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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Monday, December 12, 2016

Spotlight on Cumberland City- A virtual City based in Maine, USA- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Imagine a place where a global community comes together to roleplay life experiences in a detailed simulated virtual world. That is the definition of Second Life. 

We all rezz here to create our own story and experience cultures from all over the world.  Within each of our stories we meet people with their own. We learn from and share our innermost thoughts with each other.  We experience things that we may or may not have the opportunity or courage to do in our real lives. That is what makes SL such a unique timeless place. 

One thing we can do here and not in the real world it change our stories at any time, engage in adventures that would require an income of a millionaire or realize our own creativity.  We can build our worlds around us based on our own imaginations or see and play directly in the creativity of others. 

No two communities are
 the same. Cumberland City is one of many in Second Life where dreams and creativity is shared among the residents. What separates it from the others is the heart and souls of the people who concentrate on making it as realistic as possible. This great community is also a proud supporter of the American Cancer Society - having donated over 150K L$ this year.

This 27 sim community is based on a real community along I-90 in Maine, USA.  With government services such as a Capital building, district court, Department of Children & Family services, houses and businesses,  Cumberland City offers community members the opportunity to start a business and thrive in a SLife where neighbors are friendly, helpful and care about their environment.  Best of all the creator is not absent. She is as immersed in the daily activities just like everyone else who call Cumberland City their virtual home.

The SL Enquirer met up with Traci Gassner , the governor of Cumberland City.

Hi Traci, it is a pleasure to interview you. Can you please share with our readers how you discovered Second Life?

Traci: That’s a fun story…  I have always been involved in IT related things all my life and collaborating with peers globally for work and was in a IRC chat room one night back in January 2007 when one of the people in the chat room discussing some perhaps boring IT stuff says OMG I found this thing called second life it’s like a chat room but your a “Cartoon!” you and be this thing like a character and see others and chat like in a virtual kind of thing…  I was like .. ya ok .. sure..  and got the information logged in made my avatar and was a certain thing in me sparked to life.  An entirely different way to interact using a computer.  I grew up in the computer revolution and finding SL has helped define me and also to help me reach out and help others.

What inspired you to create Cumberland City?

Traci:  I never intended to own a thing quite like Cumberland City.  I stumbled into it more than I set out to create it.  Ive in me tenure in SL taught people to create, build and share things…  I ran into the community role play scene and instantly found it a way to share, help people and help myself.  Several circumstances led me to taking the lead of a community and growing it that I would rather say became circumstances of “fate” and one I embraced with the assistance of very many along the way to “Create” what is now known as Cumberland City.  Its motto is “Unique by it’s people”  Past present and future.

A 27 Sim community is impressive.  It has to be a labor of love for you and your team. Can you tell me about your team and their roles within the Cumberland City community?

Traci:  Goodness, is so many who contribute.  I am more or less just a guidance counselor to what the melting pot we call Cumberland City has become.  The team of builders and managers - the Residents mostly who provide input and ideas is what makes Cumberland City special.  We are not a single “owner” like community who controls all things.   Yes the buck has to stop on my desk but I doubt you will find many who see it that way.  I love and encourage my team and the residents to take up the charge to create what we all share as a common goal.  A inclusive, safe, diverse open minded role play city.

What can visitors expect to experience here?

Traci:  First I would like to think a warm welcome.  The residents here are simply amazing.  I’m biased and would like to think say they are warmest in SL for this genre.  One the imagery as you have seen is welcoming, Cumberland is a very well made quality visual experience that we are constantly working on.  Nothing about this is easy and the community has suffered setbacks but it just comes back stronger and more resolved.  You will find as a visitor here very dedicated team of management and painfully loyal residents who have big hearts and willing to take new people in and help them become Cumberlonians! 

A government within Second life may seem intimidating to those who prefer experiencing Second life without a set structure. How would you describe your community and how government plays a role in daily Slife?

Traci:  Good question - Cumberland is amazing to me in how it is a micro democracy that works.  It is very rare an issue actually makes it to my desk as unresolved.  We pride ourselves in fact that most of the time our system functions in a open minded manner.  No system is ever perfect but even with our system of Government and covenants in place people are very free to express and live here with security and a sense that the Cumberland has their best interests in mind.  Those few over the history that fail in seeing that are usually met with applause when they leave.  That may sound tacky but reality is not every place in SL is for everyone but the majority here find our system comforting.

