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Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

Saturday, April 30, 2016

GeekSpeak - nanobots, do we want them to fix everything in our bodies?

Nanotech is rapidly advancing.  Soon we will have nanobots in our bodies, fixing them, controlling them.  We will have 200 year lifespans, nanobot created organs, new genes.  Do we want that?  Will all human diversity be destroyed and everyone become the nanobot version of the ideal human?  Will they gradually replace every human organ?  Will they put a stop to all human evolution?  Will we all turn into grey goo?

Or do you see nanobots as good and helpful and not frightening at all?  Or maybe you just don't think there will ever be nanobots in human bodies.

Come and discuss the future of nanobots and the human body in GeekSpeak.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Geek Speak SL: If (or when?) Second Life disappears what will you do? Discussion March 5th at 12pm SLT

 Strong communities have formed in SL, people who would never have found each other in RL have become good friends in SL.  Some of us, for various reasons, find meeting people and enjoying life easier in SL than in RL. 

 What will happen to us as SL residents when Second Life is replaced by Project Sansar or when LL goes bankrupt?  Will you give up living in a virtual world and return to RL?

Or will you move to another virtual world?  Will that feel like moving to another country, or another universe, where all the rules are different? Will SL communities form again in other worlds?  Will you be the same person?  Is it time for a 'universal avatar' so that you can always be the same person in any world?  Should we start preparing now for the end of SL?  How would we prepare?  By making mailing lists?

Come and talk to us about the first great virtual refugee crisis on the internet.

Join host Erik Goff for a discussion on these questions.

Geek Speak is a science and technology discussion platform where residents across the grid can join in on a variety of topics every week!

Your spaceship awaits:

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Windows 10 and Second Life: A Match Made In Heaven? - Mackenzie Abbot Reporting

As you may or may not know from reading my personal blogs, I’ve been testing out Windows 10 after it downloaded on Thursday, the 30th of August (a day after it said it would).
So far, everything is still hunky dorey in my computing life.  My experience with Second Life hasn’t changed.  I’m still busy beavering away at the Second Life Enquirer, chasing up and writing articles and trying to keep Lanai sober enough to pay me for past work.  A lot of people have been a bit weary about upgrading to WX (as I like to call it) for a variety of reasons; in my experience, a lot of this stems around “will it work with my hardware?”, “Will it work with my drivers or will i need new ones?” and, of course “Will it work with SL?”
In my case, the answers are “yes, yes it’ll work with your existing setup and yes again” in that order.
I’ve tested it out on several viewers, including Firestorm (See video below), Catznip and Linden Labs own viewer and they all work as they should with no noticeable difference.

Video Player Another big concern, particularly among the DJ circles, is “Will SAM Broadcaster work on it?”
Well there have been cries of “NOOOO! it doesn't work on Windows 10! Windows 10 sucks ass!!!”
The reason behind this is the use of cracked or nulled versions of SAM.  Unless you have a legitimate copy with a legitimate serial, you’re going to run into problems.  I’m not going to judge or preach about piracy having used cracked copies myself until last Christmas, when my other half bought me a legit copy.  Again, in my experience, version 2014.7 works absolutely fine (see image below)
ScreenHunter_03 Aug. 01 16.49

Since upgrading to WX, I’ve noticed a few improvements in speed (unusual considering i have an i3 core processor and 10GB of RAM).  Things open a lot quicker and run smoother.  I’ve also noticed the distinct lack of “xxx has stopped responding” messages which, as I’m sure you’ll agree, is a huge plus.  However, there is something I can’t quite work out.  The audio from my USB headphones seem’s clearer, despite no changes to the driver itself.
But, by far, the biggest surprise for me was the speed of Microsoft Edge, the replacement for Internet Explorer.  By golly, that bitch moves!  It equals the speed of loading the BBC News website ( by milliseconds, there really is very little noticeable difference.  It’s like “POW!” and the website has loaded.  Microsoft seem to have finally come screaming into the 21ts century and developed the ideal Internet Explorer which is fast, slimmed down and instantly likeable to Chrome heathens like myself; something they should have done maybe 5 years ago.  Downloads now compare to Chrome in speed as well, downloading in seconds rather than days.
This article is by no means definitive and thorough, as you can see i’ve not even scratched the surface, but after all the kerfuffle of Windows 8 then 8.1, MS seem to have, at last, rejoined the world of enjoyable computing.  If you’re still unsure, back up your current setup, upgrade to WX (hey, it’s free after all) and then have a play.  Don’t like it?  Roll it back.  MS make this very easy to do and will still respect you in the morning.  You really do have nothing to lose except a few hours.
And it can’t be that bad surely?

