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Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Time Traveling Through Your Playlist by Linda Lauren

I had a beauty day recently, and my first stop was the hair salon for a splash of fresh color. I usually do this on my day off and I elect the entire day to attend to personal grooming, necessities and errands. The owner of the salon usually has on a favorite station and it happens to be one that I like, too. So the experience of sitting and waiting in the chair while he works becomes an experience in memory recall.

I love music. It stirs emotion and speaks directly to the spirit in ways that range from subtle to empowering. It is a colorful array of sound created through inspiration that we draw upon in our everyday life. Music can bring us down or pick us up. It can remember scenes of the past while creating new ones for the future. Often, we move toward music to embrace awareness and healing.

Sitting in the salon chair listening to music from my teenage years brought forth a flood of emotion and nostalgia that ultimately made me smile. I asked myself the question: what if I created a playlist for the specific purpose of drawing on memories I wanted to fondly recall? Would it be beneficial to my body, mind and spirit? I decided to try it and I garnished surprising results. My mood improved and the time spent in the salon (which is usually over an hour) felt like it was the shortest ever. When I returned home I created my own playlist and I recommend that you give it a try. Here is a way to get started.
  1.  Pick a time of your life that holds the fondest memories.
  2.  Research the songs from that decade and choose the ones that speak happiest to you.
  3.  Create a playlist and loop it to play throughout the day in the order you feel fits how you want to feel.
  4.  Journal or log what surfaces for you.
Granted, you may come away with some sad feelings, but the happy ones will be the strongest, so make sure to keep your focus on the positive. Try it for a few days and see how you feel afterward.

Enjoy, and happy time traveling through your playlist!

Originally published on July 9, 2015 on 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

BuzzFeed: How Paint Colors Can Actually Change Your Life with Linda Lauren

Linda Lauren was interviewed by Buzzfeed about how color can change the energy of a room.  On her Island (ETU Abbracciare) you can see her use of soothing colors to create a calm, tranquil meditative oasis. 

Click Here to read this fun informative BuzzFeed article.  

Photo Credit:Alice Mongkongllite for BuzzFeed / Lauren Zaser for BuzzFeed

Monday, February 9, 2015

Linda Lauren on Crystals and Gemstones

Learn about the Crystals and Gemstones we surround ourselves with by watching Psychic Medium Linda Lauren on the BetterTV show and reading her article 'Crystal Awareness'!

Crystal Awareness

Have you ever held a quartz crystal in your hand? Ever feel the wondrous delight of its gentle hum to your palm or feel its soothing vibration sear through your fingers, up your arm and tingle throughout your body? If you have not, then you are in for a treat that will tenderly awaken your senses and gently amplify your mind, for the energy one experiences by working with quartz crystals is soul-enriching and life-enhancing.

Quartz crystals are God’s gift to the earth, and a rare treasure to those who embrace their light. A crystal connection will alter your vision and ease you into a greater understanding of your Self. Crystals are found in watches, clocks, televisions, DVR’s, and computers, just to name a few of their applications. Quartz consists of raw piezoelectric energy, and when shaven down to microchip size produces electricity that operates these necessities in our lives. Imagine then, the personal power we can claim when we harness that energy and allow the gentle electrical vibrations of crystals and gemstones to balance and work with the flow of our own unique energy.

Quartz crystal points, clusters and polished stones can be found in most metaphysical shops. I would like to focus on Quartz Crystal Points, as these will be best to use for the purpose of making it your personal tool of power and transformation. A crystal point is a single column of clear quartz with 3 to 7 sides around the face, with a termination at the end. It is usually clear at the top half, and milky white at the blunt end. The following methods are acceptable, but remember, you do not choose your crystal, it actually chooses you!

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. When you open them, allow your eyes to fall on the first crystal you see.

This is my favorite. A crystal will “call” to you, and when you pick it up you will feel a gentle vibration in your palm. It may take a few minutes to adjust. I suggest you take a deep breath, relax and allow the crystal to “speak” to you by focusing your attention on any vibration or warmth in the palm of your hand. Size does not matter when choosing a crystal point, as sometimes even the smallest chip may have more energy than a large point.

Once you have chosen your crystal, it is important that you keep it in a pouch of some kind. Silk, cotton, leather, are fabrics most commonly used. This will protect the point from any jarring or chipping, as you will be carrying it with you most of the time.