This is a realistic community based on Maine, USA in real life. Is anyone welcome to be part of the community or do you have guidelines for becoming a resident, excluding fictitious character?

Traci:  Cornerstone of Cumberland is diversity.  We are inclusive.  Generally we are a human reality based community.  We are furry friendly and Neko friendly as well.   I would say such things as “super-human” or para-normal will not fit in here by nature of the genre…  Aside from that we are a warm welcoming community.

The Cumberland City community prides itself on family roleplay. What type of amenities aid in the realism of the environment?

Traci:  We have a full menu of City services such as Police, Fire and EMS depts, a hospital, DMV, Court and city government.   We like to role play things out, for instance road work we have a Dept of Transportation to do road projects and when it snows you will see them out with snow plows.  Trash collections, phone service  and soon to be mail delivery system.  We plan weather events and alerts for various role play events.

Do you create community events where families can come together? If so tell us a little about them.

Traci: Absolutely, we have an events staff that sets up a variety of events from casual get togethers to full scale carnivals and festivals.  We will do Holiday events, dances and fun things like paint ball, car shows, fireworks shows, organized shows and impromptu random things and always open to ideas!  Flash mob anyone?

Second life is a constantly changing landscape much like things change in real life. How do you keep your community members actively engaging in the city?

Traci: We make changes in the community as well from seasonal changes to also from time to time taking a moment to recognize things that happen in RL we can all share here in SL - come together and celebrate and mourn even things like a real life community.   The key thing I like is our ability to adapt.  I listen to people and get the team and residents involved and if there is something people want to see and do … by all means will try it.

Cumberland City is a mix of commercial and residential opportunities. Do you currently have homes and business space? If so what do you have available?

Traci:  Oh yes we have plenty of both - we just conducted a remodeling effort to kind of freshen things up and are many shops and homes for residential and commercial.  As many are aware LL just upgraded the prims we have available we just did a rebalance on the cost and prims to give more to our resident as a benefit of that change without trying to cram more parcels for the sake of “profit”  Cumberland City is purely not for profit community. 

Jobs are also an important part of sustaining a home and lifestyle in second life. Do you offer your residents job opportunities?

Traci: All of the “jobs” here are purely role play volunteer based aside from some of the managers who get a modest discount - even they however are here purely for the fun of it !

With a mix of adult and child avies, how do you monitor your sims to keep griefers and SL criminals from causing problems within your community?

Traci:  All eyes and ears on deck is the answer.  We have a brilliant base of long term residents and eagle eyes managers and dept heads and some pretty cool systems “watching” things for us to keep an eye on things.  Is a few “skunk works” things that keep our community safe.

With the new year fast approaching. Are there any new projects in the works?

Traci:  Well one is concluding - we are finishing up a massive remodel effort and some of the centerpieces will be set in place by end of the year.  After 1st of year our focus will be full bore into role play - the winter seems to be the time when the role players come inside and Cumberland is perhaps the best canvas in SL for reality based community role play - certainly the largest.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers about Cumberland City?

Traci:  Cumberland City is kind of like …  a community that has seen a lot a of up and downs and challenges but it fights back and its people is what matters.  The spirit of the City is what matters.  I am simply a keeper of accounts..  I even removed the role of “Owner” from the titles here.  I am not the owner of Cumberland - the people are.  I am responsible of course for it financially but what makes this place with is “you”  - if you want want role play come here and make it happen - your story.. your ideas are welcome in Cumberland City and fresh faces are something we embrace..  the long term residents here for whom I love dearly will help mentor anyone who comes here looking for a reality based role play community.   I am a firm believer in that people will often not recall what you did specifically in SL but they will recall how you made them feel and we sincerely want people to feel welcome here - that’s my vision and “our” desire. 

Thank you for adding your creativity to Second Life and sharing your time with us. We wish you and Cumberland city all the best.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas Music Showcase Today at Roadhouse Blues and Jazz Club - Starting 4pm SLT

The Christmas season is here! The Roadhouse kicked off this weekend with a Christmas Tree Lighting on the back deck accompanied by some classic Christmas music provided by Dj Real. 

