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Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opinion. Show all posts

Monday, July 18, 2016

A Sane Lunatic Just Rambling about the World and its Increasing Ludicrousy

We live in a world controlled by technology. There are over 7 billion people on this earth; about 6.5 billion have a cell phone glued to their hand or in reaching distance. Now with the Pokémon craze, many have found a new reason to be more entranced by their handheld devices. I speculate more trips to the ER with injuries related to not paying attention in public, the divorce rate will jump another 15% and within 5 years babies will be born with a genetic disposition to anti socialism. That is assuming people will have actual sex for conception purposes.  Some people just don’t have the time for the kids they have or the donor of  the genes they need to reproduce. Call me crazy rightfully so but am I making enough sense to at least land a job at a local Walmart as a greeter?

Anyway, why bother even looking up from a screen anymore when all forms of communication are taking over old fashion face to face engagement?

We’ve become a society bored with each other and more self centered.  If we took a look at our Facebook feed we can tell who had what for breakfast, lunch and or dinner, stupid meme’s about life goals people don’t even follow, opinions about the mundane and just stupid selfies with the shameless duck face. Some have even mastered the perfect camera angle to eliminate double chins and all the rolls they have accumulated since the last time anyone seen them in public. Nothing seems to be real anymore. Most seem to trudge through life molding perceptions about themselves but not even owning up to their own reality.

The SL Enquirer sat down with a rambling lunatic to talk about the world through the eyes of the utterly deranged and for the love of humanity I make more sense than a person not loaded with medication.

What the FUDGE is going on around here? I have no flipping clue but who cares anyway? It has been approximately 15 hours since I’ve lifted my head from my phone to even absorbed the chaos that swirls around me. I may be wearing the same clothes for the past week, hardly had any sleep but I sure love the life I live. At least I think so, ask me that when I’m off meds and I might break down crying because it is my crutch. Or maybe I just can’t help the way my emotions change from hot and cold.

There really is no main objective to this article. I was asked to ramble on the record so I’m seizing the moment while I have at least one person’s attention.

If I was normal, I’d work all day for someone else and their unrealistic expectations, enjoy 2 breaks and a half hour lunch. My back would hurts and the corns on my feet will grow by the day in these damn shoes. Besides that, I’ll have no time to sit on my ass for a second to even check my calls, personal emails, Oh yeah or even spend quality time with my family.  Right now, I choose to ramble to the masses and get everything off my sloppy hairy chest because I’ve been given this monumental opportunity. I love the SL Enquirer and all that it stands for. It gives anyone a voice that is willing to take advantage of it. By you reading this is served a purpose. I just either wasted your time or made you reflect on your own life. 

That is more than I can say about those who share their thoughts in character limited posts on social media just waiting for someone to like or comment on it. I could give a blind flying nun on a broomstick what anyone thinks but it sure felt good to just ramble about the world and the decline of intelligence.

 That leaves me with one question for you. How do you see the world?

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Does Mixing Business and Friendship Work?”- MajikVixen Reporting.

-Well, let's put it in the SL blender and see if it's palatable!  ...I trudged forth and polled different people, from all different walks of Second Life, on their experience, and this is what they said...

My first and most obvious inquiry was to a store owner, who's an upstanding citizen and been doing exemplary business for years.  She remarks that, "It's been 99% successful.  The 1% are those who push the boundaries of friendship...but you see how small that percentage is.  One thing about business in SL... it's so easy to make corrections and make the customer happy.  Nearly all of my products are 'copy,' so returning money is not an option for me, although I have made a few exceptions depending on the circumstances.  On the whole, mixing friendship with business has been quite a nice experience here in this virtual world."

The next person I asked, owns a successful venue.  She says it can be tricky mixing the two, especially when you have an acoustic venue and have friends who use tracks or both.  Luckily her friends understand and still come to support, and will do acoustic for them.  She also stated that nothing awful has happened, and that she recommends owning a venue if you can afford to do so without having to have tips to pay for it, "...we don't ask for tips.. There is a small can..if people want to tip the can there it is and we appreciate every linden.  We never me owning a venue is my want so why should I expect  people to pay for it...we  promote every show well... Facebook, Avatarbook, Avatar Social Network, Google, Twitter, Subscribo, events and friends.  ...We basically annoy everyone LOL."

