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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Spotlight on David Csiszer : Vocalist and multi Instrumentalist Artist - Tea Couturier Reporting...

In Second Life when we want to listen to some good music we go to clubs but when we want to listen to some live music we all have our favorite performers we follow around the grid.
This is how many feel about Davis Csiszer formally known as Charles Coleman. David not only shares his talent with the Second Life live music lovers but  he also connects with his fans.  This is probably what makes him one of the top performers in SL . I had the pleasure of being able to sit down with David between gigs and find out a bit more about him and his life in SL.

Tea: How did you begin working as a performing in SL? Also what music genre do you perform?

David: I began in 2006, I taught building in SL and a friend in SL found out I played guitar and tried getting me to do an open mic. At that time I really wasn’t a singer so I had to learn 3 songs I could sing and play at the same time. After that they wanted me to play a show. In a couple of weeks I was able to at least play a 30 minute show. I kept building up and building up. I am not sure how many songs I do now lol.
As far as genre, I feel like I took a big pot and pour many genres in it. I play anything from Zepplin to Imagine Dragons and many flavors of covers and originals. Sometimes I will break off into little Spanish, Jazz, and classical pieces and so on.…

Tea. SL has changed threw out the years and I am sure this has also been reflected in the music business. Do you think this has been for the best? 

David: I think the majority of the changes over the years i.e. eliminating dwell, payment of mentors and teachers, categorization of adult, mature, and general and all was necessary for Linden Labs even though not beneficial to SL businesses. To keep their business going they had to cut cost and secure their liability. The SL economy as a whole definitely effects the music in SL but it has decline and made rebounds several times. The bottom line: SL is still here and so is the music in it.

TeaWhat brought you to SL? 

David: In 2005 I was looking at the back of a cereal box. I saw the cereal company had a virtual world for kids. It was a very primitive 2d one but it made me wonder what was out there. I started searching and found SL. It was a mind blowing experience the first month seeing no limitations on what can be done in SL.

Tea. Who is your inspiration in the music industry?

David: Masaru Nagano, Steve Hall, and other musician friends have been the building blocks of learning about music, philosophy of music and life, and going to the heart of music and inspiration.

Tea.  You have lots of Fans and supporters in Second Life. I am sure that helps spur any performer on. How has this made you strive with your talent in Second Life?   

David: All the way from encouraging me to do the open mic to encouraging me to keep going I have really fed off of other people. I would hear recordings of me singing and hate my voice. Similar to when we hear ourselves on the answering machine and hate the sound of our own voices.  But people in SL reacted positively. People kept telling me how good I sounded. As much as I didn’t believe that, those comments kept me going and kept me growing. I would have quit a long time ago if it wasn’t for everyone in SL encouraging me.

Tea. What do you like to do in SL when you’re not performing?
David: Back in the day I used to have a lot of fun. Taking friends high up in my flying Mustang car and jumping out parachuting to the ground. Hot air balloon rides, Transylvania wall and just many things I found in SL.  Recent days I have been balancing a lot in my RL so haven’t gone to the depth of activities I used to. Though you might find me wandering around a Star Wars sim in a Boba Fett avie sometimes lol

Tea. What can we expect from you in Second Life? 
David: More music!, I always progress. I get comments on how much I have grown musically in SL I am always learning new things, trying new ways, new tools, songs, and instruments.

To find out more about David click the link below:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Innovative Prey Fashion Show Coverage. Sunny Love Holiday Reporting

The Second Life fashion scene is filled with some the most creative and talented people on the grid. 
I have always had a deep passion for fashion so you can image my excitement when presented with the opportunity to cover some of the most talked about fashion shows this year. What better way to start my fashion show coverage for 2015 then to attend the innovative PREY Fashion Show presented by Amazing Impressions Modeling (AIM).

