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Showing posts with label adventure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adventure. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Spotlight on The Rasere Awakening Series and launch of book 3- The Bounding Main by Author R.Lacques aka GoSpeed Rasere- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Author R. Jacques (aka- GoSpeed Rasere) launched Rasere’s War. The first book in the Rasere's Awakening Series. Based 500 years into the future,  mankind finds lasting peace but using emotions excessively is shunned. Many human Users visit the virtual world of Simvie Loko to fully express themselves, but the world ruling Artificial Intelligence, Gaiana, is seeking to shut it down. Will GoSpeed and her fellow NPCs survive this virtual conflict or be erased forever? Will they face extinction or prevail with such norms? If you’ve read Rasere’s War, you will want to read the 2nd novel in the Series; We built this City.

 Gospeed goes on a quest to Bay City where opportunities await, but a new evil raises its ugly head and threatens her new home. She decides to fight back, but at what cost? but on her way she meets Simvie a criminal who threatens peace.

On March 30th,  GoSpeed launched the 3rd book in the Rasere Awakening  series; The Bounding Main.
This novel is based in the futuristic virtual world,  Simvie Loko. It is a free world for NPCs (non-player characters), once a virtual playground for human users. In this 3rd installation, GoSpeed Racer is starting anew and trying to live down her past sins. She sets off on another adventure on the high seas of Simvie Loko where she ultimately finds redemption. putting her past behind her for redemption.

Much like Second Life it sounds like an adventure! Without spoiling the plots and twists in the series, The SL Enquirer had the pleasure of meeting up with GoSpeed Racer to talk more about The Rasere Awakening Series and maybe get some more details about her character’s  journey of a lifetime.

SLE: Gospeed Racer, it is great to have this opportunity to talk about series and give our readers some behind the scenes insight and your inspiration  behind your novels. Can you tell our readers what inspired you to write the series?

Gospeed: Thank you Lanai. It's a pleasure to speak with you! My inspiration came from a few sources. About ten years ago I blogged about what I would feel if Second Life were to shut down. It wasn't a pleasant at all, that's for sure. Even by my second rez day I felt an affinity for my avatar. A couple of years later I started writing short story about GoSpeed magically appearing in the real world and visiting my at my house. I never finished the story. Fast forward to 2015 and my favorite podcast novelist (Scott Sigler) did a couple of episodes on how to write a novel. Soon after that I began writing my series.

SLE: In the series, your avatar GoSpeed Racer is the main character. With the adventures and experiences you have in the novels, do they related in anyway with your SL avie’s adventures and experiences?

Gospeed: In my early days in SL, circa 2006 to 2008, I was very active in the SL Sailing community and sailed all over the grid. I've also done some minor roleplaying and the emoting and dialog exchanges were very helpful for my creative writing. Of course the Bay City community here in Second Life was a great source of material and inspiration. I've been affiliated with Bay City since 2010 and I was crowned Miss Bay City 2018!

SLE: Wow you have been an active SL community member for a long time. Congrats on being crowned Miss Bay City. How would you describe your character’s personality compared to your own?

GoSpeed: They are like the difference between my real self and my avatar. Some elements of my real personality  come through, and some do not. Second Life acts as a filter of sorts. In this futuristic virtual world many of the NPCs (virtual citizens), to include GoSpeed, are sourced from old social media archives. The creator uses images, videos, and blog posts and then run them through an algorithm to generate a personality. As the old saying goes, "A picture says a thousand words." In fact, there have been articles recently stating the possibility of recreating a virtual identity of a recently deceased family member by using their online digital postings. I doubt anything useful could be created with today's technology, but in 500 years? Possibly.

SLE:  That’s an interesting concept. Through the Series, your character faces many obstacles, can you give our readers an examples of the difficulties she faced on her journey?

GoSpeed: In the first novel she is forced to take up arms to protect her world, then she falls in love for the first time ever. In the second novel, she takes the law into her own hands  and must face the severe consequences of her actions.

SLE: Are you a published author of other novel besides The Rasere Awakening Series?

GoSpeed: This is my first series. I plan to write more in this "universe" in the future. My next book will be an anthology containing short stories and vignettes from Simvie Loko.

SLE: Without giving too much away, what else would you like to share with readers about The Bounding Main?

