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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

GÄ°ZZA Sidney Blazer Set V2!

Upon request, Sydney Blaze Set Maitreya and Slink version out!
Only for the Maitreya - Slink Original - Slink Hourglass mesh Bodies... 
You can find standard sizes in our store and marketplace..

Monday, July 18, 2016

A Sane Lunatic Just Rambling about the World and its Increasing Ludicrousy

We live in a world controlled by technology. There are over 7 billion people on this earth; about 6.5 billion have a cell phone glued to their hand or in reaching distance. Now with the Pokémon craze, many have found a new reason to be more entranced by their handheld devices. I speculate more trips to the ER with injuries related to not paying attention in public, the divorce rate will jump another 15% and within 5 years babies will be born with a genetic disposition to anti socialism. That is assuming people will have actual sex for conception purposes.  Some people just don’t have the time for the kids they have or the donor of  the genes they need to reproduce. Call me crazy rightfully so but am I making enough sense to at least land a job at a local Walmart as a greeter?

Anyway, why bother even looking up from a screen anymore when all forms of communication are taking over old fashion face to face engagement?

We’ve become a society bored with each other and more self centered.  If we took a look at our Facebook feed we can tell who had what for breakfast, lunch and or dinner, stupid meme’s about life goals people don’t even follow, opinions about the mundane and just stupid selfies with the shameless duck face. Some have even mastered the perfect camera angle to eliminate double chins and all the rolls they have accumulated since the last time anyone seen them in public. Nothing seems to be real anymore. Most seem to trudge through life molding perceptions about themselves but not even owning up to their own reality.

The SL Enquirer sat down with a rambling lunatic to talk about the world through the eyes of the utterly deranged and for the love of humanity I make more sense than a person not loaded with medication.

What the FUDGE is going on around here? I have no flipping clue but who cares anyway? It has been approximately 15 hours since I’ve lifted my head from my phone to even absorbed the chaos that swirls around me. I may be wearing the same clothes for the past week, hardly had any sleep but I sure love the life I live. At least I think so, ask me that when I’m off meds and I might break down crying because it is my crutch. Or maybe I just can’t help the way my emotions change from hot and cold.

There really is no main objective to this article. I was asked to ramble on the record so I’m seizing the moment while I have at least one person’s attention.

If I was normal, I’d work all day for someone else and their unrealistic expectations, enjoy 2 breaks and a half hour lunch. My back would hurts and the corns on my feet will grow by the day in these damn shoes. Besides that, I’ll have no time to sit on my ass for a second to even check my calls, personal emails, Oh yeah or even spend quality time with my family.  Right now, I choose to ramble to the masses and get everything off my sloppy hairy chest because I’ve been given this monumental opportunity. I love the SL Enquirer and all that it stands for. It gives anyone a voice that is willing to take advantage of it. By you reading this is served a purpose. I just either wasted your time or made you reflect on your own life. 

That is more than I can say about those who share their thoughts in character limited posts on social media just waiting for someone to like or comment on it. I could give a blind flying nun on a broomstick what anyone thinks but it sure felt good to just ramble about the world and the decline of intelligence.

 That leaves me with one question for you. How do you see the world?

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Celebrating 12 Years of Raising Funds for Cancer Research

Thousands of Second Life Residents from all across the real globe joined together on July 16 and 17 for the 12th Relay Weekend of Relay For Life of Second Life and celebrate.

“It’s incredible to see how this Relay has grown over the last 12 years,” said Stingray Raymaker, American Cancer Society staff partner. “That first year, 2005, there were 315 Avatars walking the track to bring attention to the importance of cancer research. This year more than 3,000 will take to the track. We have become the largest fundraiser in SL and other virtual worlds.”

Relay Weekend kicked off at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 16 and featured 24 hours of themed laps, activities and entertainment. The weekend wrapped up with a massive party at 1 p.m. PDT Sunday, July 17.

