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Showing posts with label Ccoursey Resident. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ccoursey Resident. Show all posts

Friday, October 17, 2014

AVIE POLL: How to Handle a Nasty SL Break-up-Ccoursey Reporting

"Never make permanent decisions on temporary feelings." -Wiz Khalifa

I asked several people "What advice would you give someone going through a nasty SL break-up?" and I gathered a bit of what is called 'easier said than done'.  A few said "Grief the idiot until you feel better", but that is only going to result in you getting in some trouble plus only a temporary feeling of satisfaction.  If you are involved in any kind of relationship in SL there will eventually be fall outs, some worse than others.  Here are what a few had to say about them.

Cris:  What advice would you give to someone that is going through a nasty SL break-up?
Newt:  The best thing is to have a cheap hide out home and/or get an alt to get away from it all to recollect yourself.

Cris:  nods... So you think it helps to escape a minute?

Newt:  Yes.

Cris:  Do you have any advice for people going through nasty SL break-ups?

Natty:  Oi!  That's a loaded question it really depends on the situation.... But don't be intimated and stand your ground would be the basic advice I would give.  Easier said than done though LoL

Cris:  Does it get easier?

Natty:  Basically you have to keep in the back of your mind the reasons you left him or her or he or she left you and come to terms with it just like a RL relationship.  And try to stay away from them if you can.

Cris:  What advice would you give a person going through a nasty SL break-up?

Dan:  The best thing to do is center your attention on other things cause the pain is dreadful.  Spend some time, maybe try to figure out what you did to make it a bad break up.  Don't talk bad about the person you dissolved with rather his/her fault if it was bad break.  The steam will still be there so leave well enough alone and try to move on if you really loved that person keep the love deep inside you, hold them close to your heart.
Cris:  Do you think it is best to give it time or jump right back in the dating game?

Dan:  Oh definitely give it time for the pain to heal.

Cris:  What advice would you give someone going through a nasty SL break-up?

Sins:  As in how nasty?

Cris:  In general...

Sins:  Well, I must say, it depends on the depth of nasty happening.  Mute and Cut it saves you from the drama.  Most of mine are friends so...  But to give the best advice it depends what is going on.

Cris:  Do you let people wallow or do you push them to get back into the dating game?

Sins:  Well... I say let it come to you... not you go to it... all in time in SL.  When one does not look for it, it tends to find you not you find it.  I never did.  Every situation is different but if it can't end nicely... then mute... and move on, there's too much out there.

Cris:  What advice would you give to someone going through a nasty SL break-up?
Oz:  As in coping with it afterwards?

Cris:  Pretty much.

Oz: Hmm....  For one to be able to cope with an SL break-up, all it really takes is time, depending how close you were to your partner.  Some say that SL is just a game, and it is, but the emotions one usually shows is often real.  The effort that somebody puts into a relationship is real.  Others may find it as a joke, but to those who truly care about their partner, the pain one feels is usually real.  You may never see their actual face, or hear their actual voice.  Here, you're able to grow an emotional and mental connection that you otherwise would have never been able to anywhere else.  The sad truth about dealing with a break-up, is that, the closer you were with your ex-partner, the harder it is to get over it.  Hang out with some friends, clear your mind, and just try to enjoy yourself.  You'll find yourself having fun sooner than later.  You'll forget it ever happened or why you were even sad in the first place.

Cris:  What advice would you give a person going through a nasty SL break-up?
Test Cluny:  1)Strip club 2) Loose shorts 3) Lap dance chair 4) 3 hours 5) $300.... Will clear the mind and body and only happy thoughts past and future will flow.

On that note, it really depends on the situation and the people involved.  It's best to try to keep it friendly, because really if it isn't fun why do it?  At some point you liked, even loved, each other and it will be hard enough without becoming nasty.  Good luck and remember even in SL you're never alone, someone somewhere is or has gone through something similar.

Share your comments below

Sunday, August 31, 2014

I Could’ve Danced All Night and Still Have Begged for More - Ccoursey reporting….