When you get home with your crystal, it is vital that you cleanse it. During the journey from the crystal mine to the place of your purchase, your crystal will have gone through many hands and been in many places. You will want to clear it of the residue from its journey to insure clarity. There are several schools of thoughts regarding this subject, and I will pass along a few methods commonly used. However, keep in mind that there is no right or wrong method to cleansing. When working with quartz, it is what sense you have regarding the stone that is important. Intuition plays an important role in developing crystal awareness.

Sea Salt or Salt Water — If you happen to be fortunate to live by the ocean, fill a cup with sea water and immerse your crystal in it for 24 hours, or until you sense it is cleansed. The alternative would be to fill a cup with a couple of spoons of sea salt and immerse the stone. (Note: Some people are not fans of this method, as they feel it alters the vibration of the stone.)

Rinse your crystal under cool tap water and dry with a cotton cloth.

Sage or Incense — Burn some dried sage or your favorite essential oil incense and run the crystal through the smoke.

Once you have cleansed your crystal, it is now time to charge your crystal’s energy. Here are some methods for charging:

The Sun — A crystal truly loves sun. This is my favorite method because it can be done anywhere. Simply put your crystal on a window sill, car dashboard, etc., and allow it to be nourished by the suns rays. The average amount of time is anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 hours. Again, you be the judge by listening to your intuition.

Some people place the crystal point into the soil of a healthy plant for a few days. Not only does it charge the stone, but it helps the plant, too.

After a dip in the ocean, allow the stone to sit in the sand with the sun beating down on it for a super-charge. (Just be careful you don’t bury the stone and lose it!)

I have a large cluster of clear quartz in my office. I lay my personal crystal points on top of the cluster to insure a charge.

Now we have covered the basics: choosing, cleansing, and charging a crystal. In order to work with your crystal you will have to program it. Imagine your clear quartz crystal as a blank tape. You can “record” your desires, needs and wishes into it. A crystal can hold as many “programs” as you need to instill. Some programs will become temporary, until your desire is met or your accomplishment is achieved. The way to program a crystal is to do the following:

Hold the crystal between your hands in prayer-like position with the point up. Clear your mind. Now visualize yourself actually in the situation of your desire. “See” yourself clearly. Then state an affirmation. For example: If you have the desire for a specific job, picture yourself as already in the job, happy and content. Then state something like: “I am working at the perfect job.” The affirmation insures the thought into the program. If you wish, you can also “tell”; the crystal verbally what you want in your life. The key is to “see it” and then “say it.” That’s it. You are now ready for the last and most important step: Meditation.

The primary way to work with your crystal to manifest what you have programmed into it is via meditation. When you wish to “receive” the benefits of your program, you would hold the crystal in your left hand. For example, if you are sick and wish it to help heal you, use the left hand. Put the crystal in your right hand when you want to “send” your program out into the universe, where action will take place.

Take your crystal with you to a quiet place, or a favorite room, and light a candle. Relax a few moments with your crystal. Look at it. Get to know it. Every crystal is different. Yours might have wisps inside, or sparkly inclusions of color. Examine it quietly while taking some deep breaths. Close your eyes and allow the crystal to pulsate in your palm. Concentrate on the vision of your desire and allow whatever images to come to you…or to leave you. Do this every day for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Not only will you notice a difference in what is manifesting in your life, but you will feel happier and your spirit will be lighter.

It takes about 30 days to bond with a crystal. Keep it under your pillow every night, shower with it, bathe with it, carry it in its pouch and take it with you where ever you go. It will soon become your pocket best friend.

Copyright © 1998-2014 Linda Lauren

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Managing Mercury in Retrograde by Linda Lauren

This blog entry is being repeated because we have just entered a retrograde and I would much rather see everyone plan ahead day by day, rather than panic and make things worse for themselves.

From June 7 to July 2, 2014, the planet Mercury is in retrograde motion. That usually strikes fear in normally rational individuals because someone told them that we were in “mercury retrograde” and that somehow is negative.

