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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

How do avies spend Summer in Second Life? -Becca Drascol Reporting

Seasons in Second Life:

For this reporter a change of season doesn’t mean what I’m doing is any different. However a lot of people are very into season changes. Many change up the look of their sims, perhaps even buy a new wardrobe or engage in seasonal activities like swimming and boating in the Summer and skiing and ice skating in the winter .

Some clubs and other venues hold special seasonal events too. For me I do enjoy hopping around taking photos in SL of different types of season themed venues.  I set out to interview some avies to see what they do.

What avies are doing in Summer SL Style:

DustiRose Dobbs: Pretty much dancing at beach clubs and starting to think about the Fall fashions.

Becca Drascol: Are you thinking of designing special clothing for Summer?

DustiRose Dobbs: I have made a few things already and I have them for sale in my store.

Becca Drascol: How do you spend Summer in Second Life?

PoppaSlim Resident: I usually just hang out in the social sims and chat amongst the people.  I’m goofing off with people most of the time xD.

Becca Drascol: Do you change wardrobe any or go to any different type of venues during Summer?

PoppaSlim Resident: Sure, I change depending on the location, but generally I have a handful of outfits for my main avatar.  I have more but it's hard to find clothes that fit properly.  I  went to venues on occasion but only when friends invite me to go with them.

Becca Drascol: How do you spend Summer in Second Life?

Tor Draconia: Usually changing the landscape of my sim.

Becca Drascol: Is there anything else you do differently or special in Summer?

Tor Draconia: Not really. I do at times shop marketplace for new season clothing.

Becca Drascol: How do you spend Summer in Second Life?

Jaydianna Spellhunter: In the Summer I love to explore the different sims, meet new friends and party with old friends. Go to the beaches, sun tan on yachts and swim with mermaids. Attend bonfires, explore fairy woods and meditate with all manner of creatures. Just live it up and have fun :)

Becca Drascol: How do you spend Summer in Second Life?

SrDracoThe Unsung: Mostly dancing on beaches.

To sum it all up:

While some avies don’t choose to do anything out of the ordinary for Summer. Those I spoke with tend to do some of the normal activities of the season such as beaches and enjoying time virtually outdoors while enjoying time with others.

 Even though Second Life is for the most part a social world, some do get into the mood of the changing seasons. I do suppose it’s a matter of how into the virtual life one chooses to get.  Just because it is our Second Life, does not mean it can’t have some elements of realism. However you choose to spent Summer, I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Party Like a Canuck at VampIsle! Mark your calendar for July 1st-4th

FORGET  your Petty Plutocratic Politics and be sure to come and "Party like a Canuck" July 1st to 4th and Celebrate both Canada Day and Independence Day. 

Featuring that sexy little DJ "IceCream" 

Grand Prize = 3600L plus a Sexy Vamp Saucer to abduct all your friends mmmmmm butt butt probe? 
Plus two HOT Italian Sports Cars ...START DANCING 

This is a brand new and very unique SIM with some great must have games, Adult toys and  free fun stuff as well, ... for your perusal and eventual purchase :) 

Our Big Mall is located in the the max-sized SIM of Vamp Isle. 256x256 and 30K, with minimal if any lag.  The main attractions are Sci-Fi,Vampire, Sport, unique customized games and Fetish role play.  PLUS lots of surprises for the willing explorer.  Our Sky Scape HighWay is really very unique and loaded with adventure.  Members get to rez their choice of a Motorcycle or Hot Sports Car, and drive our Deadly but Beautiful Sky-Scape Highway.  

This SIM is designed for MidNight Vamp View for best resolution.  We also recommend hi graphics settings and the FireStorm Viewer. 