Ballrooms and Second Life should always have two things:  Romantic music and formal clothing.  I don't care how fancy the dance is, if someone is wearing biker gear it isn't the same.  Let's face it... Every girl needs the chance to dress up in Second Life and feel like the Princess she is.  There should be an atmosphere to offer the opportunity for a proposal, for a first date, or even just that 'I want you to know you're special' date.  Here are a few places to take that important someone...
The Waterfall Ballroom
The Waterfall Ballroom, just seems to be a ballroom in a waterfall when you first land.  It isn't.  The ballroom is beautiful, hidden behind the flowing water, the sim itself is gorgeous.  Bringing a date here would be perfect, with a romantic carriage ride, a stroll through the gardens, and feeding the swans.  For the more adventurous among us there is a Volcano venue, underwater caves, the opportunity to ride a manta ray or even Nessie, and everywhere you look there is something different to explore.  This ballroom and sim offer romantic dancing, music, and atmosphere, but it also has the opportunity for hours of entertainment.  I've already been back several times exploring since I found it, and will not include everything because it would ruin the surprise...  Let's just say there is a bit of everything from the magical to the more expected for romance.  The creator has put time and effort into the sim and it shows, it is a wonderful experience.  This sim is rated G.

Music: Goin' Country in Second Life- Ccoursey Reporting...

                Stepping outside the rock to the other side of music I explore Country and Western.  I love all variety  of music and had a great time stepping out in my cowboy boots.  It isn't hard to find the atmosphere appealing, because I've found in the best clubs everyone is friendly, it is only the music that changes.  My first stop, you guessed it: Black Horse Country.  

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

MUSIC: You Wanna Rock? Check out some of these Rock Clubs in Second Life... Ccoursey Reporting

Do you wanna get rocked? 
 From Def Leppard to Bob Segar, there are many that fit the Rock genre of music.  There are a variety of clubs that claim to be rock. But which ones are standing out?  Which ones make you wanna rock your socks off and  do the watusi like my little Lucy?  Take note:  I love rock 'n roll from Joan Jett to Avenged SevenFold. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

What are Some of Your Favorite SL Breedables? - Ccoursey Reporting…

            Lions, tigers, Fennexes, Amarettos, Kittys, oh my so many to chose from.  I think every one of us find our way into animal breeding at least once.  I sim hopped a bit, and explored some of the different breedables SL has to offer.  

Of course, I wanted to know what it was that made these animals so special, and why people were so drawn to them.  Cute, a different kind of game, or is it a way of making a lot of lindens inworld? 
            Before I ever started I was talking to my friend Azkadellia, the manager over at Hard Rock Evolutions.  I was surprised to find she even ventured into the breedable world of SL. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

What's the Wildest Thing You've Ever Done In SL?- Ccoursey reporting...

I found out one thing when asking this question:  Everyone has different thoughts of wild.  The definition of wild is uncontrolled or unrestrained, especially in the pursuit of pleasure.  It seems some people were prone to stop talking and avoid the question completely, leaving me to only assume they thought I meant wild as in sexual. 

 It doesn't have to be, and the stories I ended up with will have you chuckling, giggling, or maybe thinking along the lines that "I've gotta try that".  Huge thanks to everyone who participated.

The man from this story agreed to participate as long as I kept his identity a secret.  So we'll call him John Doe.

Cris:  What's the wildest thing you've ever done in SL?

'John Doe':  Sex with me and five women- both pixels and skype all at the same time.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer Fashion and Fun Hunts for Couples in Second Life- Ccoursey Reporting...

It's always cute to mix and match with someone.  So dare your man to try to match you this summer.

  A lot of the hunts this month are making that possible.  The first outfit looks awesome on or around the beach, plus what man would not tell you that you looked great in just a towel.  Plus for my Aussie it was close to his favorite state- "The one were you don't have to wear clothes".  (Facepalm).  The Life's a Beach Hunt is only 2L an object, you are looking for sandals or thongs as the Aussie says.  This outfit came from B-Dazzled.  Hint for females is "Hope it Doesn't Get Dirty" and the male gift hint is "Check to See if My Shoe is on the Right Foot".  Textures and the colors just pop making it an eye catching find this summer. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ms. Sweethearts Pageant- Ccoursey Reporting....

Forty two women in Second Life put their best foot forward to become the next Ms. Sweethearts.  This weekend four out of the five ladies chosen through the public vote all stepped forward to compete in the Ms. Sweethearts Pageant.

