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Thursday, August 4, 2016

LibertಠJourneys is a music festival showcasing the best of Second Life’s live artists, both live singers and live mix DJs

Last year, Libertà was the unexpected triumph of SL’s summer music festivals garnering record crowds and hosting the best brands for shopping.  Libertà focused on the freedoms explored through music and in that one memorable weekend, music guided attendees on a journey with no restraints and endless possibilities.

The journey did not end there.  

This year, LibertಠJourneys, sponsored by BRM Radio and Bell Estates, will raise the bar on SL entertainment.  The BullRing Family invites music lovers from across the globe to celebrate and embrace the journeys that music takes us on.   The sim opens on August 12th for exploration, adventure, and pre-fest activities.  On August 19th, the official opening ceremony kicks off the artistic exploration of a lifetime guiding attendees through various genres, all crafted to highlight music’s ability to launch us on a voyage far, far away.  LibertಠJourneys will energize the grid with positivity, freedom and memories through the absolute love of music.   This is your journey, this is your freedom...Play the Moments - Pause The Memories!!!

Check out LibertಠJourneys website at  and on FaceBook at   For additional information on the event, contact LibertಠJourneys staff on the Libertಠwebsite.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

THE MAGE RAGE: Four Artists and a Dream - Dean Lawson Reporting

Established on April 19, 2015, MAGE Magazine has had an impressive inaugural year. Having been nominated for 3 Avi Choice awards, the creative team of Ozymandius King, Andressa DePrims, Sizzelle and Othella have had their work featured in several Second Life art exhibitions and, with video playlists on Google Plus, Aview TV and SL Artist, all one has to do is Google the words “MAGE Magazine” to see these artists have made an impression both in and out of Second Life.
I was fortunate to have the opportunity to interview four members of the creative team. Although I was already familiar Ozymandius and Andressa from previous interviews this would be the first time I would have a chance to chat with senior members Othella and Sizzelle, whose incites I found very illuminating.
Dean : Could you tell me about the origins of MAGE Magazine?
Othella: During my first two months in Second Life I discovered several art galleries, magazines, newspapers and photo contests but there wasn’t really a community of artists in the same way that Builder’s Brewery is a community of builders. This is why I co-founded and began promoting MAGE Magazine as a way of creating a community for Second Life artists who could help and inspire each other to be creative.
Sizzelle : At first I thought SL was just a place to explore and socialize. I hosted nightclub events and shopped till I dropped but then I got into snapshot competitions. That’s when I first saw one of Othella’s snaps. I gave her a kudos, she replied by giving me a kudos and we’ve been tight ever since.
Ozymandius : Othella posted in the SL forum that she was looking for artists to help produce a magazine. I contacted her but she hadn’t settled on a format and was still working for other SL magazines that focused on art and fashion. I didn’t really want to produce yet another fashion magazine and I think Othella felt the same way. As a kid I collected comic books but I out grew them in high school and had come to think of comics as a juvenile medium but, when I saw the Aldo the Alien comic strip Othella produced for another publication, I began to think that we could create something that was similar to Heavy Metal or MAD Magazine.
Othella : I like to read Peanuts and Garfield comic strips although I'm hardly a comic book collector per se. Then, when Oz told me about Heavy Metal magazine, I had to do some research and was surprised by the explicit sexual content. At first I was reluctant to go in that direction.

