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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Monday, March 7, 2016

SPOTLIGHT FEATURE: The TEFL English School- Interview with Principal Michael Knightrider- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Second Life is a unique place for exploration, entertainment and being creative. It is also a place where residents can learn about different cultures on a global platform. Education is an important part of our life, so is the ability to communicate. In Second Life, residents are able to meet people from all over the world. Sometimes a language barrier can make it difficult to carry on a conversation. With today’s technology, community members can use a translator in world to assist them. However, the benefits of learning a different language can open more doors of opportunity- Not just in Second Life, but in the real world.
The TEFL English School prides itself on professionalism and helping Second Life residents learn the English language in a virtual classroom.  There are no official qualifications or Degrees. This service is to help enhance English communication.
SLE caught up with the Principal; Michael Knightrider to learn more about TEFL and what it has to offer.


SLE: Hi Michael, can you tell our readers about The TEFL English School and what inspired you to create classes for SL residents?

Michael:  My thoughts first came to me in 2010,  I remember having a massive argument with my now Ex over it, and coming back to the UK, pondering it for a couple of years I decided to do it in 2014. I decided to create the TEFL school through wanting to help people achieve their goals and dreams, learning another language is fun, but also necessary in this day and age too!

SLE: How often will classes be available and is there a tuition?
Michael: at first were aiming 2- 3 days for classes at SL times,  we are actively looking for QUALIFIED TEFL/English Tutors to take on a role where the school will be open 24/7, seeing as people live in different time zones and one time zone doesn’t always suit another person.

SLE: How big are the classes and how long do they last?

Michael: These classes will be small, say 10 to a class with a maximum of 2 classes, the reason being in second life due to Lag of the sim/ region and also due to each individual with the scripts they may be wearing, Typically a class will last for around 2 hours and would last for an average British term (approx. three months)

SLE: What can students expect during one of your class sessions?
Michael: As all will be adults, we would be teaching Business English as well as English for Leisure, if our students ever decide to visit Great Britain. We can and will be also offering extra tuition via Skype on an hourly basis rate, this will NOT be in Lindens but will be payable by PayPal or credit card.

SLE: The TEFL English School isn’t a real institution so you don’t offer a Degree to students. What type of reward do you give them at the end of their program?
Michael: On  the basis that the TEFL school is a ‘virtual classroom’ yes it is, we cannot award anyone with a qualification, we are here to enhance what our students have or are learning in real life, simply as an extension.

SLE: Are you hiring tutors? If so what type of teacher are you looking for?
Michael: we are actively seeking tutors who have worked with foreign students in the past, whether real life or second life, preferably would hold a basic TEFL/EFL qualification, has time and patients. I would be holding any interviews personally. Pay is 1000L per hour (2 hours max).

SLE: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers about The TAFL English School?

Michael: I have been to and worked in most parts of Europe and wish I could see more! If you ever get the chance to teach English as a foreign language, do so, the opportunities are endless!! Also TEFL is not an automatic bar if English is not your first language, the fact you can understand it and speak it means you too could get a job in TEFL!

Join our group!
The TEFL English School

Sunday, March 6, 2016


We hope you will fall in love with our intimate new little shop, and will find it a fabulous place to find all of your most affectionate, frilly and lacy wants.  Mix & match hand-stitched textures with delightful attachments to portray a sexy dimensional quality sure to knock the socks off your special someone!

We are also thrilled to announce Seldom Blue is in the process of updating our existing ranges with Slink, Omega, and Tattoo layers, just as our customers have requested. We know how important it is to look our best in all of the new mesh bods that we have worked out! Including Maitreya Lara, et al. You will find our updated new things on the shelves at our new location!

To celebrate the occasion, we are excited to offer Kira, our hottest and most popular ensemble, for 1 silly Linden at our in-world store for a very short time. We're promoting her in gorgeous RED, and we know you will agree she is irresistible! Be confident and sexy, & visit SELDOM BLUE at our new location to give her a try!

Indigoblue Dagostino

Playmates Party Hosted by The Private Club- Sunday , March 6th 12-2pm SLT

Celebrate the last day of this weekend with a party!  
Make your Sunday a fun day by joining the Playmates at the newly renovated "The Private Club" March 6th from 12-2 pm SLT.  It's always a jamming good time at the Private Club and now with their new look, it can only get better.  Come listen to great music and dance with the Playmates centerfold models.  Just hit the LM below and see you all there!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Random News: Trollers Really Should Read Profiles Before Attempting their Tactics....Again

Have you ever been trolled by a random Avatar with nothing better to do with their time?