For those who could not be at the Relay sims, they tuned in to T1 Radio, at, which  aired the festivities through Relay Weekend.

“Our 2016 season has brought about outreach like no other season” Said Random Padar - Darrow, 2016 Event Chair. “We have over 60 new teams this year.  At every team event we have seen more and more new faces.  I am thrilled that our Relay Weekend is almost here!  We will begin with an opening ceremony beginning at 10am on July 16th, followed by our Honor Lap for our survivors and caregivers to walk proudly. At 9pm we will hold our always inspiring and touching Luminaria ceremony.  As I walk through our sims this year I see some amazing builds!  Team campsites along with special designer sims will compete for awards that display cancer education and theme inspired builds.  Once Upon A Cure season will go down in the history books as one which was filled with stories from our passionate Relayers, while working to write the end of the story!”

Relay For Life of Second Life is an annual activity that takes place in Second Life in July each year. Volunteers form or join teams to have fun while fundraising and raising awareness from March through mid-July. In July, teams build campsites and walk a track, just like in a real world Relay.  Over the last eleven years, Relay For Life of Second Life has raised almost $3 million for cancer research and is the largest charity event in the virtual worlds. Several thousand volunteers from more than 80 countries participate each year, truly making it a global event.

There are many ways to get involved in Relay For Life of Second Life and another way to show your support is through sponsorships. Relay For Life of Second Life is proud to have the following as premier sponsors:  RGF Estates, Rockliffe University, Sol Existence and Runestone and other sponsorships are available; please contact the Cathy10 Longoria, Sponsorship Lead or Random Padar, Event Chair for more details.

Keep up with the news on Relay For Life of Second Life through it’s website, Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr pages:

Friday, July 15, 2016

THEFT AND FRAUD IN SECOND LIFE-Scripts that Steal - Dean Lawson Reporting

Have you ever rezzed an object and received the message “Object wants access to take money from your Linden Dollar account. If you allow, this it can take any or all of your money from you at any time with no further warning or request.”?

The obvious response would be to deny this request but Second Life isn’t always a place where logic prevails and, for new users who learn to navigate through this virtual world by clicking to see what happens, it leaves one wondering why Linden Labs would permit Second Life vendors to use such a shady script.

When I asked about this script on the Firestorm English Support chat line I received the following responses;

Robo™ (robert0.siamendes): dean, you can find that script in the LSL wiki site


Gena S. Wilberg (genafosters): (FS64 4.7.7v os) it is a standard script Dean used by every vender I think outside of MP or at least very popular

When I asked about this script in the Builder’s Brewery chat line I received the following responses.


Pavl Duke: sadly any script you give permission_debit to can indeed continue to take your money while the object is rezzed


Erin Rose (nonspecific): There are also bogus "gift cards" that do the same thing


Vιɳƈҽ ™ (vincestriker): Once a script has the PERMISSION_DEBIT permission it can empty an account of L$.
Fraud & theft are both LL Terms of Service violations and crimes. Misuse this function and you risk being banned and legal action. In addition LL may freeze the accounts of anyone the money is transferred to and restore it to its rightful owners. This may involve retrieving it from third party exchanges and accounts on those exchanges being frozen. The system is not designed to be friendly towards fraud.

It was also recommended by members of Builder’s Brewery that I review the following links.

In addition to the previous chat line responses, I was also contacted for private conversations with SL Residents who had negative experiences with the script.


 Whispr εжз (whispr.xue): Hi Dean... I did just get this script when I bought some ice skates off of Abranimations website... it was attached to a affiliate vendor rezzing

Dean Lawson (deanlawson): Did you lose lindens as a result of this script?

Whispr εжз (whispr.xue): no... I didn't rez the vendor... I had clicked to "add all" that was in the folder. It was in both the free skates: and the pay version:

When I asked if this incident was reported to linden labs I received the following response.