Sizzelle : I was pumped to do an adult comic. So many costumes in Second Life are manufactured so the avis can show off their bits and most of the sims I encountered in my first week were either sex dungeons or strip clubs so it made sense to do something sexy.
Andressa : I think the anonymity of Second Life and the ability to make your avatar look like anything you want encourages SL Residents to engage in sexual role play and I thought it would be interesting to explore this through the stories we tell. At the same time Othella’s done a good job in compelling us to tell interesting stories instead of just relying on sexual and violent images to get attention. Her integrity as a writer and an artist set the tone for what we’ve done and she really is an inspiring workaholic who takes the time to write character biographies and create a history for the world in which our stories take place. The Chronicle of Aria was something I was very proud to be a part of and I think a weaker writer would have relied on stereotypes when telling a story about a woman who lives in Islamic Spain. I also like the sense of humour that prevails in our stories, especially the Aldo the Alien vignettes.
Ozymandius : When I first recommended Heavy Metal magazine as a reference for what we could do, it wasn’t so much that I wanted to produce fetish fantasy stories but I wanted to see if there would be any limitations. I didn’t want the group’s creativity to be stifled by an attempt to maintain a PG rating.
Andressa : Oz is probably the most ambitious when it comes to story ideas. But it isn’t an issue of morality that limits us as much as understanding the technical side of Second Life. At first we searched for places to shoot our scenes and wrote our stories based on the locations we discovered so the story ideas were limited to what we could produce visually.  But now we know how to modify clothes, and build our own sets so from a creative point of view we have more options.

Dean : I noticed that you all are relatively new to Second Life. Is this a coincidence?
Othella : I worked with people who have been in Second Life for several years and encouraged them to get involved with the creative team, but they seem to get impatient working with noobs and don’t really take what we’re doing seriously. Having said this I should acknowledge there have been several older SL residents who help with advice and donations but, considering the founding members were less than a year into SL when MAGE Magazine was established, it’s understandable that older residents are skeptical of our abilities.
Sizzelle : Most of our contributors tend to be new to SL probably because we’re new. My experience with older residents is that they already have a routine and don’t like to wander far from their Second Life homes. Even when they role play, they have very rigid rules of engagement. To be truly creative, you have to be willing to think outside of the box.
Andressa : For me, MAGE Magazine is like going to an art school. It’s a group in which I learn and experiment. I think this concept appeals more to newer SL residents.
Ozymandius : To answer your question, I don’t think it was a coincidence. I think it was survival instinct that brought the four of us together to seek safety and strength in numbers.

Dean : Could you tell me about the benefits of working as a group as opposed to working as individuals?
Sizzelle : We learn faster working as a group. No one wants to be the weak link and even though we help each other there’s always a friendly competition each month to see who gets the cover.
Othella : We usually vote to decide what images to use and what story lines to follow but I think we’ve also developed a team chemistry over the past year that makes the whole process very smooth.
Ozymandius : Working as an individual is sort of like being in limbo and it’s difficult to know if your ideas make sense or if your work is achieving the desired psychological and emotional effect. Working with a group you have instant feedback.
Andressa : It’s more fun working with a group and makes networking a lot easier. Oz had an exhibition with the Windlight Art Gallery and recommended I talk to the owner John about getting my own gallery space which resulted in my exhibition at the Creations Gallery. It’s very helpful to have people who are supportive and encourage each other to be successful.

Dean : Unlike other SL magazines, MAGE seems to be more about story telling than just showcasing Second Life images. Could you tell our readers about the different stories featured in the magazine?
Othella : We’re still refining the format of the magazine but the four main sections are The Second Life Adventures of Aldo the Alien, The Saga of Lady Dom, Second Life Perspectives and A Note From the Editor.
Andressa : Aldo the Alien is a comedic satire from the point of view of an alien who lives among humans. He wants to be cool and wants a girlfriend and wants to be a movie star but because he’s a scary looking alien he ends up being judged on his looks. This is a section of the magazine I’m starting to get more involved with as a writer, mainly because it appeals to my sense of humour but also because seeing the world through Aldo’s eyes helps me to understand society from an objective point of view.