Join us today to continue the Christmas festivities! There will be cookies, cupcakes, candy canes & eggnog. Don't forget to grab a stocking hat as well.  There are plenty of great dances for couples and singles. Mix and mingle around the tree or take a ride on the train.  Come on down to the Roadhouse and celebrate with us.

Sunday 12/11/2016   4:00 pm slt
Christmas Music Showcase / Harry Connick Jr.- When My Heart Finds Christmas

Sunday 12/11/2016 5:00 pm slt
Christmas Music Showcase / Kenny G - Wishes  A Holiday Album

note: the Showcases are recordings played from start to finish with no interruptions with some information given on the musicians or other facts known before the playing of the recording begins

INTERVIEW WITH James (acousticenergy.nitely), CeciliaRosalie reporting...

James is one of the most talented artists around the grid. He is passionate, and derives his energy from the crowd. If you accidentally find yourself at one of his live concerts you will be captivated by his voice and his whole stage presence.

CeciliaRosalie: James thank you for agreeing to this interview.

James: Thank you for considering me. It's a pleasure to get familiar with SLE readers :)

CeciliaRosalie:  Tell us a little about yourself so our readers can get a sense of who you are.  Let’s kick off with what brought you to Second Life?

James: I began performing in Second Life during the winter of 2008.   I first joined to chat and to meet people.  But I found it difficult to get my head around the SL viewer and wasn’t able to really connect with other people so I didn't log in again for a few months. A Skype friend suggested that I should try singing in SL.  Now I come to SL to perform and I love it!

I’ve come across many talented musicians in SL and I’m humbled to perform on the same stage as many of them. Moreover, I’ve developed deep friendships with people from around the globe and I’m blessed to be surrounded with such love and support. My fan group subscription is currently over 1,400 including my Subscrib-O-Matic.

CeciliaRosalie: I think most of us are rather daunted by the steep learning curve that is necessary when we first join Second Life.   I remember all the cute little buttons frightened me too! (LOL) It certainly seems as if you have connected with people now!  So what is it about singing in SL that has you so enraptured?

James: I'm not a professional musician.  I write songs and perform in order to connect with others and bring them together through music.  There's healing in a song.
I've been singing since I was a child.  I was always the loudest singer while performing in school and church plays and I always felt happier after singing.  I've never sung or performed professionally but I always feel like a Rock Star in Second Life because the venue audiences are extremely supportive.

CeciliaRosalie: A natural talent then. Please tell us about your first time singing in SL, how was it?

James: My first venue performance was at The Drunken Clam.  My Skype friend got me all set up with a stream and helped create my avatar, then he basically pushed me out onto the stage.

Suddenly I was receiving tips, it was a thrilling moment.  I made enough to buy new clothes and eventually enough for a new skin.

CeciliaRosalie:  What qualities do you think someone needs to be a successful singer? Have you ever had voice classes SL/RL)?

James: I’ve never taken singing lessons.  Singing just came naturally for me.  But, the vocal chords are muscles so if you practice regularly then eventually your performance improves.  I’ve noticed that if I take a break from singing then my voice gets weaker.

CeciliaRosalie:  How would you describe yourself?

James: Well, my listeners always have a blast at my shows.  They say that I'm humorous and flirtatious over the mic, haha.  I always try and engage with my audiences and bring them into the performance. I think it's important to create smiles and get the venue chatting and talking amongst each other to help build community.

CeciliaRosalie: What was the funniest thing that ever happened when you where on stage?

James: We laugh a lot at my performances . . . But there was a time while I was playing and another great SL musician, Suzen Juel sent me an enormous penis and I accidentally attached it to myself while playing.  We all got a kick out of it and I just started singing improvisational lyrics and created a fun song about it during the moment.

CeciliaRosalie:  What kind of songs do you perform?

James: Mostly I sing romantic ballads but always mix in my original songs and several upbeat songs. I sing many radio favorites from Guns n Roses, Nora Jones; John Legend to Radiohead. I try to stay up to date with the most recent pop songs too.