Mercury is the planet governing communication, transportation and truth. When it is in “retrograde” it’s movement appears to be streaming backward in the skies, and that backward intention affects all forms of communication: whether that be via computer or person to person. Just because there are more misunderstandings and bad judgment calls made during Mercury Retrograde periods than any other time, does not mean that Mercury is singularly responsible. I am beginning to suspect an uncomfortable pattern. By the very virtue of the Universal Law of Attraction, many people are actually encouraging the frustration experienced during this time, rather than working with the blessings and magic of it.

We don’t have negative planets; we have negative people who use the planets as a great excuse for negative thinking, and in some cases, even negative behavior. So let’s clear the decks and get a better understanding of this phenomena and how best to flow with it.
  • Unless it involves something already in the works, avoid signing new contracts or any other important agreement papers while Mercury is Retrograde.
  • Back up your computer files regularly because Mercury wreaks havoc with any form of technology, whether that is a computer or a toaster oven.
  • Avoid travel, and if you can’t, then give yourself a lot of extra time and confirm your itinerary several times and check all reservations.
  • Be extra mindful of your words. Be clear and concise about what you are conveying and don’t take things to a personal level. Even the most innocent requests can take on total miscommunication.
The late spiritual writer and teacher, Vernon Howard said, “What gets your attention gets you!”  And that is very much like the Law of Attraction.  If you focus too long on the negative you will soon find yourself connecting with more of that until you are drained of positive energy.  Don’t do that to yourself and never allow anyone else to influence you in that way.

Some suggested activities when Mercury is in Retrograde: editing, revising, reviewing, research, relaxing, and regrouping. Also, cleaning out clutter, organizing and catching up on paperwork are highly favored during this time. Above all, remember that this is a magical time to reconnect with the past while revisiting abandoned projects and renewing old relationships.

Have a magical retrograde!

Friday, February 14, 2014

The NEW Crystal Cave of Enlightenment

With each New Year we strive to create something new on the island to attract you to visiting.  We value your loyalty and support of Linda Lauren’s Embracing The Metaverse on the island of Etu Abbracciare in Second Life.

Our newest addition is a revamp of the Crystal Cave of Enlightenment!  We are particularly excited about this because it has two floor and many surprise animations and poses to enjoy meditating, cuddling, worshiping or just passing the time.  There are even places to get a fun psychic reading.

Here are some photos.  Please stop by and make sure you join our  group pages both online and off so that we can keep in touch with you!

God bless,
Linda Lauren
Sumi Portola
Linda Lauren’s Embracing The Metaverse

Join Us on Twitter and Facebook!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude by Linda Lauren


I think about gratitude every day of the year.  When I am rising to greet the day and retiring for the evening, I give thanks for the blessings that have been bestowed upon me, and for the people in my life who bestowed them. My thanks does not just include family and friends.  It encompass the many people I come in contact, and the things that happen in my life during that year that elicit my appreciation.

I often read about how grateful people are during the holiday season and with social media and the Internet, we are inundated with streams of photos and information flying by our computer screens that are designed to illicit our gratitude. But once those streams fly past us, do we remember to be grateful?

When we show gratitude it’s like money in the bank. It’s  is a way of giving thanks because as the holiday season unfolds, so do our expressions of gratitude.  It is a time when we shine a light on the people in our immediate circle who love and honor us all year long.  They’ve embraced us and we, in turn, strive to do our best to show our thanks.  A little “thank you” really does go a long way, so why not stretch it and make it go long and wide?  Why not also extend your appreciation to the people you come in daily contact with who have been there in different ways, offering something vital just when we needed it?

Did the grocery clerk smile at you and make you feel good this morning?  Maybe the mailman delivered good news.  Perhaps someone held a door open for you when your arms were burdened with packages.  Did you say thank you to any of them?  Are they on your mind this year as you reflect on your blessings? More importantly, how are you honoring and showing your thanks? It’s never to late for gratitude, so let me get started with some ways to accomplish this special kind of remembering.

Write it out! Keep a gratitude journal and use the method of counting your blessings by writing them down, etching your appreciation in stone. You can even write the names of some of those people and events in your journal, thanking them. But be sure to at least three reasons you are grateful each day. Can’t think of three? Well, you are breathing, aren’t you? That’s one! You are reading this positive article. That’s two. You get the idea and soon the number on your list will grow and change daily.
Be kind! Pass along an act of kindness for every act of kindness you receive. You would be surprised at how the little things you do can add up to an abundance of joy to the lives of those you touch, whether they know you’ve touched them or not. You’ll gather a lot of positive energy you way for the kindness in the action you take.