We have over SIX dance areas, SIX residential zones, dozens of games and three Sassy GG Babe-Bot shows on the GO-GO 24-7.

in addition our Grand Central Station, is a unique and active portal to hundreds of select SIMs located throughout the Second Life Grid.  They are put into three distinct  categories within the Big Earth Globe.  Sci-fi style transporters are also available to take you throughout our entire SIM, which is constantly under construction, with phases 1 of 3 phases having been just completed   

The Lost Art - Pen Dragon Reporting

Sex has always been and always will be big business. In fact, it’s the oldest profession in recorded history with mostly women selling their bodies for the pleasure of others. The same is true for Second Life. But has the art of the high-end escort been lost or abandoned in lieu of the quick hook-up or even the AFK sex doll?

First, we have to understand the difference between the high-end and the high-volume escort. The high end escort, while charging more, offers a more personalised and intimate encounter. Giving more attention to their client and ensuring that the experience is more than just a brief, forgettable sexual encounter. The high volume escort is usually much cheaper and will get you just the act and little more. They tend to go through more customers per day because they spend less time with each.

I went in search of the more elite, upper-class brothels and escort establishments to find out how well the business was doing, especially against a plethora of competition around the grid. There was a time when these establishments were plentiful. You could go almost anywhere to hire a classy, premium escort for the evening, but as I discovered, those days seem to be gone.

Most of what you find today is the new trend of AFK, away from the keyboard, sex workers. Women who leave their body logged in while they are away and let clients use them with no emoting, no foreplay and no interaction. These places have popped up almost everywhere, seemingly replacing the classic upscale brothel.

“Most of us are experienced in many aspects of the market. We cater to a wide range of kinks, and if I can't, I will always know of one or two girls who can. You pay us to get what you ask for. You can go to a lot of places. A quick interaction from a girl at a freelance place though, they do business in bulk.
You won't get the time there you would here. Or you can go lay with an AFK body. Those are great options if you don't need more, but when you do you come here.” said Puppy, an escort at one of the few existing posh escort clubs, Lace & Garters. She didn’t let on that there was a decline in the business of the high end escort, going on to say, “Sex will always be in strong demand. It is recession proof. Good sex, more so.”

Of the handful of brothels I did find, most were empty with help wanted signs hanging on the door. As I continued to investigate I found that most sex workers weren’t even willing to talk, much less go on the record with a reporter. In one instance, at RisQue After Dark, the owner, whose name unironically was The Most Boring Man in SL, was so upset that I was asking questions he banned me from the sim. That alone says volumes about the state of affairs in the escort business.

The art , taking the time with a client, and giving him or her a personalized, tailored sexual encounter, seems to be going by the wayside. So few of the upscale professionals exist anymore, almost like a dying breed. It would seem that sex patrons are preferring to have the “wham bam thank you ma’am” quickie over the intimate designer experience.

Additional Information:
Lace & Garters Premier Female Entertainment

LuXXX Lounge ~ High-class, erotic entertainment

RisQue After Dark

-Pen Dragon (arthuris1974)

Monday, June 18, 2018


It's summer in Second Life and we have the perfect set for you to laze around the pool, on your deck or at the beach.

It's summer in Second Life and we have the perfect set for you to laze around the pool, on your deck or at the beach.

The KiX Lounger set from our KiX on the Beach range is original KiX mesh and stuffed full of texture changes to compliment any setting.
The Lounger: Land Impact is only 5 and available in adult or PG versions with multiple texture changes for the wood, the towels and the cushion. Cute and hot animations and props to make your day at the pool go with a bang!
The Table:  Land impace of only 2 and also has the same wood textures as the lounger and decor props that can rez via a button.
The Table & Parasol.  With a land impact of only 4 this has 3 different parasol texture options and the same wood choices, all available on touch from the menu!

There is more!  With every adult version you get a PG lounger free; for those moments you have to behave. 
Where can we get it? I hear you cry.  Illuminate Home and Garden is the only dedicated original content monthly Home and Garden event on the grid.