Whispr εжз (whispr.xue): Not yet, I am waiting to hear back from Abranimations regarding it. I know Abranimations is a reputable vendor, and that they would not put any such scripting in. If Abranimations did not put it into their affiliate Vendor... then it is likely there was a dormant script put in by whoever created the vendors, or somehow it was hijacked

When I asked Firestorm Support if it was possible that the script might be placed in an object without the vendor’s knowledge I received this reply;


Robo™ (robert0.siamendes): dean, this script has been in existence for a long time... idk how the script can be embedded in the object unless the creator foolishly did the wrong permission for that object... Also there have been in the past where scammers placed an invisible object in front of the legit objects with that script in it

SL Resident tom45434 added this to the conversation;


tom45434: I have firsthand experience with those types of malicious scripts

Dean Lawson (deanlawson): Did you lose lindens as a result of this experience?

tom45434: it’s been happening very often everywhere in SL from stores/shops/gacha places breedables everywhere....yes I did, but not as a bad as some of my other friends

Dean Lawson (deanlawson): How many lindens did you lose?

tom45434: about 5000. My friends lost nearly 200k together

Dean Lawson (deanlawson): Did you or your friends report this to linden labs?

tom45434: yes instantly, and then they got the linden back within a few hours

 Dean Lawson (deanlawson): Do you know if linden labs is doing anything to track down the creator of this script?

tom45434: yes they are, but it seems rather impossible as it’s a new avatar each time it’s done I counted about 400 different alts so far each getting banned rather quickly, also the script itself is a rather easy script to make and a lot of people could make it within 15-20 minutes

Dean Lawson (deanlawson): Would it be futile to publish the name of the creator of this script to try and warn other SL Residents?

tom45434: yes as the creators of the script only last in second life for a matter of hours or sometimes 10 hours at max

Dean Lawson (deanlawson): If the creator of the script has their account deleted, where does the money go when it is extracted from someone's account?

tom45434: the money is frozen in the database till linden labs investigates where it all came from then it’s returned to the rightful owners

Dean Lawson (deanlawson): It doesn't seem like a very lucrative scam for the creator of this script, why do they create new accounts?

tom45434: they create new accounts to get past the bans that people do when they are found out, most people when the money is stolen from them don't report it so this is how they get the money and sometimes it’s never investigated till someone does report it. Also, they target any place that has products like "gift cards" and things that actually do require debit permissions and they copy the exact product down to the script name. But the only true way to prevent this type of malicious scripts is to "ALWAYS" check the creator of the object ""BEFORE"" clicking accept on the debit permissions it will not take the money till its accepted, some objects require debit permissions in order to work, but always verify the creator is the true creator first, even if it does look exactly like a true product

Dean Lawson (deanlawson): Is it possible that the creator of this script uses an account that is paid by the alt accounts that are being used to create the script? In other words, I create account 1 then I create account 2 and use account 2 to perform this scam until I get caught, while transferring the stolen lindens to account 1 which I use to convert lindens into real dollars. Do you think this might be the manner by which the creator of the script extracts money from SL, if so, what can Linden Labs do to track down this person?

tom45434: yes its possible they are doing this im pretty sure they are using this tactic right now, but the way linden lab prevents this issue is there’s a 3 day delay on Linden$ to real life money but in order for them to prevent this from happening always, check the creator first before accepting debit permissions, and if it does happen by accident then file a abuse report ASAP under Help/Report Abuse/ Select category "Fraud > L$ Or USD$ and remember to put the name of that creator of that malicious script into the "Abuser name:" and give as much details as possible. If it can be caught (Abuse Report Filed) before the 3 days are up then it can be reversed. Linden labs can track it down through all of the Alt accounts they send it to

Dean Lawson (deanlawson): thanks for answering my questions Tom, is there anything else you would like the readers of this article to know regarding this issue?

