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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Karaoke Venues in Second Life- Tea Couturier Reporting...

When you and a group of friends want to have some fun and sing along to some of your favourite songs I can think of no better place to do this than at a SL karaoke venue.
If you would like to do this in SL but never knew where to go, here are a few karaoke place I found.

McCoy Island – Karaoke
Open Mic- Open 24/7. A venue where you can show off your talents or just go to practice. It is also fun to just hang out and listen to some great performers!
The stream info is in the info tab on the performer board so you do not need any staff members to help you begin. It is simple to use.  McCoy Island is very nice venue where you and your friends can have some fun.

Red Box Karaoke, Timesquare, KL City
Red Box Karaoke is the most famous Karaoke in Malaysia. It offers guests the chance to enjoy singing in front of an audience which are fitted with complete musical instrument like a guitar, piano and beautiful lighting effect
The stage is set for you and the setting is perfect to make you feel like you are really a star performing.

J&K THEATRE hosts an OPEN MIC KARAOKE PARTY every SUNDAY from 3PM-5PM! Singers of all styles and skills can come out and sing on their lovely stage using their in-house stream. If you have your own songs and streaming software ready, then you can still have a fun time!

Karaoke ~O~ Lounge
You will find karaoke 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is said to be a venue where singers come get discovered and where venue owners find your new talent. Always good live music 24/7 at the ~O~ LOUNGE and the people are very friendly.

GRINDERS Live Music Entertainment, Karaoke
Here you will find live Music as well as Karaoke, Jukebox it is a good hangout Venue
Every day they have Karaoke for all to have fun with.  All genres, all styles, all levels of talent are welcomed. They also have voice and stream available so there is no excuse to not get up on stage and have a go.
Photo 5

There are so many karaoke venues for you and your friends to explore.  What are you waiting for?  TP to one or all of these venues and do some Karaoke!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Kicking Cancer's Butt: Help Tribute City Relayers Raise Funds and Bring Awareness during Relay for Life Season


Relay for Life (SL) season is here, and Tribute City Relayers (TCR) needs you!
Join TCR in raising funds and bringing awareness to a disease that affects so many families.

Tribute City Relayers was created in 2010 by Relay For Life committee member and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer (MSABC) chair, jessii2009 Warrhol. Under her tutelage, with the assistance of team members, TCR has seen success.

There are three ways to get involved: fundraise, volunteer and/or donate.

Spotlight on Anek Fuchs -Bimala Tagore Reporting..

There are powerful voices that must be heard in Second Life.  Anek Fuchs is one of them. Voices and energy like his will never leave your memory. Music is powerful enough to evoke mixed emotions if our sensibility is open to it.

 Anek Fuchs is one of the most special voices I have heard in SL. He opens his heart to us, offering a glimpse and depth of his passion for music, personal life and true love.

His experience with music started at a very young age, among quadraphonic pre-composed electro-acoustic tracks and psychedelic rock. Anek also expresses his talent through guitar solos. His solos could be complex with new fusions constantly evolving.  Anek’s music provides rhythm and personality to his songs.

When asked about his inspiration Anek has a existentialist approach that I really appreciate. Further, music is the center of his universe. He senses music as part of his soul. In spite of his rebel temperament, Anek Fuchs could be distinguished by two characteristics: strong hands and a loyal heart. He is in love and this love reveals more beauty and depth than we usually think.

SLE has been in touch with Anek and we gleaned the following interview.

Bimala:  When did you first start singing? Also, we would like to know a little bit more about your trajectory. 

Anek: “My mother always sang songs in the car, in the kitchen, and anywhere else she pleased, and carried great vocal talents herself. I sang sometimes with Kenny Rogers songs on the radio, that’s when it started, and i was told i should keep doing it because it sounded good and i should do things i like.  My parents loved music so by default, i developed my own torrid affair with it”.

Bimala:  You are well known as a singer, musician and songwriter, interpreting the rhythm that you carry in your passionate heart. Who or what are your musical inspirations?

Anek:  “Inspirations, have been, and will continue to be many things, be it what I see others going through, or my own personal experiences, or any other topic that becomes a muse . . . be it happy, or painful, or neither at all, content, is content, as long as it is made meaningful”. 

Bimala:   Did you study music or were you really born gifted to do great things like playing by ear.

 Anek: “I was raised with quadraphonic stereo sounds blasting acid rock, among other things in my ears most of my youth, it was only a matter of time, before I found comfort in it, a form of therapy all its own. By ear, I study a bit, if I hear a technique I like, then I grab it, and merge it into my exercise routine and then into my style if it fits”.