On January 31, 2015 at 12:55pm slt, I took my seat in front of a grand runway located on the AIM sim. As the seats around me filled quickly, I eagerly awaited for the show to start.  Soon after, Barney Helendale, the host for the evening, took the stage and colorfully started to introduce the work of the extremely talented PREY designer Adriel Huntress. One by one the stylish models walked the runway with some of the most inspiring creations I have ever seen in second life. Models Africanrithm, Lua Vendetta, Gretel Bulloch, LEEZAHKADDOUR2, LUCIA BRUNE, and Layka graced the stage looking stunning sashaying across the runway while DJ Doxy Roller was spinning tunes that truly fit the work of art I was witnessing.

Boniefacio did a wonderful job producing and directing the most organized and efficient Fashion Show I have ever been too. I have included some pictures of my favorite pieces from the show, but I highly recommend anyone who loves fashion as much as I do to pay a visit to the Prey store front located at to have a look see for yourself of all the work from the show and other great pieces. Believe me, your fashion senses will tingle in delight!

For Prey; for AIM

 Contact: Ada Hoobinoo - Store Manager for Prey; Boniefacio Fashion Director and Producer

Monday, February 9, 2015

Linda Lauren on Crystals and Gemstones

Learn about the Crystals and Gemstones we surround ourselves with by watching Psychic Medium Linda Lauren on the BetterTV show and reading her article 'Crystal Awareness'!

Crystal Awareness

Have you ever held a quartz crystal in your hand? Ever feel the wondrous delight of its gentle hum to your palm or feel its soothing vibration sear through your fingers, up your arm and tingle throughout your body? If you have not, then you are in for a treat that will tenderly awaken your senses and gently amplify your mind, for the energy one experiences by working with quartz crystals is soul-enriching and life-enhancing.

Quartz crystals are God’s gift to the earth, and a rare treasure to those who embrace their light. A crystal connection will alter your vision and ease you into a greater understanding of your Self. Crystals are found in watches, clocks, televisions, DVR’s, and computers, just to name a few of their applications. Quartz consists of raw piezoelectric energy, and when shaven down to microchip size produces electricity that operates these necessities in our lives. Imagine then, the personal power we can claim when we harness that energy and allow the gentle electrical vibrations of crystals and gemstones to balance and work with the flow of our own unique energy.

Quartz crystal points, clusters and polished stones can be found in most metaphysical shops. I would like to focus on Quartz Crystal Points, as these will be best to use for the purpose of making it your personal tool of power and transformation. A crystal point is a single column of clear quartz with 3 to 7 sides around the face, with a termination at the end. It is usually clear at the top half, and milky white at the blunt end. The following methods are acceptable, but remember, you do not choose your crystal, it actually chooses you!

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. When you open them, allow your eyes to fall on the first crystal you see.

This is my favorite. A crystal will “call” to you, and when you pick it up you will feel a gentle vibration in your palm. It may take a few minutes to adjust. I suggest you take a deep breath, relax and allow the crystal to “speak” to you by focusing your attention on any vibration or warmth in the palm of your hand. Size does not matter when choosing a crystal point, as sometimes even the smallest chip may have more energy than a large point.

Once you have chosen your crystal, it is important that you keep it in a pouch of some kind. Silk, cotton, leather, are fabrics most commonly used. This will protect the point from any jarring or chipping, as you will be carrying it with you most of the time.

When you get home with your crystal, it is vital that you cleanse it. During the journey from the crystal mine to the place of your purchase, your crystal will have gone through many hands and been in many places. You will want to clear it of the residue from its journey to insure clarity. There are several schools of thoughts regarding this subject, and I will pass along a few methods commonly used. However, keep in mind that there is no right or wrong method to cleansing. When working with quartz, it is what sense you have regarding the stone that is important. Intuition plays an important role in developing crystal awareness.

Sea Salt or Salt Water — If you happen to be fortunate to live by the ocean, fill a cup with sea water and immerse your crystal in it for 24 hours, or until you sense it is cleansed. The alternative would be to fill a cup with a couple of spoons of sea salt and immerse the stone. (Note: Some people are not fans of this method, as they feel it alters the vibration of the stone.)

Rinse your crystal under cool tap water and dry with a cotton cloth.