I have... and by the same person on a couple of occasions, so I thought I would share my experience with our readers.

There is a Troll By the name of Tasseyburtle Resident who seems to pose herself as a photographer using the same cut and paste message to whoever she feels like trolling. Please note in her profile, she doesn't have a FLickr and seems to have a slight attitude, so please whatever you do don't ask her about it lol.

I've encountered her in the past, actually getting Punk'd the first time she sent this message. Let's be clear here...I'm no model..never claimed to be but she had complimented my avatar so I thought there would be no harm in helping her build her "portfolio".

 She teleported me to her location and then things took a turn. If I remember it correctly, this troll wanted me to remove my clothing and when I declined she got rather nasty. Name calling and whatnot.  Needless to say, I left and went about my business shaking my head at the crazies who share a virtual world with the us. In January, I got the same message again, but declined.

Months passed and I received the exact same message again this time with a typo included from this person.  She is not on my friend list but always seems to find me. Rather than sweep it under the rug, I might as well put her on blast in hopes she learns a valuable lesson about trolling media lol.

2016/01/01 14:04] Tasseyburtle Resident: sexy look, Im a photographer looking to start a new portrait gallery in sl and youd make a great model, if your not busy , interested?

[2016/01/01 14:15] Lanai Jarrico: Hi Tassey, thank you for the offer
[2016/01/01 14:15] Lanai Jarrico: but I am not a model
[2016/01/01 14:15] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.

3 days Later...

[2016/01/03 00:36] Tasseyburtle Resident: (Saved Fri Jan 01 18:16:56 2016)your pretty maybe u should try it out.
[2016/01/03 00:47] Lanai Jarrico: ty for the compliment but no thank you

2 months later... 3/5/16

[12:33] Tasseyburtle: Sexy look, im a photographer looking to start a new photo galllery in second life and youd make a great model, interested if your not busy?

[12:35] Lanai Jarrico: I believe we met before. No thank you I am not interested
[12:35] Tasseyburtle: lol you get arouned

[12:35] Lanai Jarrico: It seems you like to troll. I do remember you getting nasty with me one time when I tped to your "studio"
[12:36] Lanai Jarrico: do you recall this? [2016/01/01 14:04] Tasseyburtle Resident: sexy look, Im a photographer looking to start a new portrait gallery in sl and youd make a great model, if your not busy , interested?
[12:36] Lanai Jarrico: same exact message in January lol

No response back. Does this mean she just got called out on being a troll?

The only advice I can give to people who have been trolled is to turn it back around on those clowns and share your story with The SL Enquirer.

- Lanai Jarrico

Have you ever been trolled in Second Life? Share your story in the comment box below and don't forget to share the name of your toll so others can keep an eye out for them!

Geek Speak SL: If (or when?) Second Life disappears what will you do? Discussion March 5th at 12pm SLT

 Strong communities have formed in SL, people who would never have found each other in RL have become good friends in SL.  Some of us, for various reasons, find meeting people and enjoying life easier in SL than in RL. 

 What will happen to us as SL residents when Second Life is replaced by Project Sansar or when LL goes bankrupt?  Will you give up living in a virtual world and return to RL?

Or will you move to another virtual world?  Will that feel like moving to another country, or another universe, where all the rules are different? Will SL communities form again in other worlds?  Will you be the same person?  Is it time for a 'universal avatar' so that you can always be the same person in any world?  Should we start preparing now for the end of SL?  How would we prepare?  By making mailing lists?

Come and talk to us about the first great virtual refugee crisis on the internet.

Join host Erik Goff for a discussion on these questions.

Geek Speak is a science and technology discussion platform where residents across the grid can join in on a variety of topics every week!

Your spaceship awaits:

Friday, March 4, 2016

50's Party Hosted by The Playmates Manor- Saturday , March 5th 12-2pm SLT

Put on your poodle skirts, leather jackets and roll up your jean cuffs for a fun "50's" event.  