Embrace spirit through Prayer! This is another great way to give thanks. To be prayerful is to be connected with your spiritual foundation by way of an expressed intention.  Send your intentions out to the universe this way enforces our belief system, no matter what that is.

Follow the above suggestions as you move through the season and share in the spirit by adopting the attitude of gratitude and applying some of the thoughts I’ve shared. I promise you it will make your spirit bright and your attitude positive.

originally published by on November 27, 2013 in Inspiration
By Linda Lauren 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Meditate Away the Sizzling Stress of Summer

by Psychic Medium Linda Lauren
This article originally appeared in The Huffington Post

Meditating on Linda's Island ~ ETU Abbracciare
Summer can usher in a lot of commitments and meditation is a helpful way to set the tone for the coming months so we enjoy life rather than deal with stress. For the past four decades, I have been helping people to live better lives by teaching them techniques to help them handle stress through correct breathing. Many view meditation as a structured Eastern practice with rules for how it is done. This is true for people who practice within that belief system.

But what about the rest of us: the businessperson, parent, mate, friend, family member, who doesn't follow that philosophy but still wishes to create the awareness that meditation offers and reduce stress in their lives? How can they sizzle away stress as the seasons change?

Meditation is about being mindful of your spirit enough to focus inward for the serenity and guidance you need. It's having a moment to hear yourself think. We have the answers within us, and with a steady routine, we can harness a personal power that will remove much of the emotion that stress can cause. The only steadfast rule is slow breathing. Proper breathing is an advantage to handling life and health matters, and is especially helpful for dealing with overall stress. I have outlined a simple method of breathing to get you started so that anyone, at any age, can enjoy meditating.

  1. Make an appointment with yourself to go to a space you have designated where you will not be disturbed. Make those you live with aware that you are meditating.
  2. Wear clothing that is loose and comfortable, and choose a time of day/night that is conducive to you being able to observe the silence within. Play some soft instrumental music to help set the mood.
  3. Start by taking some slow, deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth, just as slowly.
  4. Sit quietly and allow yourself to sense your surroundings. Don't worry about noise or distraction; that will change when you begin a regular routine.
  5. Follow the inhalation and exhalation of your breathing, using the timing of your breathing or your heartbeat as a marker to mindfulness.
Meditation time can range from 10 minutes to hours. Choose what you feel comfortable with. Once you adopt this practice in your life, you will be embracing a more peaceful existence. More things go right when we meditate than wrong!

Link: Huffington Post

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Five Spiritual Tips by Linda Lauren

Another year has opened up, along with another opportunity to grow with the positive energy available to us.  Most of us remember to take care of the mind and the body, but we often neglect to tend to the Spirit, and yet it is the spirit that moves our daily lives on in  terms of positive and negative. I believe that is because there is confusion as to what the spirit is and what role it plays in the big picture. Most people understand the Spirit to be something they can not touch that is often defined through our faith and only practiced when we visit a house of worship.

Your Spirit is much more than that. It is the essence of who you are. It defines you and molds the personality. It is the factor that is responsible for the emotions you embrace and the moods you have in your life. Whether you respond or react, which are two very different things,  is really up to your spirit. So it's very important that you understand that that essence feeds your morale. When you are sad, that is the Spirit feeling sad. That in turn makes you think sad thoughts  and you become depressed. That sadness overwhelms you and eventually affects your body and it creates a dis-ease. Your Spirit is the universal life force within you and it is responsible for who you are and how you live. Keeping your Spirit up is a way to a healthy life. Here are some  tips to start you off:

Minimize your intake of news - be careful how you are feeding your spirit.  Nourish it with what you need to know rather than gorge on an appetite of what can fast become an abundant menu of negativity.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Embracing The Metaverse™

Most readers of the SL Enquirer already know that I live and work the same business in real life as I do in Second Life.  I am a fourth generation psychic medium with a practice of over forty years.   My real life (RL) business is called Linda Lauren’s Embracing the Universe, hence this columns title “Embracing The Metaverse ™,” to further embrace the virtual community.

Each column will be different and cover an array of topics, products, people and wisdom to share about Second Life and the possible connections to real life.  Feel free to email me questions or request possible SL interviews to