After that, I asked a general manager of quite a new and successful game.  She basically said that she doesn't let friendships affect her business relationships, because she's wise about it.  Business is business, and the business she does is fun, so it's rewarding in itself.

I then was referred to StormyDaze15, regarding this with her and Chris's new game, Treasure Quest.  She stated that mixing business and friendship has worked very well for them, and that they have a great relationship with all that have their game.  Her business relies on good friendship relationships, as it is supported widely by word of mouth, "A few people knew we were working on the game, so they did tell people that liked this kind of stuff."  She also added that they have made some long lasting friendships with landowners from their game as well, "They also know they can IM us anytime they have an issue with the game, no ticket needed."  Very cool, and they seem to be off to a great business start!

I also polled a store/mall owner and she said,
"I had the best of times with my SL best friend.  We taught each other how to build and make clothing, and had masses of fun whilst we did so.
"We went into business together, a clothing store, I leaned more towards the design side of the business and she was more graphic design for our advertising.  We were lucky to have had such a complimentary relationship.  
"Having built our friendship first, we had a solid base for our business, we had already established our likes, dislikes, our ideas on fashion, and we were able to keep it fun too.  There were never any fears of offering what we thought might be silly designs to each other, instead we seemed to bounce of each other's ideas, expand them, tweak them etc.  I really enjoyed our time together, so much fun.
"As a shopping mall owner I seem to have made some wonderful new friends in the store owners.  I do prefer to work alongside the business owners and share ideas, offer assistance where I can.  Being on friendly terms with the owners is mutually beneficial, sharing ideas, contacts, etc."

Next I asked one of the leaders of a huge gaming group.  "It has both worked and not worked..  It could work if you know the person before you go into business with them.  You know their quirks and their history.  You know how they spend money and could conduct business.  Personally I have been in business with several people .. I have learned over time what characteristics I like in a person that I may share in a venture with ..   It is a learning process but I am finding out I am getting better at judging character.  It also helps when you get to know the person in RL as well.. so there is some transparency."  I asked her if she knew the other leader in real life first, or how that worked, and she stated that they met on Skype, " I told him I would not conduct any kind of deep friendship/relationship/ or business unless I can see them in person .. see that they are real .. It is a matter of trust for me.  He had then asked me to be an elder.. then after my efforts in clan he decided to make me a co leader. ...with him I have been so transparent with clan funds that I show him the SL files of my  account ;)"  She confirmed that the best kind of business relationships are based off of trust.  And the way it worked for her is to get to know them more closely.  Then she can judge if it will be a good investment of her time, and the relationship just blossoms from there.  " I cannot trust someone that hides behind an avatar.. they become less accountable."

Then the windlight blew me into the direction of asking a creator of an avatar website what they thought on this subject. 
"The short version is, I don't think mixing business and friendship is bad by default. 

"The long version is, this question just can't have a general answer.  I have experienced both that came with great losses or great benefits.  It highly depends on the circumstances, the nature of the people and the business itself.  

"There are some businesses that can operate even better if friends do it while others can be negatively impacted by them. 

"The bottom line is, the people being involved have to look inside and understand if their friendship can handle possible greed, power, control, hierarchy that business may affect."

Lastly, I asked a famous writer, Strawberry Singh about mixing the two,
"...pretty much everything can affect what I write about.  A conversation with a friend could inspire me to write about a certain topic.  A content creator dropping an item on me inspires me to create an image and write about it.  A lot of the memes and blogger challenges I do have often been inspired by a conversation with a friend or even suggestions and requests by my readers. 

            "So what I write about just comes from whatever is on my mind that day or whatever inspired me that day and yes of course, my friendships and surroundings will have an effect on that."

So there you have it folks!  For the most part, mixing business and friendship needs to work if your business is to survive in this "game" of networking.  Just like in real life.  However, you must build trust and know your boundaries.  Perhaps this drink is best served, with a grain of salt and a dash of experience.