We will be transporting our grand pavilion back in time to the 1950's. Our DJ will be playing all the best hits from that era so you can do the twist and the mash potato!  Plus a costume contest and cash prizes for a 50's Trivia Contest, Also, Special 50's dances and much more!

The event will be held in the garden pavilion at the fabulous Playmates Manor.  While your at the manor we encourage you to tour our grand mansion, gardens and indoor-outdoor pool area.
Use this landmark and see you all in the 1950's:

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Windlight Magazine March 2016 Issue is Now Published!

 Click Me
The March 2016 Issue of Windlight Magazine is now published and available! You can find the magazine in world at our many kiosks or you can click the link below to read the issue online. This issue features Betty Tureaud, Eliza Wierwight’s Patron Banyon House Edition, Elysium Cabaret, Zib Scaggs, Storybook Art, Ethnographia Island, Telrunya, and more roleplay tips! Very special thank you to the Windlight Contributors for this issue: Dawnbeam Dreamscape, Inara Pey, Eleseren Brianna, Ilyra Chardin, Vee Tammas, Kamille Kamala, and John. We would also like to thank Betty Tureaud for her amazing cover art for this issue.

Second Futbol: Play SL Soccer at Jericho Hill Sports Complex and join the Fun!

Hey Second Life Community, 
Want to play soccer in Second life and meet new people from around the world?

  Teleport to Jericho Hill Sports Complex and join the fun!
We are open  24h/7  and invite you to create a funmatch with your friends or with other people who love to play with the soccer system.
Get the latest news about our soccer system by joining our group!
The complete system is free, you can get both the field player and the goal keeper HUDs 
Also, you can soon create your lovely soccer club team and your preferred national team without any cost! 
 join us every Sunday for a Massive Soccer Funmatch! 
Important links
for more information contact us 
Maier13 Ivanovic & Soobek Hyx
See you on the field! 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Playmates Magazine's March 2016 issue is on stands now!

 Featuring Lina - Playmate of the Month.  Plus the Playmates models in a fun Hooters Girls photo spread.  Also, 25 Ways to Make Money in SL, St Patrick's Day fashion ideas and much more!  Get your free issue at our Headquarters in-world or on SL's Marketplace here:

“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” Coco Chanel

“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” Coco Chanel.  Finale Couture has what it takes to make you just so.   

The design talent behind the brand name Finale Couture is Cerise Emor, and she has recently been voted one of the top three Best New Fashion Designers in SL

This Jersey girl was born in the land of the Sopranos.  She has a work background in the medical field.  She said “SL lured me in because of the opportunity it offered me to show my design ideas to a worldwide audience. Even though fashion design is my hobby in SL, it is, however, my passion.
Her design style is timeless yet fashionable. She said “My designs are unique in the way that when you see them, you say, I would wear that in RL!  Realistic texturing of the fur and fabric pattern is extremely important to me.”

She draws inspiration from many things, including  inanimate objects for example a chain link fence, a flower, colors in a piece of art, etc. for texturing and as for the clothing itself, her personal style is her greatest inspiration.

I asked Cerise how mesh has impacted on what she designs. She said   “Lol HUGE! Texturing, whether it be mesh or system clothing is difficult at times to make it look REAL! It's easy to simply slap a solid color on an item but that is not designing! Designing is a vision, unique to each of us....and it takes time and patience. Mesh may look more realistic, however, I wish it had the motion and movement that flexi's do. In a perfect SL world that is!”

Her advice to anyone interested in getting into the SL fashion design business is first and foremost, to be kind to others!  She said “being a designer does not make you a "God" or better than anyone else, you simply have a different talent! Also, make it I've said, slapping a solid color on an item is not designing!! Take your time, practice and do it well. Yu don't need to spend mega lindens to make an amazing product!”

Cerise plans for Finale Couture on being around for many more years, God willing.  She will continue to growing the business and keeping it as affordable as possible.
Step out in style with class and elegance with Finale Couture. 

You can find the store at Sweethearts Plaza:



The Marketplace store is up and running but under construction:

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Sign of the Chimes by Linda Lauren

Recently, I received an email from a client and friend. She asked that I share my answer.