TP on over to our booth and see for yourself... watch out for the waiter

Virtual Worlds and Gender Bending - Seersha Heart Reporting

Second Life celebrated fifteen years on June 15, 2018.  It is hard to believe the humble beginnings of this virtual world with a few prims and an ocean.  These days Linden Labs advertises Second Life as being a place you may make money with a business, go on adventures or create anything you may imagine.  Years ago, Second Life reported to users that a great deal of the female avatars were men in real life.  This falls within the promised activity to create anything you may imagine.  This phenomenon has been the subject of many forums and some studies in the greater gaming community.  What do we think about the person’s gender behind an avatar?  What are the expectations in Second Life as to the person behind the avatar?

An article in published an article recently titled “They’re All Men”.  Writing about MMORPGs [Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games], the author reformed the popular acronym.  Reframing MMORG, the author said these letters stand for Men Masquerading Occasionally as Really Pretty Girls.  Some gamers argue that by choosing a female avatar they are treated more nicely by males giving them certain advantages such as assistance in battle or locating rare items.  I am big World of Warcraft fan.  I don’t have any male avatars in WOW.  Instead I have a bevy female in multiple realms as various skill levels.  “Researchers from five universities across the US and Canada studied footage of 375 gamers playing a custom WOW quest.  They wanted to determine if difference in online behaviors in characters of different genders aligned with the societal expectations of conduct from men and women.”  A very complicated way to say the researchers wanted to see if there was mansplaining going on in world.  What they found is not surprising.  Men playing women behave differently that women playing women.  This difference is most apparent in the way they move their avatar.  In WOW men playing women tended to jump 116 times more often than women playing women.  They also tended to walk backwards much more frequently.

As with this study of men within WOW behavior, most in SL will claim they can tell a man in a woman avatar.  I went out in the community and asked several men and women if they believed they could tell the gender behind the avatar.  Most said yes, they could tell.  The traits I heard most often were opinions expressed about the breasts of the avi or the general promiscuity.

            In the online publication published an article “How Science Can Tell When Dudes are Pretending to be Women MMORPGS”.  This article began with stating the obvious, sometimes it is just “cool” to be a female avatar.  Sometimes we want to step outside of ourselves and be someone different.  This article also cited the US/Canadian study of 375 WOW gamers.  Men are much more likely to play women than women are to play men.  In the study 23% of the men switched genders to only 7% of the women.  This article quickly came around to the question I wanted an answer to most.  Does anyone really care the gender of the person behind an avi?

            The short answer is that no, most people asked the question if a person’s real-life gender identity was important said “no”.  The prevailing opinion I encountered both in person within SL and from reading forums is that demanding to know a person’s rl gender identity goes against what SL is all about.  Creating anything you may imagine means just that in a nutshell.  Many people I spoke with were quite adamant that a person’s real life is that person’s business.  If someone chooses to share information that is the choice of that person.  I learned a great deal from these responses.  I live in SL with a great deal of my private information available through my profile or through google.  [hears the tap tap tapping of keys on keyboards googling me 😊] I decided to share some of the gender issues I learned about while doing this story.

            One resident wanted to know if there are men available that will date a female avi who is a man in real life.  These are some of the responses:
      “Being female in SL is not an unspoken promise of being a real-life female.  And even if the user behind the avatar is female…there is no right for anyone to expect to get a verification or any RL information, to begin with.  If someone worries that the other person might have a different gender, they shouldn’t go dating in a virtual world…seriously.  After all its SL and if the time spend with a certain person is enjoyable…who cares who they are in RL?”  Syo Emerald
      “To me personally I don’t care and those who do yes are usually not worth his/her time.  Honestly if they are never going to meet what’s the difference?”  “Unless I am going to meet someone I don’t care what sex they are playing” Sephina Frostbite
      “I am a male playing a female avi and I’m open about it in my profile.  I’ve found guys really want nothing to do with me” Scarlet Waits
Another question posed about gender is does playing a woman in SL give any insight to how women feel in RL?  This was met with a resounding “No” to which I will add “duh”.  Some of the responses are worth sharing:
      “Not really.  Maybe a little?  SL is a whole little encapsulated experience.  Being a woman in SL will let you experience what is it’s like to be a woman in SL.”  RhondA Huntress
      “Nope not even close” Aislin Ceawlin
      “In RL, I’ve never had a guy try to grab my crotch from 100m away, while I’m clothes shopping, as their arms just ain’t that long, and their girlfriends/wives will beat the crap out of them if they try, just before the police arrive to drag them to jail.  And so on…No, female in SL is remarkably unlike Female in RL” Klytyna