Ozymandius : The Saga of Lady Dom is an episodic Medieval fantasy epic. Every month we continue where the previous episode ended. Occasionally we depart from the main story to provide flashbacks such as the Chronicles of Aria and the Lady Dom Origins chapter. For me this is the most difficult but at the same time the most interesting section of the magazine because the characters have a lot of depth and the stories have many layers. Even though this is on the surface a medieval story we deal with issues such as the time traveller’s paradox, homosexuality in Medieval Islam, the development of government, laws and social norms and, in an amusing way, the pairing of Yayo the Minotaur and Mez the werewolf as two of the main characters allows us to explore different cultural values such as carnivore vs vegetarian, hunter vs gatherer, warrior vs pacifist.
Sizzelle : Second Life Perspectives is a section for anyone who wants to contribute images or pictorials to the magazine. I guess the best way to describe it is it’s a section for guest artists. So even though we’ve developed a pretty good rapport as a creative team, we welcome everyone in Second Life to get involved creatively with MAGE Magazine.
Othella : The last section, "A Note from the Editor” started as a way for me to post announcements for our readers but with social media being a much more practical way of making announcements we decided to turn this section into a self referential comedy. Essentially the stories revolve around the creative team getting involved in comedic mini adventures while going about the business of producing a monthly magazine.

Dean : In your press release you stated that MAGE Magazine has been displayed at several Second Life art galleries and sandboxes. Where can people go to find these exhibits?
Othella : Unfortunately most of the exhibits featuring the work of the MAGE Magazine creative team have finished their run, but currently we have a slideshow presentation of MAGE magazine and a group joiner at the entrance of the Shiromani Sandbox. Previously we had exhibitions at the Builder’s Brewery Sandbox as part of the Relay for Life silent auction and Ozymandius had exhibitions with the Windlight Art Gallery, the Sisse Singh’s Art Gallery and the Horus Art Gallery in which copies of the magazine were on display as part of his exhibition. In the past we used a 3D book format to distribute the magazine in the virtual world of Second Life but we changed our format to a slideshow as this seems to be more user friendly. The way the slideshow works is that you drag the item from your inventory and rez on the ground to view. We also have copies of our last seven issues on you tube as part of our playlist. If you permit me a moment I would like to thank Secret Rage and LaPiscean for uploading our videos to Aview TV and SL Artist and I would also like to thank Chris Caldwell, Ian Thomson and Cristobal Bolivar for posting notices for MAGE Magazine on Facebook and Google Plus.
Dean : When working as a group do you find that there are times when you suffer from having "too many cooks in the kitchen” and, as individuals, is you’re creativity limited by the need for co-operation?
Othella : Usually we try to avoid this by designating someone to be the director of a particular project. Also, because we’ve been working together for over a year we find that there are certain styles that people possess that work better for certain stories. For example, Oz is good at manipulating the clouds through windlight settings for dramatic effect so story lines involving characters who can fly are usually given to him. Andressa is good at manipulating the windlight settings to create haze so anything that is dark or mysterious usually goes to Andressa. Sizzelle is good at using textures and colors to create a theme. She does most of the shopping and modifying to help create sets, costumes and props.
Andressa : We avoid stepping on each other’s toes by focusing on different aspects of the production. Oz has an anypose HUD that allows him to control multiple avatars, which means he generally handles the action scenes. Othella and I do most of the work when it comes to creating sets and Sizzelle is constantly sending us links to cool looking clothes, costumes, hair and props that she finds in the marketplace. Occasionally there are times when two people end up doing the same job but as far as there being “too many cooks in the kitchen” if you can put your ego aside working with people who have a lot of ideas to offer is a blessing.
Ozymandius : Each of us has their own favourite storyline and, while there is a lot of overlap, once a script is complete it’s the director, the person who is photographing the backgrounds, who calls the shots. In situations when I’m directing a scene, I try to determine before hand the "look”. Is it glossy or grungy? is it bright or dark? What are the dominant colours? Do I want the background to be cluttered or empty? Those are the questions I ask myself, then I chat with Sizzelle, who normally handles props and wardrobe, before she acquires items that complement the overall design. Even though Andressa and Othella are usually the ones who build the sets, it’s essential that Siz and I have a good understanding, because it’s Siz who will find the textures that Andressa and Othella will use to build the backgrounds. While the focus of MAGE Magazine is on photography, there’s a lot that goes into creating an image and we’re very fortunate to have someone like Sizzelle who has a talent for finding the best textures, clothes and props that SL has to offer.
Sizzelle : Othella downplays her role as the Editor but she is an excellent manager and organizer. She’s the reason why we play so well together.

