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Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movie. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Visions of Carnal Desires 1st Adult Movie Night June 1st at 1 am SLT


It's our first monthly movie night at Visions of Carnal Desires on Saturday 1st June 2014 and we welcome all adults to come and join us. There will be raffle prizes, cocktails and possibly some naughty action at our outdoor movie location.

Please note you need to be a group member [free] to be able to see the movies. We are a new adult community who can't wait to meet you!

Sunday, January 8, 2023


SecondLife is a Virtual World, created entirely by its residents.  Some residents express their creativity by building lands and homes; others by creating clothing designs and fashions that rival anything found on the runways of Milan.  Still, others express their creativity through interpersonal relationships or images, or music.  

Every once in a long while, someone comes along who combines all those forms of creativity into a full-length motion picture that rivals many of the animated feature films to come out of Hollywood.

My guest today is SL-renowned author and filmmaker, Huckleberry Hax.  I caught up with Mr. Hax at his home, where he graciously agreed to share with our SL Enquirer audience a behind-the-scenes look into the making of his second full-length feature film, WAARHEID. 

Josh (Thomas1 Bellic) JB: What made you decide to make a movie in SL

Huckleberry Hax (HH):  WAARHEID is actually my second feature-length movie. I released my first - STÖMOL - in July 2020 and it went on to come second place in the SUPERNOVA digital animation film festival. There was a bit of a twist ending to that movie and quite a few people asked me for a sequel. I wasn't planning on creating one initially, but I quickly changed my mind. The broader answer to your question, though, is that I love creating stories. I've written a number of novels set in Second Life, so a movie that used it as a platform for animation seemed like a great idea to me. Also, I'd been playing around with virtual photography for a number of years and wanted to see if I could apply what I'd learned through that to a movie format.

JB: Without giving too much away, what is WAARHEID about?

HH:   WAARHEID's a science fiction movie set in a time when the climate has collapsed, and knowledge and information is tightly controlled by the ruling conglomerate government. One of the mechanisms for this control is through 'official history' - a fiction created by the Cong to obscure from people the reality of what has happened to the planet. In the previous movie, a guy called Epi Stömol snatched a couple of young coders who were able to access old media files rendered obsolete by the Cong's 'digital hygiene' policy. He also betrayed Erika Janssen AKA Waarheid - the 'Truth Hunter.' Now she wants her revenge.

JB:Interesting premise for a movie.  I can’t wait to read the novel. ☺  So tell us, how long did this project take?

HH:We started filming in August 2020 and the final touches were made to the film about a week before release in December 2022 - so, 28 months all in.

JB: Who were some of your chief collaborators in this project?

HH: I was assisted throughout by Caitlin Tobias, my assistant director. She also plays the main character of Waarheid. The movie co-stars AvaJean Westland, who played Totuus - a hacker for an underground history movement. My other actors included Strawberry Singh, Ylva, Boudicca Amat, Lydia Lindemann, and Mich Michabo. The movie also features original music from my long-term RL buddy, G J Hicks. My friend, Dizi, designed three of the avatars in the movie (Epi Stömol, Belletristik, and the 'Rachel' avatar she uses for her own brief role). Then there's a huge list of other people, including short parts, movie extras, and the sim/installation owners who made their spaces available to me to film in. And let's not forget all the content creators whose content was used in some way - that list would be endless!

JB: I guess that list would be pretty lengthy at that.  Making a Full-length Movie is quite an undertaking.   Have you, or any of your crew, had experience in the Film industry before this project?

HH: AvaJean is an actor in RL who's had many TV roles, but other than that no. The main thing I bring to this is my history of storytelling and, um, watching movies!

JB: Do you have another movie in mind?  A Sequel, perhaps?

HH:    There are no plans for a sequel to WAARHEID at the moment, no. I do have a new machinima project in mind that I hope to start work on later this year, though it will be a mini-series rather than a movie. I want to try out something different!

JB: What an amazingly complex project, requiring graphic artists, voice actors, multiple characters, scriptwriters, Recording artists, the whole bit.  How were you able to assemble such a diverse crew of specialists to help produce this Movie?

HH: Mostly these are friends of mine in my SL and RL. It's really just a question of getting to know people's strengths and talents, how they might be used (for example, what roles they might be suited to) and what comfort zones they might be nudged just a little outside of where needed. For the role of Totuus, we needed someone new so I put out a casting call on my blog back in May 2021 and we were delighted to audition AvaJean and then offer the role to her.

JB: Did you receive any support or assistance from Linden Labs on this project?