CeciliaRosalie: Do you mix sets or is each performance dedicated to a specific genre? And what about taking requests from your fans?

James: At each venue performance I sing a different set of 10 to 12 songs. I enjoy mixing up genres and being creative. Many people make requests and I always love to sing them if I know the songs. I sing over 150 cover songs and I have about 100 originals that I pull from too.

CeciliaRosalie: Where we can find you to enjoy one of your live concerts? How can club owners reach you and book you if they are interested?

James: I'm fortunate to have standing gigs at the following venues:

Seaside Lounge - every Thursday evening at 7:00 PM

Under The Willows - every other Friday at 6:00 PM

Nashville Music Park - the first Friday of each month at 7:00 PM

The Gallery Rouge - the last Sunday of each month at 12:00 PM

Please contact Meredith Aviatik for booking AcousticEnergy Nitely (James Olmos)

Additional info:

CeciliaRosalie:  Is there anything in particular that would you like to share with our readers James?

James: My audience are a very diverse group. They are more than a group of listeners, more than fans, more than avatars; they are my friends.  Without these friends my songs are empty. I need their ears and hearts to explode life into my music, and to fill the space between the melodies.

I’ve developed deep relationships with them over this past year. Some have left and some have endured with me. Such is life in both worlds. I've laughed with them, shared tears, listened as they spoke about their break-ups and encouraged them while singing at their weddings. My love for them is deep and I'm in continual awe as each attends my performances over and over again.
I love this group of friends and I try and say 'I love you' to them as often as I can, in and out of performances. As I mentioned, my audience is a very diverse group - diversity with one common ground - a beating heart that animates each avatar. And I get that. So I sing to their hearts.

CeciliaRosalie: Thank you for your time James, I wish you all the best with your promising career.

James: The pleasure was all mine. Thank you very much.


Do you dare to wear the new GizzA - Blade Body Set? A risque set that accentuates your female form with the fitted mesh harness bodysuit.
Show of your endless long legs with the matching thigh boots and complete he look with accessory bats.  

GizzA - Blade Body Set is available for mesh bodies from Maitreya, Slink (hourglass and physique) and Belleza (Freya, Isis and Venus)
pls check nc^^

Saturday, December 10, 2016

GeekSpeak – cyber wars: Join the discussion Saturday December 10th at 12pm SLT

In this day and age, we are all connected in ways that we cannot measure or understand.  We have created a new cyber habitat but the old war and violence has followed us there.  We are not as safe as we thought we would be.  The lions have returned to the Savannah.

Last month’s attack on the USA showed us how easy cyber attacks can be.  Wars between states can be carried out online.  A few years ago, there was a virus roaming on the internet that was written to shut down a nuclear plant in Iran.  This is just one example that went public; there are many more predators out there that we do not know about.  Tomorrow someone could stop all traffic or close all factories.

What will happen if someone, an individual or a state, invents a super-virus?  Or if all important computers get infected with ransomware?

How much damage could a cyber war do?  How can we protect ourselves?  How threatened do you feel?  Bring your firewall to GeekSpeak and talk to us about it.

Some people have had problems teleporting to GeekSpeak.  Please contact Kathen Ohtobide if you cannot find us.


Il Divo (Italian pronunciation: [il ˈdiːvo]) is a multinational classical crossover vocal group. The male quartet originated in the United Kingdom in December 2003,[1] bringing together singers Urs Bühler (Switzerland), Carlos Marín (Spain), David Miller (USA), and Sébastien Izambard (France).

Since its inception, Il Divo has enjoyed success worldwide, selling well over 30 million copies of its albums worldwide.[2] With 160 certified gold and platinum hits in 35 different countries, it pioneered the genre of operatic pop, or "popera", in classical crossover music.

Il Divo was named "Artist of the Decade"[3] at the 2011 Classic Brit Awards. In 2015, another award came their way, the Silver Clef Award from the Nordoff Robbins music therapy charity.[4]

Il Divo became an international musical sensation after they became the first classical crossover group in history to reach the top of the Billboard 200 (USA) list in 2005. At the same time, the group positioned itself at the top of the Adult Contemporary list.