Sage or Incense — Burn some dried sage or your favorite essential oil incense and run the crystal through the smoke.

Once you have cleansed your crystal, it is now time to charge your crystal’s energy. Here are some methods for charging:

The Sun — A crystal truly loves sun. This is my favorite method because it can be done anywhere. Simply put your crystal on a window sill, car dashboard, etc., and allow it to be nourished by the suns rays. The average amount of time is anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 hours. Again, you be the judge by listening to your intuition.

Some people place the crystal point into the soil of a healthy plant for a few days. Not only does it charge the stone, but it helps the plant, too.

After a dip in the ocean, allow the stone to sit in the sand with the sun beating down on it for a super-charge. (Just be careful you don’t bury the stone and lose it!)

I have a large cluster of clear quartz in my office. I lay my personal crystal points on top of the cluster to insure a charge.

Now we have covered the basics: choosing, cleansing, and charging a crystal. In order to work with your crystal you will have to program it. Imagine your clear quartz crystal as a blank tape. You can “record” your desires, needs and wishes into it. A crystal can hold as many “programs” as you need to instill. Some programs will become temporary, until your desire is met or your accomplishment is achieved. The way to program a crystal is to do the following:

Hold the crystal between your hands in prayer-like position with the point up. Clear your mind. Now visualize yourself actually in the situation of your desire. “See” yourself clearly. Then state an affirmation. For example: If you have the desire for a specific job, picture yourself as already in the job, happy and content. Then state something like: “I am working at the perfect job.” The affirmation insures the thought into the program. If you wish, you can also “tell”; the crystal verbally what you want in your life. The key is to “see it” and then “say it.” That’s it. You are now ready for the last and most important step: Meditation.

The primary way to work with your crystal to manifest what you have programmed into it is via meditation. When you wish to “receive” the benefits of your program, you would hold the crystal in your left hand. For example, if you are sick and wish it to help heal you, use the left hand. Put the crystal in your right hand when you want to “send” your program out into the universe, where action will take place.

Take your crystal with you to a quiet place, or a favorite room, and light a candle. Relax a few moments with your crystal. Look at it. Get to know it. Every crystal is different. Yours might have wisps inside, or sparkly inclusions of color. Examine it quietly while taking some deep breaths. Close your eyes and allow the crystal to pulsate in your palm. Concentrate on the vision of your desire and allow whatever images to come to you…or to leave you. Do this every day for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Not only will you notice a difference in what is manifesting in your life, but you will feel happier and your spirit will be lighter.

It takes about 30 days to bond with a crystal. Keep it under your pillow every night, shower with it, bathe with it, carry it in its pouch and take it with you where ever you go. It will soon become your pocket best friend.

Copyright © 1998-2014 Linda Lauren

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Center Ground Group presents "Late Night Center Ground with DJ Scorpio Aeon” Sunday February 8th 8:30-10:30 pm slt

Come party with the Night Owls as DJ Ayko Aya, makes her debut at Club Center Ground Sunday nights during the month of February, 830-1030 PM SLT. Ayko will bring her eclectic collection of tunes to set just the right mood for your evening. Q T Serenity will be on hand as host. Be sure to join them for a great time. Dress to impress. And bring a friend or two

 Late Night Center Ground is underwritten by the Center Ground Business District. Visit our collection of stores and galleries.  Rental spaces available  

About Center Ground Group: Originally started by 4 environmentally focused leaders to discuss and promote true sustainable modeling, and preserve their ideas and dreams in the SL metaverse, now expanded to include arts and cultural interest


If you would like more information on this topic IM Luchenpur Darwin inwolrd or e-mail

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Other Holidays for the Month of February

Did you know this month is not only reserved for Valentine’s Day?  Here are a few, some of which are bizarre holidays that share observance this month and deserve a little mention in The SL Enquirer.   Let’s examine what they are.

