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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

'Sentimental Journey' by Linda Lauren-Book Signing at The Carlyle Hotel!

4th Generation Psychic Medium Linda Lauren's newest book, Sentimental Journey, had it's launch party at The Carlyle Hotel in New York City.  Sentimental Journey is an illustrated time-travel romance in the style of Jack Finney.  Jean Munro, the SL Songbird played songs from the 1940's throughout the evening!

Linda Lauren on the Red Carpet
Jeffrey Moran (SL- Aaron Easterman) and Susan Dolinko (SL - Sumi Portola)

 Todd Evans (SL - Tod Redgrave)

Linda and the SL Songbird, Jean Munro!

Allegra Cohen, Linda, Jane Ponterelli


Signing Books!

Sentimental Journey is available on and

More Christmas Gifting Ideas for the Second Lifer- Ccoursey Reporting...

OMG!  It is that time again.  That time when we are boring ourselves on the marketplace looking through page after page of whatever seems the most relevant to the words we just happened to type.  It gets the job done, but it is so much more fun wandering around the stores checking out everything and picking up on ideas, more importantly catching the holiday sales... This is the thrill of shopping for Christmas! 

Here are just a few of my favorite shops and ideas.

7 SG, 7 Exits, Moolala, Pinup Girls of SL
For the special girl in your SL never forget clothes are wonderful.  You can never have enough clothes.  My favorite stores offer gift options or even gift cards.  7SG just put out a beautiful Mini Dress with a choice of 15 different huds, each hud coming with 6 color choices. 

  Moolala's Moobucks work the same as a gift card and Mandy has been known to throw stuff in if there is any balance left on card to make all happy.  Cry has stuff for women, pregnant women, and if you look around on the sim there is men's clothes as well as motorcycles for sale (one stop shopping).

Jewelry!  Who doesn't like a bit of bling?  JCNY has everything from personalized collars to wedding rings to show your loved one how much you care.  For those that do not have a lot of lindens this time of year, they even have a tree with free/dollarbie gifts underneath that are transferrable.  There's even less personal items such as bracelets and necklaces available.  Not to say you can't make them more personal with birthstone or engravings, but you don't have to worry about premature partnering ideas or your friend thinking you want more than you do. 

The Arcade
Gacha'ing we will go... Yes, December is one of the big months for gacha lovers.  The Arcade is back.  It has been around for a little over two years now, with over a hundred different designers participating in the gacha fest.  The great thing about gacha- Transferrable.  The only kicker here is that you don't get to choose what you buy, it is a matter of luck.  Each machine is set with a percentage on script, usually having a rare item that isn't passed out as much.  So you can pass extras or even sell if your trying for a certain one or to complete a collection.  But there's something there for everyone usually, so you can hit the machines and cover most of your friends.  For the animal lover- The Sugar Garden has holdable pugs, Boogers has cute little hamsters, or Aisling's Zak & Zoe pups.  The partner- Jewelry from Sweet Thing, hair from Spellbound, or even household items such as the Tarte Repurposed Collection.  There is everything from small complete avatars to reindeer to lead your sleigh.  It is a wonderful stop to hit so that you can start checking off the Christmas list.  You can find everything offered at this site before stopping by:  

 X-clusives Animations

            Looking for something a bit more extreme for that friend or lover?  X-Clusive Animations has the more exotic offering of second life like a sex cycle three wheeler, a kinky bunny, or even the hidden shelf with couples animations.  They also have outdoor decorations, beds, and dances available.  Always check if the item is transferrable or check out the gift cards and don't forget their sales.  This Holiday season they have all gift cards buy one get one free.  Be sure to take your time to check out the store, because there are lots of options and huge variety.  

Have fun shopping and Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 15, 2014


Tacoma, WA- Tacoma Little Theatre is taking a key step in redefining its educational mission, with the trial of a new program which will be part of its upcoming production of Simon Levy’s stage adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby.

Teachers can use the performing arts a relevant tool to enliven their classroom curriculum. This is an essential component of every performing arts company’s mission. Tacoma Little Theatre (TLT) produces educational programming in the form of special weekday performances reserved specifically for schools. These productions are taken from its
main stage season. Such programs come with curricular materials to assist the teachers in connecting their class time focus with the in-theater experience. For TLT’s production of The Great Gatsby, these materials will be realized in an exciting three dimensional format available to educators and members of the community.