In 2006, the Guinness Book of World Records listed Il Divo as the most commercially successful, classical-crossover group in international music history.[6]

Il Divo's live concerts have succeeded in selling over 2 million concert tickets worldwide just from their first four albums. 

In their first world tour, concerts in 69 cities in 18 countries were sold out.[5]



GTS News, Entertainment News & Reviews

Friday, December 9, 2016

Bringing the Metaverse Alive : Author Huckleberry Hax- Seersha Heart Reporting

“Text is the medium in which we find our connections in SL, and in which we communicate our core desires. It works because what we want is ultimately very basic; the descent to rawness in our words is like the shedding of our clothes. But when things become complicated, words trip and stumble and fail. They’re not enough. The very things through which we found each other turn against us and rip us apart.” From “AFK, Again” by Huckleberry Hax

            Author of eleven VR novels, including the AFK series, a novella, a non-fiction book, a collection of poetry and a short story collection, Huckleberry Hax is a prolific writer detailing stories some of which occur in SL.  Those that are not part of the SL landscape are heavily influenced by it.  He also has a website playfully titled “WHAT the HUCK”.  His first book, “AFK”, was met with rave reviews by its readers.  The series centers around the life of a SL detective, Definitely Thursday and the exploits that befall him.  He has also received acclaim for his other works, another of note is his non-fiction publication “Second Life is a place we visit”.

“For some of us, our experiences in SL serve as a catalyst, an awakening, a leap in our level of personal consciousness which then needs to be fed into our real lives if its ultimate purpose is to be fulfilled.  For some, SL is a respite, a place to just pause and get our breath back.  For some, it is a playground, a chance to experiment with being something different.  For some of us, it is all of these things together.”
From “Second Life is a place we visit” by Huckleberry Hax

Huckleberry Hax demonstrates a keen understanding of human interaction in SL and has taken it to the next level by developing engaging literary works that you don’t want to put down.  Once you begin reading, you are hooked.  I caught up with Huck recently and asked him a few questions.

Seersha Heart: I noticed that you wrote AFK in 2007 but did not follow up until 2013 with AFK, again.  Was this always planned as a four book series?

Huckleberry Hax: No, it was originally just a stand-alone novel.  I got a few requests over the years to write a sequel, however, and in the end I gave in.

Seersha Heart:  I can understand that since the first novel whets the appetite for much more.  Inch Sideways, a character in the AFK series, forbids the usage of lol.  Do you have any pet peeves with communication?

Huckleberry Hax: I do have an issue with the proper use of apostrophes.

Seersha Heart: you feel there is a difference between single and double quotes?

Huckleberry Hax: Well, I don't think there is a definitive grammatical answer on when you should use one and not the other, but personally I tend to use double quotes to indicate direct speech and single quotes to indicate a saying or slang expression.

Seersha Heart: Ahhh nods appreciatively. Tell me a bit about Amazing Metaverse.  You wrote it after the AFK series and I believe it is also a detective story?

Huckleberry Hax: It's a collection of short stories.  I've designed it to look like an old-fashioned pulp fiction publication such as the 'Dime Detective' series (I think that was what it was called).  A number of the stories feature an SL detective I like to write about from time-to-time called 'Hard Luck.'  Several of the other stories are about a group of people from SL who meet in RL to have dinner and solve SL mysteries - I call them the 'Avatar Dining Club'.

Seersha Heart: You write female parts very well.  Where do you feel you get your skills to write as a woman character?  Did you have help from women friends on certain aspects?

Huckleberry Hax: Well I know a lot of women in SL.  And I work with women.  Other than that, I guess it's just thinking myself into the character.  I didn't receive help writing any of the plot from women.  All my own thinking!

Seersha Heart has noticed Huckleberry Hax likes to use !

Huckleberry Hax: A few people asked me if I was in fact a woman in RL after they read AFK lol.  No - all male, I'm afraid.

Seersha Heart:  Your latest novella is titled SIM and the description on your website reads “A man is in a house, in a square region of land which is walled off on three sides by impenetrable glass and on the fourth by a huge black barrier. He is completely alone but for the occupants of three other houses, with whom he can only communicate via virtual reality.” From WHAT the HUCK website
With your latest book SIM, I am curious, did you build an inworld environment to use as reference for the writing in that book?