This Month
  • ·         Creative Romance Month- We get it since Valentine’s Day is a popular day of this month.
  • ·         Black History Month- this month celebrates the achievements of African Americans in U.S History.
  • ·         National Wedding Month- The most popular months for weddings are June, August, September, October and May so why is this month the National Wedding Month? We don’t get it but OK.
  • ·         National Cherry Month- Whoever decided to create this one should known cherry season is in the Summer. Some people are ass backwards but again…OK
  • ·         National Grapefruit Month- Uhhh yea. What is so special about a grapefruit besides the fact it actually curbs hunger . Whoopty dooooo.
  • ·         American Heart Month-  Are you at risk for heart disease? Our hearts are an important part of our very existence. If it doesn’t work…well you know the rest. Use this month to get a check up and make sure your ticking like you should.
  • ·         Great American Pie Month- We don’t recommend celebrating this month by doing something obscene to a pie…
  • ·         Canned Food Month- Participating in a canned goods food drive would be the ideal way to observe this one. Wouldn’t it be great if we all donated to our local food banks?
  • ·         An Affair to Remember – How romantic is this one? Either it means to reflect on a special cheating episode or some kind of Broadway Musical…
  • ·         February 15- Singles Awareness Day- How cruel is this one? As if singles didn’t realize this yesterday?
  • ·         February 17- Random Act of Kindness Day- Do something nice for those you meet this day and hope that they pay it forward to help bring about some kind of world peace contribution.
  • ·         International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day- Did I miss something? WTH?

Don’t forget to Celebrate the 3rd Week of February by observing International Flirting Week! As a word of precaution, you might want to practice using voice verification in Second Life to avoid an awkward situation.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Family Roleplaying Communities In Second Life- Nena Dreadlow Reporting.

Family role play has become very popular in Second Life. It seems many residents are seeking to belong to a group and share in fun and activities. The foundation for family role play begins with a bond between couples who wish to expand their families with the addition of babies and extended families members. There are numerous growing families in Second Life and communities catering to their needs.

 What is a family Role play community, what things do you do and what are the popular communities in Second Life?

Giano Estates New England Family Sim Community Role Play

Giano Estates is one of the top family role-playing communities in Second Life. Once you enter the sim it is like you're entering a real life town.  Giano Estates has beautiful homes for rent. They offer homes from 2 to 4 bedrooms. The estates also has lots of things to do including going to a Bowling alley, movie theater, a car wash  and shopping at the grocery store.  Residents can role play as a policeman,  postal worker and even  a doctor! Giano Estates has expanded to 9 sims due to family growth.  If you are looking for a place to raise your family, we would suggest touring this wonderful  family rp sim.

Olrich Estates

Once you enter Olrich Estates you will be in the downtown area which has a job bank and Rental office.  The downtown streets are lined with lots of shops, a hospital and gas station.
Olrich Estates also has homes to rent as well as apartments.  As I was walking around I could see people talking, hanging out and family role-playing. It was fun to watch and see how they interact.  There is so much to see and do here. I would recommend that you take a tour. You might even want to make your home here

Belleview Estates

Belleview Estates is a family friendly community.  Upon entering Belleview Estates you will come across the town hall which has a list of houses for rent and even a unemployment board. The estates also offer a Life store, gas station and a adoption agency.  The sim is aso surrounded by water for families who want to raise their children with ocean views. Take a tour today.

Pleasant Hope Estates

Pleasant Hope Estates is where I call home. It is zooby and child friendly. The town hall is the place to go to find out all the information you need about activities, rentals and jobs. The staff is very friendly and helpful.  I love living here because there are lots of things to do. Come see for yourself.

Greensboro Estates

Greenboros Estates is a tree lined community with a beautiful waterfall in the background.  Their motto is “Family is first” and you can tell that they mean it. If you're looking for a quiet place to call home then this might be the place for you. Greenboros Estates even has an adoption agency for couples looking to expand their families.  If you are looking to add to your family then you should check it out. I must say I was very impressed with this community and enjoyed looking around.

There are of many other family role playing sims in second life but these communities stand out to me. I love the fact that you can be part of and raise a family in the same way you would in real life.  It is so wonderful to visit these sims and see in all the things that you can participate in.