GoSpeed: TBM is the conclusion of the series and as such wraps up a lot of the longer story arcs. In this story GoSpeed must live and work in a community that sees her as either a criminal or a saint. With these same people, she goes on an extended journey to investigate a mystery facing both communities. Together they learn more about their shared world and the possible threats they may face.

Additional Information

Purchase the series: Amazon:
Apple: Via their apps.

Print copies can be purchased now at Amazon.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Come horse around at Copacabana Country Campground

At Copacabana Country Campgrounds we want you to have the best experience possible and involve the whole family. If you’ve ever gone on vacation and thought “I wish I could bring my horse” We have the solution you’ve been looking for in Second Life!

We are proud to announce the addition of Daneko Equestrian center to the Coapcabana Country Campground sim. At Daneko Ranch you can board your horse, learn to ride, get basic medical attention if needed and much more!

Located in the South East corner, near the lake, the equestrian center is run by Dali Daneko and her family. It’s fully equipped with anything your horse may need and is completely free to campers! They even offer trail rides and training for your horse!

You can contact Dali Daneko (DaliDaneko) for information about getting your horse a stall while you are staying at Copacabana Country and be sure to check out all the other fun activities we have to offer! Everything from Archery to a Zipline and even weekly activities such as campfire stories and family movie night!

Copacabana Country is the perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We offer various sized campsite and even luxury cabins at an affordable 1.5L per prim!
Come on over and make yourself at home! You can join our visitors group to keep up with everything we do! For more information check out our website or contact jadey (jadeylynn) or Pen (arthuris1974) Dragon.

Group: secondlife:///app/group/2545eaab-814b-289d-a06a-8725da4309ba/about

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Spotlight on Copacabana County Campgrounds- A Family Friendly Virtual Camping Adventure

Copacabana County Campgrounds is a PG friendly outdoors escape from city life and into the mountains, valleys and coasts of Serena Copacabana. With Summer winding down and fall approaching, Second Life lights up with activity.  With so much to do, avatars are teleporting all over the grid in search of new and exciting past times with family and friends.

There is something about feeling one with nature when you can take a deep breath and smell  trees, flowers and crisp air. In Second Life, we get to experience the outdoors without the threat of mosquitos, spiders and bears and snakes! CopaCabana County Campgrounds is a creative and accurate interpretation of the Appalachian Mountains along the North Carolina and Tennessee border.

Blanketed with lush foliage, beautiful scenic views and a relaxing lake, there is plenty to do and see. When you first arrive, close your eyes and listen to the crackling of nearby campfires, birds and crickets chirping and maybe even the laughter of children. Absorb the nature that surrounds you.  If you listen close enough you may hear an owl hooting, a horse approaching or the call of an eagle overhead. CCC is abundant with wildlife and guests who love the outdoors.

Along the beaten path visitors are encouraged to interact with others at one of the 19 campsites with tents and some luxury cabins. During the day guests can go on excursions like hiking up a mountain and gliding all the way back down on a zipline.  For the real thrill seekers, go bungee jumping or grab a parachute and skydive over the breathtaking landscape. As the sun begins to settle, indulge in a horseback ride into the sunset, explore a hidden cave or participate in weekly events like Monday Movie night,  bingo, fishing and campfire stories. You'll also find group activities including paintball, bumper boats, archery and more. There have even been rumors that bigfoot has been spotted in the woods!

There is an element of roleplay at Copacabana County Campground to interactively immerse yourself into the environment.  With a fully functioning fire and rescue department, you can even be part of a team combatting a forest fire and other man vs nature situations that may occur. Just be mindful of the sign that indicates the threat level.

The SL Enquirer sat down with Pen and Jadey Dragon for an inside look at CCC and what inspired this great adventure.

Interview with Pen and Jadey Dragon

SLE: As I sat on a fold out chair at a campsite while absorbing my surrounding,  I felt a sense of calm. I can tell you two have put a lot of time into the details and activities at Copacabana County Campground. You truly captured the essence of nature and all its beauty. Can you tell me what inspired you to bring a virtual camping experience into SL?

Pen: We had looked all over the grid for a good, family friendly camping experience and were left sorely wanting. The old adage is, If you want something done and done right, do it yourself. So we did!