TLT is partnering with Seanchai Library, an organization specializing in spoken word presentations of literature in immersive virtual environments, to create a computer simulation based on The Great Gatsby. This simulation will be accessible to the general public via the internet, and will feature interactive links to resource materials on the works of F. Scott Fitzgerald and the influences reflected in the featured work. It will also spotlight TLT itself, showcasing its 97 year history of building community through creating theater.
“Our patrons are always interested in the stories behind the plot,” said TLT Managing Artistic Director Chris Serface, “the themes and cultural influences that drive the plays. We want to blow the box completely open and make this kind of information available to more than just educators. I want to make it possible for anyone who wants to see the play to
explore the literature fully to enhance their play-going experience.” Serface added, “I am excited to see what Seanchai Library will create for us.”

With the download of a free viewing program, EXPLORE Gatsby will be an Educational Study Guide brought to three dimensional life. Patrons will walk through the world of Fitzgerald’s novel using an avatar, and click on objects that link to information about the period and social issues the work. They can also participate in discussions, and enjoy live
presentations of the source text by accessing EXPLORE Gatsby from the comfort of their homes.

For more information visit, email, or call our Box
Office at (253) 272-2281.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

GIZZA CREATIONS - NEW COLLECTION- Asymmetrical Leather Tanks and Snakeskin Leggings

Rock with a capital RAWR are the new Asymmetrical Leather Tanks and Snakeskin Leggings. 


The highly and very realistic GizzA - Asymmetrical Tank tops are hanging across the torse loosely as if they were a scarf wrapped around your neck.

The matching and equally rich in detail are the GizzA - Snakeskin Leggings which fit snug around the hips all the way down to your ankles and give the idea of mile long legs for sure.



Sold separate so you can mix colors to your hearts content with no less then 8 colors each to choose from.

Demo's are available in the main store to try before purchase.

GizzA Mainstore:

Gizza Outlet : 
More than thousand new outfits recently added in the outlet store

GizzA Creations / Owner & Creator
Giz Seorn 

GizzA Creations / Owner
Auster Elan

Saturday, December 13, 2014

SL Family Role Play- What makes it so popular?- Debby Sharma Reporting...

“The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving laughing, defending and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together”
~ Erma Bombeck

It took me a while to write this particular article. I thought it was my first writers block. Until now I never thought I could be speechless too. My profound love for my family, my free will to sacrifice for them, my over possessiveness to be protective all the time could never be measured in words.  Well, we all have a family and we all know what it means to be one of the members. Like Robert Brault in his blog said, ‘Family life is a bit like a runny peach pie, not perfect but who is complaining.”
So, why family life is so important even in virtual life? I packed my bags to look for an answer role playing as a 12 year old kid. There are various adoption agencies like NGI, Olrich, Heritage. I stopped by Heritage Adoption Agency.

There were 100s of panels each seeking child, parent, god child, sibling, god parent and adults, all looking for a family. Kimi Ayakashi says to child she might adopt someday soon, “I am a single mom. You do have a dad but I would parent as a single parent. I can't wait to find my little one. I will be there for you. I do want a child who understands parent's also need a break and do business as well. I really want to have family life and be as interactive and hands on as possible. Together I want to create a cosy home that is a safe haven for my children to be themselves and be loved. I think children should be free to create and explore but with boundaries created by a loving parent.”

There was another family looking for a child, Jaiden and Brynne. where Jaiden Abbey Lennox is the mom, Brynne Isabelle Sinclaire is the daughter,  Starleigh Reese Sinclaire is Brynne's little one. Jaiden says her idea of fun, “Anything as long as we are having fun as a family! I enjoy games such as greedy or parcheesi, movie nights and just spending time together in general. It doesn't matter to me as long as you are spending time with those you care about. Greedy, drawing on mom’ walls, twerking everywhere or even stealing food is allowed.” She continues, “I do want to stress that I am looking for forever family. I want someone that is going to want to be there next week, next month and a year from now. The perfect fit is a must. ♥ I do the SL Facebook and Plurk stuff. I love skype and voice! I am also alright with communication outside of SL. And I am a huuuuge gaming nerd. So if you would like to play other games I am all for that too! I play LoL, WoW and lots of L4D2. Zombies!” Laughs. “Forever's a big deal for us.  I play League with mom sometimes, and we'd love you to join!  I'm a bit of a goofball, it's just my personality.  We need someone who can offset my crazy but still be crazy!” LilyChu, is about 12 years old, says “I'd like a family who is active. Not just online, but I'd love to have moments where we can all come together and hand out as a family. Though, I do understand some parents are busy, and that's fine too, as long as I am not forgotten.”

