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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at
Showing posts with label services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label services. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Secret Escort that goes above and beyond for her Clients- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

As you all know, Second life is like a never ending Spring Break for many who like to let their hair down and get a little wild and crazy all from the comfort of their favorite gaming chair or worn out couch.  The best part is you get to be a real freak and no one in your real life has to know!

I met up with “Jaylan” who would like to remain anonymous due to her high end escorting career in Second life. She has graced the grid for many years mastering her craft and leaving clients stunned and coming back for more. I was intrigued by her service menu and at first thought it was a joke but turns out she is the real deal that carries herself with grace and absolutely no shame.

Lanai: Hi Jaylan, thank you for meeting with me. I know you have a very tight schedule!

Jaylan:  Hi Lanai, it has been a long time since I’ve seen you. I remember taking a pole dancing lesson with you in my newbie days. Weren’t you the one who got her strappy sandals caught on the pole and it took 4 bouncers to unravel you? You took a hard fall that day, I’m surprised you can even speak or walk.  I always wondered what happened to you.   I’m glad to see all your hard work paid off and you are a reporter now.

Lanai: *blinks*  Remind me to omit the bit about the failed pole dancing endeavor… Don’t judge me! Anyway back to you and your successful career!

Jaylan:  OK, lol. So what would you like to know? I’ll share some valuable secrets but not all!

Lanai: Well, let's begin with how you got started. Maybe it will inspire other struggling escorts in Second life?

Jaylan:  It all began right after taking a pole dancing job at a shabby little hole in the wall which I refuse to name drop for street cred. The owner ended up robbing me for all of my tips by secretly adding an alpha layer over my tip jar. When I confronted him, he canned me and I was struggling to pay my tier. I bumped into an old flame who reminded me just how awesome I was at edging and this certain thing I do that he was unable to find in other girls he dated.  He became my practice partner until his nagging RL wife caught him rubbing one out in the basement and I never saw him again… the rest is history!

Lanai: Well damn, I’m sure that happens a lot. People need to learn how to lock a door and have a knock policy.  So he was your pimp? It's OK, it's totally legal in Second life.

Jaylan:  I guess you can call him that…But just like the culture in SL, we move on fast. Kinda like speed dating on steroids.

Lanai: I agree. So, tell me a little bit about the services you offer. I’m looking at this notecard and it sounds like a joke. Is there really such a thing called the.. *looks closely at the notecard* a… Backwards camel hopscotch, which you charge a whopping 5000L for?

Jaylan:  OMG, that is the best seller right there!  First you have to be very flexible. Not everyone is cut out for it but those that can handle it limp away with a huge smile. I don’t want to describe it because I’m currently working on a patent but, make sure you got lots of lube and a quarter…

Lanai: Yikes, sounds sorta like one of those cheap rides at the county fair…

Jaylan:  I don’t know what kind of fairs you go to but this service definitely gives you your Lindens worth!

Lanai: Ok moving on to The Boogie Man in spandex for 3652L. What can you tell me about that?

Jaylan: Well that one is more of a roleplay/ foreplay service. I personally don’t care for the spandex but you would be amazed how many couples come to me to assist them with it.  It only works with the lights out so a majority of the time, I see nothing, I can just tell they are getting what they paid for by the sounds produced by both parties. 

Lanai: Interesting. It definitely sounds like you're making a killing with these special services! Ok, next on your service menu is Jump slap bootie clap wham bam thank you ma'am for 500L? What’s that about?

Jaylan: Sure am.  This service is exactly what it sounds like. Some people just love abuse. Can’t hate on that. Those requests are usually by men who get dumped and are looking for a quick fix rebound if you know what I mean. 

Lanai: I’m not exactly sure I do but Ok. Next up, Flip flop patty wack give me the bone for a whopping 9005L! 

Jaylan:  OK this one is reserved for my elite clientele. The ones who are most successful in Second life and come from a variety of businesses, mainly sim owners and in the top 5 best brands on the Grid. I take special care to accommodate them during their rare free time. The last client that experienced “the bone” as I like to call it, was so pleased by it that they referred a couple of friends and now they request it regularly! 

Lanai: ahhh, that still doesn't explain anything but I’m sure it will pique some curiosities amongst our readers.

Jaylan: Well, if you refer a friend , just give them the discount code” Bone Lanai” and I will take good care of them. I’m sure you have friends in high places.

Lanai: Absolutely not! Can you give me a more discrete discount code.. Something like GetBoned or something. I don’t think I want my name associated with whatever eyes wide shut campaign you got going on.

Jaylan: lol Ok done. Just remind them to take some extra strength Ibuprofen a half an hour before their service.

