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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Sunday, March 23, 2014

What do Women Look for in SL Men?- Ccoursey Reporting…

 I took this assignment out of personal curiosity, because I'll admit to having sat around with my friends and discussing this. Everything from a certain color that may catch the eyes or a man that is talkative in nearby chat...

I look in nearby and check out profiles, but that is me. I wondered what other women thought when meeting a man and was able to legitimately ask, lol. Some answers may surprise you, while others are a bit expected. I mean do they want a man that will give in to their every whim or a man that is going to challenge them each time they turn around?

 A man that will spend many L's to keep them happy, or a man that will walk around in the same suit each day?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Are you Ready for some Baseball? - Piers Diesel Reporting...

Sports of all kinds in Second Life have been around for some time like hockey, football, soccer, racing, golf, sailing, wrestling as well as the all American Pastime Baseball!

Major League Baseball Season begins on March 22 and runs until the end of September.  If you love Baseball in real life and would like to take part in some within Second Life then there are ways to show your love of the game or even be part of a virtual sports team.

Here are a few locations and groups which will enable you to explore baseball in SL as well as dress the part and get actively involved.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Weekend Grand Opening for Song & SilverJinx at The Refuge- March 21-23rd

Bad News and Awesome News:  
Our musician had to cancel for our originally scheduled Grand Opening on March 22 (bad news) … so instead of having a one night party we are having a Grand Opening Weekend at one of the best clubs in Second Life... The Refuge. 

The Refuge is the perfect place to host our party – the club is drenched in sexy sophistication with an edge of wild spontaneity that keeps you ready for any possibility.  Come and be crazy with us, find out who our latest Dolls are when we announce the winners of our model contest, get free gifts and dance until your virtual feet are sore … and then dance some more. 

Here’s your tickets:

There’s a great line up of shows waiting for you all weekend long:

19:00 Noma Falta


10:00 Glen Sporg
13:00 - 16:00 DJ Yogi (motown classics)
16:00 Tukso Okey
17:00 Andreus 'Ang' Gustafson


13:00 Ceci Dover
14:00 Savannah Coronet

The SL Enquirer Media & Entertainment Group

The SL Enquirer Media & Entertainment Group, winners of the AVI Choice award for best news provider in 2013, is proud to introduce our Media Center and other amenities to you our loyal readers and advertisers.

The SL Enquirer Media & Entertainment Group is made up of the SLE HQ and media center where Lanai and the rest of us news hounds bash out our articles for your reading pleasure, plus the SLE Radio station which is due to be launched in Mid April 2014, special launch packages are being offered to all our current print advertisers, contact Lanai Jarrico for more info.  On the entertainment side we offer the SLE Movie Theater showing regular up to date movies.  Plus there is Seven Seas fishing available.

Team SLE's First Year in RFL- Help Us Raise Money for Cancer Research!

The SL Enquirer has been involved in RFL for years, promoting for various Relay for Life events across the grid. This year we have officially enrolled  Team SLE to help generate Lindens for cancer research. Your donation will help the many that are suffering with cancer as well as support survivors.

Visit The SL Enquirer media Center and drop some Lindens in our Kiosk. No matter how big or small your contribution is, everyone fighting for a cure will appreciate it.

About Cancer
Cancer is a disease the attacks cells causing an uncontrolled growth that can spread throughout the body. Early detection is key to a higher chance of survival. Regular check up and screenings can save your life. Cancer may not show symptoms in the early stages but it is best not to wait to see a doctor until you are feeling pain, find a lump or have bleeding or unusual discharge. This dreadful disease not  affects the cancer patient physically and emotionally but the ripple effect of emotions can spread to family and friends.

 "On March 28th 2014 my stepmother succumbed to cancer. Her battle was long and took a toll on everyone in the family who watched her helplessly go from a strong healthy woman to very frail and ill.  It is not an easy thing to see and that helpless feeling is something many feel who have had a loved one diagnosed with cancer. Donating to RFL is a way I feel like I am helping give someone a fighting chance. While it is not a guarantee a cure will be found, having hope and being proactive in the fight will ease that helpless feeling". -Lanai Jarrico


RFL in Second Life


March 2014 calls for a SALE!

GizzA Creations is offering a large SALE for their customers with 30% to 50% off on all items! Starting TODAY!! All male and female items, for complete ready to wear outfits as well as separates for you to mix and match in the main store are available to you at these amazing discounted prices.

For the mesh items we always recommend trying the demo before purchasing.

AVIE POLL:Oh, Boy! What an Adventure!- Mikile Vinciolo Reporting…

With spring’s arrival and summer’s soon-to-be debut not too far beyond, outdoor activities are in full swing.

The birds are chirping, the grass is deliciously green, the trees are taking foliage, the sky is become a scene worthy of a painting, and people are coming out of hibernation.

With the scraping away of the snow and severely cold weather, adventure is definitely the smell in the air.