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Monthly Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI)- Let's Discuss Pluto! Meeting July 26th 10 am SLT

Pluto- image retrieved from

About Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI)

Many SL projects involve collaborating, and ASCI's mission includes fostering such artistic collaborations. ASCI hopes to provide a place for artists, builders, scripter and animators who are collaborating, or wish to collaborate, to meet and discuss their projects with entrepreneurs, educators, scientists and technologists who have projects they want to realize in SL. The larger mission of ASCI is nurturing the intersection of art, science, technology, and the humanities.

ASCI will be meeting in the Quat Gallery on the last Sunday of each month, at 10 am SLT.
Join the ASCI Group (it's free) to receive notices about our SL meetings.

Teleport Here:

Topics for discussion: July 26th 10 am SLT

 * * *
Should we fear space aliens?
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Ancient Egyptian gods found on Rosetta Stone comet?
 * * *
If we have time:

Do we explore because we're human, or because we're animals?
 * * *
Pentaquark discovered?
 * * *
Black hole emission?
 * * *
Apollo 11 anniversary:

 * * *
We hope you can stop by to join the fun and share your Metaverse experiences, along with your virtual gaming, computer geek adventures, cyber art projects, and dorkbot stories. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

SL 2.0 - FUD for thought (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt!) -- Gatz Inoue Martian reporting

SL 2.0 is coming

Someday soon we might log into our beloved virtual world and see something like this on the login screen of our viewer:

PRESS RELEASE - Linden Labs today announced that it will be shutting down the virtual world service known as Second Life.  This will mark the opening of Second Life 2.0, the company's new virtual world….

And so it goes...but for many of us the loss of Second Life isn’t simply the loss of a game like World of Warcraft, it is much more akin to a meteor hitting the earth and wiping out all life.  

The virtual world we inhabit is not called “Second Life” for nothing,  it is designed to be just that, a second life.  Many people here have families and activities that are just as important to them as any activity that a person might partake in with actual flesh and blood.  For some, Second Life provides a means to live a life that they would not otherwise be capable of enjoying due to disability or other hardship.  To everyone this deeply involved in Second Life, the potential loss of something that is such a central part of your first life causes anxiety and fear.

Linden Labs is aware of all these things,  a simple google search on “Second Life 2.0” returns quote after quote from Linden Labs going as far back as 2014:

“...The new Second Life will offer more robust tools for creators. Games, designs, goods, all the things that make the current incarnation of Second Life the go-to place for current users will be part of the new world….” CEO Ebbe Altberg
CEO Ebbe Altberg

“...Linden Lab is working on a next generation virtual world that will be in the spirit of Second Life, an open world where users have incredible power to create anything they can imagine and content creators are king.”

Oculus Rift and Second Life

One of the rumors that started a lot of furor toward the end of last year was the introduction of a viewer that supported Oculus Rift.  Oculus Rift is a virtual reality helmet designed to be owned by people and used in the home.  It will interface with a desktop computer and will allow people to bring themselves closer than ever to the virtual world they inhabit.   Many thought that you would be required to have a Rift as part of the usage of the new Second Life.  While you can find several statements indicating there will be compatibility with the VR helmet, there is also indication that the new Virtual World platform will support PCs and mobile devices right from the outset.  

Given that Linden Labs wants to support Oculus Rift from the outset but also wants to maintain the current user base, they would be foolish to cut off support for the PC which is the primary platform.  The rumors surrounding this were blown vastly out of proportion, if anything Second Life 2.0 will support more ways of accessing the service to allow a wider user base and a larger community.  “We want to support mobile from the beginning... Any content in the new platform will be good on Oculus and PC.”  --Ebbe Altberg

From the Oculus Website:
Today, we’re incredibly excited to announce that the Oculus Rift will be shipping to consumers in Q1 2016, with pre-orders later this year.”  
It is interesting that the consumer Oculus Rift and SL 2.0 are both set to release in 2016,  working together it seems likely that Linden Labs and Oculus VR will be able to produce a result that is much larger than either one of them could produce on their own.  It also stands to reason that a release of the consumer version of the “Rift” would coincide with the release of a new virtual world platform so that Linden Labs could ride the wave of excitement surrounding VR.  Oculus VR is talking about a 200-400 dollar price point for the VR helmet,  which means that it will be within the price range of most people and hopefully not as cost prohibitive or as complicated to use as the present developer incarnation of Oculus Rift.