tom45434: yes one more thing to state, this is for large companies here in SL, if these scammers want to target those companies they will create a chain of these scams to steal the linden then they "Gift" those funds that were stolen to that main business account of the company that they are targeting, when someone reports the stolen linden along the way all accounts get put on Admin Hold including that innocent business account simply because that scammer didn't like them, the best thing for these business owners to do if they receive a Error logging in "Your Account has been put on Admin hold" Call Linden Labs ASAP and also log into a Alt of theirs and file a Abuse Report to Appeal this Admin Hold as they had nothing to do with it

When I asked Firestorm Support how to report such an incident I received this reply;


 Jeanie Jupiter: (FS 4.7.7f) Help>Report abuse...  include the transaction details

While it seems to be common sense to refuse access to any script that seems untrustworthy it might also be prudent for Linden Labs to show more than just a “buyer beware” attitude and to crack down on fraudulent scripts and SL Residents who use the virtual world to grift a living. Allowing untrustworthy scripts to victimize Second Life shoppers might discourage commerce and trade, just as street criminals can discourage tourism. As someone who is relatively new to Second Life there is a lot about scripts and the business of Linden transactions that I may have overlooked, so I encourage anyone who reads this article to share their opinion and experiences on this subject by leaving your comments or contacting me directly.

Dean Lawson

SL Enquirer

Apps and Virtual Reality: The Future of "Second Life"

When you think of a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game, you probably think of "World of Warcraft" or "Elder Scrolls Online." What you may not automatically think of, though, is "Second Life." This is not a game per say, but more like a virtual world. Users can interact with other players and build houses or even whole towns in a 3-D space by using open source tools. With just under 1 million users, this game is one of the most popular in the MMO space, so here's a deeper look into this online world:

What makes "Second Life" unique compared to other MMOs is that there isn’t a game component. There aren’t quests to finish or enemies to kill. Instead it is all about building a virtual life and interacting with those around you. In this online community, you can find like-minded people and interact with them in a different way than a purely text-based forum can provide.
As of yet, there isn't a first-party way for users to log into "Second Life" through a mobile app made by Linden Lab. However, because so much of the technology behind the game is open source, independent developers have created apps that give you varying levels of access to the world. Here are just a few:
·         Lumiya: This is one of the largest of the third-party apps for accessing "Second Life." Originally, the app was designed to run on devices in the generation of the Galaxy S3. However, it is still available in the Google Play Store and is still supported on newer Android phones like the Galaxy S6. And, because the hardware has gotten considerably better, the performance of the app is even smoother. Priced at just under $3.00, it puts it in reach if you want basic functionality, such as chatting with friends and managing inventory.
·         Mobile Grid Client: This app is another Android-based app that gives you many of the same features as Lumiya. Mobile Grid Client strives to be extremely lightweight by keeping data consumption rates low. Whereas Lumiya gives you a 3-D representation of your character, Mobile Grid uses a top-down map that lets you see yourself relative to your surroundings and other players without being data intensive. The trade off with Mobile Grid Client is cost, though. After a 14-day free trial, you can unlock a standard or pro version for L$250 or L$450 per month, respectively. These are priced using "Second Life’s" internal currency, which roughly translates to between $1-2 per month depending on the exchange rates.
·         Pocket Metaverse: If you are a "Second Life" user on iPhone, then Pocket Metaverse is the place to go. This is another top-down style app rather than one that simulates the actual look of the game. Pocket Metaverse has designed its interface to be as close to the iPhone's design as possible, which makes it easy for you to understand how each tool works.

With VR technology becoming more popular and affordable, there may be a resurgence in "Second Life." Because so much of the appeal of "Second Life" came from the world building and community rather than fighting, this is a perfect place for VR. With VR technology, "Second Life" could truly become a place where communities interact with each other.

T-Mobile Article

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Polyamory; Free Love in a New Age

Polyamory is a lifestyle which consists of trust and personal freedom. Without those traits, this lifestyle would seize to exist.
In Second Life true Poly couples are hard to find. They do not scout the grid for random sexual encounters and one night stands, or approach just anyone to enter their beds.  In fact, sex isn’t really the main agenda. Seeking like-minded individuals is the goal but it can be a challenge.