Dean : After an impressive first year, three Avi Choice nominations among your accolades, how do you hope to improve in 2016?
Ozymandius : The accolades are nice and I appreciate the nomination but for me it’s about improving as an artist and as a writer. Every issue we release I want the images and stories to improve and, what I like about working with Andressa, Othella and Siz, is that they are neither lazy nor complaisant. I admire people who take pride in their work.
Sizzelle : I’m stunned by what we’ve done in the past year. I just thought the magazine would be a cool thing to do, so all I can say is I hope for more of the same :)
Andressa : I think the more time we spend together the better quality work we will produce. Oz once said “Great artists are like fine wine, they improve with age.” I hope that’s true.
Othella : Ironically the time required to produce a monthly magazine and machinima videos sometimes distracts me from my original goal, which was to create a community for Second Life artists. It’s good that we have a very compatible creative team and Second Life Perspectives does offer other Second Life artists with a way to participate and gain exposure through MAGE Magazine. But I would like to see our inworld group grow and invite anyone who reads this to send me a notecard and find out more about how you can be involved with MAGE Magazine.

Images produced by Sizzelle, Andressa DePrims, Ozymandius King and 0THELLA courtesy of MAGE Magazine

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Community Virtual Library Celebrates "Summer in the Park"

When: Tuesday, August 2, 2016
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, US/Pacific

Come celebrate our Summer 2016 Exhibit Grand Finale "Libraries and Librarians in Virtual Worlds" alongside friends, colleagues, librarians, and educators in an immersive learning environment.
The Community Virtual Library is open to anyone interested in the future of libraries in 3D immersive spaces.  Librarians from around the globe have been networking and exploring the potential for virtual worlds for a decade at CVL. Our goal is to feature exceptional work in virtual worlds to share at CVL and we are hoping to form collaborative relationships with other virtual world groups.
All are welcome!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Playmates Magazine's August Issue Is Out Now!

Don't miss this month's issue of Playmates Magazine featuring Miss August - The sexy Compoqueen in her debut centerfold spread, plus the Playmates models invite you into their private boudoir's in a hot pictorial.  Also, we go deep into the mystical world of Gor in an informative article and then give you some great tips to update your look in "Avatar Tune-Up's" and so much more!
Get your free Playmates Magazine at our headquarters in-world or one of many kiosks throughout SL or get it now on SL Marketplace using this link:

Playmates Magazine is the #1 Adult Magazine in Second Life since 2007 with over 200 pages of professional, classy photo's, informative articles, fashion spotlights and destination highlights.  25-30 of the most beautiful women in SL in every issue!
Join our group and get the current issue of Playmates sent directly to you each month.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Windlight Magazine Announces Name Change to Kultivate

 JULY 31, 2016

Windlight Magazine announces its name change to Kultivate Magazine. The name change is part of the rebranding of Windlight to reflect its expansion into other art forms, including music, fashion, and literature.

Kultivate Magazine will continue being a provider and supporter of the arts in Second Life and will continue providing these services to the many artists and creators in Second Life. The brand will also continue providing services to it’s real life virtual patrons in the form of tutorials and classes.

The name Kultivate was chosen for a variety of reasons. Brand founder and publisher, John, explained his reasoning for the choice of name: “When I created Windlight last year, I wanted to assist artists and to provide resources for the art world to anyone who wanted them. I also started Windlight in memory of a much beloved younger sister, who tragically passed away two years ago…….Kandis, my sister, experienced growth in more ways than one in Paris and took her photography to new heights and levels as she perfected her craft. This growth is what has lead me to rebrand Windlight into it’s new name: Kultivate.” The choice to spell cultivate with a K was in honor of John’s sister Kandis.

Kultivate will encompass Kultivate Magazine, The Edge and The Edge Gallery, Windlight Art Gallery, Windlight Bailywick Gallery, The Riff, and the upcoming Team Diabetes of Second Life Art Gallery.