Lanai: I don’t even know what to say to that but Ok. We are at the second to last service on this list. What can you tell me about  Bitch slap weasel squeal bareback moooo for 7000L

Jaylan: This service is a tricky one and  it requires 2-3 assistants for a group of 3 or more so the price can vary. I also included a bonus to anyone in the group that doesn’t pass out first within the first 3 minutes. Don’t worry I always have a paramedic on call for any of the services I provide and they sign an NDA.

Lanai: Oh well that sounds pretty ummm…. Safe I guess. Just out of curiosity have you ever been sued?

Jaylan: I can't speak on cases still pending , I’m sorry. But I will say this. Stretching and taking pain killers prior to services is highly recommended.

Lanai: Well at least you take some precautions…. Ok last service on your list… The forrest gump bump bump bam boom for 250L

Jaylan: It’s an additional add on to any of the services. I’m thinking about changing the name since nobody is into Forrest Gump anymore. I was thinking about renaming it the Shocka Deluxe if the name isn’t already patented.

Lanai: Is it fair to say it has something to do with hanging loose?

Jaylan: Exactly, but there is more to it then 2 fingers and a thumb…

Lanai: Well I have to say, this was a very… informative and interesting interview. Thank you for sharing your services and expertise in your unique craft. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers before we go our separate ways?

Jaylan: Actually I do while I have this very public platform. Whoever keeps sending me bags of D*cks, please stop. I have no control of spouses who use my services behind their significant others backs, nor am I responsible for oops pregnancies in group services and accidental fungal STD’s. That guy in New York has never used our services!

Lanai: OK Then…. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I hope you have a very prosperous year and we can meet up again for updates!

Jaylan: I look forward to it. Thank you Lanai!


Jaylan’s Full service Menu Notecard

Thank you for your interest in this ridiculously sexy body of mine and my services. You are correct, you will not find anything in Second Life that would blow your wig back like I do. You came to the right avie.

I've taken the liberty of providing you with the best rates in Second Life for the following:

 Backwards camel hopscotch.................5000L


 The Boogie Man in spandex.....................3652L


  Jump slap bootie clap wham bam thank you maam........500L


 Flip flop patty wack give me the bone............9005L

 Bitch slap weasel squeal bareback moooo..........7000L


 The forrest gump bump bump bam boom....250L


*Maximum Strength Ibuprofen is highly recommended before and after services.




Monday, February 27, 2023

GridPlay Productions


GridPlay Productions focuses on grid-wide roleplay tools and services for SecondLife residents with over 10 years of experience in LSL and PHP scripting. We also like to do websites for SL residents using the latest website technology.

Visit our website at and see all that we offer.

Friday, September 30, 2022

The Importance of Regular HVAC Maintenance


No matter what kind of central HVAC system you are operating, it is vital to understand just how important regular maintenance can be. Altogether too many people think it’s just a matter of switching out filters every month or so and while that is truly important, it is not all there is to regular maintenance. Whether you have a large commercial unit or a smaller home HVAC system, there are multiple reasons why it is important to keep up with maintenance.

Regular Maintenance Saves Money

One of the very first benefits you will discover with regularly scheduled HVAC Maintenance Services is just how much money you can save running your unit 12 months out of the year. In the winter, you need heat and on those long, hot days of summer, you surely need the relief air conditioning brings. Actually, there are several ways in which regular maintenance can save money, beginning with more efficient operation. 

Think about your personal vehicle. You are advised to have all the fluids and filters changed every so many thousands of miles and the same holds true of your HVAC system. You probably notice how much smoother your car runs after every oil change and your brakes stop squeaking when the brake fluid is changed and filled. Your vehicle not only operates smoother, but you will find that it is more fuel efficient as well. This is the same concept of servicing your HVAC regularly. It will be more efficient, which, in turn, makes it cheaper to operate.

Regular Servicing Adds to the Lifespan

Let’s look yet again at the vehicle you drive daily to work. You may notice grinding and squeaking in the wheels, which is a pretty good indication that the ball joints need to be greased. Unless you take care of that instantly upon noticing the problem, you could encounter much more expensive repairs. 

In the case of your vehicle, if the ball joints become worn, you could experience catastrophic failure, which could, in turn, lead to the coming apart of your front suspension. This would lead to loss of control and if you happen to be on a highway at 70mph, your life and the lives of any passengers could be in grave danger. While failing to grease moving parts on an HVAC unit wouldn’t be quite as catastrophic, it could lead to systemic failures, requiring a whole new unit.

