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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

If your clothes could talk - Lacy Muircastle reporting...

If I were to take a peek into your wardrobe, what would it tell me about you?  You can learn a lot by a person’s clothing.  Things like your age, social economic situation, personality, and more.
If a woman walked into a room wearing a fuchsia dress, for example, you can be pretty sure that person is not a wallflower. We’d deduce that she liked attention, and was confident just because of the colour of her dress.

What you wear can inform passers-by of your type of employment (well not so much in SL), as well as your ambitions, emotions and spending habits.

And now it's even launched a whole new type of psychology.

Clinical psychologist Dr. Jennifer Baumgartner literally wrote the book on this phenomenon, which she calls the "psychology of dress." In "You Are What You Wear: What Your Clothes Reveal About You," she explains not only how psychology determines our clothing choices, but how to overcome key psychological issues your wardrobe might be bringing to light in your everyday life, or even at work.

"Shopping and spending behaviors often come from internal motivations such as emotions, experiences and culture," says Dr. Baumgartner. "You look at shopping or storing behaviors, even putting together outfits, and people think of it as fluff. But any behavior is rooted in something deeper. I look at the deeper meaning of choices, just like I would in therapy."
How We Use Clothing as an Aid ... and a Weapon

Clothing is used as an economic and social indicator because generally speaking in this day and age there aren't official marks of rank such as a caste system or aristocracy.

Dr Baumgartner explained "When you don’t have a specific system, people come up with their own." It's what "helps you figure out where you fit in. Especially now, with the economy, with people losing status, maintaining a sense of who we are becomes even more important. Our clothes help place us where we think we want to be. "

She cited the Real Housewives TV series as an example: "Look at the way they focus on money. When they fight, they use logos and designers as a way to put each other down. They're using clothes and accessories both as a tool to know where they fit in and as a weapon against others."

Clothing That Projects a Good or Bad Image

There's no one piece or style that makes a person look successful. Dr. Baumgartner recommends the basics when trying to project a positive image: the little black dress, the blazer, the pumps. "With classics, history has done the work for you. It has lasted throughout time, so you already know it works," she says. And what is it that makes a classic a classic? "It has multiple functions, and it's appropriate for different age ranges and body types. It became a classic because it works no matter who you are."

On the other hand, there's no one piece or style that makes a person look unsuccessful. "Anything where it looks like you didn’t take the time or make the effort comes across badly," says Dr. Baumgartner. "The worst clothing is the kind that tries to undo, ignore or hide where or who you are, or the kind that shows you didn't pay attention to your body/age/situation ... Any clothes that prohibit you from doing your job well send the wrong message."

What Your Clothes Say to You, Not About You

study by the Northwestern University examined a concept called "enclothed cognition." Researchers define it in their report as "the systematic influence that clothes have on the wearer's psychological processes," meaning what your clothes are saying to you, not about you. And how they make you feel.

The researchers distributed standard white lab coats to participants, telling some that it was a doctor's coat and some that it was a painter's smock. All participants performed the same task, but those wearing the "doctor's coat" were more careful and attentive. Their actions were influenced by their clothing.

The same may be true of you. When your friend dragged you out of the house and told you, "Get dressed up! You'll feel better!" after your last breakup/failed interview/lousy day, she was onto something. "When you dress in a certain way, it helps shift your internal self," explains Dr. Baumgartner. "We see that when we do makeovers, and even actors say that putting on a costume facilitates expression of character. That's just as true for everyday life."

Enclothed cognition gives scientific proof to the idea that you should dress not how you feel, but how you want to feel. Which clothes make you feel powerful? Sexy? In control? Wealthy? The clothes you choose are sending a message to those around you, but also to you, yourself.

In "You Are What You Wear," Dr. Baumgartner features some of the most common wardrobe and perception problems. Do you recognize yourself in any of the below?