Jadey: The things our family needed just weren’t being met at the time we went camping. We travel as a pack, finding large spaces of just tents was not available where we looked. The activities, though pretty cool, again didn’t fit the theme. We wanted more than just a concert in the park.

SLE: You did a fantastic job creating CCC! Thank you for the tour, and my first SL zipline experience. That was exciting! While roaming around and taking in such a beautiful sim. I thought a hot air balloon ride would really put a birds eye view over the sim.

Pen: We actually had considered a Hot Air balloon in the beginning, and may yet add one as we are always looking to upgrade the experience we give our campers. We do take into consideration how scripted something might be as we try hard to keep the lag at Copacabana to a minimum.

Jadey:I am all about the realistic aspect of things, so I based the sim off personal experience.
I keep telling Pen, I have yet to find a hot air balloon ride camping, but maybe it’s just where I’ve been camping.

SLE: OH yes! That’s true lag and getting tangled in trees can cause problems. Lol
Do you offer any other activities I didn’t mention?

Pen/Jadey: We do have pottery as well as arts and crafts. We recently did a pine cone turkey where everyone hunted in the woods for the pieces such as feathers, the pine cones, acorns, fruit etc. assembled them to their pine cones, glued (linked) them together and took them home for show and tell. It was all done as an activity and a RP. Those are the kinds of activities that we looked for before we opened Copacabana Country. It’s our goal to make camping with us as fun and interactive as possible!

SLE:I will definately be back! Can I still make a cone turkey? That sounds creative and fun. You mentioned RPing. I heard there was a forest fire? What happened?

Pen: Yes! As I’d mentioned before, we like to keep things realistic and fun, plus we love to roleplay. In that spirit I notified the camp that the weather conditions were very dry and suitable for a forest fire. In response to that a few of our campers contacted me, asking if they could start a fire. Of course I said yes! As you said above, we have a fully functioning Fire/Rescue department for just such scenes. There is even a giant ‘Smokey the Bear’ sign next to our Ranger station that will alert campers to the fire danger that particular day. It’s all about having fun! Oh yeah! You can certainly get a pine cone’ll just have to search the woods for all the pieces like everyone else!

SLE: lol fine!  I love the realism of the environment.  With 19 campsites, there are a lot of choices! Can you describe some of the various campsites and the Cabins. Are they available for rent?

Jadey: Our goal for the campsites are really quite simple, you need it, we’ll get it! All of our tents, and cabins are just an example. In fact recently some campers decided to swap out their tents to adjust for RP winter. So we removed their tents, got them better fire, and set up a cozy little cottage.

SLE: Ohhh I can wait to see the winter activities! I’ve seen many campgrounds scattered around the grid. What is the competition like?

Pen: Yeah, there’s competition out there and we try to keep improving to stay on top of the game. Our goal is more to have a fun, safe place for families to camp than it is really to beat other campgrounds.

Jadey:Recently our competitors have been spotted copying our sim down to the cliffs, and literally the events we schedule. At first I was felt the same as our loyal visitors. Violated, angry, eager to set their place on fire! However, I decided that instead of feeling slighted or robbed, I wish to send a challenge out to them. Let’s keep the important things in sight, the families. Let’s work together, do field trips to each other’s campgrounds, and find a way to be friends not enemies.

SLE: Shame on them. That is an amazing challenge that I fully endorse. Not just amongst campgrounds but in other feuding genres.

Pen: I know, right? Lol We had a TON of people coming in telling us about this other campground. They even closed for a week to remodel and look like us. But we decided that was okay because if they want to be like us, then we must be doing something right. Our core values, such as the safety of the kids here, are more important than some feud. If they want to copy us, copy that part as well.

SLE: Great attitude. If someone wanted to rent a cottage? How can they go about getting information on what’s available?

Pen: We’ve tried to make that as easy as possible! We have our rentals listed on our website and facebook, we have rental cards available at our welcome center and if nothing else, there is always either a Park Ranger or Jadey and myself on the sim to answer questions.

Jadey: We are not just here to rent campsites. We live here, we interact with everyone, we’re always available in some capacity or another. We are not just notecard and warning senders when tier is do. We have had one on one conversations with each and every renter. If not me, then Pen or our other rangers. Not one person has gotten by without at the very least, a personal greeting. The hope is to always stay approachable to our campers for any questions, comments or concerns.

