:20pm in designated areas to partake in some heavy smoking. Needless to say the rest is history.

Although the sale and consumption of marijuana is still a crime federally, 23 states have made is legal for medical proposes. 9 states are pending legislation to legalize it as well. Being that I live in a state that has legalize weed and a township that has decimalized it, I can attest to the fact that even though many people have a negative view on the medical use of weed, It really has help patients deal with pain, depression, anxiety, and other illnesses in a safer way the prescription pharmaceutical drugs.

One of my favorite success stories is about a young child that began to have severe seizures at 3 months old almost every day. After a few years of unsuccessful treatment and losing all ability to talk, walk, and eat, the family decided to try medical marijuana in the oil form. Within a year the child’s seizures lowered to about 2 or 3 times a month. She also regained her ability to talk and eat. Not only is she able to walk but she is riding bikes and enjoying her life as a kid. Now, if that doesn’t prove that weed really can be used to heal people then I don’t know what will.

I remember when I 1st started SL, before weed was legal, there were very few places you could go to buy joints or blunt. Matter of fact, my 1st sl joint was a free one a friend made due to the lack of realistic looking joints. I have notice that since the legalization and acceptance of weed, SL has a plethora of weed shops, clubs, weed themed clothing and very realistic joint, blunt, bongs, and hookahs. Some that actually gets your avie high. So if one would ask a stoner like me how do I feel about weed becoming legal, I would say that it is the best thing to ever happen in both worlds.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Living with a New York State of mind. A review of The New York City of SL- Sunny Love Holiday Reporting

One could surely state that New York City, NY is the fashion mecca of America.  Ranging from the high end shopping, extraordinary fashion shows, and stylish apartment living, all fashionistas from different cultures tend to look towards New York City at some point during styling in their life. Thanks to the hard work of Joi Price, Owner and Dylani Sweetface Chiantelle, CEO of NYC and all the brands under it.
The New York City sim in Second Life™ is no different.  I recently had the pleasure of spending a day shopping and exploring the Sim and was pleasantly pleased with my experience. I left with the feeling that everyone should take a trip to this sim. I couldn’t wait to get home, open my laptop, and share with the readers of SLE as to why.

Since being established on 11/11/2011, The New York City sim in Second Life™ has evolved into one of SL’s hottest go to places for all of your styling needs. Even spilling into your real life due to Joi Price’s Brand, Angels x Astronauts, that releases new items both inworld and in real life simultaneously.  There has been many well-known brands that got their start on this popular sim, but the equally well known brands of Animaux formerly known as Bellballs, LoQ hair, K-Code Legal Insanity, and Maki Kato has pretty much been there since the beginning and hold down the fort to ensure shoppers have the best to choose from.

If that wasn’t enough, The New York City sim™ in Second Life’s staff also took over the very popular fashion site, Fashion Feed Of SL, which has been noted as being one of the largest and known fashion feeds in SL. Which I feel, and I am sure most othesr do too, that this take over goes hand and hand with proving to be the Fashion Capital of SL.

As my journey began down Fifth Ave, the first thing I noticed was the authentic metropolitan city lifestyle draped all around me.  One of my fondest RL memories is my shopping sprees in the big apple and  I couldn’t help but to be amazed at how real the shopping experience was as I walked from store to store. This sin truly lives up to the big city feel but conveniently has tour guides located to prevent that “lost” feeling one might have traveling in a large city.

I entered a store that recently joined the New York commercial side by then name of Finest Art Design. I was lucky enough to run into its owner, Trulove67 Resident, as he was setting up shop for his launch. He was kind enough to take a break from his busy work and express his feelings about his move to New York.

 “All  I can say is I love New York. “ He boasted. “Its beautiful place to live and the staff here is amazing!” After being a resident for some time and learning all the perks that the commercial units comes with, Trulove67 felt it was a perfect place to start his new business.

