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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The 2013 Avi Choice Awards Coming December 15 at 3pm slt –Cast your votes today!

The Avi Choice Awards is an annual awards presentations that features talent creators, artist, musicians, media personnel and other movers and shakers immersed in Second Life©.  These talented individuals are recognized by, nominated and voted for by residents.  Last year’s response was a great success with over 65000 visits to the website with an astounding amount of votes. This year the Avie Choice Awards will be held at The Christmas Expo, in the Auditorium on Sunday, December 15th at 3pm slt.

 Hosted by
 Trader Whiplash & Nuala Maracas of T1 Radio 
Presented by
 Saffia Widdershins & Elrik Merlin of Designing Worlds as well as SL performers, Satin Galli & Erin68 Frog.
Featured Performances by
 Particle Tom & Lexi Marshdevil, Therese Nightfire, Wayne Davis Rocks Band and the Guerilla Burlesque Dancers.

Special guest appearance by
 The American Cancer Society’s Stingray Raymaker

Be sure to stick around for the after party for a few more surprises!

Get your show ticket here!

This year, The SL Enquirer was nominated for this prestigious award!
Vote for SLE here!
 (Entertainment Category)

email: for more information about this event or visit

*The event will be Formal/Black Tie.

SLE Stats from November 3- December 3rd are in!

Statistics show that SLE's readership continues to climb with an increase of over 3500 page views in one month!

Below are some of the top articles read last month!


As SLE approaches a new year, we would love your feedback so be sure to use the comment box below or under any of the articles you read on this website. Our goal is to provided top notch news and articles that YOU, the reader would like to see in upcoming headlines.

Thank you for your continued support of The SL Enquirer. 
-Lanai Jarrico

Interested in advertising with SLE?

Contact Us 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Finding a Balance: Are you Living in the Virtual Moment and Letting Real time pass you by? -Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

The virtual world has a way of sucking a person in and spitting them out years later with their head spinning. Some move on to bigger things while others continue the virtual path in search of something that needs to be fulfilled in their life.

 My inspiration for this article comes from a friend I recently spoke to about his virtual world experience and how he feels he let 6 years slip away with a snap of his fingers. I can certainly relate to how years can fly by in a virtual world but I also think that unless you are involved in something great that leads to positive changes in your real life, the virtual world can be very fulfilling or for some, a waste of time that they could be spending in the real world.

People involved in virtual worlds spend their time doing an assortment of things that satisfy their creativity and personal needs. Some venture around Second Life in search of companionship because it may be difficult for them in the real world due to social awkwardness or anxiety. Others come from loveless marriages or live in loneliness and are looking for that feeling of being loved and needed. Those things can be found in Second life, but does it mean there are real emotions involved or just an illusion that takes away from the words “living life”?

Tune In to a Live Stream Broadcast by Luver's Island -December 4th (Audio and Video will be streamed)

Listen to the shows at our website, on L.I.V. Stream during broadcasting times.


- 12 pm PDT| 21H CET Pol Arida Live Performing (Audio and Video)
- 02 pm PDT| 22H CET Kevin M. Thomas Live Performing 

Or Directly on SecondLife at Pinkwater :
A URL for the Video stream will be provided on 4th December -Stay Tuned

Sunday, December 1, 2013

How To Build a Social Network for Business Use in Second Life – Shaneos Howlett Reporting...

Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Ebay, Instagram, Amazon and Outlook are some of the real life tools people in SL can use to advertise their businesses effectively ... below we take a closer look at how to effectively use each one to advertise an SL business.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Having the Natural Realistic Look in Second Life- Tea Couturier Reporting....

We all want skin in SL to look as natural and realistic as possible. In SL skin has evolved where creators are making skins which looks so natural it is amazing.
Page Break
Where do you go if you are looking to improve your appearance in SL and create that natural more realistic look?
Well, here are a few of my finds on the skins and accessories to help create that look.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Drama in SL- DoctorKaren Kanto Reporting…

Drama... decried by many, disliked by most. What is it? Why does it happen? Is all of it bad? Can it be avoided? In this brief article, I will attempt to offer some answers to these questions.