Bimala:   We all know you are very in love… I am sure she gives your voice some love too. Some words in this respect?

Anek:  “I have been fortunate in the area of love, to experience it a few times in life, but never to the levels in which I am and will be for the rest of my life, and that is all I will say on the matter due to the sensitivities of that subject”.

Bimala:    You play through different music genres, but what kind of music do you prefer to perform?

Anek: “If only it were that simple, the reality for me, is anything where I find a sort of an interlocking instance, a "gel" or a pocket, where I can co-exist with the emotions at hand, this is something I always seek in music.”

Bimala: Your guitar skills are great. Do you prefer to perform guitar solos on the stage?

 Anek: “My most natural feeling placement, is a lead guitarist, I sing a lot, and I feel I have reached new levels lately with it, but my heart I fear is more on a fret board than being vocal, none the less, I put everything I have into both.”

Bimala:   What sparks the fire of your imagination when you write a song?

Anek: “There is no one thing, it can be a myriad of events, or a singular instance, and if I see or feel the potential, I write.”

Bimala:    Which famous musicians, groups, singers do you really admire and have you learned from?

Anek:  “Guitar virtuosos worldwide, Joe Satriani and Steve Vai most likely are my largest influences, but music, cannot be determined by one source, it comes from so many influences, sources, this would be too hard to narrow down.”

Bimala:    In conclusion, please tell us about your resolutions for this year.

Anek: “My plans are to get my album done. A Real album, using a real studio etc., as my previous recordings have all been done from home.”

Thank you very much for this interview. SLE really appreciates your music. We wish you a successful release of your album. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Behind the Scenes with Seychelles Isles- Debby Sharma Reporting...

Photography Credits: Atlan Bade

Seychelles Isles, “Serenity, Tranquillity, Prestige”. These words truly define the mesmerising estates by the sea. A tropical paradise surrounded by the lush greens of palm trees, coarse white sand under the feet, bright sun and a canopy of stars. It is a perfect place to retreat or have a home. A community that has prospered with a team of hardworking individuals over two years who have made your dream come true. This has also been the home of SL Enquirer.

Debby Sharma: Please tell us about your journey with Seychelles Isles and something about your team.
Seychelles Isle was established as an outgrowth of my previous estate called Irish Estates.  We originated back in 2012 where we created a footprint for what we have created today.  My team and I wanted to offer a community to SL that is a dream scape modelled after the real life Seychelles Isles.  Of course we had to modify a few things along the way to make it more appealing to SL Consumers but we have successfully kept to our vision by what you see today.

Here is a link to the RL Seychelles Isles Travel to give you an idea  as well as a link to our website to compare

Now you have a general understanding or our feel I can go into what is the inspiration and truth behind Seychelles in SL.  I teamed up with my co-creator EricaAnne Hastings from the beginning to paint this dream for SL.  She has been my inspiration and best friend touching every aspect of Seychelles Isles.  An amazing talented artist in RL that has brought so much joy to those she touches in SL.  Come by and visit her store to see what I am sharing with you.  Now my Rock of Gibraltar is Baila Palmira.  She also has been with me since the beginning shaping our operations and structuring an infrastructure that is "best in class" perfect in RL.  She made my life in SL easy in the sense that I can hand over the keys to her and know this will continue.  Lacy Muircastle, long-time friend and exceptional talent in Public Relations.  She has been sincerely one of my greatest friends on SL even though we chat barely twice a month.  Recently I have had the privilege of adding some remarkable folks to the team, Therrainia who is the Commodore of the Seychelles Yacht Club as well as a very talented designer.  She has of late, stepped into meet our challenge of managing growth lending her RL expertise in graphic design and program development for our Maritime Operations.  Next is Pippa Rexen a dear friend of mine.  We go way back in SL.. 2 years... Seems like a lifetime on SL doesn't it.  Well Pippa is the owner of a RL company call "Ocean Chilled Radio" that streams Chill Music across the internet featuring new and seasoned worldwide artists in that genre.  Pippa is a great resource for me on turn around strategies as well as "roll up your sleeves and get to work" day to day functions.

I have to mention a great asset to SI is the creator of the Seychelles Coast Guard. NightDr (Jericho).  A RL vet, like me, he brought his passion and military bearing to SI that I could feel deeply proud about.  Jericho unfortunately suffered some medical setbacks which we hope he will recover soon and be back with us.