Shortly after my run in with this excited store owner, luck found me a second time by running in to the one and only Dylani Sweetface Chiantelle. After explaining my conversation with Turlove67, Dylani explained why she felt her commercial residents feel so much appreciation for the staff’s work.  “Not to brag but one thing I can say about our tenants. Everyone gets hands on treatment. When a store moves in we actually market them on all of our social media. We give them a grand opening event that we produce ourselves, and let them know they are not just money to us but a team” She explained.

The perks don’t stop at the commercial residents. Avies whom choose to live in one of the luxurious residential units are treated just as special. Each unit was custom built, so no one lives in the same style unit.

 Dylani further explained, “Every unit is furnished but I will actually get input from a resident and do the decor for their style and taste. I actually update the furniture when new releases come out. I try to make every unit feel like a home. Each unit has different decor so everybody can feel like they have their very own space. But we are also flexible. So when a resident wantd things removed so they can furnish their units, we accommodate.”

Excitement rushed over me when Dylani offered to show me around an available Brownstone and studio unit, two of the most popular residential rentals.  As soon as I stepped in the door I was taken aback by the city view out the New York loft style windows and the modern décor. I honestly can say there wasn’t much I would change or then the fact I would need a nursery for my beautiful zoobie baby. When asked if Zoobie babies was something they could accommodate, Dylani quickly responded saying “When someone contact us about moving in, I usually ask if they have a family or not. I’ve had residents with Zoobie babies and redid the units with a nursery and whatever they needed. Pets are also allowed limited to cats/dogs at a limited amount.”

If you have not visit The New York City sim in Second Life™ for a shopping spree yet, or is has been a while since you have been in the city, I highly recommend you plan a trip there during this spring/summer with your family and/or friends. There are many fun and exciting plans being made for the upcoming seasons. You do not want to miss out on it.  Perhaps you are looking for a new place to lay your head. I can say with all the things offered to you as a resident, there is no better place to do that then this Sim. Start thinking with that New York state of mind!

Additional Information
Other: Real Life Angels x Astronauts Items website
Other: Commercial and residential leasing application

Client Preferred Contact: Joi Price | and Dylan Chiantelle |

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


The virtual world of Second life is loved and revered by many. It provides an escape from the everyday hustle and bustle of real life. Allowing people to be free to be themselves, explore fantasies, or to become their alter ego. With something that brings so much joy, there are always issues one much endures to enjoy such wonderful things. I decided to poll avies from all walks of life to see what people thought were the most troubling issues that plagues avies across the grid, and what they think would be the best possible solution to the problem.

Spirit Wingtips, owner of Espiritu Photography

SLE: What do you think are the Biggest Issues for Avies in SL?

Spirit Wingtips:  LAG the age old problem of lag and the HUGELY disproportionate LACK of men’s clothing and items as compared to women’s. Us men like to shop and like to have choices too. Designers need to stop being lazy and bias. Support us men !

SLE: What do you think would be a proper solution to these problems?

Spirit Wingtips:  Linden Labs and the entire SL community getting up and proactively doing something to help combat the issue of lag.  Also, Incorporate Education programs so people know the REAL cause of LAG and what to do about it. That would be a start.
 As for designers in SL, they need to realize that us men want and need options as well. we are more than jeans and a tee shirt, we want QUALITY items and well designed items as well and not  half hearted effort prefabs "just to say we carry men’s items". This is not to say all designers do this but if you teleport around to most events and shops they have 90% women’s clothing.
Oriana Robertson, Interior Blogger extraordinaire

SLE: What do you think are the Biggest Issues for Avies in SL?

Oriana Robertson: The biggest issues that I believe are facing Second Life are the lack of positive interactive activities. Granted, the major draw to second life (or as it was promoted in the beginning) is that everything that exist in-world is created by its residents. Still, there are not enough events and things to do on the grid that will encourage the residents to get creative, help one another, and generate positive social interactions. As a result, second life is full of people who are bored, lonely, and in need of attention so they turn to negative ways to fill that void.

SLE: What do you think would be a proper solution to these problems?