If you …
You might …
Keep every piece of clothing you've ever owned
Be clinging to the past through the sentimental value of your pieces
Adopting the Golden Wardrobe Ratio: Get rid of 2 out of 3 items you own, including anything too big/small, ripped/torn or outdated.
Wear only neutrals, largely devoid of accessories
Be stuck in a psychological rut, too comfortable to shake it up, or too afraid to draw attention to yourself.
Deviating from your routine in small ways (a different route to work, a few new spring accessories--like these inexpensive ways to incorporate trendy polka dots--to jog your brain into feeling excited
Dress in clothing too large for your body
See your body differently than others see it, or as a reflection of the way it once was.
Bringing an honest friend shopping to find out what looks great on you, ignoring sizes and getting used to wearing clothes that really fit.
Have been told you're dressed inappropriately or too sexily
Consider the same outfit appropriate for every occasion (i.e. clubbing and family barbecue), or be looking for the wrong kind of attention.
Consider the image you want to project in given situations (at work, on the town) and choose outfits based on cues from those around you
Dress too young (or too old) for your age
Be trying to express the age you feel you are, but getting caught between your actual and internal age
Gearing your outfits toward your goals (like getting a promotion, meeting a significant other, traveling the world), rather than a specific age.
Are always in work clothes
Value yourself primarily through your work and work-related accomplishments
Recognizing your talents outside of work (great artist, compassionate, fun to bring to parties, etc.)
Covered in designer logos
Think you need to broadcast wealth in order to be treated well by others
Practice wearing "blank canvas" pieces and only accenting with logos to emphasize that people value you for more than your labels
Live in your "mom outfit" of jeans and a hoodie
Put the needs of your family before your own
Take more "me time." Remember: When mom isn't happy, nobody is.

What messages are you sending out into the metaverse and how do you think you can use your wardrobe to change how others perceive you—and even how you think about yourself?

You Are What You Wear: What Your Clothes Reveal About You - Jennifer Baumgartner

DUBHNA RHIADRA - With the Dream Factory part III from The Brave- Live at the Magic Tree Feb. 8th at 3pm SLT

Join us for an hour with the engaging writer and storyteller Dubhna Rhiadra. She wrote a special story for the stunning installation THE BRAVE, and the tale told in three parts; relates how two children escape a world where their dreams are stolen for power. These clever children defeat evil to escape. Come enjoy this special and soulful reading by this outstanding author and reader at The Magic Tree.
Check our blog for details at

* retrieved from SL events

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Lunar fantasies come alive at Suicide Dollz from 1 PM SLT Feb 5 - 1 PM SLT Feb 17

Check out the Suicide Dollz event's newest round from 1 PM SLT February 5th to 1 PM SLT February 17th. As Second Life's longest running, alternative themed, bi-weekly shopping event, established in 2013, we continuously strive to bring you the best products by some of the grid's most recognized designers. To check out our full, uncensored shopping guide for the current round, please visit current round will run for two weeks before closing on Friday, February 17th at 1 PM SLT. For any questions, please send a NC in-world to Selene Starflare or email to

Monday, February 6, 2017

Misfit Dance & Performance Art - "Misfit Follies" Showcase - Monday Feb 6 at 7 pm SL

Misfit Dance & Performance Art presents :

  " Misfit Follies  ~  a Showcase of Theater Dance Art "

Show time is 7 pm SL with pre-show music starting at 6:30 pm  SL

Please arrive early to guarantee your seat

Bringing you Playlist 06 for this one which includes 2 brand new numbers for 2017 !!    " Go Fish!"   and   " Banzai Samurai "  --  Don't miss these!

Playlist 06

"Misfit's Toys"        
"Go Fish!"   New ! Debut!
"Hula Kitties"
"The Visit ( Give Me Love) "
"Miss McDonald"
"Banzai Samurai"    New! Debut!
"HooRay for Hollywood"    Our King Kong number!

Misfit Dance & Performance Art  ~  Prepare to be delighted.

Contact JenzZa Misfit for more information.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Misfit Dance & Performance Art - "Misfit Follies" Showcase - Friday Feb 3 at 10 am SL -- STARTING --- at 9:30 SL

This week at the Misfit Forest Theater
Friday Feb 3 at 10 am SL

Misfit Dance & Performance Art presents :

  " Misfit Follies  ~  a Showcase of Theater Dance Art "

Show time is 10 am SL with pre-show music starting at 9:30 am SL

Please arrive early to guarantee your seat

Another super fun show as we bring you Playlist 05 with many of our favorites!