 Most people are into a traditional or even non traditional monogamous relationship, yet cheating and jealousy seem to create the most issues for them. Have you ever wondered why people cheat on their partners, even if they love them? In fact, 50% of marriages fail today. It isn’t always because of financial reasons, inability to fight fair, control, abuse, or other things that cause damage to a union.  Quite frankly, it is because people changed.  Boredom and or new found independence makes people seek something new to stimulate them.  That goes for anything from new hobbies, jobs, movies, books, cars, houses, change of environment, personal style, a new haircut- just about anything.
Keeping things fresh and exciting in a relationship is important but even then, some people just want or need new experiences.  This has only intensified through the years thanks to internet and social media. We all have the ability to find those special interests we don’t find in our local community or in our own home.
Why do you think   more people are choosing a Poly Lifestyle?
The answer is simple. Humans were not born with a limit on whom they fall in love with or who they become attracted to when they begin to experience attraction.  Manmade rules are what govern how we should commit to others and even act.  Just like government and religion was created to contain some form of civilization and order. There has to be a way to contain the madness right?

With scandals in the church and government getting out of control, it lessens the respect people have for order. Social norms, a belief system, upbringing and other environmental contributors are factors which form how we perceive things should be in our lives.
 But is that how it should be in this day and age? It seems those who chose their own path are seen as different or rebels. Why can’t people just see it as individualism?
 We are all different.  How can we all fit the same mold of what society THINKS is “normal”?  We all have our own needs, wants and desires. How can they all be fulfilled by one person or even put into one set of rules for all to abide by?

Many go through life thinking they are happy with the person they chose to be with. Others settle even further. Some are unhappy but don’t know how to express what they really want or are afraid of what others will think of them if they decide on a certain lifestyle or even express their inner desires.
 What truly makes a person happy? Or should the word be content?  Should a person settle and just go through life secretly thinking about what they really want?
How is that living?
Or worse yet, looking back at life wishing they would have made different decisions when it is too late. Nobody wants to live their golden years with regrets and missed opportunities for a better quality of life.

Those who practice poly believe that everyone has the right to be free to find their own happiness. They support each other, love unconditionally without judgment and for the most part feel more fulfilled in their own lives.
 It doesn’t mean polyamorists love any less. It is quite the opposite. They love more and worry less.  All the issues that can cause a relationship to fall apart such as cheating and jealousy are the least of their worries.  However, some form of communication and agreements need to be put in place to ensure all parties involved understand what they are getting into.

Swingers and Polyamorists should not be confused as the same things. Swingers are couples who agree to swap with other couples, have rules yet they remain loyal to each other. Polyamorists on the other hand can have multiple partners/lovers without restrictions or loyalty to just one.

Imagine living life with the people you choose to love and who love you, without being judged for your preferences. You could love freely and explore your sexuality. That is Poly.
These types of relationships can only become complicated when people are not honest with themselves or others, irresponsible or disrespectful.  For example, participants having unrealistic expectations of partners by creating rules or causing problems, because they want to suddenly become monogamous.  

 In order for this lifestyle to work, everyone involved needs to lay the cards on the table and agree to the freedoms of Polyamorists. If you are unsure, then do not get involved in the lifestyle.

 Safety should be first in the discussion.   By taking the initiative to protect yourself by practicing safe sex is very important to avoid sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.  Also, if you are not comfortable with a partner it is best to not engage in situations with them. Do not do things just to make other people happy. Do what makes YOU happy first.
The whole point is being true to yourself and to others about what you want in a Polyamorists lifestyle and being respectful not to impose on others.

People who are quick to judge polyamorists for the lifestyle they choose are usually the biggest hypocrites. No one is perfect and just because you choose a lifestyle that does not fit the norms of someone else, doesn’t make what you do wrong.