Huckleberry Hax: So SIM is quite different from my SL books (though SL as an influence should be obvious).  I didn't build an inworld environment, no - why do you ask that?

Seersha Heart: I am interested in your process of visualization.
Huckleberry Hax: ah, All in my head.  I'm actually very bad at visualizing, which is why a great deal of my writing is dialogue.  I don't close my eyes and I don't walk around.  I suppose it would be fair to say I'm a character writer and I spend most of my time trying to figure out what such-and-such a character might say or do.

Seersha Heart: I noticed you dedicated your first novel to your father, now about 20 years deceased.  Sorry for your loss.  Can you tell me how he influenced you as a writer or as a story teller?

Huckleberry Hax: Hmmm... interesting question.  I wouldn't say he influenced my writing a great deal, however as a parent he had a strong belief in the importance of children being given the opportunity to explore the world with their imaginations.  So me being into story writing as a kid fitted nicely with that.  I can't really think of a time when he specifically encouraged my writing, but me writing stories was entirely consistent with his view of the world and what children should be doing in it.

Seersha Heart: I leafed through your dedications.  Do you have stories behind each?  I'm just curious as to how you decide whom to dedicate to, and is it before or after the book is written?  Generally speaking.

Huckleberry Hax: Always after.
Seersha Heart prints her name in standard block and slides it to Huckleberry Hax across the table.
Huckleberry Hax: It's usually just people I'm thinking of at that moment in time.  I think my latest published AFK book (number 4) was dedicated to Stosh Quartz, an amazing SL poet who died earlier in the year.

Seersha Heart: Great....hmmm let me check something there....You've written some very detailed erotic scenes.  It is exciting to read, do you find them exciting to write?

Huckleberry Hax: I do!  It's not every day you get to write what you consider to be a smooth, not clumsy, not awkward sex scene!  It's like polishing a performance lol.  So I think there's even an annual award for bad sex scene writing.  It's so easy to write sex scenes badly when you're embarrassed about what you're writing.  The tendency then is to lapse into cliche - every writer's nemesis - and end up with something cheesy.  My approach is to tackle sex scenes unashamedly and in whatever detail I consider necessary for the scene. 

Seersha Heart: One more question Huck; please tell me a bit about the Nancy Redgrave Building where we did the photo shoot.  Nancy is in the portrait behind you in this picture.

Huckleberry Hax:  Nancy Redgrave was on of my first friends in SL - and my very first reader.  I was greatly encouraged by her remarks about AFK not long after I released it.  She died a few years ago from cancer.

Seersha Heart: What a wonderful way to show you appreciation for her and memorialize her.  It’s a lovely space, I could see spoken word events here easily….raises eye brow and nods at Huck

Thank you for your time and candid responses Huck.

            Huckleberry Hax impresses me with his ability to write dialog in a very up close and personal way.  He demonstrates an ability to capture emotion so close to the heart of it.  I asked him if he had ever been in love in SL, he responded yes a long time ago.  I also asked him if he experienced the feeling of betrayal similar to that which he writes of in his books.  He told me that he has been disappointed in some people’s behaviors but he has been lucky not to have experienced a deep betrayal personally.  Even so, he has written some relationship foibles that will keep you page turning to the end of his books.
            I highly recommend getting your “feet wet” by reading his first novel AFK which is free in multiple formats on his website.  You could also start on any one of his other projects and have a truly enjoyable experience.  Huckleberry Hax is a resident of SL and a definite treasure to those who read his works.  Also visit his Flickr account in the contact information below.  He is enjoying photography immensely these days.