Dear Linda:
This morning I was sitting here at my desk and I heard chimes, like the sound of wind chimes. It wasn’t a faint sound…I thought it was pretty distinctive. I turned around and asked my co-worker if she has heard them and she looked at me as if I were crazy. Apparently, she had not heard the same thing that I did.
Doesn’t that mean something when you hear wind chimes? Is someone trying to contact me from the other side? What do you think? — Carol

My answer is based on my own experience. I have always felt strongly that chimes are an indication that your angels, guides or loved ones are around you. They are simply making their presence known. It should always be seen as a sign of comfort, but it is not necessarily a sign of a specific message. Think of “chimes” or even the sound of bells as someone on the other side announcing themselves at your “door.” Though many times we don’t always answer their door, we can always count on the sound being a welcomed visitor and not one to fear. Chimes never represent strangers; they represent someone who is familiar to us in spirit.

For instance, I lost my godmother, my Aunt Jeannie, awhile back, and I was at the hospital when she drew her last breath. I stood beside her sister (no relation) and out of all the people in the room, we were the only ones who could attest to seeing a mist rise from my aunt’s body at the moment of death. We never really discussed it with anyone. However, when we met at the funeral home, she had an interesting story to share. She told me that when my aunt was alive, they were so close that they were in contact every day by phone, at around noon, when they would take a break for lunch, Usually it was my Aunt Jeannie who would make the call. After my aunt died, her sister shared with me that she had been hearing the chimes in the backyard ring every day, with no wind, at noontime, and that she felt comforted by the fact that my aunt still seemed to be “calling” her.

So, Spirit is communicating when you hear chimes. Embrace them and put yourself in a quiet place so that you can be mindful to what they may be saying.

POSTSCRIPT: while I was writing this, I was debating in my head whether my aunt spelled her name Jean or Jeannie. I decided that it didn’t matter, and I was just about to submit this piece to be published when the phone rang! My friend, Todd, was here visiting and I looked at the phone and commented “No Caller ID.” But something told me to answer it. After saying hello, the man said, “Jeannie?”

I told him he had the wrong number, but did he? I went back and changed the spelling of her name, just in case.

4th generation Psychic Medium Linda Lauren can be found on her Island ETU Abbracciare or flying around the grid.  To contact Linda please go to her website: or IM her in SL.

Avie Poll: Which Prim Baby is Popular and Why?- Debby Sharma Reporting...

Photography Credits: 4m my Eyes

Lisa Weeden said, “Being a family means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life”.  

Virtual families are no less, less bonded. VR families have parents, grand parents, god parents, uncles and aunts; an array of sometimes annoying cousins and next to kin like brothers and sisters who share a bond, not by blood but by sheer love. Love is bond that makes them stronger than any other bond; which am sure you sure you will agree too. Families can either be made up of members who are real people behind avatars, roleplaying to be child, toddler, baby, teenager or even an adult; or prim babies created by residents to make the family roleplaying more realistic and fun.

There are a number of prim babies ranging from interactive babies, wandering babies to non-interactive babies. The following are a few examples under each category:(*Note:The prices mentioned are only for the babies. The nursery items are not included. It also excludes the things that baby needs like the diaper bag, bottles, diapers, baby bath, etc.)

Interactive babies:
  • Zoobys = L$ 5000
  • Lyuboff =  L$ 699 (new born) L$1999 (age 8 to 36 months)
  • Funsies = L$ 2500
  • Baby Tatu = L$ 3000 (previous version) L$ 900 (Lite version)
  • PooterBilt = L$ 1000
  • Sexy Mamas = L$ 3000
  • Latin Babies = L$5000
Non-Interactive babies:
  • Prim baby = L$ 300 (this is the hospital charges only)
  • Kitten Krescendo = Free
  • Googoo Babies = L$ 1599
  • Sexy Mamas = L$ 700
Wandering babies:
  • Spumelogy Studio

A few adoption centers have their own prim babies like Baby mania ( The adoption centers may choose the kind of baby they deliver, however, the parent/s may switch the baby they would like to have before delivery.

The next big question is which to adapt or have. This decision purely rests on you. But if you are going to decide by which is the most popular, here are a few opinion polls. The questions asked were:
  1. Which is their most favorite prim baby or which prim baby according to them is the most popular and why?Do they have it?
  2. Would they prefer a baby avatar (an actual person role playing behind the avatar as a  kid) or a prim baby (the one made of mesh or prim)?
  3. At what age do you think, one should adopt a baby avatar for a complete family roleplay experience?