 Shannon Bramlington the owner and coordinator told me each applicant had to be over thirty days old, unaffiliated with any other club in SL, and a Sweethearts group member. They had to write a small biography to give the public a glimpse of their personality and to learn about them.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Clash of the Gender Fashions.... CCoursey Reporting

I change five or more times a day, mostly depending on what I'm doing.  My partner- Not so much.  He thinks I spend way too much on clothes, so I decided to prove there's new spring looks available for every style and budget. 

 Because haven't you heard?  "Writers aren't exactly people.  They're a whole bunch of people trying to be one person." - F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

AVIE POLL: Why Does One Log In to Second Life?- Ccoursey Reporting...

What is it you can't live without in Second Life? What makes it worth logging in day after day ?  Hmm, ever thought about it? 

 Everyone has their own reasons for logging in, whether it be to have some fun, make some extra cash on the side, or just have a bit of social interaction.  To actually enjoy and reap the benefits of Second Life I've seen time and again someone has to have a reason to log in and make the best of their Second Life, otherwise what is the point?

 I've seen too many new people log in and get bored, leaving the game and missing great experiences and opportunities Second Life has to offer.  When I first started Second Life it was my friends and photography that kept me coming back.  I may have had my hand in a few different things, but it wasn't what I was logging in for.  Times have changed things a bit, but there is still pictures and true friends with me for my journey in this virtual world.

 What do others log in for?  It isn't like we are all here for the same thing...

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Help! I've Lost My Pants- Ccoursey Reporting…

 We've all lost our pants in the middle of a club... At least once right? Well, it makes me feel better to think so.

There are so many things to keep up with like shirts, shoes, shoe bases, alpha layers, make up, lashes, nails. Ahhhhh!

 If you are anything like me then I am sure mesh isn't the easiest concept in the world to grasp. So let's go over a few basics, including the most important rule. Always, Always, Always ADD. When it involves mesh, never wear or you're just asking for trouble. I cannot stress this enough. I know my aussie kept losing his pants when I gave him any kind of drink or candy, so one day he slipped me a coffee and said, “Your turn.” Guess what: I didn't lose my pants. Always add. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

What do Women Look for in SL Men?- Ccoursey Reporting…

 I took this assignment out of personal curiosity, because I'll admit to having sat around with my friends and discussing this. Everything from a certain color that may catch the eyes or a man that is talkative in nearby chat...

I look in nearby and check out profiles, but that is me. I wondered what other women thought when meeting a man and was able to legitimately ask, lol. Some answers may surprise you, while others are a bit expected. I mean do they want a man that will give in to their every whim or a man that is going to challenge them each time they turn around?

 A man that will spend many L's to keep them happy, or a man that will walk around in the same suit each day?

Friday, January 31, 2014

A Stroll through 7Exits Shoes- Ccoursey Reporting…

 I've never really paid a lot of attention to clothes- Yes, I know forgive me for my indiscretion. I blame my computer graphics most of the time, but I received a pair of shoes for Christmas and was unable to miss the elaborate textures and design. It was one of those times I stopped and found myself thinking, 'she made me stop and actually think- did she make these from scratch?'

It wasn't just anyone either, it was someone I had talked to a dozen times or more.
 Synny Whelan or Syntella.rhapsody has been making shoes in Second Life for over three years off and on.  With the help of her wife, I was able to barrage her with questions. I no idea what it takes to make a shoe in Second Life.

Interview with Synny Whelan

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Another kind of Art: Starting a Conversation- Ccoursey Reporting…

Art is a way of expressing ourselves.  It has been around since cavemen drew pictures of stick people on cave walls or on stone.  Many can agree that not all art is something pretty to look upon.  There is art each of us use every day, with every interaction and with each word we chose.  It is the art of conversation.

 Conversation is something that takes talent to approach someone and start a discussion that could lead to everything or nothing, and the hardest part is that first time.
 Second Life offers an outlet for this communication art.  In Real Life not many of us will walk up to a complete stranger and start chatting away, but SL gives us so many openings to chose from that it is unheard of not to take advantage of open chat.  Have you made a friend on Second Life?  A lover perhaps?  At some time or another there was a first conversation and to make it work there had to be more than a “Hi, how you doin'?” involved.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

What Message Would You Send?- Ccoursey Reporting…

Messages Sent...
            “Give me your money!”
            “Peace, Love, and Great Sex…”
            “Treat people as you wish to be treated.”