Playlist 05

"Cowboy Bill's Bills"
"Butterfly Strong "                       Our 2015   Relay for Life number - dedicated to cancer survivors all over the world!
"Under The Big Top Top"           New! for 2017~!
"Turtle Bayou"                              The turtles are back!  
"On the Clock 
"The Spider's Heart"                 ~ featuring Miny          a touching message about rising above adversity!   NO BULLYING -- now or EVER!
"Jai Ho"
"Sleepless Sheep "                          New! for 2017~!

Misfit Dance & Performance Art  ~  Prepare to be delighted.

Contact JenzZa Misfit for more information.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Playmates February issue is hot off the presses.  Featuring, Chrissy Sparrowtree- Our cover and centerfold model and the Playmates models in a "Wet T-Shirt" photo spread.  Plus great Valentines day gift idea's in our "What's Trending" segment.  We also have casual outfits for him and her in our "Fashion Spotlight" and "How To Lose A Guy (Or Girl) in 10 Day's." And much more.  Get your free issue at the Playmates Magazine Headquarters or one of many kiosks throughout SL or you can get your issue now on SL Marketplace using the link below:

Playmates Magazine has been in publication since 2007, making it the longest running adult publication in SL and winner of 7 awards.  Playmates features professional and classy photo's, interesting articles and informative highlights on products and destinations.  Each issue has 25-30 of the most beautiful models in Second Life.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

SPOTLIGHT on KyrinCorvus- A DJ, Enforcer and Security.- Lanai Jarrico Reporting

If you can think it , chances are it is in Second Life. That is the great thing about this amazing virtual world. You can do or be whatever you want or express your style, skills and curiosity.  For me it has always involved virtual world media but I also love to explore and have fun when I am not in search of the next topic to post in The SL Enquirer. Many times I find inspiration directly from activites I get involved in. Recently, I was a guest on The Pamela Live Show discussing SLE and thought it would be a great idea to give a Spotlight Feature to an audience member. 

Before the show I set out a raffle jar on the stage and at the end, a winner was drawn.  You don’t have to own a business to be the subject of an SLE interview. Everyone in Second Life has a story. That is was makes Second Life a neverending source for news. KyrinCorvus was the winner of The SL Enquirer Spotlight feature that night. He is a DJ at mOBSCENE, the Enforcer in Diablos Legion (MC) Motorcycle Club and also happens to be security for the Pamela Live show.

Interview with KyrinCorvus

Lanai: How did you discover Second Life?
KyrinCorvus: I was looking for a new alternative way to chat and meet people compared to the choices at the time. I didn’t much like Second Life at first but came back a year ago and rather enjoy it

Lanai: I’ve hear that from a few people. A Second look brings more clarity. Would you consider Second Life a game or an extension of your real life?
KyrinCorvus:  Second life to me is an extension to real life because it is a way I can spend time with the people I care about the most.

Lanai: What type of things are you involved with in SL?
KyrinCorvus: I am the Dj Manager @ the mOBSCENE,  Enforcer @DLMC, Im learning how to Build motorcycles. Along with many other things

Lanai: You are a busy man. Can you tell our readers about The mOBSCENE?
The mOBSCENE was created by real life family members Raiven (tricialyn) and Halen (schminke) as well as myself, after we decided we wanted a club where we could all hang out and work in Second Life together. Raiven likes to dance, I like to DJ, and Halen likes to ensure operations run smoothly, so we work together incredibly well. The mOBSCENE is a mixture of gothic style, rock music, and a grunge atmosphere, which when combined has created a very unique, alternative hangout for all of us, and anyone else who has had trouble "fitting in" in Second Life.

Lanai: Having family working together in SL must make for interesting conversation at family functions lol. It seems to work well for you. So KyrinCorvus, you are also involved with a Motorcycle Club, can you tell me about it?

KyrinCorvus: I am theEnforcer @Diablos Legion MC, We are a small Group founded by jimmiejax, the president is Cowboy Sunny and the vice president is Caramena , we are looking for members to join our MC so message them with questions.

I’ve hang out at MCs before. I have to say it is like one big family. The atmosphere is more involved in conversation and activitives than the usual music venues with regulars.  Another thing I think is so great is the charity work involved in the MC community. Many Motorcycle Clubs do charity work in Second Life, what causes does your MC support?

KyrinCorvus:  Being a relatively new member we do support all charities but haven't been working with any at this time.