There are so many that helped shaped what and who we are today and will be many in the coming future all of which bring their own uniqueness and special charm to SI.  Some of those that have been big influences as well as friends are:

Mimi Junea
Robin Lobo
David Jupiter
Amy Ferguson
Mariella Anna
Leesa Donner
Dro Millar
Kimsy Shamen
Reign Congrejo
Esme Capello
Jolie Artis
And so many more..

Debby Sharma: Could you please tell, what does Seychelles Isles offer to the residents of Second Life?
Seychelles Isles offers the very best in Second Life living.  A Community built by its residents for its residents where every dream can come true.  Expertly landscaped residential and communal areas, glittering events, and fully sailable blue waters can all be yours at Seychelles Isles with open boating slips to dock your boat as well as low lag for some of the best flying in Second Life!

We offer live music events and other community events at our exquisite Seychelles Isles Yacht Club. Seychelles Isles Yacht Club (SIYC) Seychelles Isles Mooring Field, SIYC Entertainment Pavilion/Lawn, Seychelles Entertainment Pier, Seychelles Isles SURF BEACH, E'lan Fine Furniture and Accessories @ Seychelles Isles, Anchor & Compass Public House @ Seychelles Isles, Seychelles Isles International Airport 4 sims, Seychelles Isles Coast Guard, Scuba Diving Area @ Seychelles Isles, Seychelles Isles Garden~ (Romantic Garden).
 I had to give you our standard response with that question but simply put, we are having some good clean fun.
Photography Credits:

Debby Sharma: What was your motivation or inspiration behind creating such beautiful cultural community that caters to both residential and commercial purposes?
My motivation has been and probably always be EricaAnne Hastings and my dear friends.  I honestly spend my time balancing dreams, expectations and the bottom line. 
Balance is the operative word here.  Everyone that I have met and had the privilege to work alongside has their own interests, motivations and vision of what, where and when Seychelles Isles should and could be.  Is that primarily residential or a mix of residential, commercial and Role Play?  We are balancing that now offering to the current residents more to choose or not choose but keeping to our mission.
Photography Credits:

Debby Sharma: What are the events held at Seychelles Isles?

Events. Oh my goodness. The question should be what events haven't we had.  Here is a short list:
Hosted Feed a Smile
AC Challenge Races
Weekly Inter-club Sailing Races
Role Play for the SI Coast Guard
Live music with the Real Group and Anchor & Compass and soon Streaming Falls
Rez Day Parties
Holiday Events
and soo many more

Debby Sharma: What Plans do you have with Seychelles Isles for the year 2015?

2015 is expected to be another growth year for us.  We have a relationship with Linden Lab that allows us to be attached to the Mainland Oceans with access to over 2000 sailing and flying sims (regions).
I have our expansion plan in my back pocket and can share this without compromising to much:
Adding 37 water sims to the West and North. Adding more Island regions for residential and commercial no number determined as of yet; starting a couple of new venues that will be release this quarter; finishing a welcoming HUB for LL with a Seychelles feel. We have been selected to be one of the few estates to work with LL on this program.

Seychelles Isle

Monday, January 19, 2015


In its first official week on the grid, Antiochia made important strides towards is goal to become a noted educational, entertainment, and cultural hub in SecondLife, and to assist its partner organisations to succeed in accomplishing their own objectives. Some of the highlights are:


Yesterday, Antiochia reached an important agreement with VIRTLANTIS (, a virtual Languages Education Community active mainly in SecondLife, to work together in order to help Antiochia Scholarship Trust Scholars acquire the English language skills they need before they arrive to Canada to pursue their studies.

Sponsored by the Oxford School of English (, VIRTLANTIS has been active in SL for almost a decade and has developed a network of volunteer professionals specialising in providing, in particular, English language and culture workshops to anyone interested, free of charge. As AST Scholars will start to participate in AST's virtual home, Antiochia, they will be introduced to VIRTLANTIS members, will go through an individualised assessment period, and will then be provided with the necessary assistance to improve their English language skills, in preparation for their university studies in Canada.