Oriana Robertson: A possible solution would be for the Lindens to create better incentives for people who are hosting events that will bring residents together; especially activities that will help those who are having trouble finding their way or "niche" within the community. They can do this perhaps by offering free or low cost classes for those who would like to learn a special skill. If not low cost courses then as an alternative they can offer affordable rent for people who host events like these. 

Chocolate Voom-Wingtips, Creator, Wife, and Mother

SLE: What do you think are the Biggest Issues for Avies in SL?

Chocolate Voom: The biggest issues that me and many avas that I know have are: inventory loss and copybotting. I have had my share of inventory loss over my 8 years in SL.  The loss that really irked me was during December 2014.  I lost two rare gacha items that are next to impossible to replace without spending a small fortune.  This loss occurred during unscheduled maintenance.  I did not rez them; the items simply vanished from my inventory.  There is no way to get the items back from either the creator or LL.  Inventory loss is not always discovered immediately; usually I am searching for the objects when I discover they have vanished.  SLers should be compensated even if a small percentage of their loss is returned, by Linden Labs.
Another big issue that avies are facing is the increasing risk of purchasing copybotted items on MarketPlace and inworld.  Thieves are more brazen than ever and rip off hardworking legitimate creators all of the time.  I see so many illegal items on MarketPlace.  It's terrible for the creators and the SL community as a whole.

Possible Solution:
 If more measures were taken against the botters, content theft could slowly but surely change.  Ban viewers that have security flaws that allow copybotting.  Ban scripts that allow copybotting.  Ban the thieves swiftly and consistently.

Esther Bailey Prata, Creator and Owner of LAGO DE PRATA

Esther : The amount of scripts most avies unknowingly carry with them and create lag.

Possible solution: Better education on script usage.

Autumn Yap, Owner of Hiϛh V

Autumn: I think it depends on how long they’ve been here. For newbies or people who are revisiting sl I think catching up to get their look updated. Maybe that is a big issue for everyone though, staying up to date with what’s going on and improving in world.

Possible solution:
Autumn: I think stores do a good job with their groups and subscribomatics keeping buyers aware of what’s new but so many groups and notifications are overwhelming. Not sure of how to fix such a thing but I think outlets like Second life Inventory and are great resources.

Forever Tracei Moore, Owner of Foil

Forever Tracei Moore : Trusting others with my most personal feelings, I’m normally guarded and only allow selective people in. However, I find that the people that hurt you the most are normally the ones you let in and know which choices of actions will cause you the most damage.

Possible Solution:
Forever Tracei Moore: There is no solution to this, it's a risk you take to love others and allow them to love you back, even if it’s just for a moment.

Addressing the Problems & Solutions

Lanai Jarrico: I’ve been in Second Life a very long time. I wouldn’t have survived it without knowing how to handle situations thrown in my path so I am offering you all some advice. From Lag, copybotting and the lack of men’s clothes to overwhelming subscribotic notices and emotional attacks, there are issues in Second life that could use some much needed attention. Overcoming these obstacles can be a challenge but there are solutions that can at least lessen the impact on how they will personally effect you. Lag is something that has been around since the beginning of virtual world. We can look at it as poor weather that we cannot control or we can do things to help reduce it such as lighten the load of scripts and prims on your land and or avatar and encourage your friends to do the same. Working together on this issue can make a difference.

Copybotting is just like having burglars in your rl neighborhoods or cities. We all know they are there but never know who they are or when they will strike. The best way to discourage thieves is to report them to authorities whenever you see suspicious activity.  But for the most part LL needs to step up to the plate and really do something about it.
The issue with men’s clothes seems to be parallel to the real world. Woman have always had it better when it comes to the assortment of fashion and accessories available. If more male designers fill the demand then the women would be the ones complaining. lol