Additional Information:

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Social Isolation and Second Life – Camury Reporting

Like other computer games, Second Life is a technological tool that has a great popular appeal with entertainment,  participating in educational activities and it is actually helpful in getting people to interact with each others.

Second Life allow thousands of users to coexist while taking part in a social activities  in a virtual space. People from different parts of the world enjoy SL through their own avatar's eyes. The virtual environment allows any kind of interactions between people who are unlikely or unable to do it in real life, in any form such as competition, cooperation or collaboration.

People communicate and establish social contacts and create relationship networks which end up in certain social behaviors.

There are many studies demonstrating that an excessive use of online games lead to  psychological problems. People with psycho-pathological disorders, depression, social anxiety and  chemical substances addictions are more likely to keep improper and abusive behavior in online interactions by forgetting their own real life and isolating themselves socially.

Social isolation is a devastating condition of the human psyche, since the human being is a social being. In some cases, when not caring enough, social isolation can cause illness or even death, because the individual cannot take care of himself . Some people who are socially isolated, are also unable to leave their homes to buy groceries or carrying out a paid activity which guarantees a solid subsistence.

It is a phenomenon often observed among older people with physical problems or low mobility.  But it can also be observed in populations of large cities with other age ranges and social groups. However, there are people who believe that online interactions can help those who are socially isolated and feel that social engagement offered by an online environment can encourage people to make small social contacts in their real lives. 

The question is: Does online social networking gives us the same support and happiness as an offline relationship? Personally, I think not, but virtual communication and online interactions that Second life makes possible, can indeed make some people happier as well as encourage them in their social relationships in real life.

Some people have difficulties when it comes to starting social relationships, they may prefer interactions on their computer instead of a face to face communication.  Anonymity and the absence of non-verbal communication makes contact seem less threatening. Plus, online interactions can be useful as an experience, helping some people feel more confident and secure in their future social relationships in real life.

My own conclusion is that people who keep an offline active social life are less likely to feel lonely, even if they are "addicted" to the Internet. It’s all about how we use the internet.

There is a need to maintain a balance between our real life and the imaginary world to which we dive in every time we log in Second Life. SL is a virtual world with endless possibilities. Not just for social entertainment but also for business.

 Does social engagement offered by an online environment help those who might be socially isolated or does SL make it worse?  Please leave a comment below.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

GeekSpeak SL - should we give people the unlimited right to change their bodies? Saturday April 9th 12pm SLT

Should we be able to genetically enhance ourselves or our children?  Should we be able to add technology to our bodies?  Is it OK to have surgery that gives us the sight of eagles or makes it possible to fly?

Should we be allowed to change our species altogether?  What about people who want to be wolves or cats?  Or beetles?

The desire to improve or change the human species has caused a lot of misery in the past.  But we are now entering an era where it may be unstoppable.  Will we be wise enough to solve the ethical problems involved?  Will we know where to draw the line?

Come to GeekSpeak and tell us what your descendants will look like in two hundred years

Join the discussion

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Do you use Second Life for Entertainment, Business or Both? – Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

If both, How do you create a balance between professional presence and leisure Entertainment?

Second Life is a diverse virtual world with endless possibilities. People from around the world log-in each day for a variety of reasons. Some come for leisure entertainment while others do business to ensure the community has what it needs to move forward and keep residents engaged and active.
For years there has been a debate about the health of Second Life’s community and the fine line between real life and Second Life.
You may have come across profiles that say “I keep SL and RL Separate” while others argue that it is impossible to do that when we are real people behind an avatar with feelings that can affect us in real life.
While that is a fact, some view Second Life as just a game, therefore they do not get emotionally involved or share details about their real life. The argument can swing either way but what it comes down to is the individual and how they choose to “live” their Second Life.

If you really think about it from the perspective of a person on the outside who does not know the virtual world culture, it may be hard for them to understand the differences or similarities a virtual world has with the real world.

The difference is in the real world when we meet people face to face and engage in conversation- frequently judgments and stereotypes are made by appearance alone.  In Second Life, a profile description speaks for the person. It brings forth their personality first. This helps people determine whether or not they are interested in engaging in conversation due to similar interests or the lack of.