I circle around to one of the original questions; is it even necessary to identify your RL gender in SL?  If you want people to know what is the best way to present yourself.  Here are some responses to that question:
      “Start by putting in your profile something like “Already in a relationship…NOT LOOKING!” come to think of it, that’s where you can end it too.  No one has any need to know your real gender…ever. [Unless YOU decide to tell them.”   Darrius gothly
      “Nothing wrong with it.  What is the point of having a second life if you can’t swap gender.  If you want people to know put it in your profile.  Just put it in a s a statement of fact without either apologizing or being aggressive about it [e.g. So if you don’t like it you can…<don’t do this).  Most people are pretty cool about this sort of thing in SL and for the rest you have Block, Derender and Shift+Ctrl+H” Ohjiro Watanabe
      “Unless told otherwise, I accept people as their avis are.  For the most part  all of SL is RP of a sort.  Very few of us actually look like the avatar we’re created.  There are a lot of guys in SL using female avis for several reasons…clothes, clothes and …clothes.”  “You really only need to “tell” if you’re going to be in a relationship.  For casual, it’s no one’s business but your own.”   Bobbie Faulds

In the end, what you reveal in SL is your business be it gender or another attribute of your RL.  I encourage you to always remember that each avi you meet has a human being behind that avatar.  Each person deserves to be treated with respect when you engage with them.  It is not deceptive to create a different gender than the one you have in real.  As always, it is deceptive to lie to real people in world.  If you tell someone you are a female in real life when you are not, this is deceptive and hurtful.  If you don’t want someone to know your RL gender, do not reveal it.  Don’t lie.  As everyone I spoke to related to me, most people in SL have been hurt at one time or another by someone’s lies.  It is fine to role play, it is fine to create whatever image you wish for your avatar.  It is your right to disclose what you wish about your real life.  If you decide to disclose, be honest.

Some avatars names have been changed at their request.  Resources used for this story beyond personal interviews may be located at these websites:

 Seersha Heart [saoirseheart resident]
Photos by Karmaghna Ulrik

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Lovely Laura’s Weddings just keeps growing everyday!

We are now offering house rentals. How can you not love all these attractions we have! Enjoy a home rental with a kitchen already installed! We offer houses for 250prim- 450L a week, 125prim a week for 250L a week. THAT ISN’T EVEN THE BEST PART! If you rent a full month you get a weeks worth of rent free! Here at Lovely Laura’s Weddings we offer it all because we want our clients happy, excited and want them to have the BEST Secondlife experience they can have. Big grand things are happening at Lovely Laura’s Weddings! So do not miss out!

Factors to Consider Before Becoming a Massage Therapist

With massage therapy being used to help millions of people cope with sore muscles, emotional distress and physical ailments, becoming a massage therapist may be just the right career option for you. Here are some factors to consider before becoming a massage therapist.

Gaining Experience

To become a successful massage therapist, you will need to gain as much experience as you can beforehand. The first thing you will need to consider is whether your heart is in the right place for the role. Whilst you may be good with your hands, it is important that massage therapists are empathetic and patient with their clients. Massaging is classed as a very intimate experience, so a therapist must be able to deal with their clients’ physical and emotional needs. There are many tips and tricks that can help you find employment as a massage therapist.

Learn the Art of Massage

To get a better and clearer understanding of the massage arts, it is best to engage with a massage therapist and receive a massage yourself. That way you can get a first-hand insight into what a good massage should feel like. Make sure that you have questions and queries ready before youhave a massage, so you can learn more about the profession. Conducting extensive research and reading this massage therapist description will help you decide what type of massage therapist job will suit you the most.