  Emotional Attacks have got to be one of the worst problems between people in Second Life. The best way to avoid personal attacks is to be selective with the information you share with others. Especially, things that might make you vulnerable to attacks the minute things go south. This doesn’t mean you are lying to someone you care about. You don’t have to share every detail of your life. Caring about someone is more about what you would do to protect them and show them they mean something to you. All the extra information is just sprinkles on the cake. The cake should be good on its own. The sprinkles don’t make it what it really is.
 Last but not least, the overwhelming subscribomatics notices. This seems to be one of the biggest issues when it comes to mass spamming and bombardment of advertisement. I’m currently dealing with this issue myself.  It is definitely a violation of SL etiquette and needs to be stopped. Anyone who owns a subscribomatic should ask before adding people to the system. It is rude and inconsiderate. The best solution to this problem is contact them and ask them to please exclude you from the friend list spamming. If that doesn’t work make yourself appear offline to the violators or simply delete that person off your friend list. If they don’t talk to you any other time but to spam you, they aren’t really a friend anyway.

 Got a Comment? We would like to hear it. Use the comment box below.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Innovative Prey Fashion Show Coverage. Sunny Love Holiday Reporting

The Second Life fashion scene is filled with some the most creative and talented people on the grid. 
I have always had a deep passion for fashion so you can image my excitement when presented with the opportunity to cover some of the most talked about fashion shows this year. What better way to start my fashion show coverage for 2015 then to attend the innovative PREY Fashion Show presented by Amazing Impressions Modeling (AIM).

On January 31, 2015 at 12:55pm slt, I took my seat in front of a grand runway located on the AIM sim. As the seats around me filled quickly, I eagerly awaited for the show to start.  Soon after, Barney Helendale, the host for the evening, took the stage and colorfully started to introduce the work of the extremely talented PREY designer Adriel Huntress. One by one the stylish models walked the runway with some of the most inspiring creations I have ever seen in second life. Models Africanrithm, Lua Vendetta, Gretel Bulloch, LEEZAHKADDOUR2, LUCIA BRUNE, and Layka graced the stage looking stunning sashaying across the runway while DJ Doxy Roller was spinning tunes that truly fit the work of art I was witnessing.

Boniefacio did a wonderful job producing and directing the most organized and efficient Fashion Show I have ever been too. I have included some pictures of my favorite pieces from the show, but I highly recommend anyone who loves fashion as much as I do to pay a visit to the Prey store front located at to have a look see for yourself of all the work from the show and other great pieces. Believe me, your fashion senses will tingle in delight!

For Prey; for AIM

 Contact: Ada Hoobinoo - Store Manager for Prey; Boniefacio Fashion Director and Producer

Friday, January 23, 2015

Spotlight on the Elegant Luciano's Jazz Club & Lounge – Sunny Love Holiday Reporting…

Fans of Jazz music know that Jazz is synonymous with elegance, class, and grace. So one would, of course, want the venue that they enjoy their favorite Jazz music in to possess the same qualities. In order to truly enjoy and have a realistic experience at an jazz venue in Second life, the atmosphere must be light hearted, fun, friendly and “all that Jazz”. After attending the grand opening of Luciano's Jazz Club & Lounge, I was convinced that this lounge not only upheld all the qualities previously mentioned but so much more.

As soon as I teleported to the red carpet, my imagination sent me to a very upscale Jazz club in New York. I was quickly greeted by the lounge manager Sydney de Prata with a warm smile. After showing me my seat with a few friends that had already arrived, my heart was warmed with the flow of music and drinks. I waited with anticipation for Luciano de Prata to take the stage, and grace the packed room with his voice. 

Now, I have heard many live singers before, but none with such a silky smooth voice as Mr. de Prata. As the drink flowed and the dancing began I snuck up to the 2nd level on an elevator quite unique to second life……where I was glad to see another bar (more liquor…yay!), and classy lounge area that included a greedy table. Everyone was down stairs enjoying the event but I imagined men with black tie suits and cigars would be filling this lounge up once word got out. I was completely impressed overall with the event, and as any good reporter would, I contacted the lounge staff to find out more information. I was delighted that Mr. de Prata agreed to meet with me knowing how busy his schedule was. 