Lanai: When you do, let me know I think it is a great community services. What other things are you involved in on the grid?

KyrinCorvus: I am security for the Pamela Live show,  an advisor for JPAW Radio, and a layout designer for Infinity Magazine, I have my irons in a lot of fires

Wow, working for a magazine alone can be demanding.  I wish you well in all you aspire to do in Second Life. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers as we look ahead to 2017?

KyrinCorvus: I am working on opening up a Motorcycle Shop.  (no grand opening as of yet). I would like to thank Lanai Jarrico for this opportunity and wishes of luck in 2017.

Additional Links:

Diablos Legion MC
Pamela Live Show

Monday, January 30, 2017

Misfit Dance & Performance Art - "Misfit Follies" Showcase - Monday January 30th at 7 pm SL

This week at the Misfit Forest Theater for Monday January 30th at 7 pm SL

Misfit Dance & Performance Art presents :
- Misfit Follies  ~  a Showcase of Theater Dance Art -

Show time: 7 pm SL with pre-show music starting at 6:30 pm SL

Please arrive early to guarantee your seat with another super fun show as we bring you Playlist 05 with many of our favorites!

Playlist 05

"Cowboy Bill's Bills"
"Butterfly Strong"                         Our 2015   Relay for Life number - dedicated to cancer survivors all over the world!

"Under The Big Top Top"              New! for 2017~!
"Turtle Bayou"                              The turtles are back!  
"On the Clock
"The Spider's Heart"                    featuring Miny a touching message about rising above adversity!   NO BULLYING -- now or EVER!

"Jai Ho"
"Sleepless Sheep "                          New! for 2017!

Misfit Dance & Performance Art  ~  Prepare to be delighted.

Contact JenzZa Misfit for more information.

Using Crystals to Enhance Dreams by Psychic Medium Linda Lauren

To me, dreams are the most important part of living. By tapping into them one can explore the waking world, and actually work through issues before they have even come to light. There are two factors one must consider in dream work: remembering one’s dreams and recording those dreams. I have had many clients tell me they could not remember their dreams, or that they do not dream. Everyone dreams, every night. How can one record what one can not recall? There is one method I believe works well.

REMEMBERING: Before sleeping for the night, form your hand into a fist and hold it in the center of your chest. Close your eyes and say: “I will remember my dreams when I wake up.” Say this three times, once aloud and twice to yourself. After a few days, recall should be easier.

RECALLING & DECIPHERING: Once you begin recalling dreams, you can record them. Purchase a journal, any kind will do. Some of my clients buy a notebook with an inspirational cover while others simply pick a small school notebook. Personally, because I do heavy dream work each day, I have a notebook and a small tape recorder that I use during the night because handwriting can be tricky when you wake up from dreaming. In dream recall everything is important. A general rule would be to make a point of recalling any of the following: colors, shapes, gender, water, weather and movement. These points should reveal a great deal about the state of your life at the present time.

Using crystals for dreaming can enhance the dream state in many ways, depending on the type of crystal and how it is used. The results can be enlightening, enriching and therapeutic. Below are methods and the crystals one might use.

Stress Release And Insomnia — Amethyst is an excellent stone for relieving you of the stress of the day. A relaxing crystal, it also helps with insomnia and headaches. Take a glove and place it over your left “receiving” hand before retiring to bed. Slip a small amethyst crystal into the glove. You will be able to get a good night’s rest, release stress, and your dreams may become more uniform, thus allowing you to remember them more easily. Once you become more comfortable with dreaming with amethyst, you may want to tape one to your third eye before sleeping and create some real magic!

Love And Romance — Rose quartz and Jade are good crystals/stones for dreams where love is the issue at hand. Place either crystal (or both) under your pillow. (I find it best to actually slip the stone into the pillow case. If it gets lost during the night, don’t worry. It simply means you no longer need the benefits of those particular crystals. The energies of these stones are soft and may bring forth dreams that are loving and filled with positive vibrations.

Problem Solving — Clear quartz is the best for issues one needs to work through while sleeping. Program a clear quartz point with the issue on your mind, with the express request to solve your issue via your dreams. You will find that when you awake you may be more focused, grounded, and clear with your issue.