Choosing Your Field

With many different specialties involved in massage therapy, you will need to take time to identify which route is right for you and what you are best at. There are types of massages that predominately focus on healing muscles whereas some are more tailored towards easing stress. When learning and practicing the several types of massage, you will begin to get a better idea of what role suits you best.

Getting Certified

Before you begin training, it is recommended to research into your jurisdiction’s licensing requirements, so you are aware of what sort of training you will need to be licensed. Most states in the U.S. have some form of licensing, so it is best to investigate your state’s licensing board.

Training Programs

There are various massage schools across the country that you can attend to help you become a massage therapist. Simply taking the time to research online will help put you in touch with schools in your area and beyond. However, make sure to look for programs that lead to receiving a certification that satisfies your jurisdiction’s licensing requirements, so you can be assured that you will be licensed at the end of the course. You will also need to factor in your budget when it comes to choosing a massage school. The cost of a course will vary from school to school, so make sure you have done your research to find the right school for you that suits your budget.
It is important that you thoroughly research the skills and requirements needed to become a massage therapist. Try and speak to those who are already in the profession who will be able to provide you with relevant advice and support.

ARE YOU STYLISH? CONTEST AT LUXE PARIS- $50,000L TO WIN! Gift for Each Contestant- June 17th at 11:30 AM SLT

LUXE Paris is searching SL for its next Look of the Year, a stylish and elegant woman who will represent the brand and win L$ 50 000 cash! 

No need to be a professional model! We train the finalists without experience. 

How to participate: WEAR a LUXE Paris outfit, style it, snap a picture, put your name in the title and send full perm to LUXEParisLookOfTheYear resident. Add the password Glamour in the title of your pic and get the LUXE Paris Stylish Black Fatpack for free, a set of 3 outfits! 

So what are you waiting for? All the details at LUXE Paris mainstore on Bao, at and at 


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Ancient Roman ritual in ROMA June 16th at 10 am SLT

Join the ROMA community as they honour Vesta, Goddess of Hearth and Home! Please join us in honouring Her with a ritual, that she might shed Her warmth and light on ROMA for another year! Following the ritual, you are invited into the homes of two residents who have opened their homes for our pleasure! Refreshments will be served.


Friday, June 15, 2018

The SHELTER: Second Fortune with Arana Boa- June 15th at 12pm SLT

Win cash and prizes by solving word puzzles, similar to TV's Wheel of Fortune game show. Bonus cash for the top three point scores.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Frou Frou Lingerie Event - Beach Body Edition by Flair for Events

Flair for Events is pleased to announce the return of Frou Frou - Beach Body Edition!

The original mesh event is back from June 10th, 2018 until July 8th featuring Caboodle, Ghoul, le fil cassé, Kaithleen's, Scandalize, Reign as well as many more.__Turn up the heat this summer and get seductively sexy in style. New venue, New you! See you there!

Teleport Now!

-SL Events

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The softer side of kink” -Pen Dragon reporting

Second Life has a lot to offer. The choices you can make are almost limitless and fueled only by your imagination. It’s not hard to agree that there is something for everyone. Most people enjoy shopping, going to clubs and living a pretty normal, happy life but there are those whose tastes and preferences run more on the wild, kinky side.

At some point almost everyone has come across a sex sim, maybe even a BDSM sim and wondered what all the hype and interest was about for these places. Some may even take a deeper look out of curiosity and may or may not have found something they were interested in exploring while others are turned away because it offends their sensibilities or find it too taboo. Some think of BDSM and imagine whips, leather, cuffs and chains and see it as a form of emotional and physical abuse.

The term BDSM is like an umbrella; it covers many varied and different things. The acronym itself means Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & submission, Sadism & Masochism. Within each of those categories there are an almost unlimited number of specific kinks, decisions and lifestyle choices with just as many people who make those choices and live the way that suits them best. Many who do not know about that lifestyle may be under the impression that there is only one to participate in BDSM, only one way things are done.