Given Linden Labs continued support of the present Second Life and their active development of Second Life 2.0 with plans toward compatibility with upcoming hardware it seems unlikely that the user base is going to be abandoned.  What is most likely is that SL 1.0 and SL 2.0 will both exist side by side for a time as people get used to the new platform and gradually shift over to it.  Any way you look at it, it is an exciting time to be a resident of Second Life.  There is so much on the horizon that promises to be far more than we could have imagined when this service came online 12 years ago.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Genetic Journey of Max Chatnoir- Bimala Tagore Reporting


Legend: Max Chatnoir and molecules background  
I had the pleasure of interviewing Max Chatnoir, a distinguished Professor of Biology in Texas Wesleyan. She is the “deity” responsible for the creation of the world Genome Island. The build is dedicated to the study of genetics. The island was designed to support genetics classes for university undergraduates studying biology, but anybody interested in science is welcome to participate.
Visitors have access to highly experienced author information, interactive microscopes,  a giant cell model, virtual experiments and variety of topics about inheritance. You will observe methodological objects related to Mendel's life and work and vast information in note cards about genetic information.
Max has made presentations about Genome Island and its use for teaching genetics at conferences sponsored by VWBPE (Virtual Worlds Best Practice in Education) Educause and the Texas Blackboard Users Group.   In Second Life she presented the opportunity to build virtual laboratories in which on line students could perform experiments and data analysis.
In this interview, Max Chatnoir shares with us her valuable experience as a teacher in a virtual classroom and interactive 3D laboratory with relevant information provided.   Although we discussed some of these topics, I would not regard them as special interests of mine, nor do I have any particular expertise in them.  I think it is simplest just to cut this statement. 

Bimala Tagore: More than five years have passed after you decided to create Genome Island. How do you evaluate your project?
Max Chatnoir: I think that virtual worlds like this one are a wonderful place for learning.  You have the advantage of personal contact with another thinking human, via the avatars, but you don't have to be physically in the same place. They can ask whatever questions they have and if I'm not here, they can just IM me, and they'll get an answer the next time I come in. it's a nice combination of personal interaction with the convenience of working online. I wish I could use it for the majors, but they have to actually work with real equipment and organisms if they are going to be scientists. It's my favorite place to teach general education courses. Science for non-majors. The students also seem to find it interesting. I teach my nonmajors course here every fall and sometimes, if we have a bad weather day, I may bring the majors in for a substitute lab. We did a three-point-test cross here once when the flies didn't come in.

Bimala Tagore: The hard path is easier when you strive to learn. I have attained some insight about cell and study of genetics in Genome Island, interactive laboratory environment. What is it about science that interests you the most?
Max Chatnoir: What interests me most is that there is always something new and interesting happening. A new genome gets sequenced, or a new gene is discovered. I always point out to the research students, that no matter what their basic project is, they are doing some kind of genetic analysis. I think one of the exciting areas of contemporary genetics is bioinformatics, which is why I have several bioinformatics activities up on the Bioinformatics platform. Comparing genomes and comparing similar genes in different species. We know that our genes didn't originate with us, but we usually don't stop to think that most of them didn't originate with us as a species.  Our genes are older than we are. A lot of bioinformatics has to do with constructing and studying the information provided in DNA and protein databases. Every time a new genome is sequenced, the information goes into those databases. To learn about what makes us, it's helpful to see what we do and don't share with other species.