The following is the delightful conversation Mr. de Prata and I had:

Sunny: Hello Luciano, Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me today. Wow the venue is very lovely. I understand the great Catta Grizot, the creator of Atrium Designs built this club for you. Please explain to our readers the story behind the design.

Luciano: I'd love to. Even though I am Norwegian I've spent most of my adult life in New York,      where I've worked in music and entertainment. One of the theaters I kept returning to always caught my eye in a special way. It was so timeless and inspiring. The Bowery Ballroom originally built as a shoe store in 1929, believe it or not. I took inspiration from that for the facade of Luciano's. That is however the only similarity it has with the Bowery. I don't have the skill-set for building this as I wanted it to be, but Catta Grizot happens to be a good and old friend of mine. She loved the idea, and together we had it finished in about a month. She did it amazingly, I must say. No wonder she is so successful.

Sunny: Wow…..that is wonderful, and I must say it looks very real life like. What was your inspiration for opening Luciano's Jazz Club & Lounge?
Luciano: Throughout my years in Second Life, it was most of all the incredible live music that made me stay. I particularly love the ballroom jazz clubs that has become a true SL trademark.
Still, I always wished for a more intimate kind of Jazz Club as well. Like you would find in Manhattan's theater district or the Latin district in Paris. A quaint venue with that certain timeless atmosphere. That is why I decided to create Luciano's.

Sunny: Ah I see. I was able to attend the Grand Opening which occurred on December 27th, 2014, and I must say I felt the intimate, elegant, and timeless atmosphere as soon as I walked in the door so job well done. Since then, your jazz club has reached the top 10 of jazz clubs on every Saturday on the traffic stats…..that has to be exciting. What do you think helps contribute to the overnight success?

Luciano: Well, I like to think this was not a long-shot. Neither was it a spontaneous project. I have been toying with this idea for years, and built the venue about 20 times in my head. But timing seemed right now, and I got all the right people involved in the process.

Sunny: Yes, I think great staff always makes the difference! Speaking on staff….How many musical acts do you have currently playing here?

 Luciano: We have live concerts with a series of singers every Friday and Saturday as well as DJ's. So far this year we have booked acts throughout April, most of them for several gigs. I believe 8 different singers in total.

 Sunny: Other than Jazz…….What type of music is featured at your club?

Luciano: Naturally we try to feature as much jazz music as possible, but we also play quite a bit of blues, pop, rock and a bit of Latin American music.

Sunny: Always nice to give a variety. So tell me….where can people find out about upcoming events at Luciano's Jazz Club & Lounge?

Luciano: We have a very active Facebook page that I would recommend checking out. The web address is Also, people would be wise to join our group in-world. As we advertise all live music events there.

 Sunny: There are many talented people in sl who are always looking for a warm, and comfortable club like yours to perform at. How would one go about auditioning to perform at your club?

Luciano: Every Thursday we have Open Mic sessions between 5 pm and 7 pm slt. If someone stands out at one of those we will often offer them to come back to do a paid concert. Also singers and agents should feel free to approach me personally if they wish to play here. I pick all acts for the lounge myself.

 Sunny: Oh I am sure you have a great eye for talent. I was really impressed with your natural singing voice…..Have you been preforming in SL long, or did you just decide to do it for your club?

Luciano: I've been performing all my life, but I never thought I would be doing it in SL. It was in fact just after opening the club; I realized it would make a lot of sense to occasionally do a concert myself as well. And I've quite enjoyed it, to be perfectly honest. But I still prefer to come in here on a Saturday, sit at the bar with a glass of red, and listen to someone else blow the audience and myself away.

Sunny: That is amazing! I truly enjoyed meeting with you today. I am quite sure you are going to be doing big things in 2015. I wish you nothing but success! Thanks you for your time.