In this context, drama usually refers to an expression or behavior that is "over the top" emotionally. The common emotions involved are anger, jealousy, and sadness. Someone expressing a great deal of joy is rarely described as a "drama queen", but sometimes even moderate levels of sadness may be so labeled. Perhaps the most common "drama" in SL relates to relationships, usually romantic or sexual in nature. Even there, different people will see things in different ways. One person may identify emotions as drama where another sees reasonable levels of emotion. For the purposes of this article, let's assume we are describing emotional expressions and behaviors that are so intense as to be likely to be seen as "drama" by most anyone in SL.

Terrain Design in Second Life- Piers Diesel Reporting...

When you purchased a plot of land or sim in Second Life, planning the layout and terrain is the next step.  It can be a chore coming up with ideas for those that do not know how to create terrain. The next option would be is to hire an expert and spend money you could be saving if you can do it yourself.

You can teleport around Second Life and visit places that has been terraformed beautifully.  Maybe ask a owner where they purchased their terrain products to help you with your design.If click  on edit and check most of the terrians you can find out who created them.
 Alex Bader owner of Studio Skye specializes in terrain products.
I spoke to Alex to get an insight into landscaping in Second Life style.

The Gift of Generosity – Exquisite Xpressionz - Lacy Muircastle reporting ....

The gift of generosity has any number of ways in which it can and does manifest itself.  Exquisite Xpressionz is just one such manifestation of the generosity of the spirit using the platform of Second Life.
Three lovely ladies each with their own special talents but all with the will to give back to society the best way they know how, have come together and formed Exquisite Xpressionz.

Exquisite Xpressionz is to put it simply, a group which was established to educate, inspire, and entertain all users of the Second Life community; bridging the gap by promoting real world awareness and positive change, by educating, by the use of  art and entertainment.   All with a spiritual classy edge, Exquisite Xpressionz strives to bring real world elements that make you stop, look, and listen, engulfing the viewer holistically to touch, move, and motivate the heart, mind, and soul.
Exquisite Xpressionz is made up of:

Twylitedawn Keng-Inaka - Co Founder, Owner, Writer, Producer, Choreographer
Keyia Hynes - Co Founder, Owner, Writer, Producer, Researcher

Wisdom Price - Co Founder, Owner, Writer, Producer, Logistics

It transpired that three and half years ago almost to the day, Keyia Hynes and Twylitedawn Keng were talking about writing a sister series because there was so many of them inworld.  TK says” It was an exciting time because in the realm of Sl we had not yet heard of machinima, so to write original scripted material was new territory for us. However, the plan to continue was halted due to RL circumstances but upon returning, the discussion to do the sister series was back on the table. We talked about doing something bigger, using the SL platform, and as we broke down the contents of what all that was, we decided to do something even bigger. We didn’t want to just write a series that shadowed our SL lives as sisters; we wanted to leave an impression and impact on the SL community as a whole. We began discussing the details, and all that was needed to make this become a reality and in one day Exquisite Xpressionz was born.”

IT’S BLACK FRIDAY!- SLE Ad Sale Ends at Midnight SLT on Friday 11/29/13

The SL Enquirer is offering 50% off advertising for one day only! You can keep the savings for yourself or gift it to a friend!
To lock in your savings, email Lanai Jarrico with the coupon code "cornbread" and receive 50% off your advertising cost for any of the packages  below!

  • 1 Press Release Post-------------------- 150L
  • 1 Month Ad- 4 Press releases-------- 500L
  • Spotlight Feature/ 1 Month Ad------ 1500L

Coupon Code: Cornbread

*50% only valid if email is sent on 11/29/13 before midnight SLT!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Observed in Second Life – Glossom Resident Reporting…

“A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.” - Cicero

Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. In the United States it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November and in Canada is in the second Monday of October. It is also observed in Liberia, Puerto Rico, Norfolk Island and …in Second Life. This year the big day is November 28th.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Thousand And One Ways to Roast a Turkey: How do you Cook Yours? – Glossom Resident reporting…

Thanksgiving is one of the most celebrated holidays characterized by a gastronomic abundance and by a wealth of culinary traditions. It not only reflects the unique history of each cook, but also the rich diversity of America and beyond.