HH: Yes. Lindens were really happy with the movie when I showed them a preview copy back in October last year. They offered to host an inworld premiere at the Film Threat cinema, which was attended by over 100 people on 15 December - it was an amazing evening! They also did a lot of promotion of the film, including via their social media and an episode of LabGab where Cait, AvaJean, and I were interviewed by Strawberry.

JB: Interesting the parallels between Inversum, and SecondLife, especially when the protagonist was explaining why people would want to spend time there.  I like how you addressed what motivates people to visit Inversum…and as a parallel, SecondLife.

HH: And to some extent some of the things being said more broadly about the 'metaverse' in the present mainstream discourse. Though I was less trying to make any sort of specific statement about virtual worlds per se than I was using the Inversum as a metaphor for the narratives and mistruths we're sold by both government and big corporations (hence the 'government' of this world being a 'conglomerate' - it's a commercial organization taking on a governing role). An important tactic that one of the Cong characters in the movie uses to try to persuade Waarheid that his version of history is the more useful one is to claim that it will benefit the poor and the downtrodden - it's a common narrative element that gets wheeled out just before every election (and yet, somehow, after all these claims and promises, we still have people living in poverty...).

JB: You make an excellent point there.  So…What’s Next?  You mentioned a mini-series earlier. What future projects can we see coming from your team of creative minds?  

HH: My next project will be a five or six-part mini-series set in a hotel during the first UK lockdown - a murder mystery, in fact! SciFi will always be my first love (and SL is an amazing place to create SciFi machinima) but I want to try something different now that comes with its own set of new challenges.

Oh, and I also have a new novel coming out early this year - it's called 'Love is a Corrupted Data Stream' and this one *is* a SciFi story. It's set in a virtual world called Pink Dawn, where people upload their brain scans after they die in real life. I've been working on this novel on and off now for a little over two years, so I'm eager to get it finished and out there!

JB: Is there anything else you would like to share with our SL Enquirer readers?

HH: Certainly.   For more information on this, and other projects we are working on, be sure and check out the following links:

People can watch the movie from this web page:





So there ya have it folks. Huckleberry and company have really created something amazing here.  Do yourself a favor and check it out for yourself.  The movie is completely free to view. And stay tuned to the next amazing product to be coming soon to an SL Theater near you.

And tell ‘em Josh sent ya.

Be there.  Aloha!


Sunday, July 17, 2022

LOOK of the YEAR The' MAKING OF' Episode 1- NOW ONLINE!

Filmmaker Petlove Petshop takes us behind the scenes of the LOOK of the YEAR competition, following the adventures of our 12 finalists step by step. In this first episode of this Making Of, the broadcast of which will continue until the election of the new LUXE Paris ambassador, she explains the concept of the competition, takes us on a tour of the Hall of Candidates with its walls lined with hundreds of photos and attends the mentorship workshop. Next episode: The Judges Brunch.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Awakening The SL Movie Project and Doc Grun” -Saoirse Heart reporting...

There is an exciting new project on the grid being made entirely in Second Life.  Doc Grun [Douglas W. Green) it the author Awakening.  Working with Lou CasaBianca as director/publisher, he is bringing his science fiction series to life using an episodic Machinima format.

 ‘Awakening’ is set in the future approximately 340 years from now.  Earth has been struck by a rogue comet in the year 2048 bringing catastrophes world wide bringing man to the edge of extinction.  Space travelers from the center of the galaxy sent a rescue force to Earth.  These travelers were called Scaliens and helped to rebuild the civilization of earth at the cost of enslaving humanity.  Humanity then rose up to defeat and enslave their captors living that was in peace for the next 340 years.  The sins of the past long forgotten, mankind lives to regret all that has happened.  To read a more comprehensive introduction to the project, please click here.

Saoirse Heart:  I am here today speaking with Doc Grun [aka Douglas W. Green].  In real life, he has worked through and experienced the technical innovations and changes in the automotive industry.  He the author of The Awakening,  and is currently involved  in his life’s dream project; creating a full length movie filmed in VR format, right here in SL.  Doc in your last press release you had completed seven episodes, what has happened to those?

Doc Grun: they were consolidated into 1 movie.  the book is 83,000 words, I had to expand my goals.  we recorded the entire first 7 episodes in voice then would pump the VO into SL to make the avatar lips move while we did the animations.  but we are working on more synchronized movements so back to the drawing board.  It’s only the beginning.  we will also be using mocap for animations that sl cant reproduce.  The project will also spotlight AR VR and how to educate students in the STEAM

How far along are you in completing the entire movie?