Virtual families are not bound by blood but trust, love and faith. Britney von Prague says, “It’s the connection and the closeness that virtual families are famous. I am into SL families because for me it is something I have lost in the real world. I consider my SL family as my RL family. My mom is awesome, she is someone that never quits working on something. My dad is someone who makes sure you laugh. My siblings are a blend of everything. Most of all my family is nuts.” She laughs and continues, “It’s been a year, a first for me. If I count right, this is my 7th. Ever since we became a family, we say it was fate that brought us together.” When asked what she likes to do, she says, “I like to eat sugar and color on people. I have tried school in SL, nothing ever fit for me. There was one school I loved, but it shutdown. It was Cloverdale. I know a lot of people hated it, but I loved it. I was the President for the Elementary and on the cheer team. Now days, most of the time we stand around and chat or we play board games. At one year celebrations we are going to Disney in Second Life.”
It is amazing to see people from different parts of the world come together to look for someone to love and be loved. There can be two logical answers for virtual family’s existence, one is the absence of a proper one in real life and the second is to share the experiences of virtual reality together.  If some do not have a family in Virtual Reality, they have friends. Few residents role play with real people as their children and others sort for prim babies. Even though many sellers are selling prim babies to care for; it still gets boring after some time. Taking care of new born prim babies could be considered for the initial role play stage of parenthood. To see ones child growing up is a great happiness in real life. Like in real life, Second Life provides so many other activities which aid well with family role plays.

There are many schools for school role play, amusement parks etc. One of the school, I visited is the Sunstrider Valley Elementary and High School. The Landmark is It is helping kids excel in the community and in education. There is a new sports centre, a grand school building with amazing features and lots of fun. The school has great features like football, soccer, swimming pool, baseball, basketball, ice hockey, ballet studio, library & computer lab, auditorium theatre and gymnasium and fully working bathrooms with Life-Hud options.
To enhance the family role play imitating it like a real life community, few Estate owners are taking extra steps to provide a community for all. One such is the Misthaven Estates, with 11 connected sims. A PG community with family homes, school, mall, clubs. A train system connecting all the places, drivable streets, starlight cinema theatre, bowling alley, mini golf, arcade games and camping ground right on the Kid Grid. There are others like the Olrich City, Downtown Shopping District, Pleasant Hope Estates, Masoma County Residential Living Community, Almsteadt Estates and others.

Photograph Credit: Dilego Lavane, formed to a collage by Debby Sharma

If there is a perfect fit, then why not opt for the choice of having a family virtually. It is said, bigger the better. It is better to be one of the loving members and go through the ordeal every day than to explore the lands and deserted towns alone in a virtual kingdom. Like Lisa Weeden said, “Being a family means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life”.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Rock, Classic Rock, Pop, top 40s Music Venues in Second Life- Piers Diesel Reporting....

We all like to listen to different genres of music. In Second life this is possible to do in many different clubs and venues across the grid. If you like to listen to  Rock or classic Rock, pop or the top 40s here are a few venues which may interest you.


 Opened in 2010 the venue is still going strong. At Santorini you will find a nice crowd of people who are friendly. The music is good pop and top 40s. If you go there you are likely to find people hanging out and having fun.  It is never empty.  They also have live entertainment

BAD 80s Club and 90s Music
This venue has  a South Beach Miami Vice flavor.  Step back in time to experience the party as it was. Owned by the Ambrosia Entertainment Management Supergroup the venue is always buzzing. The DJs and hosts are friendly and you can be guaranteed a good time.

The Sound Garden
If you are craving rock in all its forms such as classic, hard, modern as well as metal, blues, punk, alternative, indie and more. This is the rock club for you. It is set in a lush tropical garden that offers live entertainment and big events on the weekends.
During the week it provides a great atmosphere to just kick back and relax with friends.