Another difference is trust, but who really trusts anybody at first sight in real life or in the virtual world?

Second Life really is quite similar in the respect that even in our own neighborhoods and communities we do not know all the people we live close to or work with. We don’t know what goes on in their home and life unless we communicate with them on a daily basis and form trusting friendships or relationships. Even then not all details about ones life is known.

 People tend to share more about themselves once they get to know someone well. So in reality Second Life shares the same human concept of communicating, relating and bonding with others. The only difference is people in a virtual world meet from the inside out and we have to rely on our own instinct whether or not we can trust what the person is saying under an Avatar persona.

 We can’t deny Second Life has caught a bad reputation due to the questionable behaviors that occur in world- but in its defense compared to the internet as a whole, it is somewhat controlled by residents who choose to steer clear of  people lie, who create problems or the sketchy side of the grid.

Those who engage in dating or adult entertainment have the right to do so as long as they are not supporting illegal activities or breaking Second Life’s Terms of Service.

SL community members can easily become wrapped up in behaviors that they did not originally intend coming into Second Life. For example, business partners might become emotionally involved and decide to date. Just like in the real world mixing business and pleasure can be a lethal concoction. The moment things go sour, the business they both worked hard to create will most likely implode- leaving one or both feeling hurt or used. 
Worst of all fighting over who will keep the business or let it go all together. 

It is highly recommended to choose either the relationship or a business partner but not mixing both.

Another problem that occurs often in Second Life with it comes to crossing those fine lines between real life and Second Life- is married people getting involved in virtual relationships. No matter what justification someone comes up with for doing it- to many it is considered cheating.

 It doesn’t matter if your marriage is on the rocks or even if you have an excellent marriage with a need to feel free. The only ones who truly get the best out of a successful Second Life relationship are singles who have found each other and have nothing to lose if they decide to take their relationship into the real world. The only issue they may face is who moves where and possibly having to get a passport.

Moving on to the business side of things, Second Life offers opportunities to those who are willing to put in the time and effort. Professionalism goes a long way and cannot be expressed enough. Having a good solid reputation for your conduct, a quality product as well as customer support is the real foundation for success.

 Mixing business and leisure has its responsibilities. It is perfectly fine to mingle in the community and get to know the people who help grow your business but keep it strictly business with friendly and helpful communication. The minute you begin to share your personal problems, getting involved in romantic relationships or getting into sketchy situations, you begin to taint your reputation.

Drawing lines between business and leisure entertainment in Second Life is a very important decision to make. Knowing how to handle situation will help determine who you are, what you contribute to the virtual community and what you will get out of SL.
No life in SL or RL is perfect because perfection does not truly exist. However, goals should be created in your best interest and benefit those you care about. It will enhance your quality of life.

 If you can’t find your happiness, success or balance in Second Life or understand the culture of the community you immerse yourself in-no matter how you choose to “live” in Second Life, there is no sense spending your time in it if it causes you stress or does damage to your real life relationships and opportunities.

If there is one thing you take from this article it is this- If you want to be successful- be professional. 

If it is leisure you are looking for- treat people with the same respect you would expect and just have fun.

If you want both- use an ALT for balance.

Remember, time is valuable. It can be spent or wasted but can never be bought back. Use your time wisely when you are in Second Life and it will be worth every minute.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

GeekSpeak SL - If you could design bacteria what would you make? Join the Discussion April 2nd at 12pm SLT

Last week scientists managed to make bacteria with a 'minimal genome', only 473 genes. 

 If we can now design bacteria what options would you add to the minimal genome?  What do you think bacteria should be doing?

Do you think the first organisms were like these minimal bacteria?  Would they have been even simpler?  Where did the first forms of life come from?  Why do we not see several different 'trees of life' on Earth?  Why did it apparently only happen once?  Or could there be completely different forms of life hidden somewhere for us to discover?