If you are looking for a great family friendly place to live then you must check out these locations.

Mad's Gestures & Sounds Offers a Unique Selection of Expressions for your Avatar

Mad's Gestures and Sounds has tons of free boxes and low prices for your avatar expression needs.  Products include  wall art, baby gifts and host gesture packs for both adult and PG! 

Tianna Steamer  makes it easy for you to shop for your gestures. Visit her shop today and previews all gestures before you make your purchase.   Some of the unique gestures you will find are "Love you more than Bacon", "This Girl is on Fire" and "Bad to the Bone" to "AC/DC" and "Swift Shake it Countdown" .

Come see the selection  today!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

AVIE POLL: Top Places To Have Fun in Second Life- LadyLoveDr Reporting

Looking for someplace to go and have fun while in-game?  I set out and hit the roads of Second Life looking for citizens to poll with the famous question, "Where in SL do you love to go when you're looking to have fun?".  The number one response was "Depends on what your idea of fun is".  This survey really opened my eyes to how much content Second Life really has in it!  There were a few places that got mentioned multiple times so I went on a few road trips to experience them for myself.  They are listed below:


            Black Horse Country

If you're looking to shake your honky-tonk badonkadonk in Second Life, pull on your dancin' boots and head to Black Horse Country. Set in nice log building, the club houses an enormous dance floor where line dancers strut their stuff in between trips to the bar for amazing drinks. No matter what time you're looking for some boot-skootin-boogie you can count on Black Horse Country to have a Live DJ 24/7.  While you're there, be sure to pick up a free cowboy hat and some shirts!

Gaming Regions:

            International Fantasy Games

Experience the outstanding atmosphere of a gaming region featuring more than 200 slot machines, $1 L machines, and a $2000 L weekly raffle. Their grand amenities, superior guest service and winning experiences will sweep you off your feet. This is what makes International Fantasy Games an unbeatable value for your next outing! Getaway from the every day and MAKE SECOND LIFE GRAND!

            PNI Gaming

Exhilaration is a perfectly acceptable emotion 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. PNI Gaming is Second Life's premier Gaming Region with 48,880 meters of the newest and most exciting slot machines. Plus with exciting new Greed tournaments, you can see why people from all parts of Second Life choose PNI Gaming  every time. Their hosts greet you with a smile, and cocktails are served with an extra splash of charm. They've got the variety, they’ve got the energy, and they’ve got the action: you bring the skill and love of Second Life gaming.


            Virtual State Fair

The Virtual State Fair is a premier year-round gathering place that maximizes its resources to host a wide range of diverse activities.  Some citizens have reported it as the best State Fair in Second Life, showcasing agriculture & youth in an educational, entertaining and safe environment.  People show up for the games, rides, social interaction, and educational concepts. 

The Arts:

            Multi Media Arts Center

The Multi Media Arts Center is a great place to find all your media needs.  Relax  in the Jazz Club, Underground, or Cabaret Carolotta.  Once you get your fill of these head on upstairs to have a laugh in the Comedy Link Laugh Club.  While your up there stop in and check out their cinema and World Stage!  There's plenty to do here when it comes to entertainment.  Invite a few of your friends and enjoy the  word scramble with a $2 L reward.

Where are your favorite places to go? 

Use the comment box below and give your favorite venues and activities a shout out!

BEACH PARTY WITH DJ HUEY WALKER AT DADDY-O's Thursday February 5th 6:00 - 8:00 PM SLT


Join DJ Huey Walker and his lovely Hostess Krissy Walker for a night of great music and dancing on the beach. Huey spins the best feel good tunes in SL and this night they will be beach themed (do I hear a Beach Boys tune??). Gather up your friends, put on your beach wear and come wiggle your toes in the sand as you dance the night away! Our Sploder is always HOT at Daddy-O's and it pays out 100% so take your shot at winning some Lindens too! While you are here wander around our newly remodeled area...we think you will enjoy it! DADDY-O's....WHERE FUN RULEZ!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Join Metal Riders World 1% MC and be part of a Growing MC Association.