Money and Prosperity — Citrine is an excellent crystal for bringing about wealth in body, mind and spirit. Known as the merchant stone, it manages to attract abundance in ways that fortify balance, whether that balance is sought in the home, the bank account, the body, spirit, or the mind. Intent is important…as is your faith that God and the Universe will provide for your needs. Citrine is also helpful in cleansing the chakras (energy fields) of the body. You will find yourself awakening refreshed after using Citrine.

I strongly suggest that you dream with crystals for a full week, recording your results and the crystals you use, before moving on to the next crystal-dream exercise you want to try. Consistency and intent are most important. Your intention, your faith and your desire for accomplishment will bring about positive results. There are as many methods as there are crystals. There is no right or wrong to doing this. Tape a crystal to your wrist or third eye; wear a glove with a crystal inside, slip it under your pillow, or even place some crystals under your mattress, forming a grid around your bed. Experimentation is the key. Just make sure to keep an accurate record of the crystal/gemstone you use, how you are using it, and the length of time within which you used it.

I wish you luck and I wish you love! Enjoy this new adventure in dreaming with crystals.

Originally published in

Linda can be found Island hopping or on ETU Abbracciare, her SL Island.  Come visit! 

The Spoonful of Sugar Festival is Coming! March 18th- April 1, 2017

For every national and international disaster Doctor's Without Borders has been there. 
There is no barrier, border, or line they will not cross, no length they will not go to too bring aid to those who need it most. Where there is need they are there giving generously all of their knowledge, talent, and skills. Now it is time to give back to them.

Second Life is a global community and with the help of Seraphim, AIM, LTD, ModeLS Magazine, The Second Life Enquirer, T1 Radio and SL Live Radio, we will come together to celebrate the world wide movement of Médecins Sans Frontières with an entire two weeks of parties, events, and fund raising running March 18th- April 1, 2017. Join us at The Spoonful of Sugar Festival as we visit the Netherlands and Amsterdam for our second event!

We bring to you the finest in SL Fashion, Home and Garden and amazing Breedables to enhance your second life with style, comfort and charm. Our calendar is packed with a Panel Discussion with MSF workers, SL's highly acclaimed entertainers, dance troupes,DJs and Fashion Shows. The best part it can all be yours knowing it will all benefit this amazing, globally reaching cause! 

To learn more about the S.O.S Festival and MSF/Doctors Without Borders please visit our website where you can see all the latest happening and developments:

You can also stay up to date and follow us on Facebook at:

To see all the new releases, exclusives, and creations from over 150 (and counting as of this release!) amazing designers, check out our flickr group:

We will see you at The Spoonful of Sugar Festival 2017!

Yours Truly,
Ever Courtois & Angel Wickentower 
S.O.S Founders
S.O.S Event Team

Sunday, January 29, 2017


We are proud to release our Lovers Bench just in time for Valentine's Day. This exclusive mesh bench is available in both adult and pg versions and is full of KiX exclusive and original animations and props.  The materials enabled mesh has a low land impact and will sit perfectly in any outdoor setting as you charm your loved one, just chill and have a drink with a friend or catch up on the gossip on your tablet or newspaper.  I should mention too the sequence in the adult version is very erotic and a perfect way to end the evening!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Become part of history: SL Coast Guard Opens Museum. Join us on February 4th at 12pm SLT

In 2005 a group was formed with a strong mission in mind.  The mission was to educate real life safe boating practices to the residents of Second Life.  And since this group formed, it has grown exponentially.  And now in its twelfth year of service to the SL grid, it has become one of the largest, and most active groups of maritime safety of its kind.  But, this was a journey that only the persistent and brave could endure.  

The SL Coast Guard has endured and gone farther than the founder had ever expected.  The members of the group come from all over the globe, and from all walks of life.  This is a group entirely based on Volunteers who like mindedly share the mission to educate real life boating safety.  The stations and substations are located throughout the continents of the main lands of Second Life, and groups of regions that contain large expanses of open waters.

The SL Coast Guard has been active since the inception of the group.  The group has evolved to doing more than just boating.  They employ eight, both fixed and rotor, aircraft as well as having over eight watercraft from motor powered to sailing craft.  Every member is thoroughly trained on the operation of the vessels they use on patrols.  Along with boating and aviation training, their members also may take up dive, search and rescue, medical, leadership,and honor guard training.

