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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Entrepreneur Earth Nirvana-Charisma Presents the Best Foot Forward Hunt - Press Release

Second Life, July 18, 2013: Having created several successful hunts, to include Casket Sharp, Defining Music, and Mending Hearts, entrepreneur Earth Nirvana-Charisma is gearing up for her next hunt: Best Foot Forward.

The hunt kicks off September 22, 2013, and concludes on October 6, 2013. Although the hunt is nearly two months away, all vendors who wish to participate need to fill out the application and submit to Nirvana-Charisma by July 25, 2013 -- a week from today.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The KEWL Lounge is not just Another Venue. It is an Internet Radio Station!

 We play what we like to call kewl music. 

Music that has a smooth beat, cool lyrics, and makes you feel good.. There is a heavy lounge, chill out, house feel to the music. You will hear anyone from Etta James to KRS- ONE, from Cool and the Gang to Larry Heard. The musical vibe is eclectic and is enjoyable for all.

The KEWL Lounge can be added to your radio!
Just add this link to your stream!

There is also a media player embedded on the Get Reel Studio page. There are many things to do at the KEWL Lounge: music, discussion boards, learning center, kewl happenings, and games, and yes, shopping.

Please forward this announcement to others who may enjoy the KEWL Lounge.

Knowledge Expands the Way we Live

For more information, visit

Let’s talk about SLex – Glossom Resident Reporting…

There is a certain inherent eroticism around Second Life for the many graphic images that appeal to human nature: the skins and shapes that are models of perfect and sensual bodies, the provocative clothes or the lack of them and even the animations that give avatars a sexy twist. 

Additionally, this platform allows us to voice with each other without having to reveal our identity, lifting eroticism into a whole new level: sexy voices; foreign accents that are appealing and lure the receiver. Thus, physical attraction is replaced for voice attraction and our powerful minds do the rest. All this affects our emotions related to sexuality.

On the other side of the scale there is the weight of moral and emotional values, either in shape of a real relationship where virtual sex is a way of cheating on the real partner or in shape of personal boundaries where virtual sex makes no sense and is rejected for the lack of physical connection or lack of objectives.



Casual and street smart is GizzA - Cindy dress, this youthful buttoned mini dress that is available in denim and in plaid. Pair them with cute western boots for that country flair, or with pumps for a more urban appeal.  

Old Hollywood Glam has arrived with a gown that flows and flutters around you with each and every move. This outfit will softly wrap around your torso showing ample cleavage yet remaining classy in style.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Scam Alert! !!!!!!!!!BEWARE!!!!!!!!!- Issued by anton Feldsperling- 7/16/13

If Someone  invites you to ***REDGRAVE SKINS*****group.....asking 500 Linden to join and promises GROUPGIFTS and stuff... DO NOT JOIN!
THAT IS NOT .........Redgrave by Emilia Redgrave. ITS A 100% FAKE....

DO not join that group if you believe you may get freebies ore Redgrave Bargains.
THAT PERSON is using the name REDGRAVE to get your Lindens !


Ein ganz schlauer Stratege......hat nen neuen Trick eure Lindens einzuheimsen.
Es gibt wen der sich als REDGRAVE ausgibt und schickt einladungen zu einer gruppe raus...die 500 Linden beitrittsgebühr kosten soll.
Da werden Gruppengeschenke versprochen und was weiss ich was.
DAS IST NCHT !!!!!!!!!!! REDGRAVE von Emilia Redgrave.........DAS IST EIN 100% FAKE:......


Tune In to a Live Stream Broadcast by Luver's Island - July 17th

Listen to the shows at our website, on L.I.V. Stream during broadcasting times.


- 01 pm PDT | 22H CET Tom2.0 Live Performing
- 02 pm PDT | 23H CET Coffee Jaworower Live Performing

Or Directly on SecondLife at Pinkwater :

Meditate Away the Sizzling Stress of Summer

by Psychic Medium Linda Lauren
This article originally appeared in The Huffington Post

Meditating on Linda's Island ~ ETU Abbracciare
Summer can usher in a lot of commitments and meditation is a helpful way to set the tone for the coming months so we enjoy life rather than deal with stress. For the past four decades, I have been helping people to live better lives by teaching them techniques to help them handle stress through correct breathing. Many view meditation as a structured Eastern practice with rules for how it is done. This is true for people who practice within that belief system.

But what about the rest of us: the businessperson, parent, mate, friend, family member, who doesn't follow that philosophy but still wishes to create the awareness that meditation offers and reduce stress in their lives? How can they sizzle away stress as the seasons change?