Additional Information:
Group: Huck’s News
Twitter: @huckleberryhax
Marketplace Store: :

Location of Photos [Nancy Redgrave Building]

THE DICKENS PROJECT SL 2016: Opens December 10th

Water Haven, Second Life – The 2016 Edition of Seanchai Library's annual celebration of English Team Diabetes in Second Life. This year's Project is sponsored by Kultivate Magazine and will take place on Kultivate's headquarter region, Water Haven.
literary giant Charles Dickens, The Dickens Project (SL), will open in Second Life on Saturday, December 10th with over 20 hours of live events of all kinds, spanning eight days, to benefit

The Dickens Project is in its fourth year, featuring live presentations of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol along with other works by the author. The different staves (i.e. chapters) of Charles Dickens' "ghostly little book" will be presented at different times of day during the week, December 12-16, to make the live readings accessible to residents from all over the globe.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Join us for a fun Las Vegas Night at Playmates Mansion & Club.  The club will be transformed into a Vegas style casino with craps, roulette, black jack and slot machine's that give excellent prizes to everyone.  Prizes include, a playable 1 prim deck of cards, a playable 1 prim pair of dice, a speaking Zoltar machine and other games.  There will also be a few slot machines that give naughty gift options for those who want to go wild on their night in Las Vegas : )  Dance with the Playmates models to great music by DJ Ned at the wildest club with the most beautiful women in SL and remember, what ever happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas!
Use the link below and see you all there.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

o.OO.o°🎁Toys for Tots Annual Drive 2016🎁°o.OO.o° December 7, 2016 thru December 23, 2016

The Holidays are upon us once Again!! Join The Delicious Foundation as we raise funds with Toys 4 Tots of SL in support of the U.S.M.C. Toys for Tots℠ Foundation.
Our 3rd Annual Grid-Wide Toys for Tots Fundraising Drive runs through Friday, December 23rd 2016 raising funds via kiosks and events throughout SL.
The goal: To deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible and productive.
Every year there are families that are unable to provide a toy for their child/children. Thanks to Toys for Tots℠ these families can bring smiles to their children’s faces. They need our help to make sure that each and every child has a toy under the tree this year. Our Fundraising Drive now in its third season, was initiated to bring awareness to this cause and to collect donations that will help provide for these families.Take Action with us!!
HELP Brighten a Child's Face this Holiday Season!!
✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰ HERE'S HOW ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰
♡ Make a Donation
500$L can provide a child a toy this Holiday Season
Visit one of our Donation Kiosks Across the Grid:
Donate directly at the Official Website for the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation:
♡ Raise Funds with Us 
Become a T4T Kiosk Affiliate:
Place one of our T4T Kiosks and raise funds with us. Every Linden counts.  
Host an Event:
We are encouraging our Kiosk Affiliates to host "Toys for Tots" fundraising events around our Kiosks to pull in more funds and gain traffic at their locations. Have a little dance party, a sale or an auction, the possibilities are endless!! We will assist with promoting your events when we can.
Spread the word to your family, friends, associates and customers about the campaign.
Promote Your Support: Tweet, Post to Facebook, Google+, Flickr about the Drive and our events
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For more information on The U.S. Marine Corps' Toys for Tots Foundation go to:
The Delicious Foundation
The Delicious Foundation℠ is a child advocacy organization focused on child hunger and nutrition in the U.S.A. and beyond. We help raise funds to sponsor agencies like Save the Children, Share Our Strengths and others that respond to the needs of Children as their main focus.
Events Sponsored By:
🍸🎈Y.D.E.[v] Catering & Event Svcs™🎈🍸
Many thanks for your support


**corrected slurl


Team Diabetes of Second Life is proud to present for the second year in a row, the 2016 Winter Showcase and Art Show! This event will take place from December 8 to December 18 and will include ten days of live djs, performers, tribute concerts, 2D & 3D art; contests, two hunts, photos with Santa, ice skating, ice fishing, fundraising and more!

The 2016 Winter Showcase is sponsored by Chop Zuey Couture Jewellery, Ghee, and Potomac Signature Homes and will feature the following brands:  *DBS* Designs By Soosy, alme., Balderdash, Becksley Shoes, Black Rose Designs, BYRNE, ChiC buildings, Chiffon, Chop Zuey, EED Home&Garden, Emerald Couture, Feyline Fashions, Gee, Ghee, Get Jiggy!, Giulia Design, IC From Within, IT! (Indulge Temptation!), Kitty's Claws, Le Fashion Wh*re, Lillou Merlin Design, Mahlberg Tailors,
​Mara's Mysteries, Miss Darcy, Mousies Family Store, Park Place Casuals, Park Place Home, Pink Ice Boutique, Potomac Signature Homes, ​Romance Couture, Sophisticate, Sonatta Morales, Spyralle, Steelhead Outfitters, Stone's Works, Sweet E's Designs, TASHI, Tayren's Fantasy Fashions (TFF), The Gold Club, TRS Designs, Vengeful Threads, Whimsical Happenings, Winterwood, & Wood Works.