Please take time and visit Luciano's Jazz Club & Lounge, located on the wonderful sim of Lago De Prata The staff makes you feel at home, the atmosphere is inviting, and Luciano's voice is heavenly. Take your special someone for a night on the town, you won't regret it.

Client Preferred Contact: Luciano de Prata or Sydney de Prata

Friday, August 1, 2014

Spotlight on Brique Topaz- Helping Feed Real Life Children from a Virtual World- Sunny Love Holiday Reporting.

There are many things to do in Second life, but you may not know that you can actually change someone’s real life through this virtual world too. 

Brique Topaz, founder and chairwoman of "Live and Learn in Kenya Int'l" came to second life with just that in mind, arriving 4 years ago and establishing the great Feed a Smile project.

The Feed a Smile project allows second life avatars to sponsor a child in Kenya. This sponsorship provides enough money to support a child’s everyday needs to attend schools, including meals. Also, this project holds concerts at The Lavender Field for Feed a Smile in which all performers give 100% of their tips to the cause. I was delighted to sit down with Brique and get to find out more information.

Interview with Brique Topaz

Friday, July 11, 2014

Media Spotlight on Pamela Alectoris, Host of the Pamela Live Show. Sunny Love Holiday Reporting

A successful talk show must have a host that has charisma, the ability to be entertaining, and an overall warm and welcoming spirit. 

Pamela Alectoris, Host of the Pamela Live Show defiantly has all that and more. This talk show, which starts at 4pm slt every Sunday night, has showcased a vast amount of Second Life business, musical talents and places to experience different cultures, all with an entertaining yet educational factor that leave it audience fulfilled in each way.

I was recently was invited to join Pamela and her staff for an exclusive tour of the shows studio, and was overwhelmed by her warmth, and uncanny ability to make me feel right at home. A skill, I am sure, helps her otherwise scared of the stage guests feel more comfortable during their interview.  It was a pure pleasure to be able to turn the tables on this skilled interviewer, and ask her a few questions of my own.

Interview with Pamela Alectoris:

Friday, June 20, 2014

Spotlight on ChicagoSax- Bringing real life musical expertise to the Virtual world, Sunny Love Holiday Reporting

Chicagosax Resident is one of the fastest rising stars on the Second Life (SL) live musical performance scene to date. Taking into consideration of his musical expertise, it easy to understand why. Chicagosax is known in real life (RL) as George Buetow, a founding member the 1960’s garage band "The Missing Link"s. 

This group of 4 talented musicians used self-development and discipline to work their way up the Chicago music scene, and opened for the Rolling Stones in 1965. The group was later reformed in 1968, and those members became the group known around the world as "Chicago". With all that musical background, it is no wonder why his venue, called Chicago's Place, is a popular place for music lovers to congregate.

Together with a team of highly skilled professional consultants, Chicagosax carefully planned out the venues design, sound business practices, and talent searches to ensure a high quality musical experience. Chicago's place currently has 11 performers. With only 3 of them being Djs, the venue is jumping with live performances featuring Jazz and Blues shows as well as Pop/Rock shows. There are also some exciting professional artists who are about to make their Second Life debuts in the next few months live at Chicago Place.

In the near future, The Chicago's Place exclusive VIP section will be open. This will be a place where performers will be able to have small private concerts, where the artists talks to their audience about their experiences in the music business. I was lucky enough to get a sneak peak of this VIP section along with a grand tour of the venue when I met up with Mr. Chicagosax earlier this week. Truly being humbled by the fact that he took time out of his busy schedule to show me around and answer a few questions.

Interview with Chicagosax

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Has the African American community of second life loss its unity? One woman’s prospective- Sunny Love Holiday Reporting

Recently I have ran across many articles addressing African American unity, or the lack there of, in our communities, in a professional setting, and even in our family structures.  Comments by the Owner of the L.A. Clippers Don Sterling  about NBA Hall of Famer Magic Johnson contributions to the African-American community were inaccurate…….but maybe a much-needed wake up call for us to take a look at ourselves a bit closer in both our everyday real life and our virtual world.