Come and discuss life as we (don't) know it at GeekSpeak today.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

GeekSpeak SL - Why Do We Have Rituals? Saturday 26th March at 12pm SLT

Breaking News: Science has discovered that the turning of the sun is forecast by talking bunnies that lay chocolate eggs.  Happy Easter to everyone!

Why do we have these stories and these rituals?  Why are they sometimes so weird?  They can outlast any religious basis and sometimes continue for hundreds or thousands of years.  Do we need crazy stories and rituals?  Will there ever be a time when we are all completely rational? Should we be?

Come to GeekSpeak and tell us about the strangest rituals you know of.  Tell us about the rituals that matter to you and why?  Put on your Xmas hat and wear your bunny slippers and let's talk about fun stories and ancient rituals. Remember, if you do not live in America, that SL time has gone forward by an hour.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

GeekSpeak SL: Are we justified in spending money on space? Join the Discussion Saturday, March 19th at 12pm SLT

There are so many unsolved problems on earth.  Should we fix those first before we attempt to go to space?  Or will space exploration save mankind?

Some think that no money or time should be spent on space while there are people in need here.  How much are we going to waste before we realise that Earth is our only home?

Others think that we will gain a lot from going to space.  There are mineral resources out there that we could use and space exploration will encourage an interest in science.  We should spread out into the universe.  Faith in a future for our species on all the planets of the galaxy may be what we need to put things right down here.

If we cancel space programs will other countries take over?  Or private companies?  Maybe we should leave it to them.

Come join the discussion at GeekSpeak in Second Life and tell us which side you take.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Avie Poll: What are your thoughts on the Sansar Project? How will it affect you?- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

The Sansar Project aka SL 2.0 is a new virtual world platform (not launched to the public just yet) with many similarities to the existing Second Life platform. However, the Sansar project claims it will democratize Virtual Reality as a creative medium with a multitude of options, from entertainment and gaming to architecture, education, art, healthcare, business meetings, training, conferences and more.

  It is speculated by many this new world will hammer the last nail into the coffin for Second Life as we know it.  Some SL residents are prepared to make the move to the new world while abandoning the old. Many others wonder what will happen to the world we all have come to love and worked hard to preserve. Who will stay and who will go?

We have seen the downfall of one virtual world for another back in 2004, when virtual world gamers from The SIMS Online made their way to Second Life and other virtual worlds. The decline in users for a more advance virtual civilization became apparent when TSO shut down its grid. It is now 2016 and once again advancement in Virtual World Technology has come.

SLE set out to ask avatars across the grid how they feel about SL 2.0 and how it might affect them. It seems many don't think Second Life will come to an end and are hopeful for the future.  It is hard to predict what will become of this current virtual world if a mass exodus occurs, so we can only wait and see.


What are your thoughts on the Sansar Project? How will it affect you? Do you see yourself abandoning SL for this new VR civilization?


CoηtÑ”ssα MαrquÑ”z Mirαbєℓℓα  (contessa.marquez), Second Life Resident, RP Community (10 years 4 months; 3789 days)

“Never will abandon this original platform. I will visit the new platform but won't leave from here.”

 Do you think Sansar Project will drain SL like it did to TSO?

“Nope, doubt it. Many of us have lots of RL money invested in here”.


Dragon (dragonheart.spiritweaver), CEO of Imagine Magazine (6 years 2 months; 2252 days)
“Expensive and competition from so many other types of entertainment make me wonder how it will be supported, but the future is there at some point.  This SL has lost a certain vitality with a stagnant population that is less creative people and with the opening of the teen grid the 'adult' population seems to have left for other interests of which this new tech may draw some”.