Bimala Tagore: Impressive application of biological information. Does genes determine the way of how we could react to our world and even how our mind could interpret the existence?
Max Chatnoir: I do think that genes have something to do with how we experience the world and react to it. Genes encode hormones and receptors and neurotransmitters and their receptors and a lot of molecules relevant to behavior. But it's not all genetics. Experience counts too in my opinion. For example, my sister and I didn't really grow up together because she is much younger.  I was finishing college before she started high school. But it's amazing how similar our preferences are. We order the same thing in restaurants and like the same kinds of fragrances, even though we spend very little time together- Got to be some genetics in there.
The great thing about the human mind is that we don't just behave thoughtlessly, but that is overlaid on what is sometimes called the lizard brain. And I'm not a behavioral geneticist, so I'm not speaking as an expert here. But our minds are a whole additional informational layer laid over our basic biology. It's like a separate genetic code that is better developed in us than in anything else.
Bimala Tagore: Plenty of interesting subjects. Some scientists and doctors have devoted their entire lives with the study of life and living organisms. You have theAbbey” and “Gardens” on your “sim”.  It is a tribute to Augustinian abbot Gregor Mendel. Why is it so important to become acquainted with Mendel?
Max Chatnoir: Mendel was the first person to articulate the "rules of inheritance" for sexually reproducing species. The amazing thing was that he had no idea what a gene might be. He just followed the inheritance patterns. The name "gene" wasn't even in use in his time.  He just called them "elements." Other people had done crosses similar to those Mendel did, but he was the first to offer an interpretation. Each parent provided an "element" for each of their traits. And that the offspring got one from each parent. For Mendel's traits, one of the two parental traits was always dominant to the other (but that isn't always the case);  that the parental elements sorted into the gametes at random and with equal probability. He did the mathematical analysis, and probably nobody could follow his argument at the time he first presented it. Yes, doing the mathematical analysis was unusual for biology. Although William Harvey had done something similar to prove that the blood HAD to be circulating. It couldn't just be made and destroyed all the time -- there was too much of it moving around. But most of biology was natural history.  Like Darwin was doing collection, describing, classifying. If Darwin and Mendel could have got together, they would have been a Force! But they didn't. However, they were roughly contemporary.

Bimala Tagore: Your explanation about Mendel’s positions as founder of genetics is pretty relevant. On the other hand, leading this interview toward ethics aspects, there are numerous thorny sides of genetic research that may lead to ethical and social quandaries. Gene therapy could lead to a dark side. What is your opinion in this respect?
Max Chatnoir: Sure it could. Imagine if we did start making "designer babies. Think of the social inequity, even assuming that all of the biology worked as we anticipated? And it won't. Do we really know enough about ourselves to design whatever we might think an ideal human is?
We can discover a lot about fruit fly behavior, because we don't agonize over the death of a fruit fly, but we can't do that with humans. So we have to depend on the "accidental experiments" of nature. And I'm not sure that even that is very nice.

Bimala Tagore: Regrettably, polemics about ethics are crucial. For this reason, genetics research information should always be open to frank human dialogue and Genome Island can communicate to non-expert too.
Max Chatnoir: I think that it can help with what the average citizen needs to understand about science and scientific thinking. Everybody doesn't need to know how to run a centrifuge, but everybody should be able to understand a scientific argument.
Bimala Tagore: I really appreciate the opportunity for this stimulating interview. Thank you very much.
Max Chatnoir: My pleasure
More information:

Visit Genome Island:

Friday, August 29, 2014

OpenSimulator Community Conference Announces High Fidelity CEO Philip Rosedale as Keynote Speaker


August 29, 2014 - The OpenSimulator Community Conference is pleased to announce Philip Rosedale, Founder and CEO of High Fidelity, Inc. will be a keynote speaker at the second annual OpenSimulator Community Conference, scheduled to take place virtually on November 8-9, 2014 in a virtual conference center designed for the event.
Mr. Rosedale’s keynote presentation will address the question, “What is the Metaverse?” and discuss the opportunity to develop an open platform for virtual reality over the internet, including new hardware devices that catalyze entirely new kinds of interactions between avatars.  

In 1995, Philip Rosedale created an innovative Internet video conferencing product (called "FreeVue"), which was later acquired by RealNetworks where in 1996 he went on to become Vice President and CTO. In 1999, Rosedale left RealNetworks, founded Linden Lab and built a virtual civilization called Second Life, fulfilling his lifelong dream of creating an open-ended, Internet-connected virtual world.

Since leaving Second Life in 2010, Rosedale has worked on several experiments in distributed work and computing, including Coffee & Power and In 2013, he co-founded High Fidelity Inc. to explore the future of a next-generation virtual reality system.

“Philip Rosedale is one of the foremost thinkers about virtual reality and the Metaverse today,” said conference chair Chris Collins. “We look forward to hearing his thoughts on the next generation of open Metaverse platforms, including OpenSimulator.”  

The OpenSimulator Community Conference is an annual conference that focuses on the developer and user community surrounding the OpenSimulator software, an open-source platform that supports the creation of collaborative, immersive, distributed and social 3D virtual environments.  