Motorcycle Clubs are growing in vast numbers across Second Life. MCs are an alternative to Family RP which is also consuming the grid. Unlike family rp, MCs incorporate a creed and rules that create a unique separation. Many members consider themselves to be family members but they welcome anyone who wants to be a part of an association in Second Life.

 About MRMC
Metal Riders World 1% MC was founded by ҜØЯΪ (kori.dimanovic) and established In January 2015. MRMC is currently looking for members who are at least 30 days old and use voice to be considered for promotion from hangarounds to patching.

What are the incentives for joining MRMC?
MRMC seeks out people who are tired of constantly running into the drama and BS that is found almost everywhere in Second Life. This association offers an MC group that focuses solely on enjoying the most of our SL lives and connecting with other like- minded individuals.

What separates MRMC from other MCs in SL?
What separates MRMC from other clubs is the diversity of the people we bring in of different backgrounds, gender, relationship status, sexual preferences, hobbies and skills.  MRMC aims to have fun with everyone as a whole group instead of just like forming clichés and being attached only to like two or three people within the group.  We spend time with everyone.
Bylaws are put in place to ensure order within MRMC and set the foundation for our association.

No Discrimination Allowed
 MRMC does not discriminate based on gender, race, religion or sexual preference. Anyone who fits the 30 day criteria and voice verification is welcome to fill out an application to join. MRMC’s only other requirement is that the avatar is a human. Racial slurs, or any type of discrimination WILL NOT be tolerated.  Drama is another misconduct that is frowned upon in MRMC. If any member is caught doing so they will be excommunicated no questions asked.

What activities can members expect to do in MRMC?
It all depends on each members likes.  MRMC has builders, DJ's, hostesses, bike riders and  gamers  to name a few. The sky is the limit with each person who comes in and wears this cut. The more diversity MRMC has the more opportunities members have to partake in more activities. MRMC is also a supporter of Breast Cancer Awareness and other charity events happening on the grid. We encourage all our members to get involved.

The process for patching in are as follows:
 All potential members must complete the application to join, you must be in the support group for a minimum of 7 days before you can receive hangaround status. Hangarounds will be voted on by the club to determine upgrade to prospecting. The prospect period ends in a minimum of 2 weeks from the day members put on the prospect patch. Upon completion of prospecting the MRMC club members will vote to determine if the prospect has met the dedication needed to earn a full patch.

Procedure for Membership
Each potential member is required to fill out an application.  Once its reviewed and no issues are found, The applicant is made a hangaround.  The hangaround process is approximately one week or more depending on when MRMC can get that person voted to prospecting.

 The Prospect period is a minimum 2 week process. The member must show that they are a person that will be a dedicated member of MRMC. It is the proving grounds in a way to see if they will fit in with everyone.'
 Upon the end of those two weeks, the club will vote on making that person a full patched member.  If the member is accepted then the prospect goes into what is known as "Hell Night" which the prospect undergoes random tasks that are to be done (all in good fun of course) and usually lasts a few hours. Upon completing hell night the prospect is made into a full patched member!

Get started today!
Contact ҜØЯΪ (kori.dimanovic) for an application
Visit MRMC at

Group: Metal Riders MC Support
President- ҜØЯΪ (kori.dimanovic)
Vice President- Stavenius
Secretary- Darik Smooth
Recruiter- Epic Smooth

Avatar Social Network (ASN) Has Brought Many People Together from Virtual Platforms and Online Games since 2013.

Thousands of friendships formed on the website therefore the staff and management organizes official parties occasionally. The Anniversary party, the Halloween and Christmas parties were huge success as well. Members enjoy meeting each other in "pixels" so the staff came up with the next party plan, although with short notice but with open invitation. Called Mr. What, ASN Party. What does it mean? You will find out when you are there.

On Friday, February 6th, 2015 4AM SLT at the Avatar Social Network HQ in Second Life, Dj Uzo and Venturis Loco will welcome everyone to hang out, play games, dance and have a good time.