While the typical meal of the day consists of Thanksgiving nibbles such as turkey, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, pies made from seasonal fruits and vegetables, among others, how these foods are interpreted depends largely on who's cooking. Different family traditions and regional flavors make the Thanksgiving meal unique.

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, so it's time to get organized. Whip up your favorite recipes and get to work. But if you have not decided which Turkey recipe to use, we went around Second Life and asked some residents to share their own. Here are some mouth watering ways of cooking turkey to get you inspired. We would like to thank all who have shared their culinary secrets.

Another kind of Art: Starting a Conversation- Ccoursey Reporting…

Art is a way of expressing ourselves.  It has been around since cavemen drew pictures of stick people on cave walls or on stone.  Many can agree that not all art is something pretty to look upon.  There is art each of us use every day, with every interaction and with each word we chose.  It is the art of conversation.

 Conversation is something that takes talent to approach someone and start a discussion that could lead to everything or nothing, and the hardest part is that first time.
 Second Life offers an outlet for this communication art.  In Real Life not many of us will walk up to a complete stranger and start chatting away, but SL gives us so many openings to chose from that it is unheard of not to take advantage of open chat.  Have you made a friend on Second Life?  A lover perhaps?  At some time or another there was a first conversation and to make it work there had to be more than a “Hi, how you doin'?” involved.

How to Become a Tech Genius in SL – Shaneos Howlett Reporting

We all know that Second Life is an advanced form of a 3D chat program but how many of us actually know the true full capabilities ?
 Below we will explore some of the features that make SL advanced and a very unique communication platform.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

In Memory of SharkClub Gaming & Buildables Creator; Batrastard Panthar

Batrastard Panthar was born into Second Life in October of 2009 and spent 4 years contributing to the Second Life community as a creator of fun stuff as he would describe it. His creative innovations brought about The Buildables; a robot that produced new types of robotic creatures and added uniqueness to the breedables community in Second Life.   Batrastard also owned and operated SharkClub Gaming together with his business partners Shane Nielson and Aries Westland.

 This is a place avatars could play an assortment of games and earn free plays. In light of the tragic event of his untimely passing in a tragic motorcycle accident, his memory and what he created will live on through Neilson ,Aries and those who knew and worked with him here in Second Life.
 Those that got the opportunity to know him would say he had a sense of humor, was easy to talk to and  was always willing to help others with kindness.

 He will be missed.

Visit Batrastard’s Memorial at SharkCLub Gaming

Buildables ( this website will be up and running again soon)

On the Air with Batrastard Interview ( Published November 8,2011)

If you knew BatrastardPanthar and would like to share a memory, please use the comment box below.

Purchasing a Car in Second Life- Piers Diesel Reporting...

Just as in Real Life we like to have or know where to go to get the best cars. We want luxury vehicles that not only look good but also move without much hassle.

There are lots of cars on the grid, many are free or you can be purchased them for under 100L but if you are looking for cars that are popular in real life and look like the real thing, here are some dealerships to consider. There are two types of cars; street cars and ones for racing.

The SL Lie Detector ... The Pinocchio affect – Shaneos Howlett Reporting

Have you been lied to in SL ? How did you find out? When you found out you had been lied to, what did you do about it ?

Recently I interviewed several avatars in SL to find the answers to the above questions, their answers although somewhat expected were all fairly common...

Are we all lying while using SL?.... this is the Pinocchio affect.
Every person that logs in to SL uses an Avatar,  these avatars may or may not resemble what we actually look like in SL... isn't this part of a lie ? If we are not showing a true representation of what we actually look like in RL or be it that is the true fun of SL where you can look as Fat / Skinny / Tall / Short as you would like to.