Photography Credits: Facebook

Joycieselphie Larimore: I think it's the Zooby's because for me it looks more realistic. I can feel like a parent and it looks cute too. Yes, I have one. I would like a prim baby because I don't like an adult person portraying a baby. In Zooby', I love their script as they can grow and it is always available when I want them to be with me. I want to take care of them and see them grow. I don't need a baby who can talk. Prim babies are more realistic for me if I can see them just crawling and play with blocks. As of now, I don't see any prim baby that are much better than Zooby'. Maybe if I find one then why not try it too.

Photography Credits: Facebook

Radiance Snowpaw: Oh goodness, I honestly have no clue with that one. I think Toodoodle is a prim baby right? I'm not up to date with the SL prim/mesh babies. I don't, I think I had one like 4 or 5 years ago but I honestly don't remember where I got it from. I've just recently come back to SL on a full time basis so prim and/or avi babies will be in my future. I think you should be at least a year into SL before you even think about starting a SL family. I think that's enough time to really get to know what SL is about and get a feel for the people you're hanging with.

Photography Credits: Facebook

Shalanie Tann: I like the Zooby's and I think it is the most popular because it is the most realistic baby in roleplaying experience. Zooby babies work with a large variety of babies also. For me, I want baby avataria because I want to interact with the baby; talk, play, feel the love that he or she can give to me. It is fun and more real. The toddler is a cute age to adapt. In my other alt account, my live-in partner already had a prim baby before we met.

Photography Credits: Facebook

Srikandi Lennier: I think on-duty is popular among prim babies because it's cheap. I would prefer a baby avatar cause we can interact and it would feel more real. Among prim babies, I like the Zooby, others I don't know. I only have 2 on-duty and zooby babies. I think the right age to adapt is from first born. It is wonderful.

Photography Credits: TheGridWorld Resident

TheGridWorld: My favorite among prim babies are the Zooby and the Lyuboff. Although, I think, I like Zooby better as I think they are cute. I do not have a baby yet but in future I think I will like to have a Zooby newborn. The age to have a baby avatar would be when the Zooby has reached it’s maximum age and I would like the baby to grow, talk and move on with life and have a family of her own. I guess, I like to have son-in-laws and daughter-in-laws too.

Among, the number of babies that have been developed over the years by awesome creators, Zooby by far has won almost every heart. In the words of Carrie Tatsu, the creator, from an interview I had taken for my blog, 4m my Eyes (, she said, "I think our success was due to the babies functionality and its development over time. We never forced anyone to pay to grow their baby, but if they cared for their baby, it would grow and learn and earn tokens for free toys. So the incentive was if the owner did these things then a reward was provided." Not only among the customers/ end users for its interactivity, Zooby' have grabbed the market of the sellers selling clothing, furniture and accessories for zooby babies. As Carrie Tatsu, points out, that it is impossible for a single creator-cum-seller to meet the increasing demands in the market. This is where the residents who are also the sellers come in selling and providing wide range of options for clothing, furniture and accessories for the end users. Eventually, it all sums up and helps it in making it popular.

Irrespective, of people selecting, prim babies or baby avatar, one thing is constant, the look and the interactivity between them and the baby is very crucial to everyone. It is that, that makes virtual living and experience with a baby, more real and close to the heart for families across the grid.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Battle at Cosmos Master

Cosmos Master is a new interactive RPG game within Second Life. Check out this click showing two gamers engaged in battle with onlookers observing the action.

For more information about Cosmos Masters checkout this link Cosmos Master Spotlight Feature

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Whoreville: Freedom for Freelancers

Whoreville was created for freelance escorts, by freelance escorts. After years of working the mean streets of SL, a team of creative minds came up with a whole list of things they didn't like about the places we have been used to working, versus what we would like to see at a place for freelancers to use. 

The result is Whoreville. No spam, no bots, no landing points pushing you away, no staff forcing you to log into tip jars or move or...anything. No mall, no club. Just a no-nonsense, glowing, sexy build, the windlight carefully selected to set off the mood, gently set by sexy sounds in the background. Unique dance vitrines and street corners animated to have you wiggling, beckoning, and calling to your client to have their way with you in one of the many public or private places we have available for you to use..

We believe freelance escorts are their own bosses, and we respect them - Whoreville reflects that. 

Visit us

Friday, February 26, 2016

Wild Kajaera Radio: Best Variety In Music!