You are not an ASN member yet? Not a problem. You are welcome to join the party anyway and while you are at it, you can sign up for free and become a member of the #1 social media website for virtual worlds and online gamers.

Once again the date and time: Friday morning, February 6th, 2015

Sex Mansion BEACH PARTY- February 6th 6:00-8:00pm SLT


Sex Mansion – The Original will have a Beach Party at the Voodoo Adult Club Beach this Friday, February 6, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. slt.  Please Contact:  Daisy Stoneshield or Vplayah Resident a/k/a Mr. & Mrs. Vplayah if you have any questions.  
You must have a group tag in order to attend the beach party.  Please contact one of the below listed individuals and request your group tag ahead of time. 

Mr. Buju White (bojuwhite)
Coco Baxton (mzmeka)
Tina (rikku darkfold)
Attire:  Beachwear

Tuesday, February 3, 2015




·         DJ IGS & THE MGD GIRLZ FROM 6 TO 8

·         5-6 KISS ME QUICK
·         6-7 GRIMM
·         7-8 LONG PAUSCH
·         8-9 DP XUE  POETRY
·         9-10SUBTLETY POETRY



·         8-10 DJ SMOOTH
·         10-12 DJ QμεεηŁïςïσμž ĐĴ Lɪơɲɦєʌɾƭ亗


FRIDAY  6TH 2015
·         1-4 MOVA & THE NO NAME BAND


·         6 TO 8 DJ IGS & THE MGD GIRLZ

Note from MrJazz Melody & MrsStormlove:
We have an awesome team behind us so we know that this is going to be a great success. Each and every one of you has given us your best.  By inviting people to the sim for our Grand Opening you Help us all Succeed.  We would also like to thank everyone for their support, help and tips. Together we will make this sim one of the best on the grid. We appreciate it and you.
Thank you,
MrJazz Melody  CEO
 MrsStormlove  Management


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Introducing Epic Gamer Radio in Second Life

Epic Gamer Radio, EGR, is not just any radio station, but an expanding community of volunteers and friends that have grown together as a family. Through years of experience, a small group of friends in the gaming community sought to improve and expand their horizons to new games and heights. A close knit family, these friends who met from within the internet radio industry, gaming, and podcasting, thus created an internet radio station for gamers, by gamers that provided a better choice of music complete with upcoming gaming news releases, great parties, that even gave back to the community and does charity work. A station that operated not just in one game or genre, but in many games and genres that began to expand at a rapid rate. Something this magnanimous could at the time only be described with one word, Epic. Thus Epic Gamer Radio was born. 

Epic Gamer Radio has been up and thriving for just over a year now. In turn we have hosted many events and parties, from the kick off our initial launch, to celebrating Valentines Day, the Canthan New Year event and celebration of Chinese New Year in Guild Wars, the Fourth of July, all the way through to our one year anniversary. EGR has also sponsored the Child's Play organization, a charity that raises money to provide less fortunate children who live in hospital care due to chronic or terminal illness with gaming entertainment in the hospital as gifts during the holidays. Currently, EGR is work on expanding its presence in Second Life, while maintaining its sense of community orientation to all gamers of all walks of life in such games like Guild Wars 2 and Star Trek Online, Epic Gamer Radio's mission at this point is to grow its audience to include many people from many walks of life, and Second Life is that place to be!

As EGR moves forward into this year, expanding the Second Life enterprise will be a task that will include advertisement for Second Life businesses, experience for DJ's needing it, as well as providing great parties, events, and concerts in Second Life. Epic Gamer Radio also owns a mall that needs small businesses to occupy those shops, on an area that has the potential to generate a great amount of traffic. As always EGR will also be looking to expand it's family of volunteers. Epic Gamer Radio is always looking for DJ's, Bloggers, Audio Engineers, Graphic Artists, Event Coordinator's, and other staff positions to fill it's ranks. EGR does not require it's applicants to have any software, hardware, or experience. The training and experience comes with being hired. 

You can go to and check out EGR!