 An adventure for me is something that involves the outdoor, mostly. The outdoor voyage can be various in lengths, place and activity, but as long as it is outside, I can be put down for it. I love the smell of the outdoors, when it is not perfused with rancid, putrid smells of....uh!...nevermind.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sick Bubblegum Textures is Clearing out ALL meshIT texture packs at the Ridiculously Low Price of L$125 per pack!

New releases are being added in bulk so be sure to check in often! 

Sale ends on March 31st.

Sick Bubblegum Textures
Teleport Now!

Spring 2014 has Officially Sprung and it is time to move the Winter Clothing out and bring in the Spring Fashion! - Team Couturier Reporting...

 March 20th Marks the first day of Spring!

This is a season of renewal with flowers in bloom and the weather getting warmer. It is also a time to do some spring cleaning and put away all those winter clothes. Now with some newfound room in your  virtual wardrobe, what a great excuse it is to go shopping for something fresh and new.
But before you begin your spring shopping, have you asked yourself what colours and styles are in for this season?
Here is my list of some great spring fashion picks for both women and men.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

All that Jazz- Piers Diesel Reporting...

You either like Jazz or you don’t. However, for those of us who do enjoying listening to this genre of music and attending Jazz events in Second Life, it can be a welcoming way to unwind from a busy day.

 If you are looking for jazz venues and artist in Second Life here is a list of what I have found  on the virtual jazz scene.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Style Kingdom Magazine has A BRAND NEW LOOK for Vol 6!

 Bringing you the best in Bohemian Fashion this Spring! Articles on The Arcade, Negativity in SL fashion, DJ Bouncer Criss, La Galleria, Desir, Pixel Icon and many more!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Island Rain Studios presents SAKOKU CHAINED COUNTRY

This is a story of one lost girl’s journey into our closed hearts, and how she changed the lives which entwined with hers.  She was beautiful, intelligent, and trained as a Samurai.  Anyone could see that she was not of our people, but still here she was.  She came to our house to learn the ways of the geisha.  

Her story is captured in SAKOKU CHAINED COUNTRY, the most highly invested production from Island Rain Studios to date.  

Island Rain Studios
SAKOKU CHAINED COUNTRY  -a Princess Ambrosia Production

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2014 Interview with a Leprechaun

Leprechauns are synonymous with St. Patrick’s Day and Irish Folklore. The word itself means pygmy or little person.

They are said to be solitary mischievous fairies that take the form of a bearded old man, usually wearing a green coat and top hat. This is the most popular description of these creatures but according to different regions of Ireland, Leprechaun appearances vary. For example, in Northern Ireland they wear red coats, white pants and a pointed hat.  In other regions they have a sword or use their hat as a weapon. Legend has it they are greedy little shoemakers who like to hide their gold coins in pots at the end of a rainbow.  If one is caught, they must give the captor their pot of gold. In American culture, St. Patrick’s Day is observed by drinking heavily, pub crawls, fist fights and a reason to just act like a crazy Leprechaun. Being Irish doesn’t even matter to partake in this holiday’s activities.  To some, Leprechauns are considered to be alcoholic tyrants that cannot control their behavior once they are inebriated. That must be why people who observe this holiday in a drunken stupor justify their behavior once they recover from a massive hangover.

In Second Life, St Patrick’s Day is observed with clover adorned decorations, treasure hunts, parties and dressing in green. The SL Enquirer observes this holiday by searching for Leprechauns and harassing them for fun. Lanai Jarrico has some Irish in her and sees Leprechaun hunting as a sport. She goes hard at it usually after a few green beers and a buzz.

Interview with a Leprechaun

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day- What is the Origin of this day and How is it observed in Second Life- Nena Dreadlow Reporting…

Saint Patrick’s Day is in honor of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland on March 17 the day of his death in 461 AD. 

Today, it celebrates the heritage and the Irish culture in general all over the world. Here is an interesting fact you may not have known, the original color of St Patrick’s Day was blue but, later changed to green.

Here in Second Life Saint Patrick's Day is observed in many ways. From parties to events and even a themed town, usually celebrations are held earlier than the actual date of the holiday.  Here are a few places that really get into this holiday’s spirit.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Brazy Academy is Now Open!

Brazy Academy is casual age role play school that offers daycare and kindergarten along with grades 1st to 12th grade. 

We offer classes that introduce fun activities and exploring second life. Please visit the main office and fill out an application!

Contact Saharah Dinzel or Alora Taurus for information regarding sign up

Inappropriate sexual talk will NOT be tolerated at school. This behavior will lead to automatic banning from the premises.

The Fandom Furry Subculture of Second Life- Piers Diesel Reporting...

“Furries” as they are known by Second Life Residents are avatars in the form of fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics. Just as in the real world the “Fandom” subculture is a role play community that exists in SL.

Many long time residents have seen furries at some time in Second Life and throughout the years they have integrated within the Second Life community in different ways.  One of the more known Furries in Second Life is Bixyl Shuftan, owner of SL Newser.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What you Can’t Live Without and What you can this Spring- Tea Couturier Reporting...