Wk Radio is a 24H, 7 Days A Week station playing a  variety of Music!

We have LIVE DJs and do LIVE events with talk shows coming in the future! Tune in Now and be sure to join the group to stay in the know and make request. Visit our FaceBook Page to see our current Schedule!

WK Radio is looking to HIRE!
DJs, & Host please contact Fiona Whelan & Scorpion Swansen in-world for more details.

WK is also an amazing wild animal creator! They created Cheetahs, Jaguars, Cougars, Lions, Tigers, Leopards, as well as Grey and Timber wolves. These animals move and act real! They are also BREEDABLE and play with toys! 

Come Check us out at our main store and at the RFL Home & Gardens Expo going on now! See our now new line of furniture and pools and more.  Birthday Cat is now on sale. But Hurry because this special kitty is only here till March!

WK Radio & Mainstore:

FaceBook @ WKradioSL
Stream Surl:

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Center Ground Group Presents "The Grand Opening Celebration of Peek­a­Boo Cafe” February 25th 7-9pm SLT

Second Life,

Join CoffeeBrown as she opens her new venue, Peek­a­Boo Café @ Center Ground,

Thursday February 25, 2016, 7-­9 PM SLT. DJ UrbanKing Burner of WMDC SL Radio will

be on hand with Host ChocolateeNips. The attire is Classy Casual

Bring a friend or a few and make sure you don't forget those dancing shoes.

Listen to the stream at http://www.wmdc­

Late Night Center Ground is underwritten by the Center Ground Business District. Visit

our fine collection of stores, galleries and residences. Rental spaces available

About Center Ground Group: Originally started by 4 environmentally focused leaders to

discuss and promote true sustainable modeling, and preserve their ideas and dreams in

the SL metaverse, now expanded to include arts and cultural interest

If you would like more information on this topic IM Luchenpur Darwin inwolrd or e­mail

SL Group

Center Ground

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

DJ HUEY WALKER IS BACK AT DADDY-O's! Thursday February 25th 6:00 - 8:00 PM


We are very excited to welcome DJ Huey Walker back home to Daddy-O's! Come hear his fantastic 

collection of oldies rock n roll! His music will have you chair dancing all night! So grab your significant 

other, your friends or just come alone and meet new friends at Daddy-O's. No particular dress code. But 

fun imaginative costumes encouraged -  in good taste of course! Daddy-O's...Where fun RULEZ!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The History Behind Three Common Superstitions by Linda Lauren

We often go through the day with superstitions guiding us, even when we don’t realize they are doing so. Avoiding that ladder, crack, or black cat is an every day occurrence, and if we add Friday the 13th to the list, we get a lot of paranoia unfairly pointed to that day of the week.

Many of my clients ask me what my belief system is regarding superstitions. I believe they were invented to strike fear into people in order to have the power to control them. 

Over the years, the list has changed but there are always a few standouts and I’m going to give my impressions on three common superstitions:

A broken mirror gives you seven years of bad luck.
This one dates back to ancient Greece. Fortunes were told by consulting “mirror seers” who evaluated the reflections of their clients. The mirror was then dipped into a bowl of water. If the water distorted the mirror, it was believed the person was sick and would have poor luck. Later, the Romans added seven years to the bad fortune because they alleged that health changed in cycles of seven years.

Make a wish on a wishbone and it will come true.
This may have originated in Rome during the first-century because they believed it was good luck to break a wishbone. The tradition was to fight over the dried wishbones and when they would break, the person with the largest piece of bone would be granted their wish.

Hang a horseshoe on the door to bring good luck.
Some people believe that to bring good luck you should hang a horseshoe on the back of the bedroom door with its ends pointing up. The meaning comes from the fact that a horseshoe has seven holes, which is considered to be a lucky number in numerology, It is also made of iron which was thought to help ward off spirits that may haunt your dreams.

There are many more, too numerous to mention. I would advise not taking any superstitions seriously. Doing so will only hold you back from being the best you can be because they instill insecurity and they play on our anxieties of life and death. It would be healthier to smile and see the humor in them. Taking the lighthearted approach is the best approach.

Originally published at
4th generation Psychic Medium Linda Lauren can be found on her Island ETU Abbracciare or flying around the grid.  To contact Linda please go to her website: or IM her in SL.