This partnership marks an important step in accomplishing ASTs vision of assisting its scholars to realise their dream of pursuing their studies in Canada. The ability to form a virtual community well before their arrival here, to get to know each other, study and create together, and acquire the skills necessary for a successful study period in Canada constitutes a milestone in this process. We look forward to working together with VIRTLANTIS for a long time to come, for the benefit of all our students. To visit VIRTLANTIS, please use this SLURL:
or contact in-world Kip Yellowjacket (


Antiochia is also offering, on a weekly basis, some of the best live music in SL. Latin Guitar player Joaquin Gustav and R&B Vocalist Mihaere Shamen now appear regularly in our main venue, Forum Valentis. Please join us there next Sunday, January 25, from noon slt to 2 pm slt, when Rock and Blues dynamo Gweeb will start the party and will be followed by Joaquin Gustav and his amazing guitar.

Due to Sandia Beaumont’s great success with her piano recital on the Opening Day of the sim, we now have dedicated an APA Piano Series, where in addition to Sandia’s French Flair, you will be able to enjoy the art of pianists Tip Corbett and Zachh Cale.  

Tip Corbett (Gregory Hall in RL) has been performing weekly live concerts of classical/compositional improvisation in Second Life since March 2009.  About the "Mysteria", his classical improvisations: "For many years I have striven to develop a style of classical improvisation.  The art of improvising did not fare as well in classical as in popular and jazz musics in the last century.   I am interested in helping to revive this lost art, once practiced by the great classical composers as readily as composition itself."  Tip will be performing in Antiochia on February 1, at 11:30 am slt. Zachh Cale is also a veteran SL performer who in addition to his classical/pop mix piano selections, also has amazing vocals. More about Zach as we get closer to his performance date – March 8, at 1 pm slt. You can listen to excerpts of Tip’s music here ( and to Zach’s here ( For further details about Antiochia’s events, please consult our website’s calendar here (

Our New Website

Finally, we have just activated our community’s new website, which can be accessed here: . We hope you will find it intuitive, accessible, and informative. In addition to our events’ calendar, you will also find our pictures on our Flickr account, brief descriptions of all Antiochia partners’ activities, how to contact us both in the Real and Virtual Worlds, a fascinating history of virtual Antiochia from its origins in 5000 BC to 600 AD (the epoch the sim is situated in), as well as our community blog.  Please bookmark it and consult it often if you wish to stay informed of our entertainment and educational activities.

If you have any questions or wish to find out more information about us, our partners, and our activities, please contact in-world AlexOlteanu Unplugged or Bromo Ivory – or use the Contact Us section of our website to send us an e-mail. It will be our pleasure to get back to you within 24 hours.

Seychelles Isles January Promotion Ending Soon!

Now that the holidays are behind us and we are back enjoying our second life, it is time to grab you dream home at Seychelles Isles before the January Promotion ends.  Our lowest prices ever in the history of Seychelles with direct connection to over 2000 sailing and flying sims.  You have to grab your place quickly before they are all gone.

If you are ready to experience the Best in Second Life... come see
Mick Sporleder, therrainia or Irishgent for your personal tour.

"Where we share our dreams"

GizzA Creations Introducing the Stacey Dress- New Collection for 2015

Plaid and therefor positively geek chic are the new GizzA - Stacey dresses. The turtle neck knit sweater that flows into a tweed mini skirt is the epitome of nerd couture which continues to be highly fashionable. 

The GizzA - Stacey Dress comes in 4 classic plaid and solid patterns.

A demo is available in the main store to try before purchase.

GizzA Mainstore:

Gizza Outlet : 
More than thousand new outfits recently added in the outlet store

GizzA Creations / Owner & Creator
Giz Seorn 

GizzA Creations / Owner
Auster Elan

Sunday, January 18, 2015

From BDSM Exploration to Becoming a Mistress- Becca Drascol Reporting…

When you think BDSM you think hardcore, whips and chains, and a strict Mistress or Master. Don’t you? Well not with this girl.  It was around a year ago when my real life husband and I decided to explore BDSM within our real life marriage as well as in our SL.  Now to best explain how one goes from exploring BDSM to becoming a mistress, I must first relate that my hubby and I are currently living apart but are happily married.  In our separation from each other we chose to revisit playing second life as a way to be closer to each other.  We began to explore the things we liked about BDSM and took those experiences quickly to SL.  It was around this time that my hubby brought up the idea of me being a mistress.  Taking on pets and not slaves.  Slaves being more common in most Domme/Sub relationships.  After a lot of discussion I was quite enthused and aroused by the idea.  I found in our personal exploration that I quite enjoyed the control aspect of domination.  I too enjoyed the type of adoration and love I was receiving from my own husband via our Sub/Domme relationship.  It was very much so not only a new but exciting experience to live, to be called his queen, his mistress and other pet names a sub has for their dominant.  To say the least I was hooked. 