Extended Lifespan of Your Unit

Regular maintenance of your HVAC unit can also extend its lifespan by many years. It is said that the average lifespan of an HVAC unit is anywhere from 10 to 15 years, by contracting regular maintenance you could extend that by as many as another 5 to 10 years. Who wouldn’t like to avoid a major expense that is easily accomplished by adding years to the unit you already have?

However, it should also be noted that a thorough inspection should be conducted annually, at a very minimum. While your HVAC maintenance service provider may come out monthly to change filters to keep incoming air fresh and clean, you may have only contracted an annual inspection. That may be sufficient but in terms of a commercial unit or one that is used around the clock 24/7 throughout the entire year, a biannual inspection is highly recommended.

Safety and Comfort

Have you ever gone away for the Christmas holidays, only to return to a home that is frozen solid with almost as many ice crystals inside as out? It seems like Murphy’s Law never fails and it is just when no one will be in the home, your unit decides to fail. Even though you’ve reduced the thermostat to 68° Fahrenheit, or lower, your HVAC unit completely failed so that temperatures inside were only a few degrees warmer than the outside world.

Thankfully, it didn’t result in a fire, but the cost of replacing everything damaged by frost was beyond acceptable. Also, your creature comfort can be assured when you have a well-maintained HVAC system, so you won’t need to wait days for a service tech to get out. While there are reliable companies that will send a tech out immediately, even a few hours in ultra-cold temperatures can be unbearable.

If ever there were any reasons to keep your unit well-maintained and serviced regularly, these are among the most important. Don’t let your unit go without being serviced and maintained regularly because, in the end, you are the one who will suffer. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Oldest Businesses/Venues in Second Life- Why Are They So Successful? – Camury Reporting

Second Life has an active economy and a large exchange movement with the use of their domestic currency, the Linden dollar (L$). Lindens can be used to buy, sell, rent or make land trade or purchase and sale of goods and services among users.
Second life residents perform thousands of virtual transactions per day. Those include the purchase of buildings, vehicles, equipment of all kinds, animations, clothing, skin, hair, jewelry, plants, pets, and works of art. Residents can also profit from the rent of land or real estate. Many survive by offering a wide range of services. Those services include "camping", wage labor, business management, entertainment and creation of custom content (which can be divided into six categories: building, texturing, scripting, animation, art direction, as well as the position of producer / financier from the project)
Some residents can have great success in their investments in the virtual world, selling virtual goods or providing services. Business owners with a good marketing strategy can even keep their business running for a long time.

Here are some examples of successful businesses in Second Life:

Everyone wants to keep their avatars up to date with the current fashion trends. To meet the high demand for fashion items, SL has more a large variety stores that provide a huge range of products.

The Designer Circle is a bi-weekly fashion event since 2010. It is a platform for SL designers that offers, for a limited time, several items from each designer. The secret of their success this in addition to their marketing strategy is the affordable price of the products- between 50L- 100L, combined with the quality of products and the latest trends in fashion and clothing.

 Old Lar's House was established in 2009, evolving into Old Lar's Warehouse, and now, Old Lar's Naughty Twinz. It has become a popular club in Second Life. The secret of its success is the unique energetic atmosphere, provided by the beautiful and sexy dancers. They offer visitors exquisite eye-candy for customers and remove items of clothing-often with lusciously written text for tips. The club also features live DJs 24/7 who play the best mix of rock and other genres for all tastes.

Skin & Shape
Established in 2005, Adam n Eve offers a wide selection of male and female skins as well as hair, and Fashion. Attentive to the needs of the market, which is essential for business success, the store creates mesh avatars (head and body), with good quality and competitive prices. The product, price and attractiveness, are the magic ingredients for the store’s continued success in Second Life for many years.

Starting in Second Life in 2011, Humanoid is a project of talented German artists and media professionals who use technology to give movement to the Second Life avatars.
The secret of the success of this project is precisely the creativity, innovation and the use of advanced technology to offer a high quality product, satisfying the demand of the consumer market in Second Life.

Freebie Spot
I was in second life since 2007, searching for freebies and Freebie Galaxy was there. This Store is a mega complex of freebies that has fifteen floors! The secret of its success, especially among newcomers to the SL, is quality and quantity with more than 3,000 freebies and dollarbies items of good quality that are offered to SL new residents looking for free things to have fun and upgrade their look.

Currently, in addition to a good product or service, businesses need to have a good marketing plan, promote themselves in the media, social networks and blogs is the key to success. This has fundamental importance for those who want to be prosperous in SL and last in such a competitive atmosphere.