Meditation is about being mindful of your spirit enough to focus inward for the serenity and guidance you need. It's having a moment to hear yourself think. We have the answers within us, and with a steady routine, we can harness a personal power that will remove much of the emotion that stress can cause. The only steadfast rule is slow breathing. Proper breathing is an advantage to handling life and health matters, and is especially helpful for dealing with overall stress. I have outlined a simple method of breathing to get you started so that anyone, at any age, can enjoy meditating.

  1. Make an appointment with yourself to go to a space you have designated where you will not be disturbed. Make those you live with aware that you are meditating.
  2. Wear clothing that is loose and comfortable, and choose a time of day/night that is conducive to you being able to observe the silence within. Play some soft instrumental music to help set the mood.
  3. Start by taking some slow, deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth, just as slowly.
  4. Sit quietly and allow yourself to sense your surroundings. Don't worry about noise or distraction; that will change when you begin a regular routine.
  5. Follow the inhalation and exhalation of your breathing, using the timing of your breathing or your heartbeat as a marker to mindfulness.
Meditation time can range from 10 minutes to hours. Choose what you feel comfortable with. Once you adopt this practice in your life, you will be embracing a more peaceful existence. More things go right when we meditate than wrong!

Link: Huffington Post

Capturing the essence of Ron Sin

By Sarah Elizabeth Brenham and Lacy Muircastle ....

There are some extraordinary avatar’s that inhabit Second Life and just one such avatar is that of Ron Sin.

Ron’s persona is cheeky, fun and quirky (with a wicked sense of humour), but he is also incredibly loyal to his friends. He has a passion for making a difference in the lives of those he interacts with.

Ron’s human self, hails from New York. He migrated over from ActiveWorlds, an older MMO which came into existence in about 1995.  He says he was looking for a more sophisticated game with better graphics, so he rezzed  into Second Life in 2006, and has been here ever since. 

Ron’s RL background is in photography and in 2008 he translated that into SL photography too. Photography means to him, limitless creativity and new perspectives.  He comments “There are angles and perspectives that a photographer can attain in a digital world, that are virtually impossible in real life.  In SL, prop investment is minimal because you can literally build whatever you imagine, in order to make the shot.”  Although he doesn't specialize in one area of photography in SL, he does lean towards landscapes and head shots and he is often called on by designers for his talent in green screen.  Green screen is the process whereby a person or object is placed in front of a screen that is green and then the photographs are taken. After the photograph has been taken, the background is edited to the client’s requirements. This is a versatile technique which allows for flexibility and creativity.

SLE Stats Report for June- Steady Increase!

On behalf of The SL Enquirer, we would like to thank you for all your love and support by continuing to visit our site and catching up on the different things happening in our virtual world.

Have a great summer and don't forget to check back often for Second Life news created by residents just like you!

For information about advertising with us or writing for the SL Enquirer contact Lanai Jarrico at

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Virtual Worlds Best Practices In Education Readies For Annual Conference- July 24th-July 27th Nomad Aries Reporting…

In the past I have written about the ways Second Life© has influenced the real world.

I have written about how Governments, the Justice System and the entertainment world is using Second Life to breach distance and time zones in order to reach as many people as possible with information, assistance and entertainment. Second Life has become an invaluable instrument helping people to access services, gain information and provide resolution to real life problems. It has become a workplace, an extension of offices and a global town hall providing services in real time to citizens across the globe. Second Life has also brought together individuals and organizations from around the world, making it easier for collaboration, sharing information and mentoring.

Recently, I learned of yet another important use of Second Life© - education. Education, learning and teaching are being expanded and explored in great depth here on Second Life. The technology of the gaming world is turning into an innovative tool for studying different teaching methods and defining what is teaching. Exploring the ways in which we learn and providing advances in technology, applications, research and access to information. Second Life© has become a global classroom. This month, one of the most extraordinary conferences will, once again, be held on Second Life©, The Virtual Worlds Best Practices In Education Conference. If you can attend one presentation of this conference over the three days it runs, I urge you to do so. You won't want to miss this.

It's the Season to Say I Do: Weddings in Second Life- Tea Couturier Reporting…

Weddings in Second Life have become more popular with couples over the years. In the beginning of Second Life when avatars partnered with each other, that was considered both an engagement/marriage with their significant other displayed in their profile. 