Doc Grun: we are working with RL film partners to do it professionally.  filming is on hold while we retool.

Saoirse Heart: How can we follow the series while the movie is in production?

Doc Grun: we are now recording podcasts that will be released 1 a week for 18 weeks, each week reviewing one of the chapters in the book and a playback of my audiobook recording of that chapter. is our main site for now.  The podcast series is titled The Awakening Chronicles.

Saoirse Heart:  Will you have a crowdfunding or other type of fund raising site for people to visit?

Doc Grun: people can contribute on the website if they feel so inclined, every little bit helps.  the more grass roots support corp sponsors see the more they are convinced the project will make them money.  indiegogo campaign is not live yet.  soon.  Did you watch the promo vids?

Saoirse Heart: yes, they are fantastic.

Doc Grun: then you get the scope of the project

Saoirse Heart: huge

Doc Grun: very, We are launching everything at the same time, so as each section is done it is placed on ice and we move to the next.  There will be 3 books in the series.  A prequel next and then a sequel

Saoirse Heart: A project of this size takes a lot of time, how are you coping with the time and keeping your real life going smoothly?

Doc Grun: I am working 13 hours X6 days lately, not much time for me

Saoirse Heart: Wow that is a lot of time, and it is also spent learning the most cutting edge technologies.  Has the changing technology affected the project?

Doc Grun: in fact the book was written so long ago by me I had to go back and update the tech used as what I originally wrote seemed like 1960's sci-fi instead of futuristic lol

Saoirse Heart:  What is your social media presence now?

Doc Grun: my twitter feed is @docgrun.  currently have 530 followers, get about 50 new each day.  helps get the word out.  People can sign up for the newsletter and receive a free copy of the first chapter in pdf format [through the website]

Saoirse Heart:  Do you have a bigger goal beyond this project for your life and your life’s work?
Doc Grun: my goal is to quit my day job and write and produce this, and my partner and I will be starting up a service for people who want to do what we are doing and offer our experience to help them bring their projects to life.  we have made all the mistakes so we know how to help the next person not make them lol

Mostly it is time that is lost.  our team is world wide.  my partner is in California, my film editor is in Colorado, my graphics artist is in the UK.  even setting up a meeting is hard for someone no matter what time we pick.  The reality of Second Life collaborations.

Saoirse Heart: Who are members of your team?

Doc Grun: The team includes Lou CasaBianca [Director/Publisher], Bob Cook [Film Editor] and Andreea Laura Alp [Graphic Artist]

Saoirse Heart:  Thank you for speaking with me today Doc.  I know we all will want to watch the progress of Awakenings and your future projects.  I began reading the book this weekend and as you predicted.....I had a hard time setting it down to write this article.  You may purchase the book in PDF format, order a copy of the audio book and the original music soundtrack all from the website.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

NOW PLAYING: The Hangover III at The SLE Movie Theater- FREE 24/7 Choose Your Showtime!

Looking for Something to do in Second Life? What about a movie date with that someone special? Visit The SL Enquirer and watch this week's feature: The Hangover III.

 It's Free! Choose your showtime.


Watch the Trailer

About The Hangover III

Thursday, November 14, 2013

We're the Millers- Now Playing at The SLE Movie Theater- November 14th @ 11 am SLT and 6 pm SLT

Join The SL Enquirer for a Movie on November 14th @ 11 am SLT and 6 pm SLT

About the Movie
A veteran pot dealer creates a fake family as part of his plan to move a huge shipment of weed into the U.S. from Mexico.
Information retrieved from


Free Entry!
See the trailer

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Grown Ups 2 Now Playing at The SLE Theater- Showtime: November 7 @ 9:30 am SLT

Join the SL Enquirer for a Free Movie playing at the SLE Theater.
Showtime: November 7 @ 9:30 am slt


About Grown Ups 2

After moving his family back to his hometown to be with his friends and their kids, Lenny finds out that between old bullies, new bullies, schizo bus drivers, drunk cops on skis, and 400 costumed party crashers sometimes crazy follows you.





Movie Information retrieved from

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Debut SL Film from Unity Productions' Sisters in Spirit

Sisters in Spirit, the newest leg of faith-based organization Unity Productions, is proud to announce the premiere of its debut film through SiS Films and Charisma Productions: BURDENS. Written, directed, and produced by UP founding member and SiS director (and SLE journalist) Shon Charisma, BURDENS is a short tale that many women will be able to relate to. SiS invites you to its blogsite to view BURDENS and to share the movie with others!

You may view the movie here.