Our love and adoration of each other was always and still is a very strong bond.  And yet I feel we were quick to find a rush of sorts in becoming new roles to one another.  We began to live our day to day lives with my husband as my pet, me, his mistress.  It started slow, as role plays and learning what we wanted to do and try.  Learning about BDSM in general as well.  Then we began to branch out and to visit SIMS that were of the BDSM nature.  I had changed my display name to “Mistress Sex Kitten,” a loving pet name from my husband.  And with that small seemingly unimportant change, I was viewed differently within SL.  Those who were deep into their roles as subs would automatically show me a respect that comes with that title of “mistress.”  Some would kneel, others would simply be close and take the time to either admire me, or to message me and say something simple but respectful.  This was of course an upside to this new title I had chosen.  And for a very long while within the first few months or more there was only one small downside I had found to being a mistress within second life.  That being the constant requests to take someone as my slave after only a, “Hello. How are ya?”

Okay so there were some things to feel were nagging and even some that were lacking.  Then we come to what was lacking.  True that my husband and I were indeed exploring our relationship as sub/Domme outside of SL, we had not fully explored it within SL. I did want subs, but not in the form of what I felt was not a good mix for me of a slave and myself mistress, but instead a closer more loving bond of pet and mistress.  A pet being someone I could get to know, care about even.  Be loving and kind with while still within the roles of sub/Domme.  Needless to say my searching was a harder effort than it would seem it needed to be.

I had allowed some to become my pet.  I had explained that I myself was a mistress like no other they would meet and the role they would take on as my pet.  And thus I opened a new part of SL and began to explore this, with my hubby at my side ever so adoringly.  However for each that I took on as pet, each became unhappy for their own reasons.  A part of me felt I had failed.  I felt that perhaps I should have left this “being a mistress,” unexplored within SL.  That perhaps being the softer, loving Domme, I did not fit in and therefore, was making my pets run.  What was a girl to do? I still wished to be Domme, and to have pets.  I still longed to explore all that hubby and I had discussed.  But with no pets I felt lost and even got to the point of being sidetracked to other ventures.

A mistress with no pet, was what?  A girl with a title.  Simply put yes.  I still got the respect of subs as a mistress, still received requests to be someone’s Domme, yes.   For a while I took none on. I was truly discouraged.  Then one day during our role plays, I said to my husband, “Why not be my pet in SL?” His reply wasn’t what one would think.  “I guess so.”  It wasn’t that he did not wish to be my pet.  He wasn’t being defiant as my sub.  I think the idea had not quite set in yet.  We talked.  And after a very open conversation we had come to the conclusion to be one of many things to each other in SL.  And now…him my pet.  This in-world sub/Domme relationship has only heightened our bond, perhaps even strengthened our marriage.

We continue to explore new places that happen to be a BDSM haunt so to speak.  I still have many requests to be the mistress of others.  But this is my story of becoming his mistress and exploring my path to learning as a mistress.  I no longer feel I failed as a mistress, or am a misfit in this world of BDSM.  I have obtained my own comfort amongst this lifestyle and with it my own respect of becoming who I am.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Getting Swept Away at Sweethearts by Ccoursey….

            Sweethearts Jazz Club lives up to its name.  Shannon Bramlington and Blake Hambleton run Sweethearts as a business, but with heads in the clouds.  Inspired by her real life dreams Shannon is a true romantic, every column, every perfectly textured table cloth, ever rose placed among the scenery are inspirations of romance.  She and Blake together in SL and RL, set out to make dreams happen.  From budding romances to renewing sparks, Sweethearts Jazz is a stirring environment for romance.  

            With over five years on the grid and the word of mouth, Sweethearts Jazz is a well-known formal venue.  2013, they swept the avi choice awards with seven nominations they carried home four titles:  Favorite Group, Favorite Jazz Club, Favorite DJ, and Favorite Host.  You may question how one club made such an impression, then you need to visit.  The hosts are friendly, welcoming, and able to keep a comfortable conversation flowing in local chat.  They don’t do this alone, although they are wonderful, I’ve found even at the oddest hours that guests are just as laid back and chatty.  I’ve witnessed avi’s of all ages, new and old, some time and again visiting Sweethearts Jazz.  According to Blake Hambleton this is exactly what Sweethearts Jazz is.

            “Sweethearts is the most fun you can have without leaving your chair and the actual room you're in, in the house.  The folks here are down to earth, friendly, ACCEPTING above all and tolerant of others differences and if you're looking for a place to call home....we've always got room for you.”