We also like to cater to special family events. Just recently a family of 3 informed us of their recent nuptials, So we put together a beautiful little reception and they were gracious enough to invite the entire sim to celebrate with them. A recent family reunion has been booked, and our onstaff DJ’s, photographer, videographer are on hand if needed to make it as special and memorable as possible.

SLE: Now that’s a community! Do you have a group discussions about activities and events?

Jadey: So here is how we operate, as I stated we’re family-owned. Each member of the family has a major role. I’m the bank, and I have final say over everything but the input comes from everyone and every where. If someone has an idea, they put it on the table, and everyone takes a vote. I have only had to override a few ideas. For example, my husband and brother wanted to set the ENTIRE sim on fire. This was not going to fly! Boys and their toys can get carried away.
Pen is the voice of reason, most of the time. He’ll play devil's advocate when we all are eager about something that could potentially blow up in our face. Nefertiti works behind the scenes, she comes in as a closer to verify things are actually making sense from an outside perspective.
Nick, is our social media, salesman, prankster, firefighter, and nosey neighbor. The kids, all of them, mine, his, hers the whole kit kaboodle are our welcoming committee. This is how events are created, discussed, argued about, and designed with possibly more arguing!   

Pen: Yeah, what she said! With that said, we also take into consideration event ideas that our campers suggest, and there have been a few. For example, one camper recently asked if she could help around the sim which had led to the creation of our jr Rangers. That will also be an avenue to teach the kids fire safety, first aid and more.

SLE:oooo I have a few ideas!  Relay races and obstacle courses dressed in costumes (Halloween).  It sounds like you have a great team and community, we should all roast  s'mores sometime. I once accidentally set a sim on fire using a spellcaster and it took the owner a couple hours to come find every particle. It was a nightmare!  A good friend but she slapped my hand and took my rezz rights away. Anyway, you both have done such an awesome job on CCC. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Pen: Well, the obstacle course, races and the like...that was a secret project we were working on. Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag! We are also looking forward to making everything extra spooky for Halloween. Okay, well I’m looking forward to that, Jadey is always watching the prim and lag so she has me on a tight leash! And if ya want to roast some s’mores, come join us on Friday night for our campfire stories! We always has s’more room!

As far as something we’d like to share? We want our campground to be a safe, fun environment for families. We’re very vigilant about that, over all else. It’s important to us all that families, especially kids, have a place where they can just be, without the worries of the outside world.

Jadey: haha Rezz rights, that’s another topic all in itself. We’re very careful about who gets them. We don’t want floating adult toys landing on our campers! Or accidental explosions, so you don’t get a tag just for stopping by. It’s for your safety and ours. We do have a tag so people can keep up with the events, however rezzing is only for paid renters.

SLE: LOL Jadey you make a good idea lol.  Thank you both for sitting down with me for an inside look at Copacabana County Campground. I had a great time.

Experience Virtual Camping at its best. Teleport to Copacabana County Campground

Additional Information:

Group: secondlife:///app/group/2545eaab-814b-289d-a06a-8725da4309ba/about

Friday, July 6, 2018

LEA 9 Gaia’s Quest – Visit the heart of a Dragon - Seersha Heart

Second life is known for showcasing spectacular collaborative SIMs.  No place is this more apparent that the area set aside for such builds at the LEA SIMs.  LEA, or Lindon Endowment for the Arts, has expanded since the original conception for this group.  Now at the fifteen-year mark of SL, LEA has a landing area is set up so you may go through the latest builds easily.  Dragon Shichiroji is the driving force, the cohesion behind the new LEA9 build titled “Gaia’s Quest”.