Spring is right around the corner and it is time to sort through your wardrobe and do some spring cleaning. With all the lovely outfits and accessories that come in and out of style it can be hard to choose what is a must and what is not.

Here are a few of my must haves and may be later items for Spring.
I am hearing that orange is the new black for this spring and as you know it is a must to have one little black dress in your wardrobe. So my first suggestion is to have at least something orange in your wardrobe this spring.
I found this lovely mini dress which can be worn with jeans and boots for casual look, black pants for the dresser look again with pumps, heels or even boots or simply with no bottoms at all and just boots. Accessorised with a belt around the hips and a long necklace. The list is endless how you can accessories this orange jumper.

Let's start with MUSCHI DunkelGelb

Price 350L

Friday, March 14, 2014

Energy Club celebrates four year anniversary with three themed events starting on Friday March 14th at 12pm SLT through Sunday March 16th.

Featuring some of the best and hottest DJ in Second Life bringing  you live music and the most amazing parties on the grid. Free gifts from great designers like Legal Insanity, Energie Footwear, Delirium Style, Vision, Moose Clothing, Aris Aris, Gizza, Moda, Utopiah, Akeruka, N1co and Poison. 


Take a Trip to SL Jamaica; a Virtual Beauty to almost rival that of "true" Jamaica- Mikile Vinciolo Reporting…

I grew bored of my mundane Second life, living a virtual life in an average family community sim with a slowly diminishing population can cause an avie to want to break free.

I needed an immediate break from the ordinary, so I packed a bag, or two, or three, and I took to the nearest airport and SL Jamaica was on my travel itinerary.
I knew that this paradise had to exist somewhere on this virtual platform, and I had finally found it, or should I say, it had finally found me.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Overcoming a Break Up in Second Life- Jessi2009 Warrhol Reporting…

So you were at work in real life and saw the email that showed your items had been returned from land you shared with your Second Life significant other. Or you logged on and found out that you were de-partnered and your Second Life significant other had blocked/muted you from contacting them. 

These two scenarios may sound like horrible ones, but they are often true in Second Life. So how do you mend your broken heart?  Surviving a break in Second Life can be just as emotional and can take as much time as surviving a real life breakup.

This article looks at how you can recover from a Second Life breakup and mend your heart in the process.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Angelwood Bay Arts Center Opens 3 New Galleries


In the beginning of this year, right before the gallery's 1 year anniversary, Angelwood Bay sim moved next to Godelin, Paradise Island, the beautiful park sim managed by Elin Egoyan, builder of our majestic gallery. 

The passage way leading in and out is still being created but Elin has created another fine example of her work as the gateway between the two. A lovely traditional English garden now has it's bridge into Godelin. This garden will soon be presenting charity art auctions that will run on a constant basis. Another new addition is our charming wine garden, with coastal views and magical moonlight. Situated across the bridge from the gallery and adjacent to my personal collection building, it's a sublime place to relax with a glass of wine and dance with friends.

Tranquility and Dreams Resort where all your Dreams Become Reality

We have beautiful chalets to rent for only 75L a week. They provide a cozy spot for you and your loved one for relaxing. 

We also offer a beach club that features events every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The fun doesn’t end there. You can also do some shopping . Other activities include 7Seas Fishing and PAY4SURF. This is a great way to earn lindens while you are here.

We are hiring DJs and Hosts (100% Tips)

 Come down and make your dreams come true.

Ice Cream Parlors, Cafes and Fast Food Joints in Second Life– Shaneos Howlett Reporting

Dinner dates are good for the evening but what about something during the day that does not involve having to  get dress up or watch your diet.  Leave the dress shoes at home and throw on some sneakers or flip flops and do take out.

With Spring approaching people are out and about enjoying the outdoors after a long cold winter. Here are some places in Second Life that couples and families can go to grab a quick virtual bite, hang out and socialize.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tune In to a Live Stream Broadcast by Luver's Island - March12th

Listen to the shows at our website, on L.I.V. Stream during broadcasting times.


- 01 pm PST| 21H CET Kevin M.Thomas Live Performing 
- 02 pm PST| 22H CET Maximillion Kleene Live Performing

Or Directly on SecondLife at Pinkwater :

Latest Scam Alert Reported Thursday March 6, 2014

Some Latin Clubs have come under attack by a scammer. The attack alert orginially passed around was translated into English and sent out again on Friday march 7, 2014 after the threat was verified.

A notice sent out by Delerium to vendors and customers warns if anyone receives an object named RADAR FREE V44, DO NOT WEAR IT!

 Take the proper precautions to delete it. This object allegedly will activate a money transfer from your Second Life account to the object’s sender. It will than duplicate and send itself to other unsuspecting victims. To help protect others against the spread of Linden stealing attack, warn your friends and groups members.  This type of scam is focused on business and club owners. To protect yourself, never click on any free items that are passed to you by a stranger. Always know who you are receiving items from and ask questions if you are suspicious!