“Cultivation is the art and science of growing things. We hope that you will continue to grow with us and Kultivate our love of all things artistic. Please note that our strong commitment to the arts will never change. We will continue to have our art shows, our galleries, and our many artistic events to bring you the resources you have grown to love and utilize. If anything we will simply expand and bring you additional resources to help you to cultivate your craft, “ continued John.

For More Information
For more information on the brand’s name change, please visit the following link:

About Kultivate
Kultivate’s goal is to support and further the arts in Second Life. The main art forms that the brand supports are 2D and 3D art, literature, music, fashion, and lifestyle elements. For more information please visit:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Have you explored your dark side today? The next round of the Suicide Dollz event is now Open! July 31st!- August 12th

Take a walk on the dark side with the Suicide Dollz event today,Doors opened today  July 31st until 1PM SLT August 12th. As Second Life's longest running alternative themed, bi-weekly shopping event, established in 2013, we continuously strive to bring you the best products by some of the grid's most recognized designers. The current round will run for two weeks before closing on Friday August 12th at 1PM SLT. For any questions, please send a NC in-world to Selene Starflare or email to

Teleport now!


Established in 2016, Napoli Estates is family owned and operated with the goal of providing a happy and healthy environment for all of our residents.  We are a small, growing estate that offers low prim residential rentals spanning from 450 prims to 75 prims.  Dock your boat and sail all the way to the Blake Sea from our marina!  Hanger rentals soon available at Napoli Estates Airfield!

Contact Jericho Napoli (nightdr) to take advantage of our move-in special!  

Visit our website at for available rentals or visit us in world at!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

GeekSpeak – Resource Wars! Saturday, July 30th at Noon SLT

There are some resources on the planet, such as coltan or neodymium, that are very important to us but are only found in a few places.  For instance, neodymium is found only in China.  What will happen if we run out of these resources?  Will the countries where they are mined always be willing to share?  Will we go to war?

Or will the lack of resources lead to new inventions?  For example, if there is no copper will we be forced to start developing carbon circuits in a big way?

What about material that cannot be found anywhere on earth, like He-3, or material that gets lost in space, like helium?  We cannot go to war for that so how do we get new stockpiles of it?

What would a future without all these resources look like? Are we heading for a low technology future?  Stone tools again?  Or will it not go quite that far?  Bring your thinking hats to GeekSpeak.

Community Virtual Library Summer Exhibit 2016

Libraries and Librarians in Virtual Worlds
Grand Finale and TOUR

Date:  Sat. July 30th  9amSLT

Tour the exhibit, meet presenters and colleagues to build your PLN and promote your work in virtual worlds.  All are welcome to attend.  


Valerie Hill, PhD
President, Community Virtual LIbrary

Friday, July 29, 2016

Artists, Live Musicians & Bloggers - WE NEED YOU!

The 4th Annual Rock Your Rack Event is now looking to partner with some amazing Artists,  Live Musicians, and DJ's to help make the October 1 - 16th event a success.  Rock Your Rack is the collaboration between fashion, music and art in SL as we come together as a community to spread the word and raise funds for early detection of breast cancer.  October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and Models Giving Back would love to have some committed Live Musicians, DJ's and Bloggers to help in their efforts.  All proceeds from the event support the work of the National Breast Cancer Foundation.  In order to beat our fundraising totals from 2015 we need the support of our amazing Live Musicians, DJ's and Artists.  Want to help?  Visit the event website and click on the page that matches your role.  All the information and links to the registration pages are there.  Go to:  for all the information. Let's make this year amazing together.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Introducing the New Fashion Clothing Line Candy Sh0p


 We have been in business for seven months and participated in several events. Our focus is more on customers who are looking for affordable and good quality clothes. 

Are you tired of going in a shop feeling like you are about to over spend on one outfit when you can buy a few outfits to change up for the week?

This is where Candy Sh0p comes in. We are offering  everything for below $100. Yes you are reading this right EVERYTHING $100L /BELOW. 