Dragon is an unassuming and generous man whom I consider a dear friend.  In real life and SL, Mental health and wellbeing are paramount to Dragon.  His real life experiences have given him the perfect basis to be the architect of LEA 9.  When I asked him what brought him to SL he said “Actually it was following a sojourn into south India in a time I was not working and trying to find myself, I came across the concept of a community free of money and material concerns focused on developing aspiration for growth and unity and creating a sense of belonging. I came to SL with this concept in mind and wanting to bring it to manifestation so that I could also learn skills that would better my professional real life.”  I also asked him if he could invite any celebrity to SL who would he choose? He said Teal Swan the noted spiritual teacher and intuitive.  His inworld residence, Mystic Farms, is a tribute to the care and the humanity he brings to our virtual world.  Mystic Academy is the largest spiritual community in Second Life.  At Mystic you can find a variety of practices such as meditation, New Age and Tantra [many more].  Mystic Farms also allows those in need of a home base, to set their home to this location. Mystic Academy is always happy for volunteers, just IM Dragon.

To prepare for my foray into LEA9, I reread an excellent book of mine titled “Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth”.  I recommend this book as the perfect complement to the build. Most of this book was written in Ireland a place where “tribal warfare has never been far from the scene”.  With LEA9 Gaia, Dragon and his group have worked hard and achieved an experience that maximizes the senses in SL. For the full experience, follow the hunt which is like an “Immersive Indiana Jones” to experience and to interact with most of the build.  There are several tribe cultures beautifully carved into this Gaia. I was awestruck moving through the SIM, the colors, the detail is hypnotic. As you comb through the experience, allow yourself the time to move at your own pace and plan to retrace a few steps.  There are places that take more than one pass to fully appreciate the message and the design.

One of the missions of LEA9 is to share the diversity of ancient culture, wisdom and history.  Wade Davis, a contributor to, says that there must be a “wake-up call to the value of ancient wisdom”.  In his discussion he mentions many of the sources traditionally used for that which we call “ancient wisdom”. He relates a thought many of us feel.  We are experiencing “a waterfall of destruction unprecedented in the history of our species. In our lifetime half of the voices of humanity are being silenced”.  Powerful thoughts and images of the cultural adaptations we have experienced fill my head. LEA9 pulls together that which has been neglected, lost, or thrown away.  This build shines a light on these wisdoms in each tribal space. As I spent time at LEA9, I found that if I remained still, listening and watching my environment more was revealed to me.  This is true for all of us. Walk down a path at LEA9 once, and you see a great deal of information. Walk down that path again, more slowly, and like a flower opening the flow of what is going on around you opens more for you.  Come back another day, you find you did not waste your time with multiple trips. Instead each time you walk the path, you experience more and you learn more. The biggest lesson I learned by walking around LEA9 was to reawaken my own respect for ancient wisdom.  Not only wisdom from long ago, but that wisdom that swirls around us every day.

LEA9 is not limited to the optimism of Voltaire’s Dr. Pangloss well known for his idea “best of all possible worlds”.  There is a Downtown Dystopia area, amazing for the detail of the creation, sobering for the possibilities and fate of Gaia.  “It might seem to be a surrender, but I suspect that the rewards, in the form of an increased sense of well-being and fulfillment, in knowing ourselves to be a dynamic part of a far greater entity, would be worth the loss of tribal freedom.”
For me, attending one of the presentations was a profound way to “see” objectives of LEA9.  I attended a colorful presentation underwater. Synced dancing mermaids and mermen decorated the stage while messages were displayed behind them.  Messages of consideration and of thoughtfulness to enable participants to use mindful observation to ‘take notice’. The sensory information poured on the audience.    We could ‘connect’, ‘give’ and ‘learn’ while the show was taking place. The performers brought it all together by inviting all to participate in dance thus allowing us to “keep active”.  The last part of this was the part that affected me most deeply. The colors and the particles were every changing, vivid almost alive. The messages continued to cycle on the stage. The sounds, those sounds were hypnotic to me.  I was mesmerized by watching everyone moving gracefully like mermaids. The music entered my ears as I watched, I was completely in the moment presented to me.

Rare is the experience in any life that may touch someone so deeply.  Here at LEA9, touching its visitors deeply is exactly what Dragon and crew have planned for them.

LEA 9 Gaia’s Quest links:
Gaia’s Quest Website:
Links to sources & related articles:
Gaia : A New Look at Life on Earth [pp. 110-120]
Editorial : A Wake Up Call to the Value of Ancient Wisdom
Pre-order Teal Swan’s book “The Anatomy of Loneliness”

Seersha Heart [saoirseheart resident]
Photos by Karmaghna Ulrik