The River Rock Club
The River plays rock music from the 70's, 80's, 90's, and today. Come here for classic rock, southern rock, some metal, even a little country rock and blues mixed in. The atmosphere is a riverside party with games and tons of concerts. They say “You may enter as a stranger but you'll leave as family!”

Whatever type of music you are looking for in Second Life you are guaranteed to find it. Pop, classic rock and rock music venues are on the up and are as popular as ever so you will not have trouble finding a venue where you can have it all.
 Good music, friendly people and fun.

Know a Rock Club you would like to mention? Us the comment box below and tell us about it. Don’t forget to share the landmark!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Date Correction: Center Ground Group presents " Late Night Center Ground with DJ Posesiva Ella”- December 14, 2014 8:30-10:30 pm SLT

By popular demand, DJ Posesiva Ella brings Latin Night to Late Night Center Ground. Join her o Sunday, December 14th from 8:30-10:30 PM SLT, as she serves up some Hot Salsa, Merengue, and other great selections to warm up your late Sunday night. The fabulous QT Serenity will be our host, ask her about our gifts. Dress to impress. Bring a friend or two.
And be sure to "Bring those dancing shoes."

 Late Night Center Ground is underwritten by the Center Ground Business District. Visit our collection of stores and galleries.  Rental spaces available  

About Center Ground Group: Originally started by 4 environmentally focused leaders to discuss and promote true sustainable modeling, and preserve their ideas and dreams in the SL metaverse, now expanded to include arts and cultural interest                                                               

If you would like more information on this topic IM Luchenpur Darwin inwolrd or e-mail

SL Contact
 Luchenpur Darwin

SL Group
Center Ground

The Children of the World Project: WE ARE READY! December 12-December 14th 2014

Once upon a time was a place called Second Life..
A dream called the children of the world project and was organized with faith…a lot of faith. From that creation came a wish and from that wish came a team with the same belief. From faith and a wish an event was born called The Children of the World Project.

More than 2 month of hard work, and lots of effort here we come! We are ready to make a difference together with staff, sponsors, shops, DJs, hosts, visitors and the Second life community. We are ready to give.

 For 48 hours we won’t think about ourselves. We will unite with music, people, positive energy and smiles to send a message of hope to our children, the children of the world.

On December 12th at 12pm SLT until December 14th at 12pm SLT12th, together we invite everybody to join us for 48 hours by visiting our magic land of dreams. It is a land of hope for children

 Please come and help with your support and donations.   Every little effort counts. Just one linden from all of us could make a huge difference for the ones that have nothing.

Thanks to all the staff and support from everybody to make this dream happen.

Love and Peace

-The children of the world management Team

ITS A HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA ON THE ICE AT DADDY-O's Thursday December 11th 6:00 - 8:00 PM


Come join us for a Holiday party on the ice at Daddy-O's!  Join DJ Huey Walker and his lovely hostess Krissy Walker for a night of Holiday Festivities! Ice skate on one of the best rinks you will see in SL or jump in one of the bumper cars and bang about or perhaps a snowmobile ride is more to your liking - we have all of this AND MORE for our Holiday Extravaganza! So gather your friends, get out your skates, put on your mittens and come on over to celebrate the Holidays with your friends at Daddy-O's!!



Win over winter with the GizzA - Nordic Outfits. Nordic style sweaters with te classic prints, paired with sassy mini skirts  The overall appeal of this snug skirt - sweater combination is sure to warm any and melt snow as well as hearts.. 


Available in 6 different, very seasonal appropriate color combinations, but with the separate sweater and skirt in each pack, you can get multiple and combine your own favorite.


A demo is available in the main store to try before purchase.

GizzA Mainstore:

Gizza Outlet : 
More than thousand new outfits recently added in the outlet store

GizzA Creations / Owner & Creator
Giz Seorn 

GizzA Creations / Owner
Auster Elan

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Christmas Present for New Residents at Seychelles Isle- From Irishgent

The Seychelles Isles are very important to me; my heart and soul goes into the community and you are all a part of that family. So I want to thank you for being here and being with me on this journey to create a real community on Second Life.