The art show is sponsored and produced by Kultivate Magazine and will feature the following artists and photographers:  AradiaAridian, ArtemisGreece Resident, Bamboo Barnes, Bryn Oh, BrynedarkleyCazalet, CalystiaMoonshadow, Catalina Staheli, Cica Ghost, Cubito Smit, Eleseren Brianna, Eucalyptus Carroll, Giselleseeker, Hana Hoobinoo, ilyrachardin, iSkyeSilverweb, Jamee Sandalwood, Johannes1977 Resident, JolieElleParfort, JudiLynn India, Kaijah Chrome, KaylyIali, KodyMeyers Resident, LayachiIhen, Lucia Tophat, Lulyboop Resident, Miele Tarantal, missabstract Resident, Myra Wildmist, Pam Astonia, Paradox Messmer,Ramsa Luv, Rosy Highwater, Roxanne Fayanucci,SabineMortenwold, Sandi Benelli, Sheba Blitz, Silas Merlin, SlatanDryke, SparkieCyberstar, Tisephone, TriplePlayNitely, VerucaTammas, Warm Clarity, Wintergeist Resident, &WrenNoirCerisse.

Models Giving Back, which is ran by Jamee Sandalwood, will produce a special winter themed fashion show, where participating merchants will show off their winter fashions and creations. Entertainment will be provided by DJ’s Gabrielle Riel, Mia Deluca, Sandie Loxingly, VerucaTammas, Paradox Messmer, and Johannes1977 Resident; live performers SarahMarie Philly and Ceci Dover, Bad Amp Tribute Bands, Whymsee, Elysium Cabaret, DRUM, and a special TSB Orchestra performance!

About Team Diabetes of Second life

Team Diabetes of Second Life is an official and authorized fund-raiser for the American Diabetes Association in Second Life. Established with the aim of raising funds in support of diabetes treatment and to raise awareness of the disease in SL, Team Diabetes of Second Life was founded by Jessi2009 Warrhol and John Brianna (Johannes1977 Resident), and is served by an advisory board comprising Eleseren Brianna, VerucaTammas, Sandie Loxingly, Rob Fenwitch, Earth Nirvana and Dawnbeam Dreamscape, with Saiyge Lotus serving as a special advisor.

About The American Diabetes Association:
The American Diabetes Association’s mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. The American Diabetes Association leads the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fights for those affected by diabetes by funding research to prevent, cure, and manage diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association delivers services to hundreds of communities and provides objective and credible information and resources about diabetes.

Free resources are available in English and Spanish at and 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2382).

For More Information: (The official American Diabetes Association page for Team Diabetes of Second Life) (Website to find diabetes information in your home country)

Ways the Color Red Helps by Linda Lauren

At this time of year, we see a lot of the color red, but do you know what that color might mean, and how it may influence us in our daily lives? I have been a color and energy expert for decades. My primary responsibility is to teach people how to use color to create the energy we may want to experience.

Red evokes strength and passion. It affords us feelings of excitement and accomplishment and is a great color to incorporate onto your person or into your environment. It is often a color of unity and has been consistently used on many flags, as well as in many restaurants for appetite appeal.
Here are some other ways the color red helps:
- Creates a festive outlook for any event or season.
- Offers a feeling of inner strength and outer appeal.
- Embraces passion for people and projects.
- Inspires love and forward action.
The best thing to do is try to integrate the color into your wardrobe or into your environment. For instance, I’m using a poinsettia plant as the “red” for my living room. When I am in that room, the color fills me with strength and love, instilling an overall feeling of positive energy. Try it yourself: include the color red into your day and enjoy it’s vibration.

Originally published in The Huffington Post 12/7/2016

Linda is usually hanging out on her Island ETU Abbracciare