Filipa Thespian, CEO, Editor-In-Chief, Nu Vibez Magazine (7 years 5 months; 2724 days)

“Well I think Sansar is exciting from the prospect of the improved functions, the quality of graphics, and all the good things we've heard that it is or will be.  If it is all they've been saying, I think it's a lovely opportunity.  I do not see it "replacing" Second Life ... at least not while SL is still making as much money as it does.  I did an article in my last issue of NuVibez about this where I shared the income statements that I do NOT believe LL will abandon.  As long as the finances here are viable, I believe SL will stay.
 I do see it though becoming a functional asset for things like business meetings, education and other things that currently SL is not able to do because of the huge "adult" situation and because of the limited functional technology.
 I do NOT see abandoning SL until such time as there is no longer a member base here that means anything meaningful for our businesses and I do not see abandoning it completely until such time as (after the masses are gone) my friends I spend time with are gone”.

 see page #38 and 40
 Filipa shares important information about SL and The Sansar Project.


pup Witherspoon,  leisure Second Lifer (9 years 11 months; 3650 days)

“My best guess is that there will be a new VR civilization out there that attracts me, I'm not sure it will be Sansar.  I have real doubts that the Lindens can pull off the best VR environment.  My bet is on Mark Zuckerberg, I'm pretty sure he's up to something with VR.. he didn't hire Cory Linden (Ondrejka) and buy up Oculus Rift just for fun and giggles”.


Andy (anirban73.simons) Model for AV Top Models (9 years 3 months; 3385 days)

“I wont abandon SL, unless, they allow all my inventory and lindens to be transferred to Sansar, should I like it. SL should continue. Another important thing is, the hardware requirement, graphics shouldn't be such that people have to change or upgrade their PC or laptop”.


Baeric Constantine, Second Life Resident (7 years 10 months; 2861 days)
“There are a number of VR realms similar to SL, and though they were and are frequented, they did not reflect the success of Second Life.  For a period, Linden Research ran High Fidelity, and though I looked into this it was not intuitive and learning to move was a chore. How this will reflect on Sansar, I cannot determine, but I am not sure it will supersede the success of Second Life.  As for me leaving Second Life and joining Sansar, I will have to wait... It may require the purchase of better equipment, in which case this will present a problem. If I am able, I will likely venture into it and see if it can be something to move into in the future, but for now, I do not see myself leaving Second Life”.


Rysan Fall, Fall Films Machinima Producer (8 years 3 months; 3027 days)
“I probably won’t abandon SL but if it is what it claims to be it is, it will make what I do better”.


JenzZa Misfit, Misfit Dance & Performance Art (9 years 9 months; 3571 days)

 “I have no interest in the Sansar Project -- I believe old SL will live on :)  period”.

What are your thoughts? Use the comment box below!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Meditation vs Anxiety and Depression- Interview with Linda Lauren- Debby Sharma Reporting…

Image borrowed from

Love- betrayal, work- stress, need- want and others like, anger, depression, loneliness etc. have tied us today to a bond when happiness seems scarce, peace is rare, love is a miracle and we are all haunted by fear of the unknown.
Anxiety is a “feeling of worry, nervousness or unease about something with an uncertain outcome”. Depression is “feelings of severe despondency and rejection”.
People feel anxiety or depression when they lost a loved one, got fired from a job, divorced or experienced other major life changing issues. This is a natural human reaction. But some people feel depression or anxiety almost every day of their life for no apparent reason, leaving them with difficulty to carry out day to day activities of a normal life.
A phase in life when a person feels hopeless, sad, unmotivated etc; But if this phase continues more than 2 weeks affecting their daily lives, it is a major depression, but a treatable illness.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “At any point in time, 3% to 5% of people suffer from major depression, the lifetime risk is about 17% ” Depression and anxiety disorders are not the same. However, people with depression disorder may show symptoms of anxiety disorders like nervousness, irritability, problems sleeping and concentration. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “Many people who develop depression have a history of an anxiety disorder earlier in life. There is no evidence one disorder causes the other, but there is clear evidence that many people suffer from both disorders.”

Meditation is a state of deep peace with oneself; a mind aware of their surroundings and peace within itself; a state free from agitation; It is difficult and very rarely possible to not think anything at any point of time. Hence, a time when you are listening to the sounds of nature and listening to your soul, you are at peace.
Like a computer system which needs to be shut down after processes, so does our mind. This article on how meditation affects your brain is scientifically proven. 

Using the MRI scans, scientists are able to understand the activities of the brain before and after meditation. The Beta waves  show reduced frequencies after meditation of 20 minutes.