Organized as a joint production by AvaCon, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to the growth of the metaverse, and the Overte Foundation, which manages code contributions for the OpenSimulator platform, the virtual conference features two days of presentations, workshops, keynote sessions, and social events across diverse sectors of the OpenSimulator user base.  Last year the first annual conference was attended virtually by 300 avatars, with thousands of viewers on the conference live video streams.
Registration for the virtual OpenSimulator Community Conference is free and opens on September 15, 2014.  The conference will also be live
streamed through UStream.  

For more information please see the conference website at


OpenSimulator is an open-source platform that supports the creation of collaborative, immersive, distributed and social 3D virtual environments over the Internet. OpenSimulator software is now the basis for the emerging metaverse of many “grids” or worlds of varying sizes and purposes.

AvaCon, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the growth, enhancement, and development of the metaverse, virtual worlds, augmented reality, and 3D immersive and virtual spaces. AvaCon holds conventions and meetings to promote educational and scientific inquiry into these spaces, and to support organized fan activities, including performances, lectures, art, music, machinima, and much more. AvaCon’s primary goal is to connect and support the diverse communities and practitioners involved in co-creating and using virtual worlds, and to educate the public and their constituents about the emerging ecosystem of technologies broadly known as the metaverse.

The Overte Foundation is a non-profit organization that manages contribution agreements for the OpenSimulator project.  In the future, it will also act to promote and support both OpenSimulator and the wider open-source 3D virtual environment ecosystem.

High Fidelity, Inc. powers inter-connected virtual worlds, using new hardware devices to catalyze entirely new kinds of interactions between avatars. Our open source software architecture enables unlimited scalability of both content and audience.


Chris Collins, Vice President
AvaCon, Inc.
c/o OpenSimulator Community Conference 2014
275 Winthrop Street
PO Box 618
Rehoboth, MA 02769-1819

Hashtags:  #OSCC14 #OSCC #opensim

AvaCon, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the growth, enhancement, and development of the metaverse, virtual worlds, augmented reality, and 3D immersive and virtual spaces. This email and any files transmitted with it may be confidential, privileged, or otherwise protected by legal rules and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender immediately.  AvaCon is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Friday, August 1, 2014

SL Poll Results: How Do You Feel About the New Virtual World From Linden Labs

Well the public has spoken! Last week we asked our readers how they felt about the new virtual world announcement from Linden Labs. Below are the results:

Friday, July 11, 2014

Poll - Tell Us How You Feel About the New Virtual World From Linden Labs

I was standing around fishing in SL the other night and some of my fishing friends were talking about the upcoming virtual world from Linden Labs, maker of SL. In case you have missed this huge announcement, Linden Labs' CEO announced that a new virtual world is in the works. Much is still to be unknown about this virtual world, but there will be no backwards compatibility or open source access.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tech Topic: Just Meshy! - Jessii2009 Warrol Reporting…

I was helping a friend in Second Life with mesh clothing. This particular friend had been a slow adapter to mesh and was purchasing her very first mesh outfit. 

As I was explaining the differences between  the different type of mesh clothing (rigged, fitted, and regular mesh), I realized that not many people in Second Life may actually understand the concept of mesh and this may have led to the aversion to mesh that still prevails throughout some sectors in Second Life. In this article you will learn about the different types of mesh for clothing and builds.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

How to Make Your Business be one of the Best In Second Life- Piers Diesel Reporting...

Having or starting a business in any worlds can be a tough, with long hours, dedication and most of all the will to make your business if not the best but one of the best in the business world.

So where do you begin? There are a few steps in achieving the goal of becoming a successful business and here is a few steps to get you started.

Get a website
If you don’t have a website then you need to consider one. As 99.9% of your customers will check your website out to see what type of business you are by just the way the website is designed and the information you provide, even if you do not sell anything on it. Make sure your website delivers results. So it looks attractive, functional and has the ability to attract new customers to it. Appearance, organization and first impressions are very important because they represent your business.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Technology: What is the SL Go Viewer?- Jessii2009 Warrol Reporting…

If you have heard of the new SL Go viewer, then you probably have heard the negativity surrounding the launch of the project. 

The biggest gripes were the cost of the program. When SL Go was first launched, users had to purchase access via minutes. This type of pricing model was something that had not been since the early 90’s and was reminiscent of old internet dial up plans. Linden Labs and OnLive actually listened and now you can enjoy this great application for the low cost of 9.99 USD a month. So what is SL Go?