Allow me to introduce you to something different about BDSM, an aspect of that lifestyle that is quite often misunderstood and maligned. It is called the Daddy Dom (Dominant) and babygirl relationship. At some point you may have seen someone with a Daddy tag or a babygirl tag and wondered what that was about or what it involved. Some have the idea that it is incestous or a form of illegal age play, but as you’ll discover, but it can be something completely different.

The roles in the relationship, Daddy and babygirl, are similar to that of a Dom and a sub (submissive) insofar as the Daddy is the head of the relationship and the babygirl consensually agrees to obey his rules and decisions and agrees that she belongs to him. While this is typical, there are open and even polyamorous Daddy & babygirl relationships. To me one of the most beautiful things about a lifestyle relationship is that it is defined by you to meet the needs and desires you have instead of following traditional societal standards of how a relationship works.

What differentiates a Daddy babygirl relationship is the dynamic on which it is based. Typically a babygirl behaves in a more innocent, childlike manner allowing her Daddy to care for her and allowing her to be free from the stresses and drama of the world around her. That is what leads to the biggest misconception about the relationship, age play. The babygirl is not pretending to be a young child, she is simply behaving as a child might, there is no age given. A babygirl can be any age, it’s the state of mind that drives her. She may want to color in a coloring book, be given a bath or read a story. Sometime it is just a temporary need to retreat to a more carefree mental attitude. The Daddy is responsible for meeting her needs when she is in this headspace. He will take total control and make sure that her needs and desires are met. The Daddy is also responsible for her discipline, as well as rewarding her for good behavior. This is another BDSM aspect of the relationship.

Another popular misconception is that the relationship is incestious. Because of the title Daddy, many think of this role as that of the father and the babygirl being the daughter. Typically, that is not the case, however; as states earlier, there are those who choose to roleplay that particular relationship, but it is not the norm. The Daddy is a father-like figure, but not the father. He is still her husband, boyfriend or Dom. The Daddy is her caregiver, her lover and her disciplinarian and in many cases gets to know his babygirl on a deeper, more intimate level than what most relationships allow.

As with any relationship there is, of course, a sexual component and within the umbrella of BDSM this can and often does involve bondage, sadism, masochism and the aforementioned whips, chains, and cuffs. Again, every relationship is different, tailored to the couple involved  and no two are the same. But it is the use of such devices and toys that will deepen and strengthen a relationship. The deep trust a babygirl, or submissive, must place into her Daddy or Dom in order for her to consensually submit herself to him and allow him to use these devices and toys, trusting that he knows what he is doing, is what brings about the unsurpassed intimacy of a BDSM relationship.

Just as important as the sexual encounter can be, so is the time taken afterwards to make sure that the babygirl or sub is okay both mentally and physically. This is called aftercare and is a vital part of the experience. This is time taken to mend any wounds, comfort and calm. This reinforces the bond between the two and deepens the relationship further.

Any BDSM relationship can be complicated, involved and satisfying but, and this is my own opinion, the relationship between a Daddy Dom and his babygirl is a special one. It’s a deeply trusting, inconceivably intimate and extremely loving one. Most people find love, at least once in their lives, but few will ever know the tight bond that develops between a Daddy and his babygirl.

If you are interested in learning more about this lifestyle, I strongly suggest you visit the Babygirl Skygarden or Omega D/s library.

Additional Information
OMEGA D/s library
Group: !Omega

Babygirl Skygarden

Group:  .:BabyGirlsSkyGarden:.

THE PSYCHOANALYTIC ROUND TABLE Join the discussion on June 13th at 6pm SLT

Now in our 11th year! Please join us for an hour of engaging conversation at the Stone Circle on the Refuge for Peace every Wednesday night at 6 PM SLT. New provocative topic every week. Our group is open, sharing and respects every view in a civil context. All are welcome!

Seeking Wisdom is a congenial group here to experience life through shared thoughts, conversation, support and fun. We sponsor 3 ongoing discussion groups; check the landing for dates and times. Our sim is a large nature park, where you can relax and enjoy solitude, contemplation, conversation, or a snuggle with a lover. We also have a pub for games, an art gallery, a meditation garden and a jazz nightclub with live music. Visit today!