On February 4, 2017 at Noon SLT, the SL Coast Guard would like to thank the residents of Second Life for their participation in keeping their mission going.  They would like to formally invite you to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony commemorating the years of their involvement in the open waters Linden Labs opened up for all to enjoy.  The dress attire is formal.

Please don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime event.  This is not just a history of the SL Coast Guard, but a history of us, the residents within Second Life.  Speakers to include:  Sanstrom Laxness, Tig Spijkers, and RJ Kikuchiyo.  And presentations of retirement to their retired Admirals and staff will be given out.

The museum is packed with a history of each of the stations, vessels both air and sea, and people involved in their journey.  But, none of this could not have happened if people of Second Life weren’t out on the waters, or in the air.  Along with the rich history the SL Coast Guard has forged, they have been able to create relationships with various landowners, and have been involved with other groups who share similar visions.

GeekSpeak SL – what will happen after the technological singularity? Join the discussion Jan 28th at 12pm SLT

What will become of humans in a world run by superintelligent AI?  What will the average person do if everything he or she wants is provided instantly?  Will we still make works of art?  Study history, do scientific research, compose music?  What will we do with our time?  Will we lose the ability to do the simplest things?  Will we eventually die out because there is nothing for us to do?

Will humans trust AI to do all their thinking for them?  Will we be able to think critically at all?  If AI provides us with all our information, all the news that is ‘guaranteed’ not to be fake, will there still be room for that one person who sees with their own eyes and thinks with their own brain?  Will anyone listen to such a person, or will they let AI do all the thinking?

Are we building a golden cage for ourselves, a cage from which there is no escape?  Does it matter if we are?

Come and do some critical thinking about our digital friends.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Diva Stone –Gloomy Tuesday By Mackenzie Abbot

In the early hours of Thursday morning, the 26th of January 2017, I was just about to go over the edge of consciousness into the realms of sleep when my Skype pinged. And I saw the words I never ever imagined I'd ever have the misfortune to cast my eyes over.

“Diva passed away last night. Just thought you should know.”
My initial reply was “Stone?” I was dozy and later remembered that I didn’t know any other Diva’s. And then the call came.
She had been found at home after not responding to skype and phone calls, and not showing up for work that morning.  Her Master had called the police and they gained entry to her apartment. She was just 34, way to young to be taken from this world.
I’m not totally sure if it’s the numbness from the news or the fact I’m getting old, but I cant quite remember how Diva exploded in to my life.  All I know is she did, and she stayed, beginning 2 years of a friendship that I treasured each and every single day, and still do even though she’s gone.
During bouts of late night SL’ing, I'd often chat with her before a show and she was always nervous, something she went on record about in an interview I had with her for a feature in the SL Enquirer a few years ago. We skyped a few times and I could hear the warmth and love she had for life in every breath.
She gave her everything with every performance and, as one of her harshest critics, I got to know subtle clues that gave away that she wasn't quite well or not in the right frame of mind that night. To most people, including die hard fans, this wasn't evident in her performance and she would sometimes cover it up with that high to low “oh oh ooh whoa” thing that people like Christina Aguilera do in most of their songs. 
She always gave 100% in everything she did, and told peoples stories in song. You didn’t care where she took you, you were just glad she did. Yes, sometimes she strained to get some notes. Yes, sometimes she missed them. But you know what? Nobody really cared. She snared you in from the moment the notice went out to the time she stopped.
At time of writing, details are still sketchy, but the one thing that is certain is that never again will I hear the words “Mackenzie, I see you Papi, hugs your face” nor will any of us ever hear that voice grabbing you by all your senses and french kissing you into the ground until there's nothing left but pure and utter pleasure.
Diva, I never knew your real name and, in all honesty, I don't care.  To me, and your hundreds of fans in Second Life and real life, you are nothing but the true Diva. You’ll live on in our heads and our hearts.You leave a huge hole that will never be filled, but your talent towers over that hole, filling it with the memory of your gift for song, story telling and love.  If there's a heaven, there's going to be one hell of a show up there tonight.  I hope Whitney and Lady Ella take good care of you.
If life is a game of cards, somebody is cheating.
Fly free, sing sweet and, when my time comes, save me some front row seats.
We won't forget you Babygirl.

Diva Stone 1982 -2017