            There is a dress code within Sweethearts: Formal.  However, if you come unprepared there are plenty of options on the sim. From the famous Azul to the enticing Naughty & Nice, shops are as well put together as the club itself.  The shops are elegant with a variety of designs and options.  Shannon Bramlington decorated and built everything with a careful eye on details.

            Looking for a place to watch the action, maybe role play with your own sweetheart?  She offers that as well.  On the balcony patio you can find elegant tables set out so you can cam around or conduct your date with a touch of privacy.  Looking for an elegant background for a picture of yourself or a classic couple shot?  She has many hidden angles.  It is amazing what camming around will find you, the moon in the roof was completely unexpected, yet cute surprise. 

            Another surprise I found was the ability to find the romance everywhere you looked. Red Patton, the dj manager, brings that point to life in her profile.  She found the man of her life, even challenges one to come find their own.  She spared a moment to talk to me and share the secret of finding the awesome dj’s. 

“We look for a good voice, great music and a awesome personality that can get along with our guests, and most of all likes to have fun!!”

            I asked how she would introduce someone who had never been to Sweethearts.
            “I recommend it to them and let them know that it is a very friendly place to be,  the people that come here are very nice, and the staff is awesome always ready to  lend a hand if they can.”
            I couldn’t possibly write an article or go to Sweethearts Jazz without meeting another of their most famous personalities, Auntie Lockjaw.  Radiating a fun personality, she was a pleasure to talk with.  As General Manager, she is considered “in the know”, so I asked her as well how one would introduce Sweethearts Jazz.

            “Sweethearts is more than a club. It is a home away from home for many of our guests. Here they can relax and listen to music, Chat with friends, or dance.”
            I do believe the level of comfort here is equal to that some would feel at their own homes with the way conversation eases from the harsh work week into the discussion of easy music.  Talking to Ty Reeee, that exact sentiment was expressed.

            “We are a romantic venue… with a very helpful staff.  We are a PG sim so that the atmosphere is very normal and well controlled… As far as being a new person here if there is any questions they would have, they are more than welcome to ask.  (We) would try very hard to make them feel comfortable and help introduce them so they feel at home.”  

            Sweethearts is not just a club, nor just a place for romance, it is a place that makes girl’s dreams of winning a pageant, being crowned, being recognized as a Sweetheart among the population happen.  Well known is their Ms. Sweethearts competition.  With over thirty rules, up to a hundred contestants, and plenty of spectators the girls of Sweethearts compete to carry the crown and become the next Ms. Sweetheart.  The Ms. Sweetheart is expected to be a woman of grace, class, poise, and elegance, showing only her best among Second Life during her three month reign.  For over a month women have signed up, displaying their pictures and biographies to be voted on among the guests of Sweethearts Jazz, with Sweetheart days allowing them to compete for small prizes throughout, the amount of general public votes will narrow down to only five. 

Voting is expected to wrap up this month, narrowing it down to the final five.  These five will then compete in the final pageant, answering questions before judges and audience of why they would make the best choice to be the next Ms. Sweethearts.  Kennedy Fairlane stepped up to be the current Ms. Sweetheart.  Kennedy was wonderful to talk to when I had the opportunity before; I can understand why she carries the title.  To all the current contestants I wish luck. 

            Sweethearts Jazz has its many facets, including charity work.  Each year Sweethearts Jazz is involved with at least three charities: The American Alzheimers Association Charity Fundraiser, Relay For Life, and their Parkinson’s Fundraiser.  They also have a competition every year among their hosts and hostesses called Hosting Heroes.  They compete against each other in various hosting activities and the winner/s donate their linden prize to the charity of their choice in Second Life.   This month with a tentative date of January 27th, is the ALZ event which is Creations for Parkinson’s.  With their yearly charity events Sweethearts is looking to make a difference in the lives of the people of Second Life as well as those less fortunate outside of Second Life.

            I recommend visiting Sweethearts for the romantic atmosphere, plus at the moment you could make a difference in so many ways to someone.  Voting is open, the Ms. Sweetheart Final Five is close at hand and you could help decide who makes it.  The ALZ should be fun and exciting and it is always a good feeling to do something charitable. 

            Elita Wardell Parx, 2013 Avi Choice award winning hostess, invites you.
            “Welcome to Sweethearts.  I really hope you enjoy your stay with us and please make yourself at home.....if you need anything at all just ask.”


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