            What would you say to a large group of people?  What message would you want to spread? 

These are a few of the answers I received by people that didn’t really want to be mentioned.  Why?  They said they really had nothing to say or they wouldn’t know what to say if given the chance.  Every day we interact with different, but if we want a message spread to a large group, what would you say. Would you practice what you preach in your daily lives as well?

            AngelusMorte a former assassin in SL did have something to say...

AngelusMorte: Second Life is meant to be a fun place to be.  If you’re not having fun, why do it?
Cris: Do you think a lot of people forget this and need a reminder?

AngelusMorte: Yes, too many.

Cris: Do you remind them?

AngelusMorte: If I need to but they will never listen unless they come to the same conclusion …

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Original PopRocks Music Club :Poppin’ at PopRocks- Ccoursey Reporting…

The Original PopRocks Music Club is a small club I happened to come up on one night looking for something to do.  I was drawn in by the flashy colors and stayed for the friendly, relaxed atmosphere

 BonappetitLaTease should be a proud owner of her small establishment.  There’s something to catch the eye on every wall.  From the neon colors to the pictures of old movies and stars, it is a fun club.

 Not only because of the people, it is the atmosphere itself. Poprocks is the perfect size for a club. It is small enough to keep conversation flowing through the whole room and large enough that you are not bumping into the other patrons.  

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Adventures of Snake VII- Ccoursey Reporting…

            We had started our family, our clan, and things were coming together.  Kimber was awesome.  Snake showed a bit of interest in her, but Poet stepped in and stomped that…  That ended up backfiring and Kimber and Poet became a bit more than friends.  ::Sighs::  I think that was the point where Snake decided we should be more than friends.  He started getting friskier and more free with his comments.  We would take the two out hunting, shopping, or spend a bit teaching them about the club.  I was usually with Poet and Kimber with Snake.  I loved them.  I am tenderhearted anyway, but I became attached fast, because they were as excited about everything as I was.  We had very little in common, but it was the fact we were taking the journey of Second Life together and relying on each other that bonded us.  

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Adventures of Snake VI: Branching Out- Ccoursey Reporting…

            Snake was DJ’ing for half the night then I would take over.  Poet was an absolute blessing.  He was already a valued member by logging in, volunteering ideas, and he was a hunter.  Where Snake would DJ and have a crowd of women, I would be surrounded by men and trying to push them the stripper’s way.  Poet was bringing women in, he was running interference and it felt like he was trying to look out for me when Snake would take off.  Snake did take off- often.  It bothers me the women he associated himself with were so quick to be alone with him, I would tell them he was a ‘dog’ and they were all over him.  *Shakes my head*  Poet and I discussed the club and clan, he became a true friend I valued and trusted.  He also was able to bring into clan his first blood doll- ‘Kimber’.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Adventures of Snake V- Ccoursey Reporting…

 Snake was now claiming I was his sister…  I wasn’t given much choice in taking him as family, Poet was eating it up.  He was flirtatious, forward, and all about demand.  He came off in a way I just knew I would not be able to handle him and I’d have another minion thinking I would be his girlfriend.  The only difference was this one was more forward and blunt about what he wanted.  I don’t remember if I didn’t have enough Lindens or what excuse I found, but I did not bite him straight away.  Instead I went to Snake, I explained in the best way I could I did not want that soul, that he was not the type of clan I wanted to start and deal with, I wanted people I could relate to so that we could have a tight-knit group.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Food for Thought: Alternative Accounts also known as Alts – Ccoursey Reporting…

            Have you ever approached an avatar on Second Life and they already knew you, talked as if they were your best friend, yet you’d never even heard the name mentioned before and/or they were really young compared to the people you are usually around? 

Then they tell you they are the alternative avatar or another, an alt.  We’ve all met one, some don’t even own up to being alts.  When is it time to call your Second Life quits and began anew?   Is there a time?  Why do people make alts?  I’m only four months old and I had an alt for all of a week.  Yes, I was ready to disappear from current radar and drop off the current road I was taking.  A friend made a comment that really stuck with me though:  People who are alts are too cowardly to face the paths they have carved.  True or False?