We have the most amazing people here as well as businesses and event hubs.  We also have the newest and largest airport on Second Life as well as an active and social yacht club with regular sailing events.    Our staff is second to none in terms of their commitment to the islands and to you.  We continue to build on that and extend what we do to make this the only place you need to be.  We hope you feel that way too.  If there is anything you would like to see that we aren't already doing, please contact me or Pippa Rexen, who is assisting me on ongoing development projects.

Christmas is a time for giving, and I want to give you all a very special Christmas present of a permanent reduction to your cost to live on these islands.

We are offering a special discount to all new residents for the first 3 months at 9,000 LS Weekly for a whole sim and 4,500 weekly for a half sim.  

Other Parcels:

1/4 Homestead (937 prims) at 2,250 Ls per week
1/5 Homestead (750 prims) at 1,875 Ls per week
Dock Spaces varied prices (will modify to meet your needs)

Very soon we will be showcasing our businesses to you and inviting you all to meet and greet events at all of our social hubs. We hope you will come and join us.  We have some very special events lined up for you over the Christmas period too.

With all best season greetings,

Seychelles Isles Estate Owner

Buying the Perfect Christmas Gift for a Friend or Lover- Tea Couturier Reporting...

It is that time of year again for planning your holiday shopping and finding that perfect gift for your partner or loved ones. It can be difficult finding that one thing that will bring a smile to the gift receiver’s face. I have searched the grid to help you find that perfect gift for Christmas.

For Her

EarthStones Diamond Tennis Set - Platinum

Anything at Earthstones would make a fine gift but this is a lovely gift to be given as every woman loves diamonds. This classic diamond tennis set is a must in every woman's wardrobe. Available in platinum or gold and low lag size scripted for easy fitting and wearing. Created by EarthStone it is defiantly worth the purchase.  L$1,099

For Him

EarthStones Perfect Fit Set - His & Hers Silver (BOX)

To show your partner how much you love him why not surprise him with this necklace.  He will wear half and you will wear the other. I feel this is a perfect present for couples. A set of paired puzzle piece necklaces to share with your spouse, partner, soulmate, or anyone you feel that makes a perfect connection.
Pendants are crafted in your choice of hammered gold or silver and feature a gemstone accent with a birthstone (or rez stone) menu. Wear your stone, your partner's stone, or whatever stone matches your outfit for the day.
Set includes two transferable necklaces and a stone guide for each of you. Sets are available in His/Hers, Hers/Hers, and His/His. Matching Earrings are also available. L$899



Watches make perfect gifts. Not only is it a great accent for any outfit, it is functional. This Mandale unisex watch will be perfect for any gender. This stylish and luxurious, delicate and distinct design. 
The “MANDALA” SITENNOAH watch & bracelet comes with:
1.Unrigged MESH
2. Unisex
3. Possible to set all time zone.
4 metallic colors,7 face colors can be selected by HUD.
5. There are 5 types included in one package.
6, Chain-belt type watch + bracelet
7. Leather-belt type watch + bracelet
9 Leather-belt type watch (without bracelet)
10. Chain-belt type watch (without bracelet)
11. Bracelet only type

This watch is equipped with a script of the unprecedented lowest load.
It is very comfortable.
The low load mode provides a condition that puts no load
by concealing the moving second hand. (It can be switched by HUD.)
Resize is possible by touching watch object without wearing HUD.
The MANDALA mesh and textures are 100% original

For the House

!! Follow US !! Sugar Snow Christmas tree (3 sizes) COPY version

How can we forget a treat for our home and why not a Christmas Tree? It can be hard finding that right tree that doesn’t cost a fortune or look unnatural.  I found this cute yet well decorated tree from Follow US . It comes in 3 sizes and is copiable.
The presents under the tree are also included.  The tree comes in different sizes and all for only 18 prims.
Price:  L$129


[Phunk] Mesh Women's Ugly Christmas Sweater (8 Designs)

What is Christmas gift giving without surprising someone with an ugly holiday sweater? It is a must for the prankster in you.
For a fun idea this jumper is also available for men. It comes in 3 different mesh sizes and would make a funny gift for a friend, partner or family member.

Whatever you decide to choose for gift giving always remember lavish presents are lovely but it is the thought that counts.

Happy Christmas Shopping!