To see what we have to offer visit us today.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Team Diabetes of Second Life to Return for a Second Season

We are pleased to announce the second season of Team Diabetes of Second Life! Team Diabetes of Second Life is an official and authorized team of The American Diabetes Association. The mission of Team Diabetes of Second Life is to raise awareness, tolerance, and funds for diabetes in the virtual world of Second Life.

According to the World Health Organization (2016): 422 million adults in the world have diabetes and 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year.

Team Diabetes of Second Life was founded by Jessii2009 Warrhol and Johannes1977 Resident and will continue functioning in the form of an advisory board, with a coordinator leading the TEam Diabetes of Second Life effort. The 2016 Team Diabetes of Second Life Coordinator is Johannes1977 Resident and the 2016 Team Diabetes of Second Life Advisory Board members are: Jessii2009 Warrhol, Dawnbeam Dreamscape, Eleseren Brianna, Veruca Tammas, Sandie Loxingly, Rob Fenwitch, and Earth Nirvana. Saiyge Lotus is a special advisor to the advisory board.

The official Team Diabetes of Second Life's season will take place from October 2016 to January 2016, with the following events scheduled to take place:

Off Season Event - October 13 to October 31 - Scare Me Silly Shopping Event
November 1 to November 30 - National Diabetes Month
November 1 to November 30 - The Red Hunt
November TBD - The Red Ball
November TBD - The Red Hop Around Shopping Event
November TBD - The Edge Anniversary Events
December 8 to December 18 - The Windlight Winter Art Show and Winter Merchant Showcase
January 2017 - TBD - Tour de SL Bike Race and Season Closing Events

In addition to the events mentioned above, individuals, businesses, and organizations are encouraged to hold fundraising events in support of Team Diabetes of Second Life! An official fundraising toolkit will be available to the Second Life Public on August 1, 2016 at the organization’s office in the Nonprofit Commons in Second Life.

About The American Diabetes Association:
The American Diabetes Association’s mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. The American Diabetes Association leads the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fights for those affected by diabetes by funding research to prevent, cure, and manage diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association delivers services to hundreds of communities and provides objective and credible information and resources about diabetes.

Free resources are available in English and Spanish at and 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2382).

For More Information: (The official American Diabetes Association page for Team Diabetes of Second Life) (Website to find diabetes information in your home country)

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Seanchai Library Partners With Firestorm Community Gateway for Spoken Word Venture

Firestorm Gateway, Social Island -photo by Caledonia Skytower 
Firestorm Social Island, Second Life – Among the longest active literary programs on the Second Life grid, Seanchai Library will be partnering with popular Third Party Viewer developer Firestorm’s Community Gateway to bring spoken word events and content to their ever-growing audience of new users.