It is all about personal preference. The world would be a better place is everyone looked within themselves, rather than looking for faults or reason to judge someone else. The phrase “Mind your own business of it does not directly affect you” comes to mind.
Take a good look around you. Observe the couples you know. Evaluate your own situation and make a decision that best suits what you want out of your life and go for what will enhance your quality of living. Surrounding yourself with people who support and love you for you is what matters the most.

Don’t settle. You only live once. Start by nurturing your personal freedom and if monogamy suits you best- stick with what works for you and your partner.

-J. Fiertze

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS at Origen’s Chinese Playhouse July 13th at 7 pm SLT

A Starlite Dancers Production
Produced and Choreographed by Isabelle Mavendorf
July 13th at 7 pm SLT

Come and enjoy all the music, the dancing, and the fun of this offbeat musical comedy about a nerdy florist who finds his chance for success and romance with the help of a giant man-eating plant who demands to be fed and is bent on world domination.

If you missed this Broadway show in real life, now is your chance to see it in Second Life at Origen’s fabulous Chinese Playhouse on Hollywood Blvd.

Dress code: Formal or cocktail.

Contact: Origen Resident

Group: Hollywood Ballroom & Theater

Little things can make all the difference - Lacy Muircastle reporting...

In general communication is a means of connecting people or places.   We all know that good communication is a bedrock of a successful relationship, whether it’s a positive parent-child bond, the first few days of a new friendship, or the start of a budding romance, and it undoubtedly goes for both business and personal Second Life relationships too.
Misunderstandings in Second Life are two a penny.  It’s my contention that it’s because we cannot see one another’s body language and in many cases we cannot hear the intonation in the other party’s voice.  Without good communication Second Life can be difficult to deal with, but little things can make all the difference.

You may think that you have the basics of good communication mastered — you listen, you share appropriately, you seek clarification on points you do not understand.  However, there are certain errors in communication that we may make on a regular basis without even knowing it. Taking your Second Life interpersonal connections to the next level entails becoming aware of such mistakes and taking care to avoid them.
One of the most common communication pitfalls is our tendency to draw comparisons. In many situations, it’s entirely appropriate to compare two or more items or situations. For instance, at work, you may describe a piece of software as being “harder to use” or “nicer to look at” than a previous version. That’s fine, such comparisons help other people. However, comparisons are not always so harmless in personal relationships.

Why? Simply put, when you make a comparison, you are making a judgement. An obvious example is the comparisons that parents sometimes make between children. We all know that hearing “Why can’t you be as smart/tidy/nice as your sister/brother?” is only going to damage a child’s self-esteem. However, it’s important to watch out for so-called “good” comparisons too.
Whenever you make a judgement, someone usually comes out feeling like a loser, even if your intentions are positive. For instance, if you attempt to compliment someone by telling them that they look like a particular celebrity, you are implying that they are not an attractive person in their own right. Rather, they are only worthy of attention because they happen to resemble someone else. To take another example, let’s say that you are a piano teacher who tells one of their students, “Keep practicing, and one day you could be as good as my best student!” This may seem encouraging initially, but just as in the previous example, such a comparison detracts from the innate worth and value of whoever is subject to it.

Often, when we make comparisons, we secretly wish someone could or would be different. This is a losing battle because getting other people to change, especially if they do not want to change themselves, can be extremely difficult. Instead, it is often more fruitful to take one of the following two approaches.
First, the best tactic is to work on appreciating and accepting the other person for what and who they already are. This may be tricky at first, but keep reminding yourself of what you like about this person and what joy they bring to your life and you’ll be halfway there. It is better to praise and compliment someone based on who and what they are right now than to express, subtly or not, that they would be better if only they would change.
The second strategy is to be a role model. For example, if you would like your friend to be more outgoing and to take the initiative when planning social outings, why not aim to develop these qualities in yourself? We tend to imitate those we respect, so if you have a strong relationship with someone, modelling positive behaviours can encourage positive change.
However you tackle the situation, remember to cut down on those comparisons!