Today beautiful elaborate wedding ceremonies have become popular in Second Life as more venues offer services and designers create stunning wedding dresses, bouquets and accessories for the special day.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Zoobits: Inspired by Failed Inventor's Real Life Volunteer Work for a Children's Hippotherapy Program

Failed Inventor
Second Life builder and creator, Failed Inventor, has taken his virtual building skills and created a real life concept that can help hundreds of children each year.

Zoobits are wooden puzzles that encourage children with learning difficulties, autism and other disabilities to get creative and learn problem solving skills in a new and fun way.

Inspired by his real life volunteering work for a children's hippotherapy program where he saw that the therapists needed better tools to help the children, Failed Inventor (Cody Rauh in real life) has launched a ‘Kickstarter’ appeal to raise funds to make this much needed project a reality.

AVIE POLL: Controversial Topic- Married and Dating In SL- Jessi2009 Warrol Reporting…

Dating in Second Life can have its ups and downs and you may run into a variety of couples, including couples who are married in real life, but have relationships or are married in Second Life. This is a subject which is often commented on by many people. Some feel that it is ok to be married in real life and to have a relationship in Second Life, while others may think that if you are married in real life then you should not date or have a relationship in Second Life.

I was able to catch up with three different couples, all of which are married in real life and dating or married in Second Life. Warning the names have been changed to protect the innocent (or married).

Second Life Hair Fair 2013- July 13th-July 28th- Tea Couturier Reporting…

Yes it’s that time again for Hair Fair 2013, where a showcase of new hair styles that SL hair stylists have created for both women and men.

Vendors, Sponsors, Learn about the Homeless Awareness Hunt -Shon Charisma Reporting...

If you are a creator in-world or a person interested in sponsoring worthwhile events, you will want to check out the upcoming Homeless Awareness Hunt, presented by Mental Health Awareness Retreat.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Time to hit the track running - It is Relay weekend - Lacy Muircastle reporting ....

The 9th annual Relay For Life weekend for 2013 started today in Second Life at 10am SLT with over 40+ RFL regions. This year the relay team is on ‘track’ to break more relay records and raise more money in the fight against cancer.

Check out the website for times of the various events taking place -

The Wild, Wild West of Second Life (C) – Stareyes Galaxy’s Travel Report from Tombstone

Stareyes on prairie

Tombstone is a role-play estate set in the year 1899 that portrays an anachronistic recreation of the late 19th century boomtown atmosphere. 

Stareyes Galaxy took a coach journey there, to explore the Wild, Wild West of SL. This is her travel report. I set out with the task of reporting to our Readers the true state of the West.

 In many reports, what I felt a gross exaggeration; the dangers of the frontier are overplayed, and I felt someone needed to set the facts straight.

Landing at the welcome center, a greeter is there to welcome the casual visitor and take her through an orientation, upon which she will be able to enter the Tombstone proper. My greeter was an Apache woman, whom, after a first shock, I found very welcoming.

I decided to interview as many people as I could, to get a feel of the atmosphere, and how things are run in these parts. First, a rather liberally-dressed young woman, known as Frisco June, led me to Dutch Annie’s, a local establishment for questionable entertainment. She has been in Tombstone for two years.

Friday, July 12, 2013

SL Newser News Tidbits


BURN2 invites you to a Town Hall on July 13, 2013, at 9 a.m. SLT and again at 6 p.m. SLT on the virtual playa 

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Ub Yifu – RFL Designer Builder-While at the Relay for Life track, DrFran Babcock ran into one of the more interesting builders, Ub Yifu. Going about in his one of a kind avatar, Ub had been busy at work on one of the Relay's designer sims. He talked to DrFran about how he came to Second Life, his work as a 3-D artist, and his build at the Relay.

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Club Vitual Insanity- "Because We're All Mad Here." That's the motto of a club I was recently shown around, Club Virtual Insanity. Sitting on a sky platform high over the Twilight Shadows sim, the club offers parties six out of seven days a week, with a variety of music genres played.  Read More

Bibbi Resident, owner of Rainbow Amphitheatre – Stareyes Galaxy Reporting...

There are many venues in Second Life © catering to audiences who appreciate live music. One such is Rainbow Amphitheatre, operated by Bibbi. Having been to a few live shows there, I had the opportunity to interview Bibbi on Rainbow Amphitheatre and the live music scene.

If you had 50k Lindens, what would you do with it? -Orchids Zenovka Reporting

I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball...
Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world

A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him off my mind
Ain't it sad
And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn't fancy me
That's too bad
So I must leave, I'll have to go
To Las Vegas or Monaco
And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same...
Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world

-- Abba Money Money Money Lyrics

      The question of the day is; If you had 50k Lindens, what would you do with it?