The SL Enquirer

Don’t forget!!! An informative press release to spread the news of your business is always a good start. Contact the SL Enquirer and we will help give you the exposure you need to get your business known.  Did we mention we are the longest running independently owned News Source in Second Life, established in 2005, with over 10 years of media experience?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Announcing the Grand Opening of THE DJ HUB. April 24, 2014

Are you DJ looking to work for the best of the best clubs in SL? 
Are you a club owner looking for the best of the best DJ's?

Come to THE DJ HUB where only the best DJ's in SL are advertising their services. DJ's get the best jobs.  Club owners get the best DJ's. If you're a DJ looking for more shifts, come on down and take out a board. If your a club owner looking for DJ's come and see who's advertsing!



Contact JT Raynier by IM

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Meet Justice Brentley, SLE’s Photographer- Tea Couturier Reporting...

In SL having good photos is kind of a must. If you are not that creative with the lens like me, then the only other option is to look for a photographer who can not only make you look good but offers excellent photos at a good price.

Justice Brentley is one of SL’s up and coming photographers. Justice and I sat down and chatted while he was on a photo shoot break, and we chatted about how he got started as a photographer to then opening his own studio.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The SL Enquirer is Proud to Introduce You to a New Service to all SL Residents: The SLE Photo Studio!

The SL Enquirer has teamed up with SL photographer Justice Brentley to provide photography and exposure services to Second Life residents at our very own photo studio located in The SL Enquirer Media Center.

Services include professional profile images, model portfolios, couples portraits, weddings, baby showers, birthdays or any other special occasion where you need a photographer present. The awesome thing is, with our services, your photographs can be featured in The SL Enquirer!

Contact Justice Brentley today for an appointment!

SLE Photo & Graphics Price List
Any 1 photo- $L200
Any 1 Photo on the SL Enquirer Studio page- $L500*
Any Graphic or Logo for promotional needs-$L1000
Get your ad banner posted on SLE - 1200L**
Wedding/Special Occasion Photo Album (15 images)-$L2500
Model Portfolio (album included)- (10 Images)- $L2000***

*A photo on the SL Enquirer photo page will include your name and what you do in SL.

** 1 month ad banner/link includes 1 press release post! (3 months- 2500L)

*** for an additional 300L, get your best shot featured on the SLE Photo Studio Page!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

SPRING 2013 WEDDING EXPO- Saturday, May 11th ~ Sunday, May 26th 2013


Saturday, May 11th ~ Sunday, May 26th 2013

Spring has arrived and love is truly in the air!  Join us for this delightful and informational expo showcasing some of the finest in Second Life designers who specialize in weddings featuring formal apparel, flowers, jewelry, invitations, photographers, make-up, and wedding services. Everything you could imagine to  make your special day a dream come true. Featuring the creativity of the following designers:


Monday, March 11, 2013

M&M Marketing: Offering Businesses Owner A Helping Hand- Definate Balfour Reporting…

M&M Marketing help business owners get more exposure, this is extremely helpful when you, the business owner, are not sure which avenue to take or even names of professionals  to contact for help. In a  virtual world where networking is key and so little are willing to help outside of their immediate friends, marketing can be hard to do unless you are  a driven person and not willing to take no for an answer.  It’s nice to know that there is a company willing to work hand and hand with you, so I wanted to share M&M Marketing with SLE readers.

I found myself at a beautiful home and headquarters of M&M Marketing. Mark Ussy greeted me warmly and after finding a nice spot at his meeting table we began our conversation about him, his company, and what it can do for those interested in his services.

Interview with Mark Ussy, M&M Marketing

Friday, August 31, 2012

From SLex to Sex Appeal: Sex and Escorting in Second Life - Pandora Drezelan Reporting...

Second Life is a virtual world that is full of options and sex within Second Life is very popular, there are many escort clubs and the types of services available are endless, from pole dancing, stripping, lap dances and different sexual encounters, all of this is made possible with a variety of animations and pose balls, customers pay the dancers in Linden Dollars through the dancers tip jar.
If a customer wants a private lap dance or escort service then the avatar of his or her choice will lead them to a private room, most rooms are fully equipped with a sex bed, massage table, dance chair, tip jar etc. The session is timed either by the escort or through management and the price depends on how long the customer wants to stay.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

BOOK Review: No Money Marketing: All You Need Is Like by Author Angela Yuriko Smith Published August 21, 2011

E-Book Descritption

May 2011 saw the entry of another fiction. The only thing different about it was that this book was a test subject for some marketing experiments. The results were staggering. This was done with minimal to no cost using skills easily obtained from online tutorials. This book is a must have tool for today’s indie authors to promote their work to a massive audience for a minimal cost.