The project will begin with the return of the popular Storytellers’ Sandbox series, which Seanchai Library recently launched, producing three sessions as part of their Crazy Eights project with a Linden Endowment for the Arts grant. The series provides a forum for new stories, new storytellers, and new ways to present them. “We have been brainstorming for a home for this event ever since we closed Crazy Eights,” said Seanchai Lead Caledonia Skytower, “It is a great forum for introducing new voices to the virtual spoken story community. It also provides more experienced voices a chance to explore the incredible possibilities for immersion in a virtual performance experience.  Sets, avatars, effects - there is excellent work being done in all these areas, both from the story-initiated creators, and by visual artists sharing the narratives of their work. The limitations are always time, prims, and the ability to draw an audience.”
Firestorm Viewer Project Logo - provided by Firestorm Project
On Sunday, August 7th at 3pm slt, the first Storytellers’ Sandbox at Firestorm Social Island will mark the launch of this new partnership with six voice performers presenting a mix of original tales and short stories in a showcase of live virtual storytelling.  Long-time voices, such as Dubhna Rhiadra and Shandon Loring, will present tales, along with the relatively newer voices of Bryn Taleweaver and Hana Hoo. “This first session is meant to accent the variety of tales and possibilities,” Skytower explained, “ so we have deliberately chosen to avoid a theme.” 
Seanchai Session Audience View (png) - photo by R. Crap Mariner
“Crap Mariner and Caledonia have been around forever, are so well-connected in their community, and their skills compliment each other. They are the perfect team to be leading this.” added Firestorm Founder, CEO & Project Manager Jessica Lyon. “We really want to expose new residents to the broad possibilities of what they can be involved with in Second Life: music, role play, art, and of course spoken word is a part of that.  I am really excited about what Seanchai Library, with these two coordinating this particular effort, can bring to our Gateway.”
Seanchai Session with Kayden Oconnell (png) - photo by R. Crap Mariner
Seanchai Library has been an active presence in Second Life since 2008, with Caledonia Skytower and Shandon Loring as its Lead Staff since 2012.  In addition to Seanchai, Caledonia also produced StoryFest Events, which presented four annual festival style live story events: StoryFest, Bard on the Virtual beach, BOOFest, and The Dickens Project.  In 2015, StoryFest Events was merged into ongoing Seanchai programming.  Skytower has worked with Fantasy Faire,Magicland Park, Avatar Repertory Theater, the University of Washington iSchool, and was the chief architect behind the recent Crazy Eights project at Linden Endowment for the Arts region 9.  She works with Shandon Loring in developing the Library’s branches on InWordz and Kitely, taking the lead on the “Explore” projects which partner with real world organizations to develop virtual learning tools for audience augmentation of performing arts experiences.

The Firestorm Community Gateway userbase poses a new challenge for the Seanchai storytellers. “Most of the audiences at our events are veteran Second Life users, who have to deal with the occasional frustrations of Voice issues in Second Life. Firestorm Community Gateway introduces hundreds of new and inexperienced users to Second Life. We’ll find ways to leverage the power of Second Life and the skill of the ever-present and patient Firestorm Support Staff to quickly diagnose and assist these users with Voice so they can enjoy these performances as part of their early Second Life experience.”

Longtime Second Life resident, spoken word veteran, and Seanchai Friend and Performer R. Crap Mariner of the 100 Word Stories Podcast joins the partnership as an organizer, planner, and all-around grunt-of-all-trades. “I heard Jessica Lyon in an interview at the 13th Second Life Birthday, and she called for performers and events at Firestorm’s Community Gateway. She even invited me to perform there, but my material doesn’t quite fit the G-rating of their regions. I turned to my friend Caledonia Skytower and suggested that we put together a greater Spoken Word Project. We both look forward to bringing workshops and other events that will introduce the new users to spoken word, and introduce spoken word communities to new audiences, members, and participants.”
Seanchai Library @ Bradley University (png) - photo by Derry McMahon
Plans for additional events that introduce poetry, writing, and other spoken word and literature opportunities are in development. More details will be available on this partnership over the next several months.  Seanchai Library will continue to present their weekly story sessions, Monday through Thursday at 7pm slt, and in various weekend sessions on their home parcel at the Community Virtual Library on the Bradley University sim ( as well as their branch on the InWorldz grid, and on the Kitely grid on the open metaverse. R. Crap Mariner will continue to produce his daily 100 Word Stories Podcast and conduct readings inworld at his Clocktree Reading Room (

Information on Firestorm Viewer, as well as links to their social media presence can be found online at

Information on Seanchai Library schedules and programs, as well as links to their social media presence can be found online at

Information on R. Crap Mariner and the 100 Word Stories Podcast, as well as links to his social media presence can be found online at

Storytellers’ Sandbox at Firestorm Gateway, Social Island

Caledonia Skytower, Seanchai Library

Monday, July 25, 2016

Swan Beach Dancing Invites you for some Summer Fun!

Visit our beautiful beach where the atmosphere is relaxing. Activities include line dancing, jet skis, Cheesy Tables and Spades. We welcome you to come meet people and make new friends in a safe environment. We are open 24/7 with Live DJs nightly from 7pm SLT-to 9pm SLT.

Join our group for social events and parties.

See you there!