Photography Credits: Linda Lauren

Linda Lauren, is a 4th Generation Psychic Medium who owns and operates Linda Lauren’s Embracing The Universe in Mountainside, NJ. She has been a professional psychic since consulting with law enforcement in a murder investigation dating back to 1978. She is also a Color and Energy Consultant. She has been featured in various journals, magazines, TV shows like, CNN, ABC-TV Nightline, Fox and Friends,, The Nightly News with Chuck Scarborough on NBC New York, HuffPost Live, Better TV, WPIX, Open House NYC, in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, New York Post, People Pets, A&U magazine, The Daily News, Hamptons magazine, The Star Ledger, and the Chicago Tribune. It was a privilege to know her and ask her a few questions. Here are her answers to the secrets of meditation.

Debby Sharma: What is meditation? How and why is it done? Does meditation mean to concentrate on one object (focused attention), or not to think at all or to let the emotions flow?
Linda Lauren: Meditation refers to a variety of practices that includes techniques to promote relaxation and healing so that one can deal with life and unhealthy stress.  It allows us to respond with reason, rather than react with emotion. Meditation is the simple act of slowly breathing in and out with your own body rhythm. People meditate for the purpose of quieting the mind so that one can think more clearly from a relaxed place. There are two types of meditation: active and passive.  In active you are listening to a certain sound or focusing on an issue or an object. In passive meditation you are allowing things to just come to you while you sit and breathe in silence.

Debby Sharma: What are the common problems that people come to you in Second Life for help or for counseling? Are these much different from the real life? Could you please share the percentage of people coming to you for help in anxiety or depression?

Linda Lauren: Many people come for a session with me in Second Life because they have lost a loved one and are trying to deal with life without that person.  Grief is the number one issue that I help people with in SL and that is not much different than in real life. I would say that perhaps 55% come for anxiety or depression.

Debby Sharma: What do you think causes such problems?

Linda Lauren: The everyday stress of life, such as work, relationships, world news, etc. may cause depression and anxiety.

Debby Sharma: What are the other problems that can be cured via meditation other than anxiety and depression?

Linda Lauren: There are a host of other issues that meditation can assist with and these are just a few: it lowers blood pressure, add more hours to your day, increase your attention, control anger, reduces aging and can help you get a good night’s sleep.

Debby Sharma: What is the difference between meditation and self-hypnotism? Is there any possibility that one may move from meditation to self-hypnotism? If that happens, how can one keep oneself under check?

Linda Lauren: Meditation is used to quiet the mind. Hypnosis is used to program the mind. Both meditation and hypnosis use similar relaxation techniques to achieve the relaxation response.  Self-hypnosis is not necessarily done without a hypnotherapist’s assistance, even though a person is going to practice it eventually alone.  There should always be a guide to assist in hypnotherapy.  Meditation, the guidance is more universal and can be taught and guided but then you can continue on your own.  In many ways, meditation is done more via the self than hypnotherapy.

Photography Credits: Linda Lauren

Debby Sharma: Can relaxing and exploring in Second Life or other virtual worlds help people in almost the same manner as meditation?

Linda Lauren: At this time, I do not promote other worlds, only the virtual world of Second Life. There is nothing out there that is better in terms of community.  That said, yes, relaxing and exploring in Second life does help.

Debby Sharma: What do you think was the reason for the development of the process of mediation ages ago? How much importance do you think does it play today? In our busy life, when we all are running for the Golden cup, how do you suggest one must try to be stress free?

Linda Lauren: These questions would require too much of an in-depth answer to be able to shorten it.  So I will say this: Meditation is the key to a happy, productive, relaxed life that helps us to enjoy our relationships, our work and our day to day travels.  I would suggest that if you are serious about those things, then meditate to open your day and meditate to close it.  Twenty minutes in the morning and twenty minutes at night is all you need to sustain a well-balanced persona of spirit. 

About Linda Lauren:
Reference links:
Anxiety and Depression Association of America:

Please Note:

*The information expressed in this article are opinions only and not professional medical advice. If you think you are suffering from depression or anxiety there are resources available that can help you. Speak to your doctor or reach out to your local church for available resources in your area. You are not alone.